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Created December 12, 2012 14:17
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More fun with tuples.
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
template< size_t ...i > struct IndexList {};
template< size_t ... > struct EnumBuilder;
// Increment cur until cur == end.
template< size_t end, size_t cur, size_t ...i >
struct EnumBuilder< end, cur, i... >
// Recurse, adding cur to i...
: EnumBuilder< end, cur+1, i..., cur >
// cur == end; the list has been built.
template< size_t end, size_t ...i >
struct EnumBuilder< end, end, i... > {
using type = IndexList< i... >;
template< size_t b, size_t e >
struct Enumerate {
using type = typename EnumBuilder< e, b >::type;
template< class > struct IListFrom;
template< class ...X >
struct IListFrom< std::tuple<X...> > {
static constexpr size_t N = sizeof ...(X);
using type = typename Enumerate< 0, N >::type;
// std::tuple_element<i,T> does not perfect forward.
template< size_t i, class T >
using Elem = decltype( std::get<i>(std::declval<T>()) );
template< size_t i > struct Get {
template< class T >
constexpr auto operator () ( T&& t )
-> Elem< i, T >
return std::get<i>( std::forward<T>(t) );
template< size_t i, class T,
class _T = typename std::decay<T>::type,
size_t N = std::tuple_size<_T>::value - 1, // Highest index
size_t j = N - i >
constexpr auto rget( T&& t )
-> Elem< j, T >
return std::get<j>( std::forward<T>(t) );
template< size_t i > struct RGet {
template< class T >
constexpr auto operator () ( T&& t )
-> decltype( rget<i>( std::forward<T>(t) ) )
return rget<i>( std::forward<T>(t) );
template< size_t i, class T,
class _T = typename std::decay<T>::type,
size_t N = std::tuple_size<_T>::value,
size_t j = i % N >
constexpr auto mod_get( T&& t )
-> Elem< j, T >
return std::get<j>( std::forward<T>(t) );
template< template<size_t> class Fi = Get, size_t ...i, class F, class T >
constexpr auto applyIndexList( IndexList<i...>, const F& f, T&& t )
-> typename std::result_of< F(
typename std::result_of< Fi<i>(T) >::type...
) >::type
return f( Fi<i>()(std::forward<T>(t))... );
template< template<size_t> class Fi = Get, class F, class T,
class _T = typename std::decay<T>::type,
class IL = typename IListFrom<_T>::type >
constexpr auto applyTuple( const F& f, T&& t )
-> decltype( applyIndexList<Fi>(IL(),f,std::forward<T>(t)) )
return applyIndexList<Fi>( IL(), f, std::forward<T>(t) );
// Because std::make_tuple can't be passed
// to higher order functions.
constexpr struct MakeTuple {
template< class ...X >
constexpr std::tuple<X...> operator () ( X ...x ) {
return std::tuple<X...>( std::move(x)... );
} tuple{};
// Returns the initial elements. (All but the last.)
// init( {1,2,3} ) = {1,2}
template< class T,
size_t N = std::tuple_size<T>::value,
class IL = typename Enumerate< 0, N-1 >::type >
constexpr auto init( const T& t )
-> decltype( applyIndexList(IL(),tuple,t) )
return applyIndexList( IL(), tuple, t );
// Returns a new tuple with every value from t except the first.
// tail( {1,2,3} ) = {2,3}
template< class T,
size_t N = std::tuple_size<T>::value,
class IL = typename Enumerate< 1, N >::type >
constexpr auto tail( const T& t )
-> decltype( applyIndexList(IL(),tuple,t) )
return applyIndexList( IL(), tuple, t );
// Reconstruct t in reverse.
