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Created December 3, 2012 00:37
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(use '[ :only [sh]]
(def folder "/home/matt/clojure-presentation")
(defn touch
(let [filename (clojure.string/join "." [(str pagenum) "txt"])]
(sh "touch" (clojure.string/join "/" [folder filename]))
(defn make-files
"Use agents for non-blocking (asynchronous) and uncoordinated creation
of text files. Uncoordinated is ok here since the text files have nothing
to do with each other."
(let [page-range (range 1 6)
agents (doall (map #(agent (str %)) page-range))]
;; Use `send-off' here as `send' is not appropriate for IO
(doseq [a agents] (send-off a touch))
;; Block for up to 10 seconds while awaiting the completion of the
;; previous operation. In this case, if we didn't `await-for', the
;; `make-files' fn would return its value immediately: the deref'd
;; agent values. Since we do however the return value is the result
;; of the `touch' fn.
(apply await-for 10000 agents)
(doall (map #(deref %) agents))))
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