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VBA module to ease manipulation of sheets and ranges
' SheetEx
' Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Timothy Baxendale (
' This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
' modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
' version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
' This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' Lesser General Public License for more details.
' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
' Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Option Explicit
' Last update: 11/17/17
' Requires: N/A
' Description: Miscelaneous functions for interacting with sheets and ranges
' Change the SHEETEX_VER constant to keep certain backward compatability
' Revisions stack on top of one another, i.e. If you roll back to Rev 1000, you will revert
' any changes made after that version. New functions may still exist when reset
' to an earlier version, but this is not guaranteed.
' Revisions:
' 1000 - use exBoth for `Shrink` default in ShrinkToFit/ResizeToFit
' 1001 - use False for `KeepFormula` default in ClearTable
' 1002 - use `AllowTables` param name instead of `StopAtTables` for FindLastRow/FindLastColumn
' 1004 - use exRow for `Shrink` default in ShrinkToFit/ResizeToFit
' 1005 - use empty string default value for JoinReplace
' 1007 - use True for `IncludeHeader` default in GetRange and do not check if range object fits ListObject.DataBodyRange
' 1009 - do not use clipboard by default
#Const SHEETEX_VER = 1010
#Const SAFE_RANGE_ENABLED = True ' set to True for bounds checking on ranges
' integer constants
Public Const MAX_BYTE As Byte = 255
Public Const MIN_BYE As Byte = 0
Public Const MAX_INT As Integer = 32767
Public Const MIN_INT As Integer = -32768
Public Const MAX_LONG As Long = 2147483647
Public Const MIN_LONG As Long = -2147483648#
' Clear value types
Enum ExClearType
exClearContents = 1
exClearFormats = 2
exClearComments = 4
exClearHLinks = 8
exClearNotes = 16
exClearOutline = 32
exClearAll = 63 ' this is the sum of all the previous
End Enum
' Column/Row or both
Enum ExColumnRow
exColumn = 1
exRow = 2
exBoth = 3
End Enum
' Appends a new row of values to a range
Function AppendRow(ByRef Range As Variant, ParamArray Values() As Variant) As Range
Values = GetArray(Values)
Set AppendRow = RangeBelow(Range, FindLast:=True, Height:=1)
With AppendRow
Dim i As Long, Value As Variant
i = 1
For Each Value In Values
.Columns(i).Value2 = Value
i = i + 1
Next Value
End With
End Function
' Inserts a value in an array
Sub ArrayInsert(ByRef arr As Variant, ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Value As Variant)
Dim newarr() As Variant, x As Long
ReDim newarr(LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) + 1)
For x = 0 To Index - 1
LetOrSet newarr(x), arr(x)
Next x
LetOrSet newarr(Index), Value
For x = Index + 1 To UBound(newarr)
LetOrSet newarr(x), arr(x - 1)
Next x
arr = newarr
End Sub
' Converts a single dimentional array to a list
Function ArrayToList(ByRef arr As Variant) As Collection
Dim x As Long
Set ArrayToList = New Collection
For x = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
ArrayToList.Add arr(x)
Next x
End Function
' Builds a formula with given ranges
' Ranges - a range or array of ranges that will be used as an argument for this formula
' Formula - the formula that should be applied to the array. Arguments can be used in the formula string
' in the format %1 is arg1, %2 is arg2, etc.
