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Last active October 25, 2016 01:31
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Attempt to persist entities with >22 fields via Slick. Cannot find documentation on how nested tuples are supposed to work; tried creating two helper classes (CustomerAddress and PaymentDetail). Compiler error is: scala: overloaded method value <> with alternatives: [R(in method <>)(in method <>)(in method <>)(in method <>)(in method <>)(in meth…
package com.micronautics.paypal
import java.util.{ List, Map }
import collection.JavaConversions._
import collection.immutable.HashMap
import controllers.Email
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import slick.driver.MySQLDriver.simple._
import java.util
/** The customerAddress table does not actually exist; this is my attempt to somehow put together nested tuples in the absence of any documentation */
object CustomerAddresses extends Table[(Int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String)]("customerAddress") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O NotNull)
def addressCity = column[String]("address_city")
def addressCountry = column[String]("address_country")
def addressCountryCode = column[String]("address_country_code")
def addressName = column[String]("address_name")
def addressState = column[String]("address_state")
def addressStatus = column[String]("address_status")
def addressStreet = column[String]("address_street")
def addressZip = column[String]("address_zip")
def * = id ~ addressCity ~ addressCountry ~ addressCountryCode ~ addressName ~ addressState ~ addressStatus ~ addressStreet ~ addressZip
case class CustomerAddress(
addressCity: String,
addressCountry: String,
addressCountryCode: String,
addressName: String,
addressState: String,
addressStatus: String,
addressStreet: String,
addressZip: String)
/** The paymentDetail table does not actually exist; this is my attempt to somehow put together nested tuples in the absence of any documentation */
object PaymentDetails extends Table[(Int, String, String, String, String, String, String)]("paymentDetail") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O NotNull) // this field does not exist separately
def paymentDate = column[String]("payment_date")
def paymentStatus = column[String]("payment_status")
def paymentType = column[String]("payment_type")
def pendingReason = column[String]("pending_reason")
def reasonCode = column[String]("reason_code")
def tax = column[String]("tax")
def * = id ~ paymentDate ~ paymentStatus ~ paymentType ~ pendingReason ~ reasonCode ~ tax
case class PaymentDetail(
paymentDate: DateTime,
paymentStatus: String,
paymentType: String,
pendingReason: String,
reasonCode: String,
tax: String)
/** This is the only object that actually exists in persisted form */
object PaypalTransactions extends Table[PaypalTransaction]("paypal_transaction") {
new File("txLogs").mkdirs()
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def charset = column[String]("charset")
def contactPhone = column[String]("contactPhone")
def custom = column[String]("custom")
def firstName = column[String]("firstName")
def getsUpdates = column[Boolean]("getsUpdates") // todo add to schema
def lastName = column[String]("lastName")
def mcCurrency = column[String]("mcCurrency")
def mcFee = column[String]("mcFee")
def mcGross = column[String]("mcGross")
def memo = column[String]("memo")
def payerBusinessName = column[String]("payerBusinessName")
def payerEmail = column[String]("payerEmail")
def payerId = column[String]("payerId")
def payerStatus = column[String]("payerStatus")
def txnId = column[String]("txnId")
def verifySign = column[String]("verifySign")
def isComplementary = column[Boolean]("isComplementary")
// Took a wild guess at what the def for nested tuples might look like (CustomerAddress & PaymentDetail)
// The following seems to want a TypeMapper. What would that look like? Here is a cheap shot to make it compile:
implicit val bogusTypeMapper1: TypeMapper[CustomerAddress] = null
implicit val bogusTypeMapper2: TypeMapper[PaymentDetail] = null
def customerAddress = column[CustomerAddress]("customerAddress")(bogusTypeMapper1)
def paymentDetail = column[PaymentDetail]("paymentDetail")(bogusTypeMapper2)
def * = id ~ charset ~ contactPhone ~ custom ~ firstName ~ getsUpdates ~ lastName ~ mcCurrency ~ mcFee ~ mcGross ~
memo ~ payerBusinessName ~ payerEmail ~ payerId ~ payerStatus ~ txnId ~ verifySign ~ isComplementary ~
customerAddress ~ paymentDetail <> (PaypalTransaction, PaypalTransaction.unapply _)
case class PaypalTransaction(
id: Int,
charset: String,
contactPhone: String,
custom: String,
firstName: String,
getsUpdates: Boolean,
lastName: String,
mcCurrency: String,
mcFee: String,
mcGross: String,
memo: String,
payerBusinessName: String,
payerEmail: String,
payerId: String,
payerStatus: String,
txnId: String,
verifySign: String,
customerAddress: CustomerAddress,
paymentDetail: PaymentDetail,
isComplementary: Boolean = false
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