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Created December 17, 2012 15:26
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Save cheery/4319107 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WIP demonstration desktop environment written over the bindings in my repository
fs = require 'fs'
class EvDevIO
constructor: (path, callback) ->
@buffer = new Buffer 16
@view = new DataView @buffer path, "r+", (err, @fd) =>
if err then return callback(err, null)
_decode_buffer: () ->
return {
sec: @view.getInt32(0, true)
usec: @view.getInt32(4, true)
type: @view.getUint16(8, true)
code: @view.getUint16(10, true)
value: @view.getInt32(12, true)
_read_loop: (callback) -> @fd, @buffer, 0, 16, null, (err, bytesRead) =>
if err and err.code == "ENODEV"
return @close()
if err then return callback(err, null)
if bytesRead != 16 then return callback("not enough bytes read", null)
callback null, @_decode_buffer()
close: () ->
if @fd? then fs.close(@fd)
delete @fd
module.exports = EvDevIO
dg = require 'dg'
#surface = dg.getFullscreen {}
#gl = surface.getContext 'webgl'
#gl.clearColor 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
#gl.clear gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT
#exit = () ->
#setTimeout exit, 2000
udev = require 'udev'
fs = require 'fs'
Mouse = require './mouse'
register_mouse = (mouse) ->
mouse.on "motion", (position, velocity) ->
console.log "motion", position, velocity
mouse.on "wheel_motion", (position, velocity) ->
console.log "wheel_motion", position, velocity
mouse.on "button_press", (button, buttons) ->
console.log "button_press", button, buttons
mouse.on "button_release", (button, buttons) ->
console.log "button_release", button, buttons
mice = {}
ismouse = (device) ->
ok = true
ok &&= device.syspath.match(/event[0-9]+$/)
ok &&= device.SUBSYSTEM == "input"
ok &&= device.ID_INPUT == "1"
ok &&= device.ID_INPUT_MOUSE == "1"
return ok
for device in udev.list()
if ismouse device
console.log "#{device.ID_SERIAL} exists at path #{device.ID_PATH}"
mice[device.ID_PATH] = mouse = new Mouse device
register_mouse mouse
monitor = udev.monitor()
monitor.on 'add', (device) ->
if ismouse device
console.log "#{device.ID_SERIAL} added at path #{device.ID_PATH}"
mice[device.ID_PATH] = mouse = new Mouse device
register_mouse mouse
monitor.on 'remove', (device) ->
if ismouse device
console.log "#{device.ID_SERIAL} removed at path #{device.ID_PATH}"
mouse = mice[device.ID_PATH]
if mouse? then mouse.close()
delete mice[device.ID_PATH]
EvDevIO = require './evdev'
EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter
class Mouse extends EventEmitter
constructor: (@device) ->
@path = @device.ID_PATH
@position = x: 0, y: 0
@accum = x: 0, y: 0
@wheel = 0
@wheel_accum = 0
@buttons = left: false, middle: false, right: false
@io = new EvDevIO @device.DEVNAME, (err, event) =>
if err then throw err
switch event.type
when 2 then @_motion(event)
when 0 then @_motion_flush(event)
when 1 then @_button(event)
when 4
console.log event
_motion: (event) ->
switch event.code
when 0 then @accum.x += event.value
when 1 then @accum.y += event.value
when 8 then @wheel_accum += event.value
_motion_flush: (event) ->
@position.x += @accum.x
@position.y += @accum.y
@wheel += @wheel_accum
if @accum.x != 0 or @accum.y != 0
@emit "motion", @position, @accum
if @wheel_accum != 0
@emit "wheel_motion", @wheel, @wheel_accum
@accum = x: 0, y: 0
@wheel_accum = 0
_button: (event) ->
button = { name: null, value: (event.value == 1) }
switch event.code
when 272 then = "left"
when 274 then = "middle"
when 273 then = "right"
@buttons[] = button.value
if button.value
@emit "button_press",, @buttons
@emit "button_release",, @buttons
close: () ->
module.exports = Mouse
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