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Created November 21, 2012 16:59
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A compact SECD virtual machine implementation
;;;; S-expression to SECD instruction Compiler ;;;;
;;; 2012 Minori Yamashita <> ;;add your name here
;;; reference:
(load "./SECD.scm")
;;; Helpers ;;;
(define (atom? x)
[(string? x) #t]
[(number? x) #t]
[(boolean? x) #t]
[(char? x) #t]
[else #f]))
;;compile :: Lisp -> SECD
(define (compile program)
(fold-right compile- `((,stop)) program))
;;compile- :: Lisp -> code -> code
(define (compile- exp code)
;(print (format "exp : ~S" exp))
;(print (format "code: ~S" code))
[(atom? exp)
;;(stack-constant const)
(cons `(,stack-constant ,exp) code)]
[(symbol? exp)
;;(ref-arg symbol) (thaw)
(cons `(,ref-arg ,exp) (cons `(,thaw) code))]
[(eq? (car exp) 'quote)
;;(stack-constant symbol)
(cons `(,stack-constant ,(cadr exp)) code)]
[(eq? (car exp) 'define)
;;bound (def symbol)
(compile- `(delay ,(caddr exp)) (cons `(,def ,(cadr exp)) code))]
[(eq? (car exp) 'if)
;;bool (sel ((code) (join)) ((code) (join)))
(let ([t-clause (compile- (caddr exp) `((,join)))]
[f-clause (compile- (cadddr exp) `((,join)))])
(compile- (cadr exp)
(cons `(,sel ,t-clause ,f-clause) code)))]
[(eq? (car exp) 'lambda)
;;(stack-closure symbol ((code) (restore)))
(let ([body (compile- (caddr exp) `((,restore)))])
(cons `(,stack-closure ,(cadr exp) ,body) code))]
[(eq? (car exp) 'delay)
;;(freeze ((code) (restore)))
(cons `(,freeze ,(compile- (cadr exp) `((,restore)))) code)]
;;arg closure (app)
(let* ([closure-app (compile- (car exp) (cons `(,app) code))])
(compile- `(delay ,(cadr exp)) closure-app))]))
;;; experiment ;;;
(print (SECD '() '() (compile
;((lambda x x) 5)
(define cons- (lambda head (lambda tail (lambda f ((f head) tail)))))
(define infinite ((cons- 5) infinite)) ;infinit recursion creating a list
(define car- (lambda lis (lis (lambda head (lambda tail head)))))
(define cdr- (lambda lis (lis (lambda head (lambda tail tail)))))
(car- (cdr- infinite))
) '() '()))
;;;; SECD Machine in Scheme ;;;;
;;; 2012 Minori Yamashita <> ;;add your name here
;;; reference:
;;; The description of each instruction is copied from on 22 Nov 2012
;;; Spec to note ;;;
;; every function take exactly one argument.
;; curry your function manually if you want more than one argument.
;; VM is responsible of looking up the environment unlike the original SECD
;; VM is capable of handling `freeze` and `thaw` instruction which is used to simulate lazy evaluation
(use srfi-1)
;;; Helpers ;;;
;;data structure for closure
(define (data-closure param code env)
(lambda (f)
(f param code env)))
(define (cls-param p c e) p)
(define (cls-code p c e) c)
(define (cls-env p c e) e)
;;data structure for thunk
(define (data-thunk code env)
(lambda (f) (f code env)))
(define (thk-code c e) c)
(define (thk-env c e) e)
;;alias of assq
(define (env-ref env key)
(let ((binding (assq key env)))
(if binding (cdr binding) 'lookup-fail)))
;;; SECD Machine ;;;
(define (SECD stack env code dump g-env)
(print (format "stack: ~S" stack))
(print (format "env : ~S" env))
(print (format "code : ~S" code))
(print (format "dump : ~S" dump))
(print (format "g-env: ~S" g-env))
;inst args stack env code dump global-env
((caar code) (cdar code) stack env (cdr code) dump g-env))
;;; Instructions ;;;
;; pushes a constant argument onto the stack
(define (stack-constant args stack env code dump g-env)
; constant
(cons (car args) stack) ;S
env ;E
code ;C
dump ;D
;; pushes the value of a variable onto the stack.
;; The variable is indicated by the argument, a symbol.
;; Try the local env first then g-env if failed
(define (ref-arg args stack env code dump g-env)
(let ((val (env-ref env (car args))))
(cons (if (eq? val 'lookup-fail)
(env-ref g-env (car args))
val) stack) ;S
env ;E
code ;C
dump ;D
;; expects two list arguments, and pops a value from the stack.