template< class T >
constexpr auto reverse( const T& t )
-> decltype( applyTuple<RGet>(tuple,t) )
return applyTuple< RGet >( tuple, t );
template< size_t i, size_t ...j, class F, class T >
void forEachIndex( IndexList<i,j...>, const F& f, const T& t ) {
f( std::get<i>(t) );
forEachIndex( IndexList<j...>(), f, t );
template< class F, class T >
void forEachIndex( IndexList<>, const F& f, const T& t ) {
template< class F, class T >
void forEach( const F& f, const T& t ) {
constexpr size_t N = std::tuple_size<T>::value;
using IL = typename Enumerate<0,N>::type;
forEachIndex( IL(), f, t );
constexpr struct PrintItem {
template< class X >
void operator () ( const X& x ) const {
std::cout << x << ' ';
} printItem{};
constexpr struct PushBack {
template< class ...X, class Y >
constexpr auto operator () ( std::tuple<X...> t, Y y )
-> std::tuple< X..., Y >
return std::tuple_cat( std::move(t), tuple(std::move(y)) );
} pushBack{};
constexpr struct PushFront {
template< class ...X, class Y >
constexpr auto operator () ( std::tuple<X...> t, Y y )
-> std::tuple< Y, X... >
return std::tuple_cat( tuple(std::move(y)), std::move(t) );
} pushFront{};
constexpr auto head = Get<0>();
constexpr auto last = RGet<0>();
// Chain Left.
constexpr struct ChainL {
template< class F, class X >
constexpr X operator () ( const F&, X x ) {
return x;
template< class F, class X, class Y, class ...Z >
constexpr auto operator () ( const F& b, const X& x, const Y& y, const Z& ...z)
-> decltype( (*this)(b, b(x,y), z... ) )
return (*this)(b, b(x,y), z... );
} chainl{};
// Fold Left.
constexpr struct FoldL {
// Given f and {x,y,z}, returns f( f(x,y), z ).
template< class F, class T >
constexpr auto operator () ( const F& f, const T& t )
-> decltype( applyTuple(chainl,pushFront(t,f)) )
return applyTuple( chainl, pushFront(t,f) );
} foldl{};
// Fold Right.
constexpr struct FoldR {
// Given f and {x,y,z}, returns f( f(z,y), x ).
template< class F, class T >
constexpr auto operator () ( const F& f, const T& t )
-> decltype( foldl(f,reverse(t)) )
return foldl( f, reverse(t) );
} foldr{};
auto ten = foldl( std::plus<int>(), std::make_tuple(1,2,3,4) );
template< class ...X >
constexpr auto third_arg( X&& ...x )
-> Elem< 2, std::tuple<X...> >
return std::get<2>( std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<X>(x)...) );
template< class F, class ...X >
struct TFunction {
F f;
std::tuple<X...> applied; // applied arguments.
template< class ...Y >
constexpr TFunction( F f, Y&& ...y )
: f( std::move(f) ), applied( std::forward<Y>(y)... )
template< class ...Y, class T = std::tuple<X...,Y...> >
constexpr T add( Y&& ...y ) {
return std::tuple_cat (
std::forward_as_tuple( std::forward<Y>(y)... )
template< class ...Y >
constexpr auto operator () ( Y&& ...y )
-> typename std::result_of< F( X..., Y... ) >::type
return applyTuple( f, add(std::forward<Y>(y)...) );
template< class F, class ...X, class R = TFunction<F,X...> >
R tfun( F f, X ...x ) {
return R( std::move(f), std::move(x)... );
#include <cmath>
// Quadratic root.
constexpr struct QRoot {
using result = std::tuple<float,float>;
result operator () ( float a, float b, float c ) const {
float root = std::sqrt( b*b - 4*a*c );
float den = 2 * a;
return result( (-b+root)/den, (-b-root)/den );
} qroot{};
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const QRoot::result r ) {
return os << std::get<0>(r) << " or " << std::get<1>(r);
// Convert a tuple-taking function to a normal one.
// curry : ( (a,b...) -> c ) x a x b... -> c
template< class F, class ...X >
constexpr auto curry( const F& f, X&& ...x )
-> decltype( f( std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<X>(x)...) ) )
return f( std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<X>(x)...) );
// Pair Sum.
