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Created December 3, 2012 16:40
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Navigation for ASP.NETのサンプル
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
// アセンブリに関する一般情報は、以下の属性セットによって
// 制御されます。アセンブリに関連付けられている情報を変更するには、
// これらの属性値を変更します。
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("NavigationWebSite")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("NavigationWebSite")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (C) 2012")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
// ComVisible を false に設定すると、
// COM コンポーネントがこのアセンブリ内のその型を認識できなくなります。
// COM からこのアセンブリ内の型にアクセスする必要がある場合は、その型の ComVisible 属性を true に設定してください。
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
// このプロジェクトが COM に公開される場合、次の GUID がタイプ ライブラリの ID になります。
[assembly: Guid("9952e972-d9df-4041-a769-020df547ab37")]
// アセンブリのバージョン情報は、以下の 4 つの値で構成されています:
// メジャー バージョン
// マイナー バージョン
// ビルド番号
// リビジョン
// すべての値を指定するか、下のように "*" を使ってリビジョンおよびビルド番号を
// 既定値にすることができます:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Details.aspx.cs" Inherits="NavigationWebSite.Details" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Person Details</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h1>Person Details</h1>
<asp:FormView ID="PersonFormView" runat="server"
ItemType="NavigationWebSite.Person" SelectMethod="Find"
<table border="1">
<td><%# Item.Name %></td>
<td><%# Item.Address %></td>
<td><%# Item.PhoneNumber %></td>
<td><%# Item.MailAddress %></td>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace NavigationWebSite
public partial class Details : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void PersonFormView_CallingDataMethods(object sender, CallingDataMethodsEventArgs e)
e.DataMethodsObject = new PersonLogic();
// <自動生成>
// このコードはツールによって生成されました。
// このファイルへの変更は、以下の状況下で不正な動作の原因になったり、
// コードが再生成されるときに損失したりします。
// </自動生成>
namespace NavigationWebSite {
public partial class Details {
/// <summary>
/// form1 コントロール。
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// 自動生成されたフィールド。
/// 変更するには、フィールドの宣言をデザイナー ファイルから分離コード ファイルに移動します。
/// </remarks>
protected global::System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm form1;
/// <summary>
/// PersonFormView コントロール。
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// 自動生成されたフィールド。
/// 変更するには、フィールドの宣言をデザイナー ファイルから分離コード ファイルに移動します。
/// </remarks>
protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormView PersonFormView;
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Listing.aspx.cs"
Inherits="NavigationWebSite.Listing" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Navigation" Namespace="Navigation" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Person Search</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h1>Person Search</h1>
<asp:GridView ID="PeopleGridView" runat="server"
ItemType="NavigationWebSite.Person" SelectMethod="Select"
<cc1:NavigationHyperLink ID="SelectNavigationHyperLink"
runat="server" Action="Select"
ToData='<%# new NavigationData() { { "id" , Item.Id } } %>'
Text="選択" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Address" HeaderText="Address" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="PhoneNumber" HeaderText="PhoneNumber" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="MailAddress" HeaderText="MailAddress" />
using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace NavigationWebSite
public partial class Listing : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void PeopleGridView_CallingDataMethods(
object sender, CallingDataMethodsEventArgs e)
e.DataMethodsObject = new PersonLogic();
// <自動生成>
// このコードはツールによって生成されました。
// このファイルへの変更は、以下の状況下で不正な動作の原因になったり、
// コードが再生成されるときに損失したりします。
// </自動生成>
namespace NavigationWebSite {
public partial class Listing {
/// <summary>
/// form1 コントロール。
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// 自動生成されたフィールド。
/// 変更するには、フィールドの宣言をデザイナー ファイルから分離コード ファイルに移動します。
/// </remarks>
protected global::System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm form1;
/// <summary>
/// PeopleGridView コントロール。
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// 自動生成されたフィールド。
/// 変更するには、フィールドの宣言をデザイナー ファイルから分離コード ファイルに移動します。
/// </remarks>
protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView PeopleGridView;
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="">
<authors>Graham Mendick</authors>
<owners>Graham Mendick</owners>
<description>Navigation for ASP.NET Web Forms manages movement and data passing between ASPX pages in a unit-testable manner. There is no client-side logic, so it works in all browsers, and no server-side cache, so it works with the browser back button</description>
<tags>navigation webforms databinding ajax history unittest breadcrumb</tags>
<browser refID="Default">
<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.Page" adapterType="Navigation.StateAdapter, Navigation" />
<browser refID="Default">
<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.Page" adapterType="Navigation.StateAdapter, Navigation" />
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield">
Protects Urls from tampering by appending a checksum to the query string. This is a string
generated from the other query string parameters so if one happens to change the checksum
should no longer match
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationShield">
Provides the base functionality for Url protection mechanisms e.g. to prevent tampering or
to obfuscate query string parameters. Regardless of the mechanism the state query string
parameter, c0, is always present
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Overridden by derived classes to return a protected set of query string parameters
<param name="data">An unprotected set of key/value pairs prior to the formation
of the querty string</param>
<returns>Protected set of query string parameters</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Decode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Overridden by derived classes to return an unprotected set of query string parameters
<param name="data">A protected set of key/value pairs produced by the <see cref="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)"/>
<returns>Unprotected set of query string parameters</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Uses all the <paramref name="data"/> to generate a checksum and returns this data together
with this checksum
<param name="data">An unprotected set of key/value pairs prior to the formation
of the querty string</param>
<returns>All query string parameters passed in <paramref name="data"/> together with
generated checksum</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Decode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Uses the <paramref name="data"/> to check the query string has not been tampered with
<param name="data">Data generated by the <see cref="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)"/> method</param>
<returns>All query string parameters passed in <paramref name="data"/> minus the
generated checksum</returns>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">Any <paramref name="data"/> key is null; or the checksum
does not tally</exception>
<member name="P:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Key">
Gets or sets key used in the checksum generation routine, should be kept secret to prevent
Url vulnerability
<member name="P:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Length">
Gets of sets length of the generated checksum, the default value is 8
<member name="T:Navigation.ConverterInfoSectionHandler">
Provides access to the Navigation/NavigationData section and is not intended to be used outside
of the Navigation framework
<member name="T:Navigation.Crumb">
Represents one piece of the crumb trail and holds the information need to return to and recreate
the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited. In a single crumb trail no two crumbs
can have the same <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> but all must have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.NavigationLink">
Gets the hyperlink navigation to return to the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> and pass
the associated <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data">
Gets the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see> held at the time of navigating
away from this <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Item(System.String)">
Gets values from <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/> for the specified <paramref name="key"/>.
A convenience property used in conjunction with <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/>
when data binding
<param name="key">Key to the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item</param>
<returns>Value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.State">
Gets the configuration information associated with this navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Title">
Gets the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> Title. A convenience property used in conjunction
with <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> when data binding
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Last">
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> is the last in the crumb trail
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource">
Provides a data source control that a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> can use to bind
to crumb trail data. A crumb trail is a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> list with each crumb
representing the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
required to return to and recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource.GetView(System.String)">
Retrieves the named data source view that is associated with the data source control
<param name="viewName">This parameter is ignored as only one view is supported</param>
<returns>An associated <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView">
Supports the <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> and provides an interface for data
bound controls to display a crumb trail. A crumb trail is a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> list with
each crumb representing the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
required to return to and recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.#ctor(Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView"/>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> this view is
associated with</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments)">
Iterates through the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contents of <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/>
<param name="arguments">This parameter is ignored</param>
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerable"/> list of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> items</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanInsert">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanDelete">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanUpdate">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister">
Provides the base functionality for crumb trail persistence mechanisms
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)">
Overridden by derived classes to return the persisted crumb trail
<param name="crumbTrail"> The key, returned from the <see cref="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)"/> method, to identify
the persisted crumb trail</param>
<returns>The crumb trail holding navigation and data information</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)">
Overridden by derived classes to persist the crumb trail
<param name="crumbTrail">The crumb trail holding navigation and data information</param>
<returns>The key to be passed to <see cref="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)"/> method for crumb trail retrieval</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.Dialog">
Configures dialog information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. Represents
a logical grouping of child <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> elements. Navigating across
different dialogs will initialise the crumb trail
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.States">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> children
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">
Gets the number of the dialog as read sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Initial">
Gets the state to navigate to if the <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key"/> is passed as an action parameter
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">
Gets the key, unique across dialogs, which is passed as the action
parameter to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> when navigating
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Title">
Gets the textual description of the dialog. The resourceType and resourceKey attributes can be
used for localization
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Path">
Gets the Url that will cause a navigation to the <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Initial"/> state. It should not
contain a query string although browsing to the Url with a query string will work and will pass
the query string data as per normal <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationData">
Manages the data passed when navigating. It implements <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.IStateManager"/>
and so maintains this data across post backs (in control state). This data is accesssible from the
state context <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> property and can take part in data binding.
It is stored on each <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> in a crumb trail as it represents the data
required to recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> class
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> class containing
all the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Add(System.String,System.Object)">
Adds a new item to the underlying <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>, updating the item
if it already exists. If the <paramref name="value"/> is null the item is removed
<param name="key">The key for the navigation data item</param>
<param name="value">The value for navigation data item</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Remove(System.String)">
Removes the specified key/value pair from the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>. This
is the equivalent of setting the value to null
<param name="key"></param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Clear">
Removes all items from the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.GetEnumerator">
Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> that iterates through
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataItem"/> elements
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> for
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/></returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationData.Item(System.String)">
Gets or sets the value of an item stored in the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>
<param name="key">The key for the navigation data item</param>
<returns>The value for navigation data item</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs.
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.EvaluateExpression(System.Object,System.Web.UI.BoundPropertyEntry,System.Object,System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilderContext)">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs
<param name="target">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="entry">The property that the expression is bound to</param>
<param name="parsedData">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="context">Not used in this implementation</param>
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.GetCodeExpression(System.Web.UI.BoundPropertyEntry,System.Object,System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilderContext)">
Returns a code expression that is used to perform the property assignment in the generated page class
<param name="entry">The property that the expression is bound to</param>
<param name="parsedData">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="context">Not used in this implementation</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.CodeDom.CodeExpression"/> instance that is used in the property assignment</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.GetNavigationData(System.String)">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs
<param name="expression">The expression as specified in markup</param>
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The method was unable to parse the expression that was specified in markup</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.FormatException">A value was not in a format recognised by its corresponding type</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">A value represents a number that is out of the range of its corresponding type</exception>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataItem">
The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of items returned when enumerating
over <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataItem.Key">
Gets the key of the item
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataItem.Value">
Gets the value of the item
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter">
Binds the value of a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item to a parameter object
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor">
Initializes a new unnamed instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor(Navigation.NavigationDataParameter)">
Initializes a new unnamed instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
class, using the values of the instance that is specified by the <paramref name="original"/>
<param name="original">A <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/> instance from which
the current instance is initialized</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
Initializes a new named instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
class, using the <paramref name="key"/> to identify which <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
item to bind to. If the <paramref name="key"/> is null the <paramref name="name"/> will
be used instead
<param name="name">The name of the parameter</param>
<param name="key">The name of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item that the
parameter object is bound to</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Clone">
Returns a duplicate of the current <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/> instance
<returns>A duplicate of the current instance</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Evaluate(System.Web.HttpContext,System.Web.UI.Control)">
Returns the value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item identified by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Key"/>
<param name="context">The current <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/> instance of the
<param name="control">This parameter is ignored as not relevant</param>
<returns>The current value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item. If
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Reset"/> is true, it returns null</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Key">
Gets or sets the key of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item that the parameter
binds to. If this is null the Name property is used instead.
For scenarios where the key is only known at runtime, set the ControlID to point to the
Control holding the key
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Reset">
Gets or sets whether to reset the value of the parameter. If this is true the DefaultValue will always
be used
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource">
Provides a data source control that a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> can use to bind
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> contained in the
<see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>. Select and update functionality
is supported
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.GetView(System.String)">
Retrieves the named data source view that is associated with the data source control
<param name="viewName">This parameter is ignored as only one view is supported</param>
<returns>An associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.OnInit(System.EventArgs)">
Adds a <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Page.LoadComplete"/> event handler to the page that contains
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> control
<param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> that contains event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/>
and its associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<param name="savedState">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and its
associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/>
and its associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.TrackViewState">
Tracks view state changes of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and its
associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound values passed during an update should
be converted to null if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is ignored for <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.UpdateParameters"/> as their own
<see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter.ConvertEmptyStringToNull"/> value
will be used instead
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.SelectParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set default values to help with binding to
non-nullable <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.UpdateParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> values
not bound to <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView">
Supports the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and provides an
interface for data bound controls to select and update <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
contained in the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.#ctor(Navigation.NavigationDataSource,System.Web.HttpContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> this view is
associated with</param>
<param name="context">The current <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/></param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments)">
Provides access to the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>
set with any values specified in the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/> collection
<param name="arguments">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<returns>A copy of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ExecuteUpdate(System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary)">
Updates the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> using any
parameters that are supplied in the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters"/> and <paramref name="values"/>
<param name="keys">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<param name="values">A collection of bound <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> property values</param>
<param name="oldValues">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<returns>Returns 0 as irrelevant to return number of updated values</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/>
<param name="state">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.TrackViewState">
Causes the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/> object to track changes to its
view state so that the changes can be stored in the <see cref="P:System.Web.UI.Control.ViewState"/>
object for the control and persisted across requests for the same page
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound values passed during an update should
be converted to null if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is ignored for <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters"/> as their own
<see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter.ConvertEmptyStringToNull"/> value
will be used instead
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanInsert">
Gets a value of false as only select and update functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanDelete">
Gets a value of false as only select and update functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanUpdate">
Gets a value of true as <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> update
functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set default values to help with binding to
non-nullable <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> values
not bound to <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.IsTrackingViewState">
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
object is saving changes to its view state
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDirection">
Specifies the direction of navigation performed by the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>.