Function BuildFormula(ByVal Ranges As Variant, ByVal Formula As String) As String
Dim i As Long
If Not IsArray(Ranges) Or TypeName(Ranges) = "Range" Then Ranges = Array(Ranges)
For i = LBound(Ranges) To UBound(Ranges)
Dim arg As String, argRange As Range
Set argRange = GetRange(Ranges(i)).Resize(RowSize:=1)
arg = argRange.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
Formula = Replace(Formula, "%" & (i + 1), arg)
Next i
BuildFormula = Formula
End Function
' Clears all tables in a worksheet
Sub ClearAllTables(ByRef Worksheet As Worksheet, Optional ByVal KeepFormula As Boolean = False)
Dim n As Long
With Worksheet
Dim loTable As ListObject
For Each loTable In Worksheet.ListObjects
ClearTable loTable, NewHeight:=1, KeepFormula:=KeepFormula
Next loTable
End With
End Sub
' Clears a range
Private Sub ClearEx(ByRef Range As Range, ByVal ClearType As ExClearType)
If HasFlag(ClearType, exClearAll) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If HasFlag(ClearType, exClearContents) Then Range.ClearContents
If HasFlag(ClearType, exClearComments) Then Range.ClearComments
If HasFlag(ClearType, exClearFormats) Then Range.ClearFormats
If HasFlag(ClearType, exClearHLinks) Then Range.ClearHyperlinks
If HasFlag(ClearType, exClearNotes) Then Range.ClearNotes
If HasFlag(ClearType, exClearOutline) Then Range.ClearOutline
End Sub
' Clears the filters for a given table
Sub ClearFilters(ByRef Table As Variant)
Dim loTable As ListObject
Set loTable = TryGetTable(Table)
If loTable Is Nothing Then
With GetRange(Table, IncludeHeader:=True)
If .Worksheet.AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilter
End With
End If
End Sub
' Clear data from a Range
' Range - the Range to clear
' KeepFormula - whether or not to keep formulas
' ClearType - the type of data to clear
Sub ClearRange(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal KeepFormula As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal ClearType As ExClearType = ExClearType.exClearContents)
Dim nCol As Long
Dim rSrc As Range, rCol As Range
Set rSrc = GetRange(Range)
If Not KeepFormula Then
ClearEx rSrc, ClearType
For Each rCol In rSrc.Columns
If Not rCol.HasFormula Then ClearEx rCol, ClearType
Next rCol
End If
End Sub
' Clears the data from a table
' Table - the table name, or a ListObject with the table
' NewRows - resize the table to this number of Rows. values less than 1 will not resize the table
' KeepFormula - whether or not to keep formulas. this is false by default.
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1001 Then
Sub ClearTable(ByRef Table As Variant, Optional ByVal NewHeight As Long = 1, Optional ByVal KeepFormula As Boolean = True)
Sub ClearTable(ByRef Table As Variant, Optional ByVal NewHeight As Long = 1, Optional ByVal KeepFormula As Boolean = False)
#End If
With GetTable(Table)
ClearFilters .Range
' trim any extra Rows at the bottom and resize the table
If NewHeight > 0 Then
If Not (.DataBodyRange Is Nothing) Then
If NewHeight < .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Then RShrink(.DataBodyRange, Height:=-NewHeight).Clear
If NewHeight = 1 And Not KeepFormula Then .DataBodyRange.Delete
End If
.Resize ROffset(.Range, Height:=NewHeight + 1)
.Resize .Range.Resize(RowSize:=NewHeight + 1)
#End If
End If
If Not (.DataBodyRange Is Nothing) Then
ClearRange .DataBodyRange, KeepFormula
End If
End With
End Sub
' Performs an index match (hlookup)
' LookupValue - the key to search for in the LookupRange
' LookupRange - the range of keys in which to look for the LookupValue
' ValueRange - the range of values corresponding to the keys in the LookupRange
' DefaultValue - the default value used in case a match was not found
Function CLookup(ByRef LookupValue As Variant, ByRef LookupRange As Variant, ByRef ValueRange As Variant, Optional ByRef DefaultValue As Variant) As Variant
Dim nMatch As Variant
If IsMissing(DefaultValue) Then DefaultValue = CVErr(xlErrNA)
nMatch = MMatch(LookupValue, GetRange(LookupRange))
If IsError(nMatch) Then
CLookup = DefaultValue
CLookup = GetRange(ValueRange).Columns(nMatch).Value2
End If
End Function
' Union a variable number of ranges, or an array of ranges.