;; The first list is executed if the popped value was non-nil, the second list otherwise.
;; Before one of these list pointers is made the new C,
;; a pointer to the instruction following sel is saved on the dump.
(define (sel args stack env code dump g-env)
(cdr stack) ;S - bool is poped
env ;E
(if (car stack) (car args) (cadr args)) ;C - conditional
(cons code dump) ;D - following code is saved
;; pops a list reference from the dump and makes this the new value of C.
;; This instruction occurs at the end of both alternatives of a sel.
(define (join args stack env code dump g-env)
stack ;S
env ;E
(car dump) ;C
(cdr dump) ;D
;; takes one list argument representing a function.
;; It constructs a closure (a pair containing the function and the current environment)
;; and pushes that onto the stack.
(define (stack-closure args stack env code dump g-env)
; param code
(cons (data-closure (car args) (cadr args) env) stack) ;S
env ;E
code ;C
dump ;D
;; pops a closure and a list of parameter values from the stack.
;; The closure is applied to the parameters by installing its environment as the current one,
;; pushing the parameter list in front of that, clearing the stack, and setting C to the closure's function pointer.
;; The previous values of S, E, and the next value of C are saved on the dump.
(define (app args stack env code dump g-env)
(let* (
(closure (car stack))
(clos-prm (closure cls-param))
(clos-code (closure cls-code)) ;code enclosed in the closure
(clos-env (closure cls-env))) ;enclosed environment
'() ;S
; symbol argument
(cons `(,clos-prm . ,(cadr stack)) clos-env) ;E
clos-code ;C
; stack-(closure+arg)
(cons (list (cddr stack) env code) dump) ;D
;; pops one return value from the stack,
;; restores S, E, and C from the dump, and pushes the return value onto the now-current stack.
(define (restore args stack env code dump g-env)
(let* (
(frame (car dump))
(restoring-stack (car frame))
(restoring-env (cadr frame))
(restoring-code (caddr frame)))
; value returned
(cons (car stack) restoring-stack) ;S
restoring-env ;E
restoring-code ;C
(cdr dump) ;D
;; push stack top to g-env
(define (def args stack env code dump g-env)
(cdr stack) ;S
env ;E
code ;C
dump ;D
(cons `(,(car args) . ,(car stack)) g-env)))
;; delay the evaluation of the code until thawing
(define (freeze args stack env code dump g-env)
(cons (data-thunk (car args) env) stack) ;S
env ;E
code ;C
dump ;D
;; evaluate the code inside thunk in its environment
(define (thaw args stack env code dump g-env)
(let* (
(thunk (car stack))
(thunk-code (thunk thk-code))
(thunk-env (thunk thk-env)))
'() ;S
thunk-env ;E
thunk-code ;C
(cons (list (cdr stack) env code) dump) ;D
;; stops the Machine and return the value at the top of the stack
(define (stop args stack env code dump g-env)
(car stack))
;;; experiments ;;;
;;((lambda (x) x) 3)
;(display (SECD '() '() `((,stack-constant 3) (,stack-closure x ((,ref-arg x) (,restore))) (,app) (,stop)) '() '())) ;;should be 3
;;(if #f "so true" "so false")
;(display (SECD '() '() `((,stack-constant #f) (,sel ((,stack-constant "so true") (,join)) ((,stack-constant "so false") (,join))) (,stop)) '() '())) ;;should be "so false"
;(print (SECD '() '() `((,stack-closure x ((,stack-constant "hello, world") (,restore))) (,def hello) (,stack-constant 'nil) (,ref-arg hello) (,app) (,stop)) '() '()))
;(print (SECD '() '() `((,freeze ((,stack-constant 5) (,restore))) (,stack-closure x ((,ref-arg x) (,thaw) (,restore))) (,app) (,stop)) '() '())) ;lazy-evaluation ;;should be 5
1: インストラクションの名前は読みやすいものに変えた。
2: クロージャは必ず1引数とした。これで環境が単純になる。
3: 変数の解決はVMで行うこととした。ldはオリジナルでは環境のインデックスを指定するが、ここでは変数名を指定する。これに伴ってldfも引数のシンボルを保持するものとした。
4: グローバル変数の管理のために一つスタックを増やした。(g-env)
5: 遅延評価(今は名前渡し)に対応した。`freeze`がdelay作って、`thaw`がforce
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ympbyc commented Nov 21, 2012


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ympbyc commented Nov 27, 2012


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