// psum : (int,int) -> int
unsigned int psum( std::tuple<int,int> p ) {
return head(p) + last(p);
int five = curry( psum, 3, 2 );
template< template<size_t> class Fi = Get, size_t i,
class F, class ...T >
constexpr auto zipRow( const F& f, T&& ...t )
-> decltype( f(Fi<i>()(std::forward<T>(t))...) )
return f( Fi<i>()( std::forward<T>(t) )... );
template< template<size_t> class Fi = Get, size_t ...i,
class Ret, class F, class ...T >
constexpr auto zipIndexList( IndexList<i...>,
const Ret& r, const F& f, T&& ...t )
-> decltype( r(zipRow<Fi,i>(f,std::forward<T>(t)...)...) )
return r( zipRow< Fi, i >( f, std::forward<T>(t)... )... );
template< template<size_t> class Fi = Get,
class Ret, class F, class T, class ...U,
class _T = typename std::decay<T>::type,
class IL = typename IListFrom<_T>::type >
constexpr auto zipTupleTo( const Ret& r, const F& f, T&& t, U&& ...u )
-> decltype( zipIndexList<Fi>(IL(),r,f,std::forward<T>(t),std::forward<U>(u)...) )
return zipIndexList<Fi>( IL(), r, f, std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<U>(u)... );
template< template<size_t> class Fi = Get,
class F, class ...T >
constexpr auto zipTuple( const F& f, T&& ...t )
-> decltype( zipTupleTo<Fi>(tuple,f,std::forward<T>(t)...) )
return zipTupleTo<Fi>( tuple, f, std::forward<T>(t)... );
template< class X, class ...Y >
bool noneTrue( const X& x, const Y& ) {
return x ? false : noneTrue(rest...);
bool noneTrue() { return true; }
// We require these polymorphic function objects.
constexpr struct Inc {
template< class X >
constexpr X operator () ( X x ) { return ++x; }
} inc{};
constexpr struct Eq {
template< class X >
constexpr bool operator () ( const X& a, const X& b )
{ return a == b; }
} eq{};
struct Or {
template< class X >
constexpr bool operator () ( const X& a, const X& b )
{ return a || b; }
// Wrapper to dereference arguments before applying.
// indirect : (a -> b) -> (*a -> b)
template< class F > struct Indirect {
F f = F();
constexpr Indirect( F f ) : f(std::move(f)) { }
template< class ...It >
constexpr auto operator () ( It )
-> decltype( f(*it...) )
return f( *it... );
template< class F, class I = Indirect<F> >
constexpr I indirect( F f ) {
return I( std::move(f) );
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
template< class F, class ...X,
class Result = typename std::result_of<F(X...)>::type,
class Ret = std::vector<Result> >
Ret transform( const F& f, const std::vector<X>& ...vs )
Ret r;
const auto ends = tuple( vs.end()... );
// Iterate through each vector in parallel.
for( auto its = tuple( vs.begin()... );
// This unrolls to: not (it0==end0 || it1==end1 || ...)
not foldl( Or(), zipTuple(eq,its,ends) );
// Increment each iterator.