' Use the built in Union() function if the following can be guaranteed:
' - the number of ranges is known at compile time
' - all objects are of type "Range"
' - the order of the ranges does not matter
Function CombineRange(ParamArray Ranges() As Variant) As Range
Dim n As Long
Ranges = GetArray(Ranges)
Set CombineRange = GetRange(Ranges(LBound(Ranges)))
For n = LBound(Ranges) + 1 To UBound(Ranges)
Set CombineRange = Union(CombineRange, GetRange(Ranges(n)))
Next n
SortRange CombineRange
End Function
Private Function ConcatRangeAddr(ByRef Ranges As Variant, Optional ByRef nRows As Long, Optional ByVal Absolute As ExColumnRow = exColumn) As String
If Not IsArray(Ranges) Or TypeName(Ranges) = "Range" Then
With GetRange(Ranges)
ConcatRangeAddr = .Cells(1, 1).Address(RowAbsolute:=HasFlag(Absolute, exRow), ColumnAbsolute:=HasFlag(Absolute, exColumn), External:=True)
nRows = .Rows.Count
End With
Dim addstrs() As String
Dim i As Long, curr As Range
ReDim addstrs(UBound(Ranges))
nRows = 0
For i = LBound(Ranges) To UBound(Ranges)
If TypeName(Ranges(i)) = "String" Then
addstrs(i) = Ranges(i)
With GetRange(Ranges(i))
addstrs(i) = .Cells(1, 1).Address(RowAbsolute:=HasFlag(Absolute, exRow), ColumnAbsolute:=HasFlag(Absolute, exColumn), External:=True)
nRows = WorksheetFunction.Max(nRows, .Rows.Count)
End With
End If
Next i
ConcatRangeAddr = Join(addstrs, "&")
End If
End Function
' Gets a true or false value indicating whether a given workbook contains a sheet
Function ContainsSheet(ByRef Workbook As Workbook, ByRef Index As Variant) As Boolean
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
On Error GoTo catch
Set Sheet = Workbook.Worksheets(Index)
On Error GoTo 0
ContainsSheet = True
Exit Function
ContainsSheet = False
End Function
' Copies the widths of each column from one range to another
Function CopyColumnWidth(ByRef Source As Variant, ByRef Destination As Variant)
Dim rSrc As Range, rDest As Range
Dim rCol As Range, n As Long
If TypeName(Source) = "Workbook" And TypeName(Destination) = "Workbook" Then
Dim SrcSheet As Worksheet, DestSheet As Worksheet
Dim wbDest As Workbook
Set wbDest = Destination
For Each SrcSheet In Source.Worksheets
Set DestSheet = TryGetSheet(wbDest, SrcSheet.Name)
If Not (DestSheet Is Nothing) Then CopyColumnWidth SrcSheet, DestSheet
Next SrcSheet
Set rSrc = GetRange(Source)
Set rDest = GetRange(Destination)
If rSrc.Columns.Count <> rDest.Columns.Count Then Set rDest = ROffset(rDest, Width:=rSrc.Columns.Count)
For Each rCol In rDest.Columns
n = n + 1
rCol.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = rSrc.Columns(n).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth
Next rCol
End If
End Function
' Copies one or more ranges to given destinations
' Ranges - an array of pairs, the first element the source and the second the destination
' returns - the most Rows copied
Function CopyMult(ByRef Ranges As Variant, Optional ByVal CellType As XlCellType, _
Optional ByVal Paste As XlPasteType = xlPasteValues, _
Optional ByVal Append As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ForceColumnVisible As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal FindLast As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim n As Long
For n = LBound(Ranges) To UBound(Ranges) Step 2
CopyMult = WorksheetFunction.Max(CopySingle(Ranges(n), Ranges(n + 1), CellType, Paste, Append, ForceColumnVisible, FindLast), CopyMult)
Next n
End Function
' Copies the widths of each row from one range to another
Function CopyRowHeight(ByRef Source As Variant, ByRef Destination As Variant)
Dim rSrc As Range, rDest As Range
Dim rRow As Range, n As Long
If TypeName(Source) = "Workbook" And TypeName(Destination) = "Workbook" Then
Dim SrcSheet As Worksheet, DestSheet As Worksheet
Dim wbDest As Workbook
Set wbDest = Destination
For Each SrcSheet In Source.Worksheets
Set DestSheet = TryGetSheet(wbDest, SrcSheet.Name)
If Not (DestSheet Is Nothing) Then CopyRowHeight SrcSheet, DestSheet
Next SrcSheet
Set rSrc = GetRange(Source)
Set rDest = GetRange(Destination)
If rSrc.Rows.Count <> rDest.Rows.Count Then Set rDest = ROffset(rDest, Width:=rSrc.Rows.Count)
For Each rRow In rDest.Rows
n = n + 1
rRow.EntireRow.RowHeight = rSrc.Rows(n).EntireRow.RowHeight
Next rRow
End If
End Function
' Copies a single range to a destination
