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# Patched WillPaginate 2.3.12 to work with Rails 2.3.7.
WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options.each_pair do |key, value|
if value.class == String
WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options[key] = value.html_safe
class WillPaginate::LinkRenderer
def to_html
links = @options[:page_links] ? windowed_links : []
# previous/next buttons
links.unshift page_link_or_span(@collection.previous_page, 'disabled prev_page', @options[:previous_label])
links.push page_link_or_span(@collection.next_page, 'disabled next_page', @options[:next_label])
html = links.join(@options[:separator]).html_safe
@options[:container] ? @template.content_tag(:div, html, html_attributes) : html
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