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward">
Navigates either to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Back">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink">
A control that displays a link that navigates to another <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. This can be
forward using an action parameter; backward via a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>; or refreshing the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>.
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.AddAttributesToRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Sets the Url depending on the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> and adds the attributes of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> control to the output stream for rendering
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
<param name="savedState">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.OnClick(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Click"/> event.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<param name="e"><see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> containing the event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.OnCommand(System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<param name="e"><see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs"/> containing the event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.RaisePostBackEvent(System.String)">
Updates <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
posts back to the server
<param name="eventArgument">The argument for the event</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData">
Gets or sets the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
or <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.IncludeCurrentData">
Gets or sets whether to include the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> together
with the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
or <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData"/> values should be converted to null
if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Action">
Gets or sets the key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Distance">
Gets or sets the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back, starting at 1.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Back"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction">
Gets or sets the direction of the navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.InertCssClass">
Gets or sets the CSS class to apply when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.DisableInert">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> when
it is <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandName">
Gets or sets the command name. This value is passed to the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event handler along with the
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandArgument"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandArgument">
Gets or sets the command argument. This value is passed to the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event handler along with the
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandName"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.FragmentIdentifier">
Gets or sets an anchor identifying a specific location within the HTML
<member name="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Click">
Occurs when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is clicked.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command">
Occurs when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is clicked.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Link">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> depending on the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/>.
This can be forward using an action parameter; backward via a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>;
or refreshing the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert">
Gets a value indicating whether clicking the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> will leave
the state context <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/> and <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationMode">
Determines how a navigation performed by the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> is executed
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Client">
Navigates via a <see cref="M:System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect(System.String,System.Boolean)">Response Redirect</see>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Server">
Navigates via a <see cref="M:System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(System.String)">Server Transfer</see>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Mock">
Navigates without executing a request for the new <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/>. This mode is
automatically used in a Unit Test environment but can be manually used in a Web environment
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationSettings">
Provides access to the Navigation Settings configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationSettings.OriginalUrlSeparators">
Gets or sets whether to revert to using ! and _ as separators in the Url
<member name="T:Navigation.Properties.Resources">
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager">
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.Culture">
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DialogAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a Dialog.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateDialogKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A Dialog with key {0} already exists.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateStateKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A State with key {0} already exists for Dialog {1}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateTransitionKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A Transition with key {0} already exists for State {1}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidAction">
Looks up a localized string similar to The action parameter must be a Dialog key or a Transition key that is a child of the current State.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidConversion">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} cannot convert to and from a string.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidConverterAttribute">
Looks up a localized string similar to Navigation Data converter {0} is not valid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidDialogInitialKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} Dialog&apos;s initial key of {1} does not match a child State key.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidDistance">
Looks up a localized string similar to The distance parameter must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of Crumbs ({0}).
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidEnumerableNavigationData">
Looks up a localized string similar to ArrayList and Generic List are the only valid enumerable types in NavigationData.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidExpression">
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid expression, NavigationDataExpressionBuilder expects a string with format: Key1=Value1,Key2?type=Value2.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidNavigationData">
Looks up a localized string similar to No TypeConverter found for {0}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidRouteData">
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid route data, a mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidTransitionToKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} State&apos;s Transition to key of {1} does not match a sibling State key.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidTypeAttribute">
Looks up a localized string similar to Navigation Data type {0} is not valid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidUrl">
Looks up a localized string similar to The Url is invalid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.ScriptManagerMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to The ScriptManager must appear on the Page before the HistoryNavigator.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.StateAttributeInvalid">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} State&apos;s {1} attribute is invalid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.StateAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a State.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.TransitionAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a Transition.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.TypeAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to type is a mandatory attribute for Navigation Data.
<member name="T:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister">
Persists crumb trails, over a specified length, in <see cref="P:System.Web.HttpContext.Session"/> on
the Web server. Prevents the creation of unmanageably long Urls
<member name="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)">
Uses the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> parameter to determine whether to retrieve the crumb
trail from <see cref="P:System.Web.HttpContext.Session"/>. If retrieved from session it will be
null if it had been removed as a result of the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize"/> being breached or
if the session expired since the crumb trail was added
<param name="crumbTrail">Key generated by the <see cref="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)"/> method</param>
<returns>Either the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> or the retrieved value from server side session; can
be null if retrieved from session
<member name="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)">
If the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> is not over the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.MaxLength"/> it is returned.
Otherwise the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> is stored in session using a short key, unique
within a given session. Also expunges old items from session, if the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize"/>
is breached when a new item is added
<param name="crumbTrail">The crumb trail to persist</param>
<returns><paramref name="crumbTrail"/> or short, generated key pointing at <paramref name="crumbTrail"/>
in session</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.MaxLength">
Gets of sets the length above which any crumb will be stored on the Web server, the default
value is 500
<member name="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize">
Gets of sets the maximum number of crumb trails that will be held at any one time on the
Web server, the default value is 50
<member name="T:Navigation.Sorter">
Provides sorting functionality for any data-bound controls, typically used in conjunction with the
<see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSource"/> control.
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.CreateChildControls">
Creates the child controls that make up the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Renders the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.RenderContents(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Renders the contents of the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpressionKey">
Gets or sets the SortExpression <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpression">
Gets or sets the sort expression to <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortBy">
Gets or sets the column name to sort by
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.DefaultDescending">
Gets or sets whether the first time the sort is clicked the sort order is descending
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate">
Gets or sets whether sorting should cause a navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.PostBackHyperLink">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate"/> is true
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.ButtonType">
Gets or sets the button type.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate"/> is false
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Text">
Gets or sets the text
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.ImageUrl">
Gets or sets Url of the image.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.ButtonType"/> is <see cref="F:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ButtonType.Image"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Direction">
Gets the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.SortDirection"/> from the <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpression"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.State">
Configures state information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. A child
of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> element it represents a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/>
that can be visisted
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Transitions">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> children
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Parent">
Gets the parent <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> configuration item
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Index">
Gets the number of the state within its <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Parent"/> as read
sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Key">
Gets the key, unique within a <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Parent"/>, used by <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
and <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> elements to specify navigation configuration
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Page">
Gets the aspx page to display when navigating to this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobilePage">
Gets the aspx page to display for a mobile device navigating to this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.DefaultTypes">
Gets the default <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> <see cref="T:System.Type"/>'s for
this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Defaults">
Gets the default <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> for this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Title">
Gets the textual description of the state. The resourceType and resourceKey attributes can be
used for localization
<member name="P:Navigation.State.TrackCrumbTrail">
Gets a value that indicates whether to maintain crumb trail information
e.g <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Theme">
Gets the theme to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileTheme">
Gets the theme to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed for a mobile device
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Masters">
Gets the master pages to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileMasters">
Gets the master pages to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed for a mobile device
<member name="T:Navigation.StateAdapter">
Plugs the navigation framework into the ASP.NET <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> processing
and must be configured as the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Adapters.PageAdapter"/> in the
Browser.config file. This class is not used in a Unit Test environment.
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.DeterminePostBackMode">
Validates the incoming Url and if no state parameter c0 found will navigate to
the <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> whose path property matches the Url
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/> of the
postback variables, if any; otherwise null</returns>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">There is no query string state parameter, c0, and
the Url does not match the path of any <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; the page of
the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> does not match the Url path</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.LoadAdapterControlState(System.Object)">
Loads <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
saved by <see cref="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.SaveAdapterControlState"/> during a previous request
<param name="state">The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.SaveAdapterControlState">
Saves <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
so is available across post backs
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> data</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateContext">
Provides static properties for accessing context sensitive navigation information.
Holds the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>.
Also holds the previous <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> (this is not the same as the
previous <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>)
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> navigated away from to reach the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousDialog">
Gets the parent of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState"/> property
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.State">
Gets the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Dialog">
Gets the parent of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/> property
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> for the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/>.
It can be accessed directly or take part in data binding. Will become the data stored in
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> when part of a crumb trail
<member name="T:Navigation.StateController">
Manages all navigation. These can be forward using an action parameter; backward via
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>; or refreshing the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> and a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationLink(System.String)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> specified in the <paramref name="action"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationLink(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> specified in the <paramref name="action"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)">
Determines if the <paramref name="distance"/> specified is within the bounds of the crumb
trail represented by the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<returns>False if less than 1 or greater than the size of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection;
true otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateBack(System.Int32)">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateBack(System.Int32,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationBackLink(System.Int32)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail,
represented by the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> specified by the <paramref name="distance"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
data and a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationData)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationData,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetRefreshLink(Navigation.NavigationData)">
Gets a Url to navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs">
Gets a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> collection representing the crumb trail, ordered
oldest <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> first
<member name="P:Navigation.StateController.RefreshLink">
Gets a Url to navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> data
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1">
Represents a strongly typed collection of the items configurable via the Navigation/StateInfo
section. The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoConfig"/> class holds all these in
its <see cref="P:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.Dialogs"/> property
<typeparam name="T">Can be <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>, <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
or <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> type</typeparam>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> class with
serialized data
<param name="info">The object that holds the serialized object data</param>
<param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Get(System.String)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="key"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">Dialog Key</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Key">State Key</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">Transition Key</see> properties
<param name="key">Must match the key attribute of an item configurable via
the Navigation/StateInfo</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Get(System.Int32)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="index"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">Dialog Index</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Index">State Index</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">Transition Index</see> properties
<param name="index">Must match the number of the configurable item from the Navigation/StateInfo
as read sequentially within its parent node</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
Copies the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> entries to a one-dimensional Array
instance at the specified index
<param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that is the destination of
the state information configuration objects copied from <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/>.
The <see cref="T:System.Array"/> must have zero-based indexing</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="array"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is less than zero</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional; or <paramref name="index"/>
is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>; or the number of elements in the source
<see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index"/>
to the end of the destination array</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.GetEnumerator">
Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> that iterates through
the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> elements
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> for
the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/></returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Item(System.String)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="key"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">Dialog Key</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Key">State Key</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">Transition Key</see> properties
<param name="key">Must match the key attribute of an item configurable via
the Navigation/StateInfo</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="index"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">Dialog Index</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Index">State Index</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">Transition Index</see> properties
<param name="index">Must match the number of the configurable item from the Navigation/StateInfo
as read sequentially within its parent node</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoConfig">
Provides static access to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>, <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
and <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> configuration in the Navigation/StateInfo section
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.Dialogs">
Gets a collection of <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> information with their child
<see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> information and grandchild <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoSectionHandler">
Provides access to the Navigation/StateInfo section and is not intended to be used outside
of the Navigation framework
<member name="T:Navigation.Transition">
Configures transition information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. A child
of a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> element it represents a possible navigation from its
<see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/> to a sibling <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.To">
Gets the state to navigate to if the <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key"/> is passed as an action parameter
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent">
Gets the parent <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> configuration item
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">
Gets the number of the transition within its <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/> as read
sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">
Gets the key, unique within a <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/>, which is passed as the action
parameter to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> when navigating
<member name="T:Navigation.UrlException">
The exception thrown when an invalid Url is received. Invalid Urls must be as a result of
tampering and are typically detected by a custom <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationShield"/>
(or <see cref="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield"/>); also detected when a query string
parameter cannot be converted using the discovered <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class, setting
the message of the new instance to a system-supplied message that takes into account the
current system culture
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.String)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with the
specified error message
<param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that describes the error. The content
of <paramref name="message"/> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this
constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with serialized
<param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that describes the error. The content
of <paramref name="message"/> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this
constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system
<param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If
the <paramref name="innerException"/> is not a null reference, the current exception is raised
in a catch block that handles the inner exception</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with serialized
<param name="info">The object that holds the serialized object data</param>
<param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination</param>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield">
Protects Urls from tampering by appending a checksum to the query string. This is a string
generated from the other query string parameters so if one happens to change the checksum
should no longer match
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationShield">
Provides the base functionality for Url protection mechanisms e.g. to prevent tampering or
to obfuscate query string parameters. Regardless of the mechanism the state query string
parameter, c0, is always present
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Overridden by derived classes to return a protected set of query string parameters
<param name="data">An unprotected set of key/value pairs prior to the formation
of the querty string</param>
<returns>Protected set of query string parameters</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Decode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Overridden by derived classes to return an unprotected set of query string parameters
<param name="data">A protected set of key/value pairs produced by the <see cref="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)"/>
<returns>Unprotected set of query string parameters</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Uses all the <paramref name="data"/> to generate a checksum and returns this data together
with this checksum
<param name="data">An unprotected set of key/value pairs prior to the formation
of the querty string</param>
<returns>All query string parameters passed in <paramref name="data"/> together with
generated checksum</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Decode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Uses the <paramref name="data"/> to check the query string has not been tampered with
<param name="data">Data generated by the <see cref="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)"/> method</param>
<returns>All query string parameters passed in <paramref name="data"/> minus the
generated checksum</returns>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">Any <paramref name="data"/> key is null; or the checksum
does not tally</exception>
<member name="P:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Key">
Gets or sets key used in the checksum generation routine, should be kept secret to prevent
Url vulnerability
<member name="P:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Length">
Gets of sets length of the generated checksum, the default value is 8
<member name="T:Navigation.ConverterInfoSectionHandler">
Provides access to the Navigation/NavigationData section and is not intended to be used outside
of the Navigation framework
<member name="T:Navigation.Crumb">
Represents one piece of the crumb trail and holds the information need to return to and recreate
the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited. In a single crumb trail no two crumbs
can have the same <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> but all must have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.NavigationLink">
Gets the hyperlink navigation to return to the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> and pass
the associated <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data">
Gets the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see> held at the time of navigating
away from this <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Item(System.String)">
Gets values from <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/> for the specified <paramref name="key"/>.