Function CopySingle(ByRef Source As Variant, ByRef Dest As Variant, _
Optional ByVal CellType As XlCellType, Optional ByVal Paste As XlPasteType = xlPasteValues, _
Optional Append As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ForceColumnVisible As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal FindLast As Boolean = True) As Long
Dim rSrc As Range, rDest As Range
Dim Hidden() As Boolean, LastRow As Long
Dim Area As Range, Column As Range, n As Long
Set rSrc = GetRange(Source)
SortRange rSrc
If CellType <> Empty Then
Set rSrc = SafeSpecial(rSrc, CellType)
If rSrc Is Nothing Then Exit Function
End If
If Append Then
Set rDest = RangeBelow(Dest, FindLast:=FindLast).Resize(RowSize:=CountRows(rSrc, True), ColumnSize:=CountColumns(rSrc, True))
Set rDest = GetRange(Dest).Resize(RowSize:=CountRows(rSrc, True), ColumnSize:=CountColumns(rSrc, True))
End If
If ForceColumnVisible Then
Dim Size As Long
Let n = 0
For Each Area In rSrc.Areas
Size = Size + Area.Columns.Count
ReDim Preserve Hidden(Size)
For Each Column In Area.Columns
Hidden(n) = ShowColumn(Column)
n = n + 1
Next Column
Next Area
End If
rDest.PasteSpecial Paste
If ForceColumnVisible Then
Let n = 0
For Each Area In rSrc.Areas
For Each Column In Area.Columns
If Hidden(n) Then HideColumn Column
n = n + 1
Next Column
Next Area
End If
If Append Then EnsureTableSize rSrc, Dest, rDest
CopySingle = CountRows(rSrc, AssumeOrder:=True)
End Function
' Gets the number of columns from a multi-area range
' AssumeOrder - Assumes that the columns of each area are in ascending order.
' This is faster but won't be correct unless the areas in the range are in order.
Property Get CountColumns(ByVal Range As Variant, Optional ByVal AssumeOrder As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim rArea As Range
With GetRange(Range)
If .Areas.Count = 1 Then
CountColumns = .Columns.Count
ElseIf AssumeOrder Then
Dim rLast As Range
Set rLast = .Areas(1)
CountColumns = rLast.Columns.Count
For Each rArea In .Areas
If rArea.Column >= rLast.Columns.Count + rLast.Column Then
CountColumns = CountColumns + rArea.Columns.Count
Set rLast = rArea
End If
Next rArea
Dim dict As New Collection, rCol As Range
For Each rArea In .Areas
For Each rCol In rArea.Columns
On Error Resume Next
dict.Add rCol.Column, CStr(rCol.Column)
On Error GoTo 0
Next rCol
Next rArea
CountColumns = dict.Count
End If
End With
End Property
' Gets the number of rows from a multi-area range
' AssumeOrder - Assumes that the rows of each area are in ascending order.
' This is faster but won't be correct unless the areas in the range are in order.
Property Get CountRows(ByVal Range As Variant, Optional ByVal AssumeOrder As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim rArea As Range
With GetRange(Range)
If .Areas.Count = 1 Then ' most likely case
CountRows = .Rows.Count
ElseIf AssumeOrder Then
Dim rLast As Range
Set rLast = .Areas(1)
CountRows = rLast.Rows.Count
For Each rArea In .Areas
If rArea.Row >= rLast.Rows.Count + rLast.Row Then
CountRows = CountRows + rArea.Rows.Count
Set rLast = rArea
End If
Next rArea
Dim dict As New Collection, rRow As Range
For Each rArea In .Areas
For Each rRow In rArea.Rows
On Error Resume Next
dict.Add rRow.Row, CStr(rRow.Row)
On Error GoTo 0
Next rRow
Next rArea
CountRows = dict.Count
End If
End With
End Property
Private Function CreateArrayLookup(ByRef SourceKeys As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestKeys As Variant) As String
Dim Matches() As String
Dim n As Long
' SourceKeys and DestKeys MUST have the same bounds
Debug.Assert LBound(SourceKeys) = LBound(DestKeys) And UBound(SourceKeys) = UBound(DestKeys)
ReDim Matches(LBound(SourceKeys) To UBound(SourceKeys))
For n = LBound(SourceKeys) To UBound(SourceKeys)
Matches(n) = "(" & GetRange(SourceKeys(n)).Address(External:=True) & "=" & GetRange(DestKeys(n)).Cells(1, 1).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False, External:=True) & ")"
Next n
CreateArrayLookup = Join(Matches, "*")
CreateArrayLookup = "INDEX(" & GetRange(SourceValues).Address(External:=True) & ", MATCH(1, " & CreateArrayLookup & ", 0))"
End Function
' Creates an INDEX/MATCH from the given criteria
' if the source keys are an array, the destination keys must also be an array of the same size.
