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Created November 3, 2011 22:32
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Help me gather information about Mac Haskell installations
-- Please help me gather information about Haskell installations on Macs
-- I'm the packager for Haskell Platform on Macintosh. I'd like to include
-- an optional installation step (and script) that cleans out older versions
-- of Haskell from a system before installing a new one, since each version
-- consumes a fair bit of disk.
-- In order to build a script that cleans things out, I need to know where
-- Haskell has been installed, and where cabal has installed things. Some of
-- this information can be derived from the system, but some of it you just
-- have to know where to look.
-- This program looks in a bunch of places and gathers the locations of various
-- bits of Haskell on the current system, as well as the current cabal config.
-- It writes a file with that information, and asks you to mail it to me. You
-- might want to review the file and remove anything you don't want to share.
-- Your user name is already scrubbed from the file.
-- To run this, put it in a file, say HaskellSysInfo.hs, and at the shell:
-- runhaskell HaskellSysInfo.hs
-- Thanks,
-- Mark Lentczner (mzero on irc)
module Main where
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower)
import Data.List (isInfixOf, sort)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, getHomeDirectory)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (openTempFile, hPutStr, hPutStrLn)
import System.IO.Error (ioeGetErrorString)
import System.Posix.Files
(getFileStatus, getSymbolicLinkStatus, isDirectory, isSymbolicLink,
import System.Process (readProcess, readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
concatMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f as = mapM f as >>= return . concat
scrub :: String -> String
scrub ('/':'U':'s':'e':'r':'s':'/':p)
= "/Users/xxxxx" ++ scrub (dropWhile (/= '/') p)
scrub (c:s) = c : scrub s
scrub [] = []
entries :: (String -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
entries p f = getDirectoryContents f >>= return . map (f </>) . filter p
notDot :: String -> Bool
notDot n = not $ n `elem` [".", ".."]
ls :: FilePath -> IO [String]
ls d = do
dst <- getFileStatus d
if isDirectory dst
then entries notDot d >>= mapM disp
else disp d >>= return . (:[])
disp f = do
st <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
sy <- if isSymbolicLink st
then ("@ -> " ++) `fmap` readSymbolicLink f
else return ""
return $ f ++ sy
section :: String -> IO [String] -> IO [String]
section name act = do
out <- act `catch` reportError
return $ ["## " ++ name ++ " ##"] ++ out ++ [""]
reportError e = return [ ">>> " ++ ioeGetErrorString e ]
findFrameworks :: IO [String]
findFrameworks = section "Frameworks" $
haskellFrameworks >>= concatMapM showVersions
haskellFrameworks = entries haskellRelated "/Library/Frameworks"
haskellRelated n = any (`isInfixOf` (map toLower n)) ["ghc", "haskell"]
showVersions f = ls $ f </> "Versions"
programVersions :: IO [String]
programVersions = concatMapM go programs
go (prog, args) = section prog $ do
(exit, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "which" [prog] ""
case exit of
ExitSuccess -> do
loc <- ls $ takeWhile (not . isSpace) out
readProcess prog args "" >>= return . (loc ++) . lines
ExitFailure _ -> return [prog ++ " not found"]
programs =
[ ("ghc", ["--version"])
, ("cabal", ["--version"])
packageDirs :: IO [String]
packageDirs = section "Packages" $ do
out <- readProcess "ghc-pkg" ["dump"] ""
return $ sort $ filter (": /" `isInfixOf`) $ lines out
dotDirs :: IO [String]
dotDirs = concatMapM go [".ghc", ".cabal"]
go d = section d $ getHomeDirectory >>= ls . (</> d)
skipHackageLogin :: String -> String
skipHackageLogin line_
| "username" `isInfixOf` line || "password" `isInfixOf` line
= "-- stripped"
| otherwise
= line_
where line = dropWhile isSpace line_
cabalConfig :: IO [String]
cabalConfig = section ".cabal/config" $ do
f <- (</> ".cabal/config") `fmap` getHomeDirectory
content <- readFile f
let content' = unlines . map skipHackageLogin . lines $ scrub content
hash <- readProcess "md5" [] content'
return $ lines ("md5 of scrubbed .cabal/config: " ++ hash) ++ lines content'
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- randomRIO (10000,99999::Int)
let f = "hs-info-" ++ show n ++ ".txt"
[ findFrameworks
, programVersions
, packageDirs
, dotDirs
, cabalConfig
] >>= writeFile f . unlines . map scrub . concat
mapM_ putStrLn $
[ "Haskell system info written to " ++ f
, "Your user name has been scrubbed from this file."
, "Please mail the file to:"
, "Thanks,"
, " - Mark"
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