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Created November 13, 2012 05:28
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capistrano + cakephp
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## config/deploy.rb
# pp
require 'pp'
# capistrano-ext
require "capistrano/ext/multistage"
# Application
set :application, "hogehoge" # アプリ名
set :keep_releases, 5 # releasesに残すverの数
# Deploy user
set :use_sudo, false
default_run_options[:pty] = true
# Git
set :scm, :git
set :scm_verbose, true
set :repository, "git+ssh://" # 対象レポジトリ
#set :deploy_via, :copy
#set :git_enable_submodules, 1
# Cakephp
set :application_root, "app"
set :application_web_root, "#{application_root}/webroot"
set :application_tmp_dir, "#{application_root}/tmp"
set :shared_children, %w(logs cache sessions test) # override default
# Tasks
namespace :deploy do
# Railsアプリケーション関連のタスクを消します。
%w(restart start stop cold migrate migrations).each {|t| task(t){} }
desc 'deploy先ディレクトリをふっ飛ばしてからsetup'
task :force_setup do
sudo "rm -fr #{deploy_to}"
after 'deploy:setup' do
# chmod o+w しとく
dirs ={|d| File.join(shared_path, d) }
dirs_str = dirs.join ' '
sudo "chmod o+w #{dirs_str}"
task :finalize_update do
sudo "chmod -R g+w #{release_path}"
# tmp内dirをrmしてsharedにlink
shared_children.each do |d|
target = "#{release_path}/#{application_tmp_dir}/#{d}"
run <<-CMD
rm -fr #{target} &&
ln -s #{shared_path}/#{d} #{target}
# restart後にcleanup
after "deploy:start", "deploy:cleanup"
after "deploy:restart", "deploy:cleanup"
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## config/deploy/development.rb
# Application
set :deploy_environment, 'development'
set :deploy_to, '/path/to/hoge' # deploy先のディレクトリ
# Servers
role :app, '', '' # deploy先サーバー
# Git
set :branch, 'develop'
# Ovarride existing tasks
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