' if the destinations keys are an array but the source is not, the destination ranges are concatenated to form a key
Function CreateLookup(ByRef SourceKeys As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestKeys As Variant, Optional ByVal KeyAbsolute As ExColumnRow = exColumn) As String
If IsArrayNotRange(SourceKeys) And IsArrayNotRange(DestKeys) Then
CreateLookup = CreateArrayLookup(SourceKeys, SourceValues, DestKeys)
Dim rSrcKeys As Range, rSrcValues As Range
Dim MatchAddr As String
Set rSrcKeys = GetRange(SourceKeys)
Set rSrcValues = GetRange(SourceValues)
If IsArrayNotRange(DestKeys) Then
MatchAddr = ConcatRangeAddr(DestKeys, Absolute:=KeyAbsolute)
MatchAddr = GetRange(DestKeys).Range("A1").Address(RowAbsolute:=HasFlag(KeyAbsolute, exRow), ColumnAbsolute:=HasFlag(KeyAbsolute, exColumn), External:=True)
End If
CreateLookup = "INDEX(" & rSrcValues.Address(RowAbsolute:=True, ColumnAbsolute:=True, External:=True) & ", MATCH(" & MatchAddr & ", " & rSrcKeys.Address(RowAbsolute:=True, ColumnAbsolute:=True, External:=True) & ", 0))"
End If
End Function
' Creates an INDEX/MATCH with two lookups (matches) for row and column respectively
Function CreateDualLookup(ByRef SourceRange As Variant, ByRef SourceRows As Variant, ByRef SourceColumns As Variant, ByRef DestRow As Variant, ByRef DestColumn As Variant)
Dim rSrc As Range, rSrcRows As Range, rSrcCols As Range
Dim rDestRow As Range, rDestCol As Range
Set rSrc = GetRange(rSrc)
Set rSrcRows = GetRange(SourceRows)
Set rSrcCols = GetRange(SourceColumns)
Set rDestRow = GetRange(DestRow)
Set rDestCol = GetRange(DestColumn)
CreateDualLookup = "=INDEX(" & rSrc.Address(External:=True) & _
", MATCH(" & rDestRow.Address(RowAbsolute:=False) & ", " & rSrcRows.Address(External:=True) & ", 0)" & _
", MATCH(" & rDestRow.Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False) & ", " & rSrcCols.Address(External:=True) & ", 0))"
End Function
Private Sub EnsureTableSize(ByRef rSrc As Range, ByRef Dest As Variant, ByRef rDest As Range)
Dim loTable As ListObject, TableLast As Long, DestLast As Long
Set loTable = TryGetTable(Dest)
If Not (loTable Is Nothing) Then
TableLast = FindLastRow(GetBodyRange(loTable))
DestLast = rDest.Row + rDest.Rows.Count - 1
If DestLast > TableLast Then
ResizeTable loTable, loTable.Range.Resize(RowSize:=DestLast - TableLast + 1)
End If
End If
End Sub
' Exclude a range from another range (the inverse of Intersect)
Function Exclude(ByRef Range1 As Variant, ByRef Range2 As Variant) As Range
Dim R1 As Range, R2 As Range, Overlap As Range
Set R1 = GetRange(Range1)
Set R2 = GetRange(Range2)
Debug.Assert SafeSpecial(R1, xlCellTypeSameValidation) Is Nothing And SafeSpecial(R2, xlCellTypeSameValidation) Is Nothing
With Union(R1, R2).Validation
.Add xlValidateInputOnly, 1
Intersect(R1, R2).Validation.Delete
Set Exclude = SafeSpecial(R1, xlCellTypeAllValidation)
End With
End Function
' Copies ranges without putting the copied data on the clipboard. With a large number of areas
' in a multi-area range, CopyMult() may be faster.
' Ranges - expected to be an even numbered array, with every even index containing the source range
' and every odd index containing the destination for that source
' returns - the largest number of Rows copied
Function FastCopy(ParamArray Ranges() As Variant) As Long
FastCopy = FastCopyEx(GetArray(Ranges))
End Function
' Copies ranges without putting the copied data on the clipboard. With a large number of areas
' in a multi-area range, CopyMult() may be faster.