A convenience property used in conjunction with <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/>
when data binding
<param name="key">Key to the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item</param>
<returns>Value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.State">
Gets the configuration information associated with this navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Title">
Gets the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> Title. A convenience property used in conjunction
with <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> when data binding
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Last">
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> is the last in the crumb trail
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource">
Provides a data source control that a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> can use to bind
to crumb trail data. A crumb trail is a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> list with each crumb
representing the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
required to return to and recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource.GetView(System.String)">
Retrieves the named data source view that is associated with the data source control
<param name="viewName">This parameter is ignored as only one view is supported</param>
<returns>An associated <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView">
Supports the <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> and provides an interface for data
bound controls to display a crumb trail. A crumb trail is a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> list with
each crumb representing the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
required to return to and recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.#ctor(Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView"/>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> this view is
associated with</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments)">
Iterates through the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contents of <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/>
<param name="arguments">This parameter is ignored</param>
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerable"/> list of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> items</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanInsert">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanDelete">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanUpdate">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister">
Provides the base functionality for crumb trail persistence mechanisms
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)">
Overridden by derived classes to return the persisted crumb trail
<param name="crumbTrail"> The key, returned from the <see cref="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)"/> method, to identify
the persisted crumb trail</param>
<returns>The crumb trail holding navigation and data information</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)">
Overridden by derived classes to persist the crumb trail
<param name="crumbTrail">The crumb trail holding navigation and data information</param>
<returns>The key to be passed to <see cref="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)"/> method for crumb trail retrieval</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.Dialog">
Configures dialog information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. Represents
a logical grouping of child <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> elements. Navigating across
different dialogs will initialise the crumb trail
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.States">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> children
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">
Gets the number of the dialog as read sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Initial">
Gets the state to navigate to if the <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key"/> is passed as an action parameter
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">
Gets the key, unique across dialogs, which is passed as the action
parameter to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> when navigating
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Title">
Gets the textual description of the dialog. The resourceType and resourceKey attributes can be
used for localization
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Path">
Gets the Url that will cause a navigation to the <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Initial"/> state. It should not
contain a query string although browsing to the Url with a query string will work and will pass
the query string data as per normal <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationData">
Manages the data passed when navigating. It implements <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.IStateManager"/>
and so maintains this data across post backs (in control state). This data is accesssible from the
state context <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> property and can take part in data binding.
It is stored on each <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> in a crumb trail as it represents the data
required to recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> class
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> class containing
all the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Add(System.String,System.Object)">
Adds a new item to the underlying <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>, updating the item
if it already exists. If the <paramref name="value"/> is null the item is removed
<param name="key">The key for the navigation data item</param>
<param name="value">The value for navigation data item</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Remove(System.String)">
Removes the specified key/value pair from the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>. This
is the equivalent of setting the value to null
<param name="key"></param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Clear">
Removes all items from the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.GetEnumerator">
Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> that iterates through
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataItem"/> elements
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> for
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/></returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationData.Item(System.String)">
Gets or sets the value of an item stored in the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>
<param name="key">The key for the navigation data item</param>
<returns>The value for navigation data item</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs.
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.EvaluateExpression(System.Object,System.Web.UI.BoundPropertyEntry,System.Object,System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilderContext)">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs
<param name="target">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="entry">The property that the expression is bound to</param>
<param name="parsedData">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="context">Not used in this implementation</param>
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.GetCodeExpression(System.Web.UI.BoundPropertyEntry,System.Object,System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilderContext)">
Returns a code expression that is used to perform the property assignment in the generated page class
<param name="entry">The property that the expression is bound to</param>
<param name="parsedData">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="context">Not used in this implementation</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.CodeDom.CodeExpression"/> instance that is used in the property assignment</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.GetNavigationData(System.String)">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs
<param name="expression">The expression as specified in markup</param>
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The method was unable to parse the expression that was specified in markup</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.FormatException">A value was not in a format recognised by its corresponding type</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">A value represents a number that is out of the range of its corresponding type</exception>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataItem">
The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of items returned when enumerating
over <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataItem.Key">
Gets the key of the item
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataItem.Value">
Gets the value of the item
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter">
Binds the value of a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item to a parameter object
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor">
Initializes a new unnamed instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor(Navigation.NavigationDataParameter)">
Initializes a new unnamed instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
class, using the values of the instance that is specified by the <paramref name="original"/>
<param name="original">A <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/> instance from which
the current instance is initialized</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
Initializes a new named instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
class, using the <paramref name="key"/> to identify which <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
item to bind to. If the <paramref name="key"/> is null the <paramref name="name"/> will
be used instead
<param name="name">The name of the parameter</param>
<param name="key">The name of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item that the
parameter object is bound to</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Clone">
Returns a duplicate of the current <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/> instance
<returns>A duplicate of the current instance</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Evaluate(System.Web.HttpContext,System.Web.UI.Control)">
Returns the value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item identified by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Key"/>
<param name="context">The current <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/> instance of the
<param name="control">This parameter is ignored as not relevant</param>
<returns>The current value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item. If
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Reset"/> is true, it returns null</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Key">
Gets or sets the key of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item that the parameter
binds to. If this is null the Name property is used instead.
For scenarios where the key is only known at runtime, set the ControlID to point to the
Control holding the key
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Reset">
Gets or sets whether to reset the value of the parameter. If this is true the DefaultValue will always
be used
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource">
Provides a data source control that a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> can use to bind
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> contained in the
<see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>. Select and update functionality
is supported
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.GetView(System.String)">
Retrieves the named data source view that is associated with the data source control
<param name="viewName">This parameter is ignored as only one view is supported</param>
<returns>An associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.OnInit(System.EventArgs)">
Adds a <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Page.LoadComplete"/> event handler to the page that contains
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> control
<param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> that contains event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/>
and its associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<param name="savedState">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and its
associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/>
and its associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.TrackViewState">
Tracks view state changes of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and its
associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound values passed during an update should
be converted to null if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is ignored for <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.UpdateParameters"/> as their own
<see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter.ConvertEmptyStringToNull"/> value
will be used instead
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.SelectParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set default values to help with binding to
non-nullable <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.UpdateParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> values
not bound to <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView">
Supports the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and provides an
interface for data bound controls to select and update <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
contained in the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.#ctor(Navigation.NavigationDataSource,System.Web.HttpContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> this view is
associated with</param>
<param name="context">The current <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/></param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments)">
Provides access to the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>
set with any values specified in the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/> collection
<param name="arguments">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<returns>A copy of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ExecuteUpdate(System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary)">
Updates the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> using any
parameters that are supplied in the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters"/> and <paramref name="values"/>
<param name="keys">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<param name="values">A collection of bound <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> property values</param>
<param name="oldValues">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<returns>Returns 0 as irrelevant to return number of updated values</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/>
<param name="state">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.TrackViewState">
Causes the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/> object to track changes to its
view state so that the changes can be stored in the <see cref="P:System.Web.UI.Control.ViewState"/>
object for the control and persisted across requests for the same page
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound values passed during an update should
be converted to null if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is ignored for <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters"/> as their own
<see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter.ConvertEmptyStringToNull"/> value
will be used instead
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanInsert">
Gets a value of false as only select and update functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanDelete">
Gets a value of false as only select and update functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanUpdate">
Gets a value of true as <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> update
functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set default values to help with binding to
non-nullable <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> values
not bound to <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.IsTrackingViewState">
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
object is saving changes to its view state
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDirection">
Specifies the direction of navigation performed by the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>.
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward">
Navigates either to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Back">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink">
A control that displays a link that navigates to another <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. This can be
forward using an action parameter; backward via a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>; or refreshing the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>.
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.AddAttributesToRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Sets the Url depending on the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> and adds the attributes of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> control to the output stream for rendering
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
<param name="savedState">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.OnClick(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Click"/> event.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<param name="e"><see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> containing the event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.OnCommand(System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<param name="e"><see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs"/> containing the event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.RaisePostBackEvent(System.String)">
Updates <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
posts back to the server
<param name="eventArgument">The argument for the event</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData">
Gets or sets the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
or <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.IncludeCurrentData">
Gets or sets whether to include the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> together
with the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
or <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData"/> values should be converted to null
if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Action">
Gets or sets the key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Distance">
Gets or sets the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back, starting at 1.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Back"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction">
Gets or sets the direction of the navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.InertCssClass">
Gets or sets the CSS class to apply when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.DisableInert">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> when
it is <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandName">
Gets or sets the command name. This value is passed to the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event handler along with the
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandArgument"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandArgument">
Gets or sets the command argument. This value is passed to the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event handler along with the
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandName"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.FragmentIdentifier">
Gets or sets an anchor identifying a specific location within the HTML
<member name="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Click">
Occurs when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is clicked.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command">
Occurs when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is clicked.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Link">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> depending on the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/>.
This can be forward using an action parameter; backward via a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>;
or refreshing the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert">
Gets a value indicating whether clicking the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> will leave
the state context <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/> and <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationMode">
Determines how a navigation performed by the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> is executed
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Client">
Navigates via a <see cref="M:System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect(System.String,System.Boolean)">Response Redirect</see>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Server">
Navigates via a <see cref="M:System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(System.String)">Server Transfer</see>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Mock">
Navigates without executing a request for the new <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/>. This mode is
automatically used in a Unit Test environment but can be manually used in a Web environment
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationSettings">
Provides access to the Navigation Settings configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationSettings.OriginalUrlSeparators">
Gets or sets whether to revert to using ! and _ as separators in the Url
<member name="T:Navigation.Properties.Resources">
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager">
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.Culture">
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DialogAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a Dialog.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateDialogKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A Dialog with key {0} already exists.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateStateKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A State with key {0} already exists for Dialog {1}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateTransitionKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A Transition with key {0} already exists for State {1}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidAction">
Looks up a localized string similar to The action parameter must be a Dialog key or a Transition key that is a child of the current State.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidConversion">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} cannot convert to and from a string.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidConverterAttribute">
Looks up a localized string similar to Navigation Data converter {0} is not valid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidDialogInitialKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} Dialog&apos;s initial key of {1} does not match a child State key.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidDistance">
Looks up a localized string similar to The distance parameter must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of Crumbs ({0}).
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidEnumerableNavigationData">
Looks up a localized string similar to ArrayList and Generic List are the only valid enumerable types in NavigationData.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidExpression">
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid expression, NavigationDataExpressionBuilder expects a string with format: Key1=Value1,Key2?type=Value2.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidNavigationData">
Looks up a localized string similar to No TypeConverter found for {0}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidRouteData">
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid route data, a mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidTransitionToKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} State&apos;s Transition to key of {1} does not match a sibling State key.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidTypeAttribute">
Looks up a localized string similar to Navigation Data type {0} is not valid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidUrl">
Looks up a localized string similar to The Url is invalid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.ScriptManagerMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to The ScriptManager must appear on the Page before the HistoryNavigator.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.StateAttributeInvalid">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} State&apos;s {1} attribute is invalid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.StateAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a State.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.TransitionAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a Transition.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.TypeAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to type is a mandatory attribute for Navigation Data.
<member name="T:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister">
Persists crumb trails, over a specified length, in <see cref="P:System.Web.HttpContext.Session"/> on
the Web server. Prevents the creation of unmanageably long Urls
<member name="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)">
Uses the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> parameter to determine whether to retrieve the crumb
trail from <see cref="P:System.Web.HttpContext.Session"/>. If retrieved from session it will be
null if it had been removed as a result of the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize"/> being breached or
if the session expired since the crumb trail was added
<param name="crumbTrail">Key generated by the <see cref="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)"/> method</param>
<returns>Either the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> or the retrieved value from server side session; can
be null if retrieved from session
<member name="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)">
If the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> is not over the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.MaxLength"/> it is returned.
