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alok/ Secret

Created July 23, 2017 06:20
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
from math import ceil, floor
from typing import Any, List
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import truncnorm
######################### HYPERPARAMETERS ###################################
SURVIVAL_RATE = 0.3 # What percentage of population is saved for next generation.
REPRIEVE_RATE = 0.1 # What percent of the population is spared each generation.
MAX_ITERS = 1 * 1e4
EPSILON = 1e-3
N: int = 1
BOUND = 5.12 # The bounds of the box we optimize over.
Individual = np.ndarray
Population = List[Individual]
Real = float
def rastrigin(x, A=10):
return 10 * len(x) + sum((i ** 2 - A * np.cos(2 * np.pi * i)) for i in x)
def sphere(x):
return sum(i ** 2 for i in x)
def booth_fn(x):
return (x[0] + 2 * x[1] - 7) ** 2 + (2 * x[0] + x[1] - 5) ** 2
f = rastrigin
def individual(bound: float=BOUND) -> Individual:
return np.random.uniform(low=-bound, high=bound, size=N)
def fitness(individual) -> Real:
return f(individual)
def create_population() -> Population:
return [individual() for _ in range(POPULATION_SIZE)]
def avg_fitness(population):
return sum(fitness(individual) for individual in population) / len(population)
def cull(population) -> Population:
split_idx = ceil(SURVIVAL_RATE * len(population))
# They survive.
fittest = population[:split_idx]
reprieved = random.sample(
population[split_idx:], floor(REPRIEVE_RATE * len(population[split_idx:])))
return fittest + reprieved
def breed(parents: Population, mutation_rate: float=MUTATION_RATE) -> Individual:
child = min(
random.sample(parents, NUM_PARENTS),
key=fitness, )
# Clip to avoid out of bounds issues.
if random.random() < MUTATION_RATE:
child += np.clip(
np.random.uniform(low=-EPSILON, high=EPSILON, size=N),
a_max=BOUND, )
return child
def create_new_generation(population) -> Population:
num_children = POPULATION_SIZE - len(population)
num_parents = min(len(population), NUM_PARENTS)
population += [breed(random.sample(population, k=num_parents)) for _ in range(num_children)]
return population
def evolve():
population = create_population()
FITNESS = avg_fitness(population)
iter = 0
while FITNESS > 1e-7 and iter < MAX_ITERS:
population = create_new_generation(cull(population))
FITNESS = avg_fitness(population)
iter += 1
if iter % 1000 == 0:
best = min(population, key=fitness)
print(f'FITNESS = {FITNESS}, iter = {iter}, BEST = {fitness(best)}')
print(f'iter = {iter}')
best = min(population, key=fitness)
return best
if __name__ == '__main__':
best = evolve()
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