its = zipTuple( inc, its ) )
r.emplace_back (
applyTuple( indirect(f), its )
return r;
// product : {x,y} x {a,b} -> {{x,a},{x,b},{y,a},{y,b}}
constexpr struct Product {
// {...xi...} x {...aj...} -> {xi,aj}
template< size_t i, size_t j, class T, class U >
static constexpr auto zip( const T& t, const U& u )
-> decltype( tuple(std::get<i>(t),std::get<j>(u)) )
return tuple( std::get<i>(t), std::get<j>(u) );
// {...xi...} x {a0,a1,a2...} -> { {xi,a0}, {xi,a1}, ... }
template< size_t i, size_t ...j, class T, class U >
static constexpr auto withI( IndexList<j...>, const T& t, const U& u )
-> decltype( tuple(zip<i,j>(t,u)...) )
return tuple( zip<i,j>(t,u)... );
// {x...} x {a...} -> { {x,a}... }
template< size_t ...i, size_t ...j, class T, class U >
static constexpr auto withIndexes( IndexList<i...>, IndexList<j...> js,
const T& t, const U& u )
-> decltype( std::tuple_cat(withI<i>(js,t,u)...) )
return std::tuple_cat( withI<i>(js,t,u)... );
template< class T, class U,
class IL = typename IListFrom<T>::type,
class IL2 = typename IListFrom<U>::type >
constexpr auto operator () ( const T& t, const U& u )
-> decltype( withIndexes(IL(),IL2(),t,u) )
return withIndexes( IL(), IL2(), t, u );
} product{};
template< class F > struct ApplyF {
F f = F();
constexpr ApplyF( F f ) : f(std::move(f)) { }
template< class T >
constexpr auto operator () ( T&& t )
-> decltype( applyTuple(f,std::forward<T>(t)) )
return applyTuple( f, std::forward<T>(t) );
template< class F >
constexpr ApplyF<F> applyF( F f ) {
return ApplyF<F>(std::move(f));
constexpr struct MapTuple {
template< class F, class T, class U >
constexpr auto operator () ( const F& f, const T& t, const U& u )
-> decltype( zipTuple(applyF(f),product(t,u)) )
return zipTuple( applyF(f), product(t,u) );
} mapTuple{};
constexpr struct Id {
template< class X >
constexpr X operator () ( X&& x ) {
return std::forward<X>(x);
template< class F, class X, class ...Y >
constexpr auto operator () ( const F& f, X&& x, Y&& ...y )
-> typename std::result_of< F(X,Y...) >::type
return f( std::forward<X>(x), std::forward<Y>(y)... );
} id{};
int main() {
auto sums = mapTuple( std::plus<int>(), tuple(1,2,3), tuple(7,8,9) );
std::cout << "map (+) (1,2,3) (7,8,9) = ";
forEach( printItem, sums );
std::cout << std::endl;
auto zipped = zipTupleTo( tuple, std::plus<int>(), tuple(1,10),
tuple(2,20) );
std::cout << " 1 + 2 = " << std::get<0>(zipped) << std::endl;
std::cout << "10 + 20 = " << std::get<1>(zipped) << std::endl;
std::vector<int> v = {1,10,100},
w = {2,20,200},
x = {3,30,300};
auto vw = transform (
[](int x, int y, int z){ return x+y+z; },
v, w, x
std::cout << " 1 + 2 + 3 = " << vw[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << " 10 + 20 + 30 = " << vw[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << "100 + 200 + 300 = " << vw[2] << std::endl;
auto ab = std::make_tuple( 1, 3 );
auto qroot_ab = [&] ( float c ) {
return applyTuple( qroot, pushBack(ab,c) );
std::cout << "qroot(1,3,-4) = " << qroot_ab(-4) << std::endl;
std::cout << "qroot(1,3,-5) = " << qroot_ab(-5) << std::endl;
auto bc = std::make_tuple( 3, -4 );
auto qroot_bc = [&] ( float a ) {
return applyTuple( qroot, pushFront(bc,a) );
std::cout << "qroot(1,3,-4) = " << qroot_bc(1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "qroot(1,3,-5) = " << qroot_bc(2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "ten = " << ten << std::endl; // foldl example.
std::cout << "five = " << five << std::endl; // Curry example.
std::cout << "third_arg(1,2,3,4) = " << third_arg(1,2,3,4) << std::endl;
std::cout << "2 + 4 = "
<< applyTuple( std::plus<int>(), std::make_tuple(2,4) )
<< std::endl;
constexpr auto t = std::make_tuple( 1, 'a', "str" );
std::cout << "t = ";
forEach( printItem, t );
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "head = " << head(t) << std::endl;
std::cout << "last = " << last(t) << std::endl;
std::cout << "reverse = ";
forEach( printItem, reverse(t) );
std::cout << std::endl;
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