Otherwise the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> is stored in session using a short key, unique
within a given session. Also expunges old items from session, if the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize"/>
is breached when a new item is added
<param name="crumbTrail">The crumb trail to persist</param>
<returns><paramref name="crumbTrail"/> or short, generated key pointing at <paramref name="crumbTrail"/>
in session</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.MaxLength">
Gets of sets the length above which any crumb will be stored on the Web server, the default
value is 500
<member name="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize">
Gets of sets the maximum number of crumb trails that will be held at any one time on the
Web server, the default value is 50
<member name="T:Navigation.Sorter">
Provides sorting functionality for any data-bound controls, typically used in conjunction with the
<see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSource"/> control.
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.CreateChildControls">
Creates the child controls that make up the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Renders the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.RenderContents(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Renders the contents of the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpressionKey">
Gets or sets the SortExpression <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpression">
Gets or sets the sort expression to <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortBy">
Gets or sets the column name to sort by
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.DefaultDescending">
Gets or sets whether the first time the sort is clicked the sort order is descending
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate">
Gets or sets whether sorting should cause a navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.PostBackHyperLink">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate"/> is true
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.ButtonType">
Gets or sets the button type.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate"/> is false
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Text">
Gets or sets the text
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.ImageUrl">
Gets or sets Url of the image.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.ButtonType"/> is <see cref="F:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ButtonType.Image"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Direction">
Gets the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.SortDirection"/> from the <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpression"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.State">
Configures state information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. A child
of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> element it represents a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/>
that can be visisted
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Transitions">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> children
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Parent">
Gets the parent <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> configuration item
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Index">
Gets the number of the state within its <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Parent"/> as read
sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Key">
Gets the key, unique within a <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Parent"/>, used by <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
and <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> elements to specify navigation configuration
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Page">
Gets the aspx page to display when navigating to this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobilePage">
Gets the aspx page to display for a mobile device navigating to this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.DefaultTypes">
Gets the default <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> <see cref="T:System.Type"/>'s for
this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Defaults">
Gets the default <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> for this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Title">
Gets the textual description of the state. The resourceType and resourceKey attributes can be
used for localization
<member name="P:Navigation.State.TrackCrumbTrail">
Gets a value that indicates whether to maintain crumb trail information
e.g <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Theme">
Gets the theme to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileTheme">
Gets the theme to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed for a mobile device
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Masters">
Gets the master pages to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileMasters">
Gets the master pages to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed for a mobile device
<member name="T:Navigation.StateAdapter">
Plugs the navigation framework into the ASP.NET <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> processing
and must be configured as the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Adapters.PageAdapter"/> in the
Browser.config file. This class is not used in a Unit Test environment.
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.DeterminePostBackMode">
Validates the incoming Url and if no state parameter c0 found will navigate to
the <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> whose path property matches the Url
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/> of the
postback variables, if any; otherwise null</returns>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">There is no query string state parameter, c0, and
the Url does not match the path of any <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; the page of
the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> does not match the Url path</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.LoadAdapterControlState(System.Object)">
Loads <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
saved by <see cref="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.SaveAdapterControlState"/> during a previous request
<param name="state">The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.SaveAdapterControlState">
Saves <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
so is available across post backs
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> data</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateContext">
Provides static properties for accessing context sensitive navigation information.
Holds the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>.
Also holds the previous <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> (this is not the same as the
previous <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>)
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> navigated away from to reach the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousDialog">
Gets the parent of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState"/> property
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.State">
Gets the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Dialog">
Gets the parent of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/> property
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> for the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/>.
It can be accessed directly or take part in data binding. Will become the data stored in
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> when part of a crumb trail
<member name="T:Navigation.StateController">
Manages all navigation. These can be forward using an action parameter; backward via
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>; or refreshing the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> and a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationLink(System.String)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> specified in the <paramref name="action"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationLink(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> specified in the <paramref name="action"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)">
Determines if the <paramref name="distance"/> specified is within the bounds of the crumb
trail represented by the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<returns>False if less than 1 or greater than the size of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection;
true otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateBack(System.Int32)">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateBack(System.Int32,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationBackLink(System.Int32)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail,
represented by the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> specified by the <paramref name="distance"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
data and a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationData)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationData,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetRefreshLink(Navigation.NavigationData)">
Gets a Url to navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs">
Gets a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> collection representing the crumb trail, ordered
oldest <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> first
<member name="P:Navigation.StateController.RefreshLink">
Gets a Url to navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> data
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1">
Represents a strongly typed collection of the items configurable via the Navigation/StateInfo
section. The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoConfig"/> class holds all these in
its <see cref="P:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.Dialogs"/> property
<typeparam name="T">Can be <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>, <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
or <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> type</typeparam>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> class with
serialized data
<param name="info">The object that holds the serialized object data</param>
<param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Get(System.String)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="key"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">Dialog Key</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Key">State Key</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">Transition Key</see> properties
<param name="key">Must match the key attribute of an item configurable via
the Navigation/StateInfo</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Get(System.Int32)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="index"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">Dialog Index</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Index">State Index</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">Transition Index</see> properties
<param name="index">Must match the number of the configurable item from the Navigation/StateInfo
as read sequentially within its parent node</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
Copies the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> entries to a one-dimensional Array
instance at the specified index
<param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that is the destination of
the state information configuration objects copied from <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/>.
The <see cref="T:System.Array"/> must have zero-based indexing</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="array"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is less than zero</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional; or <paramref name="index"/>
is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>; or the number of elements in the source
<see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index"/>
to the end of the destination array</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.GetEnumerator">
Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> that iterates through
the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> elements
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> for
the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/></returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Item(System.String)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="key"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">Dialog Key</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Key">State Key</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">Transition Key</see> properties
<param name="key">Must match the key attribute of an item configurable via
the Navigation/StateInfo</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="index"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">Dialog Index</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Index">State Index</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">Transition Index</see> properties
<param name="index">Must match the number of the configurable item from the Navigation/StateInfo
as read sequentially within its parent node</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoConfig">
Provides static access to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>, <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
and <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> configuration in the Navigation/StateInfo section
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.Dialogs">
Gets a collection of <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> information with their child
<see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> information and grandchild <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoSectionHandler">
Provides access to the Navigation/StateInfo section and is not intended to be used outside
of the Navigation framework
<member name="T:Navigation.Transition">
Configures transition information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. A child
of a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> element it represents a possible navigation from its
<see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/> to a sibling <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.To">
Gets the state to navigate to if the <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key"/> is passed as an action parameter
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent">
Gets the parent <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> configuration item
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">
Gets the number of the transition within its <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/> as read
sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">
Gets the key, unique within a <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/>, which is passed as the action
parameter to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> when navigating
<member name="T:Navigation.UrlException">
The exception thrown when an invalid Url is received. Invalid Urls must be as a result of
tampering and are typically detected by a custom <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationShield"/>
(or <see cref="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield"/>); also detected when a query string
parameter cannot be converted using the discovered <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class, setting
the message of the new instance to a system-supplied message that takes into account the
current system culture
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.String)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with the
specified error message
<param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that describes the error. The content
of <paramref name="message"/> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this
constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with serialized
<param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that describes the error. The content
of <paramref name="message"/> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this
constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system
<param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If
the <paramref name="innerException"/> is not a null reference, the current exception is raised
in a catch block that handles the inner exception</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with serialized
<param name="info">The object that holds the serialized object data</param>
<param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination</param>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield">
Protects Urls from tampering by appending a checksum to the query string. This is a string
generated from the other query string parameters so if one happens to change the checksum
should no longer match
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationShield">
Provides the base functionality for Url protection mechanisms e.g. to prevent tampering or
to obfuscate query string parameters. Regardless of the mechanism the state query string
parameter, c0, is always present
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)">
Overridden by derived classes to return a protected set of query string parameters
<param name="data">An unprotected set of key/value pairs prior to the formation
of the querty string</param>
<param name="historyPoint">Identifies if the Url is being built as a result of
a call to <see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.AddHistoryPoint(System.Web.UI.Page,Navigation.NavigationData,System.String)"/></param>
<returns>Protected set of query string parameters</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Decode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)">
Overridden by derived classes to return an unprotected set of query string parameters
<param name="data">A protected set of key/value pairs produced by the <see cref="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)"/>
<param name="historyPoint">Identifies if the Url is being decoded as a result of
a call to <see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateHistory(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)"/></param>
<returns>Unprotected set of query string parameters</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)">
Uses all the <paramref name="data"/> to generate a checksum and returns this data together
with this checksum
<param name="data">An unprotected set of key/value pairs prior to the formation
of the querty string</param>
<param name="historyPoint">Ignored parameter as <see cref="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield"/>
encodes all navigation and history points</param>
<returns>All query string parameters passed in <paramref name="data"/> together with
generated checksum</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Decode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)">
Uses the <paramref name="data"/> to check the query string has not been tampered with
<param name="data">Data generated by the <see cref="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)"/> method</param>
<param name="historyPoint">Ignored parameter as <see cref="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield"/>
encodes all navigation and history points</param>
<returns>All query string parameters passed in <paramref name="data"/> minus the
generated checksum</returns>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">Any <paramref name="data"/> key is null; or the checksum
does not tally</exception>
<member name="P:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Key">
Gets or sets key used in the checksum generation routine, should be kept secret to prevent
Url vulnerability
<member name="P:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Length">
Gets of sets length of the generated checksum, the default value is 8
<member name="T:Navigation.ConverterInfoSectionHandler">
Provides access to the Navigation/NavigationData section and is not intended to be used outside
of the Navigation framework
<member name="T:Navigation.Crumb">
Represents one piece of the crumb trail and holds the information need to return to and recreate
the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited. In a single crumb trail no two crumbs
can have the same <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> but all must have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.NavigationLink">
Gets the hyperlink navigation to return to the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> and pass
the associated <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data">
Gets the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see> held at the time of navigating
away from this <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Item(System.String)">
Gets values from <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/> for the specified <paramref name="key"/>.
A convenience property used in conjunction with <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/>
when data binding
<param name="key">Key to the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item</param>
<returns>Value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.State">
Gets the configuration information associated with this navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Title">
Gets the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> Title. A convenience property used in conjunction
with <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> when data binding
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Last">
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> is the last in the crumb trail
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource">
Provides a data source control that a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> can use to bind
to crumb trail data. A crumb trail is a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> list with each crumb
representing the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
required to return to and recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource.GetView(System.String)">
Retrieves the named data source view that is associated with the data source control
<param name="viewName">This parameter is ignored as only one view is supported</param>
<returns>An associated <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView">
Supports the <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> and provides an interface for data
bound controls to display a crumb trail. A crumb trail is a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> list with
each crumb representing the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
required to return to and recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.#ctor(Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView"/>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> this view is
associated with</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments)">
Iterates through the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contents of <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/>
<param name="arguments">This parameter is ignored</param>
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerable"/> list of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> items</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanInsert">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanDelete">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanUpdate">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister">
Provides the base functionality for crumb trail persistence mechanisms
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)">
Overridden by derived classes to return the persisted crumb trail
<param name="crumbTrail"> The key, returned from the <see cref="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)"/> method, to identify
the persisted crumb trail</param>
<returns>The crumb trail holding navigation and data information</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)">
Overridden by derived classes to persist the crumb trail
<param name="crumbTrail">The crumb trail holding navigation and data information</param>
<returns>The key to be passed to <see cref="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)"/> method for crumb trail retrieval</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.Dialog">
Configures dialog information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. Represents
a logical grouping of child <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> elements. Navigating across
different dialogs will initialise the crumb trail
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.States">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> children
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">
Gets the number of the dialog as read sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Initial">
Gets the state to navigate to if the <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key"/> is passed as an action parameter
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">
Gets the key, unique across dialogs, which is passed as the action
parameter to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> when navigating
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Title">
Gets the textual description of the dialog. The resourceType and resourceKey attributes can be
used for localization
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Path">
Gets the Url that will cause a navigation to the <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Initial"/> state. It should not
contain a query string although browsing to the Url with a query string will work and will pass
the query string data as per normal <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.HistoryNavigator">
Provides history navigation functionality, adding a history point whenever an item
in <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> changes
<member name="M:Navigation.HistoryNavigator.OnInit(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init"/> event
<param name="e">The event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.HistoryNavigator.OnPreRender(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="M:System.Web.UI.Control.OnPreRender(System.EventArgs)"/> event
<param name="e">The event data</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.HistoryNavigator.HistoryKeys">
Comma separated list of <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> items to track
for changes
<member name="P:Navigation.HistoryNavigator.StateKeys">
Comma separated list of <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> items to retain
during a history navigation
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationData">
Manages the data passed when navigating. It implements <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.IStateManager"/>
and so maintains this data across post backs (in control state). This data is accesssible from the
state context <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> property and can take part in data binding.
It is stored on each <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> in a crumb trail as it represents the data
required to recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> class
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> class containing
all the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Add(System.String,System.Object)">
Adds a new item to the underlying <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>, updating the item
if it already exists. If the <paramref name="value"/> is null the item is removed
<param name="key">The key for the navigation data item</param>
<param name="value">The value for navigation data item</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Remove(System.String)">
Removes the specified key/value pair from the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>. This
is the equivalent of setting the value to null
<param name="key"></param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Clear">
Removes all items from the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.GetEnumerator">
Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> that iterates through
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataItem"/> elements
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> for
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/></returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationData.Item(System.String)">
Gets or sets the value of an item stored in the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>
<param name="key">The key for the navigation data item</param>
<returns>The value for navigation data item</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs.
