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Created November 9, 2012 21:43
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Controlling a ShapeOko using a cup of Coffee creamed with Zappa goodness!
serialport = require "serialport"
port = "/dev/ttyACM0" # your ShapeOko's port here
oko = new serialport.SerialPort port, {
baudrate: 9600,
parser: serialport.parsers.readline "\n"
G = (g) ->
oko.write g + "\n"
return g
require('zappajs') ->
@get '/a': -> G "G90"
@get '/i': -> G "G91"
@get '/G1/:feed/:axis/:distance': ->
G "G1 F#{@params.feed} #{@params.axis} #{@params.distance}"
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Change the port to the path of your Grbl or other G code consuming serial device and then make sure the serialport and zappajs packages are installed:

npm install serialport zappajs

The following request will send a G91 to switch to incremental positioning:


Then go nuts sending G1s via requests like:


Obviously isn't robust in any way, shape or form—but, gives me a way to position my ShapeOko via teh interwebs.

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