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Forked from anonymous/ListSer.scala
Last active December 11, 2015 00:39
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Save j3vanek/4517945 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
List serialization which supports long lists, structural sharing and 2.9 serialization data. Added tests to check the structural sharing after deserialization. Simplified using closure. Split into 2 loops (lists, heads) to be breadth-first.
// package ...
object ListSer {
sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Serializable {
def isEmpty: Boolean
def head: A
def tail: List[A]
def ::[B >: A] (x: B): List[B] = new ::(x, this)
final case class ::[B](private var hd: B, private var tl: List[B]) extends List[B] {
override def head : B = hd
override def tail : List[B] = tl
override def isEmpty: Boolean = false
private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream) = ListSerializeCtrl(writeObject_2_10_1(out, _))
private def writeObject_2_10_1(out: ObjectOutputStream, ctrl: ListSerializeCtrl) {
out.writeObject(ListSerializeStart) // needed to differentiate with the legacy `::` serialization
var current: List[B] = this
ctrl.loop {
current = current.tail
val barrier = current
current = this
do {
current = current.tail
} while (current ne barrier)
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) = ListSerializeCtrl(readObject_2_10_1(in, _))
private def readObject_2_10_1(in: ObjectInputStream, ctrl: ListSerializeCtrl) {
val obj = in.readObject
if (obj != ListSerializeStart)
oldReadObject(in, obj)
else {
var current: List[B] = this
ctrl.loop {
val currentTail = in.readObject.asInstanceOf[List[B]]
current.asInstanceOf[::[B]].tl = currentTail
current = currentTail
val barrier = current
current = this
do {
current.asInstanceOf[::[B]].hd = in.readObject.asInstanceOf[B]
current = current.tail
} while (current ne barrier)
/* The oldReadObject method exists here for compatibility reasons.
* :: objects used to be serialized by serializing all the elements to
* the output stream directly, but this was broken (see SI-5374).
private def oldReadObject(in: ObjectInputStream, firstObject: AnyRef) {
hd = firstObject.asInstanceOf[B]
assert(hd != ListSerializeEnd)
var current: ::[B] = this
while (true) in.readObject match {
case ListSerializeEnd => = Nil
case a : Any =>
val list : ::[B] = new ::(a.asInstanceOf[B], Nil) = list
current = list
private def oldWriteObject(out: ObjectOutputStream) {
var xs: List[B] = this
while (!xs.isEmpty) { out.writeObject(xs.head); xs = xs.tail }
case object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
override def isEmpty = true
override def head: Nothing =
throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty list")
override def tail: List[Nothing] =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tail of empty list")
// Removal of equals method here might lead to an infinite recursion similar to IntMap.equals.
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that1: collection.Seq[_] => that1.isEmpty
case _ => false
private case object ListSerializeStart
@SerialVersionUID(0L - 8476791151975527571L)
private case object ListSerializeEnd
private object ListSerializeCtrl {
private val tl = new ThreadLocal[ListSerializeCtrl]
@inline def apply(fun: ListSerializeCtrl => Unit): Unit = tl.get match {
case null =>
val control = new ListSerializeCtrl
try fun(control)
finally tl.set(null)
case control =>
if (control.inLoop)
control.seen = true
private final class ListSerializeCtrl {
private var seen: Boolean = false
private var inLoop: Boolean = false
@inline def loop(body: => Unit) {
do {
seen = false
inLoop = true
} while (seen)
finally inLoop = false
def test1() {
var r: List[Int] = Nil
var i = 0
while (i < 1000000) {
r = i :: r
i += 1
//val largeList = r
val largeList = r :: r
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("C:\\misc\\largeList.ser"))
val ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("C:\\misc\\largeList.ser"))
val read = ois.readObject().asInstanceOf[List[_]]
def test2() {
val l1: List[String] = "1" :: Nil
val l2: List[String] = "2" :: "3" :: l1
val p = (l1, l2)
val pr = (l2, l1)
val a = Array(l2, p)
val l3: List[AnyRef] = p :: l2 :: l1 :: p :: a :: Nil
def verifyL1L2(l1: List[String], l2: List[String]) { assert(l1 eq l2.tail.tail) }
def verifyP(p: (List[String], List[String])) { verifyL1L2(p._1, p._2) }
def verifyPr(p: (List[String], List[String])) { verifyL1L2(p._2, p._1) }
def verifyL3(list: List[AnyRef]) {
val p = list.head.asInstanceOf[(List[String], List[String])]
val l1 = p._1
val l2 = p._2
val a = list.tail.tail.tail.tail.head.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
assert(p eq list.tail.tail.tail.head)
assert(l2 eq list.tail.head)
assert(l1 eq list.tail.tail.head)
assert(a(0) eq l2)
assert(a(1) eq p)
val pc = deepCopy(p)
val prc = deepCopy(pr)
val l3c = deepCopy(l3)
case class Foo(tail: List[Foo])
def test3() {
def create(len: Int): List[Foo] = if (len == 0) Nil else {
val tail = create(len - 1)
Foo(tail) :: tail
def check(list: List[Foo]) {
if (list.isInstanceOf[::[Foo]]) {
val lf = list.asInstanceOf[::[Foo]]
assert(lf.head.tail eq lf.tail)
val xs = List.fill(32)(7)
val dxs = deepCopy(xs)
// assert(xs == dxs)
val ys = create(3002)
val dys = deepCopy(ys)
// assert(ys == dys)
def deepCopy[T](obj : T): T = {
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)
val data = baos.toByteArray
println("size:" + data.length)
val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(data)
val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais)
def test4() {
var r: List[Int] = Nil
var i = 0
while (i < 500) { //500
r = i :: r
i += 1
//val largeList = r
val largeList = r :: r
var total = 0L
i = 0
while (i < 20) {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
var j = 0
while (j < 2000) { // 200
val r2 = deepCopy(r)
j += 1
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
val dur = end - start
if (i >= 10)
total += dur
println(end - start)
i += 1
val avg = (total * 1.0) / 10
def main(args: Array[String]) {
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