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.EvaluateExpression(System.Object,System.Web.UI.BoundPropertyEntry,System.Object,System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilderContext)">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs
<param name="target">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="entry">The property that the expression is bound to</param>
<param name="parsedData">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="context">Not used in this implementation</param>
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.GetCodeExpression(System.Web.UI.BoundPropertyEntry,System.Object,System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilderContext)">
Returns a code expression that is used to perform the property assignment in the generated page class
<param name="entry">The property that the expression is bound to</param>
<param name="parsedData">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="context">Not used in this implementation</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.CodeDom.CodeExpression"/> instance that is used in the property assignment</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.GetNavigationData(System.String)">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs
<param name="expression">The expression as specified in markup</param>
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The method was unable to parse the expression that was specified in markup</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.FormatException">A value was not in a format recognised by its corresponding type</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">A value represents a number that is out of the range of its corresponding type</exception>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataItem">
The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of items returned when enumerating
over <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataItem.Key">
Gets the key of the item
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataItem.Value">
Gets the value of the item
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter">
Binds the value of a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item to a parameter object
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor">
Initializes a new unnamed instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor(Navigation.NavigationDataParameter)">
Initializes a new unnamed instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
class, using the values of the instance that is specified by the <paramref name="original"/>
<param name="original">A <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/> instance from which
the current instance is initialized</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
Initializes a new named instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
class, using the <paramref name="key"/> to identify which <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
item to bind to. If the <paramref name="key"/> is null the <paramref name="name"/> will
be used instead
<param name="name">The name of the parameter</param>
<param name="key">The name of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item that the
parameter object is bound to</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Clone">
Returns a duplicate of the current <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/> instance
<returns>A duplicate of the current instance</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Evaluate(System.Web.HttpContext,System.Web.UI.Control)">
Returns the value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item identified by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Key"/>
<param name="context">The current <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/> instance of the
<param name="control">This parameter is ignored as not relevant</param>
<returns>The current value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item. If
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Reset"/> is true, it returns null</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Key">
Gets or sets the key of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item that the parameter
binds to. If this is null the Name property is used instead.
For scenarios where the key is only known at runtime, set the ControlID to point to the
Control holding the key
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Reset">
Gets or sets whether to reset the value of the parameter. If this is true the DefaultValue will always
be used
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource">
Provides a data source control that a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> can use to bind
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> contained in the
<see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>. Select and update functionality
is supported
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.GetView(System.String)">
Retrieves the named data source view that is associated with the data source control
<param name="viewName">This parameter is ignored as only one view is supported</param>
<returns>An associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.OnInit(System.EventArgs)">
Adds a <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Page.LoadComplete"/> event handler to the page that contains
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> control
<param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> that contains event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/>
and its associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<param name="savedState">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and its
associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/>
and its associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.TrackViewState">
Tracks view state changes of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and its
associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound values passed during an update should
be converted to null if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is ignored for <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.UpdateParameters"/> as their own
<see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter.ConvertEmptyStringToNull"/> value
will be used instead
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.SelectParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set default values to help with binding to
non-nullable <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.UpdateParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> values
not bound to <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView">
Supports the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and provides an
interface for data bound controls to select and update <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
contained in the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.#ctor(Navigation.NavigationDataSource,System.Web.HttpContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> this view is
associated with</param>
<param name="context">The current <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/></param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments)">
Provides access to the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>
set with any values specified in the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/> collection
<param name="arguments">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<returns>A copy of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ExecuteUpdate(System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary)">
Updates the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> using any
parameters that are supplied in the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters"/> and <paramref name="values"/>
<param name="keys">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<param name="values">A collection of bound <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> property values</param>
<param name="oldValues">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<returns>Returns 0 as irrelevant to return number of updated values</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/>
<param name="state">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.TrackViewState">
Causes the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/> object to track changes to its
view state so that the changes can be stored in the <see cref="P:System.Web.UI.Control.ViewState"/>
object for the control and persisted across requests for the same page
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound values passed during an update should
be converted to null if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is ignored for <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters"/> as their own
<see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter.ConvertEmptyStringToNull"/> value
will be used instead
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanInsert">
Gets a value of false as only select and update functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanDelete">
Gets a value of false as only select and update functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanUpdate">
Gets a value of true as <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> update
functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set default values to help with binding to
non-nullable <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> values
not bound to <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.IsTrackingViewState">
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
object is saving changes to its view state
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger">
Defines a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item as a trigger so that when it changes
it causes an <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel"/> to refresh
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.HasTriggered">
Returns a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item identified by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.Key"/> has changed
<returns>True if the item has changed; false otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.Initialize">
Stores the initial value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item identified by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.Key"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.Key">
Gets or sets the key of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDirection">
Specifies the direction of navigation performed by the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>.
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward">
Navigates either to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Back">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink">
A control that displays a link that navigates to another <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. This can be
forward using an action parameter; backward via a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>; or refreshing the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>.
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.AddAttributesToRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Sets the Url depending on the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> and adds the attributes of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> control to the output stream for rendering
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
<param name="savedState">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.OnClick(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Click"/> event.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<param name="e"><see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> containing the event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.OnCommand(System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<param name="e"><see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs"/> containing the event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.RaisePostBackEvent(System.String)">
Updates <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
posts back to the server
<param name="eventArgument">The argument for the event</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData">
Gets or sets the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
or <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.IncludeCurrentData">
Gets or sets whether to include the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> together
with the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
or <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData"/> values should be converted to null
if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Action">
Gets or sets the key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Distance">
Gets or sets the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back, starting at 1.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Back"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction">
Gets or sets the direction of the navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.InertCssClass">
Gets or sets the CSS class to apply when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.DisableInert">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> when
it is <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandName">
Gets or sets the command name. This value is passed to the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event handler along with the
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandArgument"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandArgument">
Gets or sets the command argument. This value is passed to the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event handler along with the
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandName"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.FragmentIdentifier">
Gets or sets an anchor identifying a specific location within the HTML
<member name="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Click">
Occurs when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is clicked.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command">
Occurs when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is clicked.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Link">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> depending on the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/>.
This can be forward using an action parameter; backward via a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>;
or refreshing the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert">
Gets a value indicating whether clicking the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> will leave
the state context <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/> and <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationMode">
Determines how a navigation performed by the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> is executed
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Client">
Navigates via a <see cref="M:System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect(System.String,System.Boolean)">Response Redirect</see>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Server">
Navigates via a <see cref="M:System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(System.String)">Server Transfer</see>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Mock">
Navigates without executing a request for the new <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/>. This mode is
automatically used in a Unit Test environment but can be manually used in a Web environment
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationSettings">
Provides access to the Navigation Settings configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationSettings.OriginalUrlSeparators">
Gets or sets whether to revert to using ! and _ as separators in the Url
<member name="T:Navigation.Pager">
Provides paging functionality for any data-bound controls, typically used in conjunction with the
<see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSource"/> control.
<member name="M:Navigation.Pager.FindPageableItemContainer">
Returns a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.IPageableItemContainer"/> that gets and sets paging
information from <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
<returns><see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.IPageableItemContainer"/> that gets and sets paging
information from <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.Pager.OnInit(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init"/> event
<param name="e">The event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.Pager.AddAttributesToRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Rewrites Urls as Navigation Urls if QueryStringField is populated and adds the attributes of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Pager"/> control to the output stream for rendering
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.Pager.RaisePostBackEvent(System.String)">
Sets the paging data in <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> when the
<see cref="T:Navigation.Pager"/>'s hyperlinks post back to the server
<param name="eventArgument">The argument for the event</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.Pager.StartRowIndexKey">
Gets or sets the StartRowIndex <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Pager.MaximumRowsKey">
Gets or sets the MaximumRows <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Pager.TotalRowCountKey">
Gets or sets the TotalRowCount <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Pager.PostBackHyperLink">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if QueryStringField is populated
<member name="T:Navigation.Properties.Resources">
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager">
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.Culture">
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DialogAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a Dialog.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateDialogKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A Dialog with key {0} already exists.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateStateKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A State with key {0} already exists for Dialog {1}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateTransitionKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A Transition with key {0} already exists for State {1}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidAction">
Looks up a localized string similar to The action parameter must be a Dialog key or a Transition key that is a child of the current State.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidConversion">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} cannot convert to and from a string.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidConverterAttribute">
Looks up a localized string similar to Navigation Data converter {0} is not valid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidDialogInitialKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} Dialog&apos;s initial key of {1} does not match a child State key.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidDistance">
Looks up a localized string similar to The distance parameter must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of Crumbs ({0}).
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidEnumerableNavigationData">
Looks up a localized string similar to ArrayList and Generic List are the only valid enumerable types in NavigationData.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidExpression">
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid expression, NavigationDataExpressionBuilder expects a string with format: Key1=Value1,Key2?type=Value2.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidNavigationData">
Looks up a localized string similar to No TypeConverter found for {0}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidRouteData">
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid route data, a mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidTransitionToKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} State&apos;s Transition to key of {1} does not match a sibling State key.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidTypeAttribute">
Looks up a localized string similar to Navigation Data type {0} is not valid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidUrl">
Looks up a localized string similar to The Url is invalid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.ScriptManagerMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to The ScriptManager must appear on the Page before the HistoryNavigator.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.StateAttributeInvalid">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} State&apos;s {1} attribute is invalid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.StateAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a State.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.TransitionAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a Transition.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.TypeAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to type is a mandatory attribute for Navigation Data.
<member name="T:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister">
Persists crumb trails, over a specified length, in <see cref="P:System.Web.HttpContext.Session"/> on
the Web server. Prevents the creation of unmanageably long Urls
<member name="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)">
Uses the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> parameter to determine whether to retrieve the crumb
trail from <see cref="P:System.Web.HttpContext.Session"/>. If retrieved from session it will be
null if it had been removed as a result of the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize"/> being breached or
if the session expired since the crumb trail was added
<param name="crumbTrail">Key generated by the <see cref="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)"/> method</param>
<returns>Either the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> or the retrieved value from server side session; can
be null if retrieved from session
<member name="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)">
If the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> is not over the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.MaxLength"/> it is returned.
Otherwise the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> is stored in session using a short key, unique
within a given session. Also expunges old items from session, if the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize"/>
is breached when a new item is added
<param name="crumbTrail">The crumb trail to persist</param>
<returns><paramref name="crumbTrail"/> or short, generated key pointing at <paramref name="crumbTrail"/>
in session</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.MaxLength">
Gets of sets the length above which any crumb will be stored on the Web server, the default
value is 500
<member name="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize">
Gets of sets the maximum number of crumb trails that will be held at any one time on the
Web server, the default value is 50
<member name="T:Navigation.Sorter">
Provides sorting functionality for any data-bound controls, typically used in conjunction with the
<see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSource"/> control.
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.CreateChildControls">
Creates the child controls that make up the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Renders the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.RenderContents(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Renders the contents of the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpressionKey">
Gets or sets the SortExpression <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpression">
Gets or sets the sort expression to <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortBy">
Gets or sets the column name to sort by
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.DefaultDescending">
Gets or sets whether the first time the sort is clicked the sort order is descending
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate">
Gets or sets whether sorting should cause a navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.PostBackHyperLink">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate"/> is true
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.ButtonType">
Gets or sets the button type.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate"/> is false
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Text">
Gets or sets the text
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.ImageUrl">
Gets or sets Url of the image.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.ButtonType"/> is <see cref="F:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ButtonType.Image"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Direction">
Gets the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.SortDirection"/> from the <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpression"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.State">
Configures state information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. A child
of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> element it represents a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/>
that can be visisted
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Transitions">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> children
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Parent">
Gets the parent <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> configuration item
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Index">
Gets the number of the state within its <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Parent"/> as read
sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Key">
Gets the key, unique within a <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Parent"/>, used by <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
and <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> elements to specify navigation configuration
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Page">
Gets the aspx page to display when navigating to this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobilePage">
Gets the aspx page to display for a mobile device navigating to this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.DefaultTypes">
Gets the default <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> <see cref="T:System.Type"/>'s for
this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Defaults">
Gets the default <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> for this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Title">
Gets the textual description of the state. The resourceType and resourceKey attributes can be
used for localization
<member name="P:Navigation.State.TrackCrumbTrail">
Gets a value that indicates whether to maintain crumb trail information
e.g <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Theme">
Gets the theme to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileTheme">
Gets the theme to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed for a mobile device
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Masters">
Gets the master pages to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileMasters">
Gets the master pages to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed for a mobile device
<member name="T:Navigation.StateAdapter">
Plugs the navigation framework into the ASP.NET <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> processing
and must be configured as the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Adapters.PageAdapter"/> in the
Browser.config file. This class is not used in a Unit Test environment.
