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Created December 13, 2012 14:07
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Backbone.Forms editors for List accepting objects, and rendering them as key-value pairs
Currently, the Object ItemType is not supported.
var Form = Backbone.Form,
editors = Form.editors;
listKeyValueItem: '\
<button type="button" data-action="remove" class="bbf-remove">&times;</button>\
<div class="bbf-editor-container bbf-keyvalue-editor">{{editor}}</div>\
editors.KeyValueList = editors.List.extend({
events: {
'click [data-action="add"]': function(event) {
this.addItem(null, null, true);
initialize: function(options){, options);
this.schema.listItemTemplate = 'listKeyValueItem';
render: function() {
var self = this,
value = this.value || {};
//Create main element
var $el = $(Form.templates[this.schema.listTemplate]({
items: '<b class="bbf-tmp"></b>'
//Store a reference to the list (item container)
this.$list = $el.find('.bbf-tmp').parent().empty();
//Add existing items
if (!_.isEmpty(value)) {
_.each(value, function(itemValue, itemIndex) {
self.addItem(itemValue, itemIndex);
//If no existing items create an empty one, unless the editor specifies otherwise
else {
if (!this.Editor.isAsync) this.addItem();
this.$el.attr('name', this.key);
if (this.hasFocus) this.trigger('blur', this);
return this;
* Add a new item to the list
* @param {Mixed} [value] Value for the new item editor
* @param {Boolean} [userInitiated] If the item was added by the user clicking 'add'
addItem: function(value, key, userInitiated) {
var self = this;
//Create the item
var item = new editors.List.KeyValueItem({
list: this,
schema: this.schema,
value: value,
index: key,
Editor: this.Editor,
key: this.key + '_' + this.items.length
var _addItem = function() {
if (userInitiated || value) {
item.addEventTriggered = true;
if (userInitiated) {
self.trigger('add', self, item.editor);
self.trigger('change', self);
//Check if we need to wait for the item to complete before adding to the list
if (this.Editor.isAsync) {
item.editor.on('readyToAdd', _addItem, this);
//Most editors can be added automatically
else {
return item;
getValue: function() {
var values = {};
_.each(this.items, function(item){
_.extend(values, item.getValue());
//Filter empty items
return values;
editors.List.KeyValueItem = editors.List.Item.extend({
* @param {Object} options
initialize: function(options) {
this.list = options.list;
this.schema = options.schema || this.list.schema;
this.value = options.value;
this.index = options.index;
this.Editor = options.Editor || editors.Text;
this.key = options.key;
render: function() {
//Create editors
this.editorKey = new editors.Text({
key: this.key,
schema: this.schema,
value: this.index,
list: this.list,
item: this
this.editorValue = new this.Editor({
key: this.key + '_value',
schema: this.schema,
value: this.value,
list: this.list,
item: this
//Create main element
var $el = $(Form.templates[this.schema.listItemTemplate]({
editor: '<b class="bbf-tmp-key"></b> : <b class="bbf-tmp-value"></b>'
//Replace the entire element so there isn't a wrapper tag
return this;
getValue: function() {
var value = {};
value[this.editorKey.getValue()] = this.editorValue.getValue();
return value;
setValue: function(key, value) {
focus: function() {
blur: function() {
remove: function() {
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