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.DeterminePostBackMode">
Validates the incoming Url and if no state parameter c0 found will navigate to
the <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> whose path property matches the Url
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/> of the
postback variables, if any; otherwise null</returns>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">There is no query string state parameter, c0, and
the Url does not match the path of any <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; the page of
the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> does not match the Url path</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.LoadAdapterControlState(System.Object)">
Loads <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
saved by <see cref="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.SaveAdapterControlState"/> during a previous request
<param name="state">The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.SaveAdapterControlState">
Saves <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
so is available across post backs
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> data</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateContext">
Provides static properties for accessing context sensitive navigation information.
Holds the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>.
Also holds the previous <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> (this is not the same as the
previous <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>)
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> navigated away from to reach the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousDialog">
Gets the parent of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState"/> property
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.State">
Gets the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Dialog">
Gets the parent of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/> property
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> for the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/>.
It can be accessed directly or take part in data binding. Will become the data stored in
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> when part of a crumb trail
<member name="T:Navigation.StateController">
Manages all navigation. These can be forward using an action parameter; backward via
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>; refreshing the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>;
or adding/restoring a history point.
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> and a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationLink(System.String)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> specified in the <paramref name="action"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationLink(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> specified in the <paramref name="action"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)">
Determines if the <paramref name="distance"/> specified is within the bounds of the crumb
trail represented by the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<returns>False if less than 1 or greater than the size of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection;
true otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateBack(System.Int32)">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateBack(System.Int32,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationBackLink(System.Int32)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail,
represented by the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> specified by the <paramref name="distance"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
data and a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationData)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationData,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetRefreshLink(Navigation.NavigationData)">
Gets a Url to navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.AddHistoryPoint(System.Web.UI.Page,System.String)">
Wraps the ASP.NET <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.ScriptManager"/> history point functionality.
Adds a history point passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="page">Current <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/></param>
<param name="title">Title for history point</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="page"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.AddHistoryPoint(System.Web.UI.Page,Navigation.NavigationData,System.String)">
Wraps the ASP.NET <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.ScriptManager"/> history point functionality.
<param name="page">Current <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> used to create the history point</param>
<param name="title">Title for history point</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="page"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateHistory(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Responds to a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.ScriptManager"/> history navigation handler and restores the
<paramref name="data"/> saved by <see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.AddHistoryPoint(System.Web.UI.Page,Navigation.NavigationData,System.String)"/>
method to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/>
<param name="data">Saved <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> to restore</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="data"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">There is data that cannot be converted from a <see cref="T:System.String"/>;
or the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationShield"/> detects tampering</exception>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs">
Gets a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> collection representing the crumb trail, ordered
oldest <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> first
<member name="P:Navigation.StateController.RefreshLink">
Gets a Url to navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> data
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1">
Represents a strongly typed collection of the items configurable via the Navigation/StateInfo
section. The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoConfig"/> class holds all these in
its <see cref="P:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.Dialogs"/> property
<typeparam name="T">Can be <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>, <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
or <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> type</typeparam>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> class with
serialized data
<param name="info">The object that holds the serialized object data</param>
<param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Get(System.String)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="key"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">Dialog Key</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Key">State Key</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">Transition Key</see> properties
<param name="key">Must match the key attribute of an item configurable via
the Navigation/StateInfo</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Get(System.Int32)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="index"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">Dialog Index</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Index">State Index</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">Transition Index</see> properties
<param name="index">Must match the number of the configurable item from the Navigation/StateInfo
as read sequentially within its parent node</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
Copies the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> entries to a one-dimensional Array
instance at the specified index
<param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that is the destination of
the state information configuration objects copied from <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/>.
The <see cref="T:System.Array"/> must have zero-based indexing</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="array"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is less than zero</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional; or <paramref name="index"/>
is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>; or the number of elements in the source
<see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index"/>
to the end of the destination array</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.GetEnumerator">
Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> that iterates through
the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> elements
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> for
the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/></returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Item(System.String)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="key"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">Dialog Key</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Key">State Key</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">Transition Key</see> properties
<param name="key">Must match the key attribute of an item configurable via
the Navigation/StateInfo</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="index"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">Dialog Index</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Index">State Index</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">Transition Index</see> properties
<param name="index">Must match the number of the configurable item from the Navigation/StateInfo
as read sequentially within its parent node</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoConfig">
Provides static access to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>, <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
and <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> configuration in the Navigation/StateInfo section
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.Dialogs">
Gets a collection of <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> information with their child
<see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> information and grandchild <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoSectionHandler">
Provides access to the Navigation/StateInfo section and is not intended to be used outside
of the Navigation framework
<member name="T:Navigation.Transition">
Configures transition information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. A child
of a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> element it represents a possible navigation from its
<see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/> to a sibling <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.To">
Gets the state to navigate to if the <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key"/> is passed as an action parameter
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent">
Gets the parent <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> configuration item
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">
Gets the number of the transition within its <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/> as read
sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">
Gets the key, unique within a <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/>, which is passed as the action
parameter to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> when navigating
<member name="T:Navigation.UrlException">
The exception thrown when an invalid Url is received. Invalid Urls must be as a result of
tampering and are typically detected by a custom <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationShield"/>
(or <see cref="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield"/>); also detected when a query string
parameter cannot be converted using the discovered <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class, setting
the message of the new instance to a system-supplied message that takes into account the
current system culture
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.String)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with the
specified error message
<param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that describes the error. The content
of <paramref name="message"/> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this
constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with serialized
<param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that describes the error. The content
of <paramref name="message"/> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this
constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system
<param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If
the <paramref name="innerException"/> is not a null reference, the current exception is raised
in a catch block that handles the inner exception</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with serialized
<param name="info">The object that holds the serialized object data</param>
<param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination</param>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield">
Protects Urls from tampering by appending a checksum to the query string. This is a string
generated from the other query string parameters so if one happens to change the checksum
should no longer match
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationShield">
Provides the base functionality for Url protection mechanisms e.g. to prevent tampering or
to obfuscate query string parameters. Regardless of the mechanism the state query string
parameter, c0, is always present
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)">
Overridden by derived classes to return a protected set of query string parameters
<param name="data">An unprotected set of key/value pairs prior to the formation
of the querty string</param>
<param name="historyPoint">Identifies if the Url is being built as a result of
a call to <see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.AddHistoryPoint(System.Web.UI.Page,Navigation.NavigationData,System.String)"/></param>
<returns>Protected set of query string parameters</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Decode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)">
Overridden by derived classes to return an unprotected set of query string parameters
<param name="data">A protected set of key/value pairs produced by the <see cref="M:Navigation.NavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)"/>
<param name="historyPoint">Identifies if the Url is being decoded as a result of
a call to <see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateHistory(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)"/></param>
<returns>Unprotected set of query string parameters</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)">
Uses all the <paramref name="data"/> to generate a checksum and returns this data together
with this checksum
<param name="data">An unprotected set of key/value pairs prior to the formation
of the querty string</param>
<param name="historyPoint">Ignored parameter as <see cref="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield"/>
encodes all navigation and history points</param>
<returns>All query string parameters passed in <paramref name="data"/> together with
generated checksum</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Decode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)">
Uses the <paramref name="data"/> to check the query string has not been tampered with
<param name="data">Data generated by the <see cref="M:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Encode(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.Boolean)"/> method</param>
<param name="historyPoint">Ignored parameter as <see cref="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield"/>
encodes all navigation and history points</param>
<returns>All query string parameters passed in <paramref name="data"/> minus the
generated checksum</returns>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">Any <paramref name="data"/> key is null; or the checksum
does not tally</exception>
<member name="P:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Key">
Gets or sets key used in the checksum generation routine, should be kept secret to prevent
Url vulnerability
<member name="P:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield.Length">
Gets of sets length of the generated checksum, the default value is 8
<member name="T:Navigation.ConverterInfoSectionHandler">
Provides access to the Navigation/NavigationData section and is not intended to be used outside
of the Navigation framework
<member name="T:Navigation.Crumb">
Represents one piece of the crumb trail and holds the information need to return to and recreate
the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited. In a single crumb trail no two crumbs
can have the same <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> but all must have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.NavigationLink">
Gets the hyperlink navigation to return to the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> and pass
the associated <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data">
Gets the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see> held at the time of navigating
away from this <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Bag">
Gets the dynamic <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationData.Bag"/> for the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Item(System.String)">
Gets values from <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.Data"/> for the specified <paramref name="key"/>.
A convenience property used in conjunction with <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/>
when data binding
<param name="key">Key to the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item</param>
<returns>Value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.State">
Gets the configuration information associated with this navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Title">
Gets the <see cref="P:Navigation.Crumb.State"/> Title. A convenience property used in conjunction
with <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> when data binding
<member name="P:Navigation.Crumb.Last">
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> is the last in the crumb trail
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource">
Provides a data source control that a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> can use to bind
to crumb trail data. A crumb trail is a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> list with each crumb
representing the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
required to return to and recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource.GetView(System.String)">
Retrieves the named data source view that is associated with the data source control
<param name="viewName">This parameter is ignored as only one view is supported</param>
<returns>An associated <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView">
Supports the <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> and provides an interface for data
bound controls to display a crumb trail. A crumb trail is a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> list with
each crumb representing the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
required to return to and recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.#ctor(Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView"/>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSource"/> this view is
associated with</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments)">
Iterates through the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contents of <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/>
<param name="arguments">This parameter is ignored</param>
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerable"/> list of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> items</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanInsert">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanDelete">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.CrumbTrailDataSourceView.CanUpdate">
Gets a value of false as only select functionality is supported
<member name="T:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister">
Provides the base functionality for crumb trail persistence mechanisms
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)">
Overridden by derived classes to return the persisted crumb trail
<param name="crumbTrail"> The key, returned from the <see cref="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)"/> method, to identify
the persisted crumb trail</param>
<returns>The crumb trail holding navigation and data information</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)">
Overridden by derived classes to persist the crumb trail
<param name="crumbTrail">The crumb trail holding navigation and data information</param>
<returns>The key to be passed to <see cref="M:Navigation.CrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)"/> method for crumb trail retrieval</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.Dialog">
Configures dialog information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. Represents
a logical grouping of child <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> elements. Navigating across
different dialogs will initialise the crumb trail
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.States">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> children
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">
Gets the number of the dialog as read sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Initial">
Gets the state to navigate to if the <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key"/> is passed as an action parameter
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">
Gets the key, unique across dialogs, which is passed as the action
parameter to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> when navigating
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Title">
Gets the textual description of the dialog. The resourceType and resourceKey attributes can be
used for localization
<member name="P:Navigation.Dialog.Path">
Gets the Url that will cause a navigation to the <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Initial"/> state. It should not
contain a query string although browsing to the Url with a query string will work and will pass
the query string data as per normal <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.HistoryNavigator">
Provides history navigation functionality, adding a history point whenever an item
in <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> changes
<member name="M:Navigation.HistoryNavigator.OnInit(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init"/> event
<param name="e">The event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.HistoryNavigator.OnPreRender(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="M:System.Web.UI.Control.OnPreRender(System.EventArgs)"/> event
<param name="e">The event data</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.HistoryNavigator.HistoryKeys">
Comma separated list of <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> items to track
for changes
<member name="P:Navigation.HistoryNavigator.StateKeys">
Comma separated list of <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> items to retain
during a history navigation
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationData">
Manages the data passed when navigating. It implements <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.IStateManager"/>
and so maintains this data across post backs (in control state). This data is accesssible from the
state context <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> property and can take part in data binding.
It is stored on each <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> in a crumb trail as it represents the data
required to recreate the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> as previously visited
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> class
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> class containing
all the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Add(System.String,System.Object)">
Adds a new item to the underlying <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>, updating the item
if it already exists. If the <paramref name="value"/> is null the item is removed
<param name="key">The key for the navigation data item</param>
<param name="value">The value for navigation data item</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Remove(System.String)">
Removes the specified key/value pair from the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>. This
is the equivalent of setting the value to null
<param name="key"></param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.Clear">
Removes all items from the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationData.GetEnumerator">
Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> that iterates through
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataItem"/> elements
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> for
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/></returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationData.Item(System.String)">
Gets or sets the value of an item stored in the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.StateBag"/>
<param name="key">The key for the navigation data item</param>
<returns>The value for navigation data item</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationData.Bag">
Gets the dynamic <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs.
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.EvaluateExpression(System.Object,System.Web.UI.BoundPropertyEntry,System.Object,System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilderContext)">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs
<param name="target">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="entry">The property that the expression is bound to</param>
<param name="parsedData">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="context">Not used in this implementation</param>
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.GetCodeExpression(System.Web.UI.BoundPropertyEntry,System.Object,System.Web.Compilation.ExpressionBuilderContext)">
Returns a code expression that is used to perform the property assignment in the generated page class
<param name="entry">The property that the expression is bound to</param>
<param name="parsedData">Not used in this implementation</param>
<param name="context">Not used in this implementation</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.CodeDom.CodeExpression"/> instance that is used in the property assignment</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder.GetNavigationData(System.String)">
Creates <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs
<param name="expression">The expression as specified in markup</param>
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that corresponds to specified key/value pairs</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The method was unable to parse the expression that was specified in markup</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.FormatException">A value was not in a format recognised by its corresponding type</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">A value represents a number that is out of the range of its corresponding type</exception>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataItem">
The <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of items returned when enumerating
over <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataItem.Key">
Gets the key of the item
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataItem.Value">
Gets the value of the item
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter">
Binds the value of a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item to a parameter object
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor">
Initializes a new unnamed instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor(Navigation.NavigationDataParameter)">
Initializes a new unnamed instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
class, using the values of the instance that is specified by the <paramref name="original"/>
<param name="original">A <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/> instance from which
the current instance is initialized</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
Initializes a new named instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/>
class, using the <paramref name="key"/> to identify which <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
item to bind to. If the <paramref name="key"/> is null the <paramref name="name"/> will
be used instead
<param name="name">The name of the parameter</param>
<param name="key">The name of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item that the
parameter object is bound to</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Clone">
Returns a duplicate of the current <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter"/> instance
<returns>A duplicate of the current instance</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Evaluate(System.Web.HttpContext,System.Web.UI.Control)">
Returns the value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item identified by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Key"/>
<param name="context">The current <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/> instance of the
<param name="control">This parameter is ignored as not relevant</param>
<returns>The current value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item. If
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Reset"/> is true, it returns null</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Key">
Gets or sets the key of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item that the parameter
binds to. If this is null the Name property is used instead.
For scenarios where the key is only known at runtime, set the ControlID to point to the
Control holding the key
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataParameter.Reset">
Gets or sets whether to reset the value of the parameter. If this is true the DefaultValue will always
be used
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource">
Provides a data source control that a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> can use to bind
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> contained in the
<see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>. Select and update functionality
is supported
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.GetView(System.String)">
Retrieves the named data source view that is associated with the data source control
<param name="viewName">This parameter is ignored as only one view is supported</param>
<returns>An associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.OnInit(System.EventArgs)">
Adds a <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Page.LoadComplete"/> event handler to the page that contains
the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> control
<param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> that contains event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/>
and its associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<param name="savedState">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and its
associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/>
and its associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.TrackViewState">
Tracks view state changes of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and its
associated <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound values passed during an update should
be converted to null if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is ignored for <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.UpdateParameters"/> as their own
<see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter.ConvertEmptyStringToNull"/> value
will be used instead
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.SelectParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set default values to help with binding to
non-nullable <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSource.UpdateParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> values
not bound to <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView">
Supports the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> and provides an
interface for data bound controls to select and update <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
contained in the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.#ctor(Navigation.NavigationDataSource,System.Web.HttpContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
<param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSource"/> this view is
associated with</param>
<param name="context">The current <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/></param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments)">
Provides access to the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see>
set with any values specified in the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/> collection
<param name="arguments">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<returns>A copy of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ExecuteUpdate(System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary)">
Updates the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> using any
parameters that are supplied in the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters"/> and <paramref name="values"/>
<param name="keys">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<param name="values">A collection of bound <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> property values</param>
<param name="oldValues">This parameter is ignored as <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
only supports getting values by key</param>
<returns>Returns 0 as irrelevant to return number of updated values</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/>
<param name="state">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.TrackViewState">
Causes the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/> object to track changes to its
view state so that the changes can be stored in the <see cref="P:System.Web.UI.Control.ViewState"/>
object for the control and persisted across requests for the same page
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound values passed during an update should
be converted to null if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is ignored for <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters"/> as their own
<see cref="P:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter.ConvertEmptyStringToNull"/> value
will be used instead
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanInsert">
Gets a value of false as only select and update functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanDelete">
Gets a value of false as only select and update functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.CanUpdate">
Gets a value of true as <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> update
functionality is supported
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.SelectParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set default values to help with binding to
non-nullable <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.UpdateParameters">
Gets the parameters collection used to set <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/> values
not bound to <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Control"/> properties
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView.IsTrackingViewState">
Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationDataSourceView"/>
object is saving changes to its view state
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger">
Defines a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item as a trigger so that when it changes
it causes an <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel"/> to refresh
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.HasTriggered">
Returns a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item identified by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.Key"/> has changed
<returns>True if the item has changed; false otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.Initialize">
Stores the initial value of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item identified by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.Key"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationDataTrigger.Key">
Gets or sets the key of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> item
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationDirection">
Specifies the direction of navigation performed by the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>.
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward">
Navigates either to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Back">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink">
A control that displays a link that navigates to another <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. This can be
forward using an action parameter; backward via a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>; or refreshing the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>.
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.AddAttributesToRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Sets the Url depending on the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> and adds the attributes of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> control to the output stream for rendering
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.LoadViewState(System.Object)">
Loads the previously saved view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
<param name="savedState">The saved view state values for the control</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.SaveViewState">
Saves the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
<returns>Returns the view state of the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.OnClick(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Click"/> event.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<param name="e"><see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> containing the event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.OnCommand(System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<param name="e"><see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs"/> containing the event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.RaisePostBackEvent(System.String)">
Updates <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/>
posts back to the server
<param name="eventArgument">The argument for the event</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData">
Gets or sets the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
or <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.IncludeCurrentData">
Gets or sets whether to include the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> together
with the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
or <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ConvertEmptyStringToNull">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.ToData"/> values should be converted to null
if they are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Action">
Gets or sets the key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Forward"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Distance">
Gets or sets the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back, starting at 1.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Back"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction">
Gets or sets the direction of the navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.InertCssClass">
Gets or sets the CSS class to apply when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.DisableInert">
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> when
it is <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandName">
Gets or sets the command name. This value is passed to the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event handler along with the
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandArgument"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandArgument">
Gets or sets the command argument. This value is passed to the <see cref="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command"/> event handler along with the
<see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.CommandName"/>.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.FragmentIdentifier">
Gets or sets an anchor identifying a specific location within the HTML
<member name="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Click">
Occurs when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is clicked.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="E:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Command">
Occurs when the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> is clicked.
This is only relevant if the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/> is <see cref="F:Navigation.NavigationDirection.Refresh"/>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.PostBack"/> is set to true and javascript is on
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Link">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> depending on the <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Direction"/>.
This can be forward using an action parameter; backward via a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>;
or refreshing the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink.Inert">
Gets a value indicating whether clicking the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationHyperLink"/> will leave
the state context <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/> and <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationMode">
Determines how a navigation performed by the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> is executed
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Client">
Navigates via a <see cref="M:System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect(System.String,System.Boolean)">Response Redirect</see>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Server">
Navigates via a <see cref="M:System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(System.String)">Server Transfer</see>
<member name="F:Navigation.NavigationMode.Mock">
Navigates without executing a request for the new <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/>. This mode is
automatically used in a Unit Test environment but can be manually used in a Web environment
<member name="T:Navigation.NavigationSettings">
Provides access to the Navigation Settings configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.NavigationSettings.OriginalUrlSeparators">
Gets or sets whether to revert to using ! and _ as separators in the Url
<member name="T:Navigation.Pager">
Provides paging functionality for any data-bound controls, typically used in conjunction with the
<see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSource"/> control.
<member name="M:Navigation.Pager.FindPageableItemContainer">
Returns a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.IPageableItemContainer"/> that gets and sets paging
information from <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
<returns><see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.IPageableItemContainer"/> that gets and sets paging
information from <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see></returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.Pager.OnInit(System.EventArgs)">
Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Init"/> event
<param name="e">The event data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.Pager.AddAttributesToRender(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Rewrites Urls as Navigation Urls if QueryStringField is populated and adds the attributes of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Pager"/> control to the output stream for rendering
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.Pager.RaisePostBackEvent(System.String)">
Sets the paging data in <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">State Context</see> when the
<see cref="T:Navigation.Pager"/>'s hyperlinks post back to the server
<param name="eventArgument">The argument for the event</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.Pager.StartRowIndexKey">
Gets or sets the StartRowIndex <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Pager.MaximumRowsKey">
Gets or sets the MaximumRows <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Pager.TotalRowCountKey">
Gets or sets the TotalRowCount <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Pager.PostBackHyperLink">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if QueryStringField is populated
<member name="T:Navigation.Properties.Resources">
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager">
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.Culture">
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DialogAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a Dialog.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateDialogKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A Dialog with key {0} already exists.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateStateKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A State with key {0} already exists for Dialog {1}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.DuplicateTransitionKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to A Transition with key {0} already exists for State {1}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidAction">
Looks up a localized string similar to The action parameter must be a Dialog key or a Transition key that is a child of the current State.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidConversion">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} cannot convert to and from a string.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidConverterAttribute">
Looks up a localized string similar to Navigation Data converter {0} is not valid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidDialogInitialKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} Dialog&apos;s initial key of {1} does not match a child State key.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidDistance">
Looks up a localized string similar to The distance parameter must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of Crumbs ({0}).
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidEnumerableNavigationData">
Looks up a localized string similar to ArrayList and Generic List are the only valid enumerable types in NavigationData.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidExpression">
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid expression, NavigationDataExpressionBuilder expects a string with format: Key1=Value1,Key2?type=Value2.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidNavigationData">
Looks up a localized string similar to No TypeConverter found for {0}.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidRouteData">
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid route data, a mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidTransitionToKey">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} State&apos;s Transition to key of {1} does not match a sibling State key.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidTypeAttribute">
Looks up a localized string similar to Navigation Data type {0} is not valid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.InvalidUrl">
Looks up a localized string similar to The Url is invalid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.ScriptManagerMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to The ScriptManager must appear on the Page before the HistoryNavigator.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.StateAttributeInvalid">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} State&apos;s {1} attribute is invalid.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.StateAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a State.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.TransitionAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} is a mandatory attribute for a Transition.
<member name="P:Navigation.Properties.Resources.TypeAttributeMissing">
Looks up a localized string similar to type is a mandatory attribute for Navigation Data.
<member name="T:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister">
Persists crumb trails, over a specified length, in <see cref="P:System.Web.HttpContext.Session"/> on
the Web server. Prevents the creation of unmanageably long Urls
<member name="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Load(System.String)">
Uses the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> parameter to determine whether to retrieve the crumb
trail from <see cref="P:System.Web.HttpContext.Session"/>. If retrieved from session it will be
null if it had been removed as a result of the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize"/> being breached or
if the session expired since the crumb trail was added
<param name="crumbTrail">Key generated by the <see cref="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)"/> method</param>
<returns>Either the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> or the retrieved value from server side session; can
be null if retrieved from session
<member name="M:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.Save(System.String)">
If the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> is not over the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.MaxLength"/> it is returned.
Otherwise the <paramref name="crumbTrail"/> is stored in session using a short key, unique
within a given session. Also expunges old items from session, if the <see cref="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize"/>
is breached when a new item is added
<param name="crumbTrail">The crumb trail to persist</param>
<returns><paramref name="crumbTrail"/> or short, generated key pointing at <paramref name="crumbTrail"/>
in session</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.MaxLength">
Gets of sets the length above which any crumb will be stored on the Web server, the default
value is 500
<member name="P:Navigation.SessionCrumbTrailPersister.HistorySize">
Gets of sets the maximum number of crumb trails that will be held at any one time on the
Web server, the default value is 50
<member name="T:Navigation.Sorter">
Provides sorting functionality for any data-bound controls, typically used in conjunction with the
<see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSource"/> control.
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.CreateChildControls">
Creates the child controls that make up the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Renders the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.Sorter.RenderContents(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)">
Renders the contents of the <see cref="T:Navigation.Sorter"/> control to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
<param name="writer">The output stream to render on the client</param>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpressionKey">
Gets or sets the SortExpression <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> key
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpression">
Gets or sets the sort expression to <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortBy">
Gets or sets the column name to sort by
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.DefaultDescending">
Gets or sets whether the first time the sort is clicked the sort order is descending
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate">
Gets or sets whether sorting should cause a navigation
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.PostBackHyperLink">
Gets or sets whether clicking the hyperlink will cause a PostBack if javascript is on. Can be used in conjunction
with ASP.NET Ajax to implement the Single-Page Interface pattern that works with javascript off.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate"/> is true
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.ButtonType">
Gets or sets the button type.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.Navigate"/> is false
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Text">
Gets or sets the text
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.ImageUrl">
Gets or sets Url of the image.
This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.ButtonType"/> is <see cref="F:System.Web.UI.WebControls.ButtonType.Image"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Sorter.Direction">
Gets the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.SortDirection"/> from the <see cref="P:Navigation.Sorter.SortExpression"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.State">
Configures state information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. A child
of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> element it represents a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/>
that can be visisted
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Transitions">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> children
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Parent">
Gets the parent <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> configuration item
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Index">
Gets the number of the state within its <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Parent"/> as read
sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Key">
Gets the key, unique within a <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Parent"/>, used by <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
and <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> elements to specify navigation configuration
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Page">
Gets the aspx page to display when navigating to this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobilePage">
Gets the aspx page to display for a mobile device navigating to this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.DefaultTypes">
Gets the default <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> <see cref="T:System.Type"/>'s for
this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Defaults">
Gets the default <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> for this <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Title">
Gets the textual description of the state. The resourceType and resourceKey attributes can be
used for localization
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Route">
Gets the route Url pattern
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileRoute">
Gets the mobile device route Url pattern
<member name="P:Navigation.State.TrackCrumbTrail">
Gets a value that indicates whether to maintain crumb trail information
e.g <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState"/>. This can be used together
with <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Route"/> to produce user friendly Urls
<member name="P:Navigation.State.CheckPhysicalUrlAccess">
Gets a value that indicates whether ASP.NET should validate that the user has authority to access the
physical <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/>. This is only relevant if <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Route"/> or <see cref="P:Navigation.State.MobileRoute"/>
is set
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Theme">
Gets the theme to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileTheme">
Gets the theme to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed for a mobile device
<member name="P:Navigation.State.Masters">
Gets the master pages to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed
<member name="P:Navigation.State.MobileMasters">
Gets the master pages to assign to the <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Page"/> when displayed for a mobile device
<member name="T:Navigation.StateAdapter">
Plugs the navigation framework into the ASP.NET <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/> processing
and must be configured as the <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Adapters.PageAdapter"/> in the
Browser.config file. This class is not used in a Unit Test environment.
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.DeterminePostBackMode">
Validates the incoming Url and if no state parameter c0 found will navigate to
the <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> whose path property matches the Url
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/> of the
postback variables, if any; otherwise null</returns>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">There is no query string state parameter, c0, and
the Url does not match the path of any <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; the page of
the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> does not match the Url path</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.LoadAdapterControlState(System.Object)">
Loads <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
saved by <see cref="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.SaveAdapterControlState"/> during a previous request
<param name="state">The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> data</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateAdapter.SaveAdapterControlState">
Saves <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">Context Data</see>
so is available across post backs
<returns>The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> data</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateContext">
Provides static properties for accessing context sensitive navigation information.
Holds the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>.
Also holds the previous <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> (this is not the same as the
previous <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>)
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> navigated away from to reach the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousDialog">
Gets the parent of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.PreviousState"/> property
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.State">
Gets the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Dialog">
Gets the parent of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/> property
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data">
Gets the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> for the current <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.State"/>.
It can be accessed directly or take part in data binding. Will become the data stored in
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> when part of a crumb trail
<member name="P:Navigation.StateContext.Bag">
Gets the dynamic <see cref="P:Navigation.NavigationData.Bag"/> for the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateContext.Data"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateController">
Manages all navigation. These can be forward using an action parameter; backward via
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/>; refreshing the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>;
or adding/restoring a history point.
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> and a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Navigate(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationLink(System.String)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> specified in the <paramref name="action"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationLink(System.String,Navigation.NavigationData)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>. Depending on the <paramref name="action"/>
will either navigate to the 'to' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
or the 'initial' <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="action">The key of a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of
a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
next <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> specified in the <paramref name="action"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="action"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="action"/> does not match the key of
a child <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> or the key of a <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>; or
there is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)">
Determines if the <paramref name="distance"/> specified is within the bounds of the crumb
trail represented by the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<returns>False if less than 1 or greater than the size of the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection;
true otherwise</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateBack(System.Int32)">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>. It passes a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateBack(System.Int32,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates back to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail, represented by
the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetNavigationBackLink(System.Int32)">
Gets a Url to navigate to a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> contained in the crumb trail,
represented by the <see cref="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs"/> collection, as specified by the <paramref name="distance"/>.
In the crumb trail no two crumbs can have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> but all must
have the same <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>
<param name="distance">Starting at 1, the number of <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> steps to go back</param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> specified by the <paramref name="distance"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.CanNavigateBack(System.Int32)"/> returns false for
this <paramref name="distance"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
data and a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationData)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing a <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationMode"/> of Client
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.Refresh(Navigation.NavigationData,Navigation.NavigationMode)">
Navigates to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<param name="mode">Redirect, Transfer or Mock</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A mandatory route parameter has not been supplied a value</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.GetRefreshLink(Navigation.NavigationData)">
Gets a Url to navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> to be passed to the
current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> and stored in the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/></param>
<returns>Url that will navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/></returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.AddHistoryPoint(System.Web.UI.Page,System.String)">
Wraps the ASP.NET <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.ScriptManager"/> history point functionality.
Adds a history point passing no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/>
<param name="page">Current <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/></param>
<param name="title">Title for history point</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="page"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.AddHistoryPoint(System.Web.UI.Page,Navigation.NavigationData,System.String)">
Wraps the ASP.NET <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.ScriptManager"/> history point functionality.
<param name="page">Current <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.Page"/></param>
<param name="toData">The <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> used to create the history point</param>
<param name="title">Title for history point</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="page"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">There is <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> that cannot be converted to a <see cref="T:System.String"/></exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateController.NavigateHistory(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Responds to a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.ScriptManager"/> history navigation handler and restores the
<paramref name="data"/> saved by <see cref="M:Navigation.StateController.AddHistoryPoint(System.Web.UI.Page,Navigation.NavigationData,System.String)"/>
method to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/>
<param name="data">Saved <see cref="T:Navigation.StateContext"/> to restore</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="data"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:Navigation.UrlException">There is data that cannot be converted from a <see cref="T:System.String"/>;
or the <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationShield"/> detects tampering</exception>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateController.Crumbs">
Gets a <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> collection representing the crumb trail, ordered
oldest <see cref="T:Navigation.Crumb"/> first
<member name="P:Navigation.StateController.RefreshLink">
Gets a Url to navigate to the current <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> passing
no <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationData"/> data
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1">
Represents a strongly typed collection of the items configurable via the Navigation/StateInfo
section. The <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoConfig"/> class holds all these in
its <see cref="P:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.Dialogs"/> property
<typeparam name="T">Can be <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>, <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
or <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> type</typeparam>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> class with
serialized data
<param name="info">The object that holds the serialized object data</param>
<param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Get(System.String)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="key"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">Dialog Key</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Key">State Key</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">Transition Key</see> properties
<param name="key">Must match the key attribute of an item configurable via
the Navigation/StateInfo</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Get(System.Int32)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="index"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">Dialog Index</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Index">State Index</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">Transition Index</see> properties
<param name="index">Must match the number of the configurable item from the Navigation/StateInfo
as read sequentially within its parent node</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
Copies the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> entries to a one-dimensional Array
instance at the specified index
<param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that is the destination of
the state information configuration objects copied from <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/>.
The <see cref="T:System.Array"/> must have zero-based indexing</param>
<param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="array"/> is null</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is less than zero</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional; or <paramref name="index"/>
is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>; or the number of elements in the source
<see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index"/>
to the end of the destination array</exception>
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.GetEnumerator">
Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> that iterates through
the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/> elements
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> for
the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1"/></returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Item(System.String)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="key"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Key">Dialog Key</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Key">State Key</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">Transition Key</see> properties
<param name="key">Must match the key attribute of an item configurable via
the Navigation/StateInfo</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoCollection`1.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets the unique state information configuration item with the specified <paramref name="index"/>,
see <see cref="P:Navigation.Dialog.Index">Dialog Index</see>, <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Index">State Index</see>
and <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">Transition Index</see> properties
<param name="index">Must match the number of the configurable item from the Navigation/StateInfo
as read sequentially within its parent node</param>
<returns>Matching state information configuration item, if found; otherwise, null</returns>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoConfig">
Provides static access to the <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/>, <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
and <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/> configuration in the Navigation/StateInfo section
<member name="M:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.AddStateRoutes">
Registers all <see cref="P:Navigation.State.Route"/> configuration information.
This method is called automatically by ASP.NET and should not be called manually
<member name="P:Navigation.StateInfoConfig.Dialogs">
Gets a collection of <see cref="T:Navigation.Dialog"/> information with their child
<see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> information and grandchild <see cref="T:Navigation.Transition"/>
<member name="T:Navigation.StateInfoSectionHandler">
Provides access to the Navigation/StateInfo section and is not intended to be used outside
of the Navigation framework
<member name="T:Navigation.Transition">
Configures transition information contained in the Navigation/StateInfo section. A child
of a <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> element it represents a possible navigation from its
<see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/> to a sibling <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.To">
Gets the state to navigate to if the <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Key"/> is passed as an action parameter
to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/>
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent">
Gets the parent <see cref="T:Navigation.State"/> configuration item
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Index">
Gets the number of the transition within its <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/> as read
sequentially from the configuration section
<member name="P:Navigation.Transition.Key">
Gets the key, unique within a <see cref="P:Navigation.Transition.Parent"/>, which is passed as the action
parameter to the <see cref="T:Navigation.StateController"/> when navigating
<member name="T:Navigation.UrlException">
The exception thrown when an invalid Url is received. Invalid Urls must be as a result of
tampering and are typically detected by a custom <see cref="T:Navigation.NavigationShield"/>
(or <see cref="T:Navigation.ChecksumNavigationShield"/>); also detected when a query string
parameter cannot be converted using the discovered <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter"/>
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class, setting
the message of the new instance to a system-supplied message that takes into account the
current system culture
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.String)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with the
specified error message
<param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that describes the error. The content
of <paramref name="message"/> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this
constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with serialized
<param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that describes the error. The content
of <paramref name="message"/> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this
constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system
<param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If
the <paramref name="innerException"/> is not a null reference, the current exception is raised
in a catch block that handles the inner exception</param>
<member name="M:Navigation.UrlException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Navigation.UrlException"/> class with serialized
<param name="info">The object that holds the serialized object data</param>
<param name="context">The contextual information about the source or destination</param>
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Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
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GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{F00838A4-19D7-417C-9F4D-D52535D019B3}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{F00838A4-19D7-417C-9F4D-D52535D019B3}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{F00838A4-19D7-417C-9F4D-D52535D019B3}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{F00838A4-19D7-417C-9F4D-D52535D019B3}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="Navigation" version="1.5" targetFramework="net45" />
using System;
namespace NavigationWebSite
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public string MailAddress { get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Navigation;
namespace NavigationWebSite
public class PersonLogic
private IEnumerable<Person> people = new[] {
new Person { Id = 1, Name="TAKANO Sho", Address="Nagaoka, Niigata Pref., Japan",
PhoneNumber="090-1234-5678", MailAddress="" },
new Person { Id = 2, Name="SUGITA Taro", Address="Joetsu, Niigata Pref., Japan",
PhoneNumber="090-1111-1111", MailAddress="" },
new Person { Id = 3, Name="TAKAHASHI Ken", Address="Niigata, Niigata Pref., Japan",
PhoneNumber="090-22222-2222", MailAddress="" },
new Person { Id = 4, Name="SHIBATA Takeru", Address="Uonuma, Niigata Pref., Japan",
PhoneNumber="090-3333-3333", MailAddress="" }
public IEnumerable<Person> Select()
return this.people;
public Person Find([NavigationData]int id)
return this.people.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();
<dialog key="Person" initial="Listing" path="~/Listing.aspx">
<state key="Listing" page="~/Listing.aspx" title="Person Search">
<transition key="Select" to="Details"/>
<state key="Details" page="~/Details.aspx" title="Person Details">
1. Documentation for the Navigation framework can be found at:
2. A conversion of the ASP.NET MVC NerdDinner application to
ASP.NET Web Forms using the Navigation framework can be found at:
3. Example StateInfo configuration:
<dialog key="Person" initial="Listing" path="~/Listing.aspx">
<state key="Listing" page="~/Listing.aspx" title="Person Search">
<transition key="Select" to="Details"/>
<state key="Details" page="~/Details.aspx" title="Person Details">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
ASP.NET アプリケーションの構成方法の詳細については、 を参照してください
<sectionGroup name="Navigation">
<section name="StateInfo" type="Navigation.StateInfoSectionHandler, Navigation" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5">
<add expressionPrefix="NavigationData" type="Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder, Navigation" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
<StateInfo configSource="StateInfo.config" />
<sectionGroup name="Navigation">
<section name="StateInfo" type="Navigation.StateInfoSectionHandler, Navigation"/>
<StateInfo configSource="StateInfo.config"/>
<add expressionPrefix="NavigationData" type="Navigation.NavigationDataExpressionBuilder, Navigation"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- For more information on using web.config transformation visit -->
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
In the example below, the "SetAttributes" transform will change the value of
"connectionString" to use "ReleaseSQLServer" only when the "Match" locator
finds an attribute "name" that has a value of "MyDB".
<add name="MyDB"
connectionString="Data Source=ReleaseSQLServer;Initial Catalog=MyReleaseDB;Integrated Security=True"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
In the example below, the "Replace" transform will replace the entire
<customErrors> section of your web.config file.
Note that because there is only one customErrors section under the
<system.web> node, there is no need to use the "xdt:Locator" attribute.
<customErrors defaultRedirect="GenericError.htm"
mode="RemoteOnly" xdt:Transform="Replace">
<error statusCode="500" redirect="InternalError.htm"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- For more information on using web.config transformation visit -->
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
In the example below, the "SetAttributes" transform will change the value of
"connectionString" to use "ReleaseSQLServer" only when the "Match" locator
finds an attribute "name" that has a value of "MyDB".
<add name="MyDB"
connectionString="Data Source=ReleaseSQLServer;Initial Catalog=MyReleaseDB;Integrated Security=True"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
<compilation xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)" />
In the example below, the "Replace" transform will replace the entire
<customErrors> section of your web.config file.
Note that because there is only one customErrors section under the
<system.web> node, there is no need to use the "xdt:Locator" attribute.
<customErrors defaultRedirect="GenericError.htm"
mode="RemoteOnly" xdt:Transform="Replace">
<error statusCode="500" redirect="InternalError.htm"/>
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