' Ranges - expected to be an even numbered array, with every even index containing the source range
' and every odd index containing the destination for that source
' CellType - the type of cell to copy
' NumberFormat - the number format to use
' Append - place the copied values at the bottom of the destination range rather than overwriting it
' returns - the largest number of Rows copied
Function FastCopyEx(ByRef Ranges As Variant, Optional ByVal CellType As XlCellType, Optional ByVal NumberFormat As String, Optional ByVal Append As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ForceColumnVisible As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal StackSources As Boolean = True) As Long
Dim n As Long
For n = LBound(Ranges) To UBound(Ranges) Step 2
Dim rSrc As Range, rDest As Range
Dim rSrcArea As Range, rDestArea As Range
Dim srcRows As Long, bHidden As Boolean
Set rSrc = ShrinkToFit(Ranges(n), exRow)
Set rDest = GetRange(Ranges(n + 1))
SortRange rSrc
If Append Then Set rDest = RangeBelow(rDest, FindLast:=False)
If ForceColumnVisible Then bHidden = ShowColumn(rSrc)
If CellType <> Empty Then
Set rSrc = SafeSpecial(rSrc, CellType)
If rSrc Is Nothing Then GoTo continue
End If
Let srcRows = CountRows(rSrc, AssumeOrder:=True)
If srcRows <> rDest.Rows.Count Then Set rDest = rDest.Resize(RowSize:=srcRows)
For Each rSrcArea In rSrc.Areas
If rDestArea Is Nothing Then
Set rDestArea = rDest.Resize(RowSize:=rSrcArea.Rows.Count, ColumnSize:=rSrcArea.Columns.Count)
If StackSources Then
Set rDestArea = rDestArea.Offset(RowOffset:=rDestArea.Rows.Count).Resize(rSrcArea.Rows.Count, rSrcArea.Columns.Count)
Set rDestArea = rDestArea.Offset(ColumnOffset:=rDestArea.Columns.Count).Resize(rSrcArea.Rows.Count, rSrcArea.Columns.Count)
End If
End If
SafeSetValue rSrcArea, rDestArea
rDestArea.Value2 = rSrcArea.Value2
#End If
Next rSrcArea
If NumberFormat <> Empty Then rDest.NumberFormat = NumberFormat
Let FastCopyEx = WorksheetFunction.Max(srcRows, FastCopyEx)
If ForceColumnVisible And bHidden Then HideColumn rSrc
If Append Then EnsureTableSize rSrc, Ranges(n + 1), rDest
Set rDestArea = Nothing
Next n
End Function
' Fills a formula in a given range and then saves the values
' Range - the range to fill in with the formula
' Formula - the formula
' Calculate - whether or not the worksheet should be calculated after the values are filled
' Clipboard - whether or not to use the clipboad. Using the clipboard may be slower, but it will ensure the source formatting and data types
' ArrayFormula - The formula given is an array formula
#If SHEETEX_VER < 1010 Then
Function FillValues(ByRef Range As Variant, ByVal Formula As String, Optional ByVal Calculate As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ArrayFormula As Boolean = False)
Function FillValues(ByRef Range As Variant, ByVal Formula As String, Optional ByVal Calculate As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal ArrayFormula As Boolean = False)
#End If
With GetRange(Range)
With .Range("A1")
If ArrayFormula Then
.FormulaArray = Formula
.Formula = Formula
End If
End With
If .Rows.Count > 1 Then .FillDown
If .Columns.Count > 1 Then .FillRight
If Calculate Then .Worksheet.Calculate
If Clipboard Then
CopySingle Range, Range, Paste:=xlPasteValues
.Value2 = .Value2
End If
End With
End Function
' Applies a fiilter to a pivot table on a given field
Sub FilterPivot(ByRef Pivot As Variant, ByRef Field As Variant, ByRef Criteria As Variant)
Dim PivotTable As PivotTable, Item As PivotItem
Dim x As Long, Match As Boolean, CriteriaArray As Variant
If IsArrayNotRange(Criteria) Then
CriteriaArray = Criteria
CriteriaArray = Array(Criteria)
End If
Set PivotTable = GetPivot(Pivot)
For Each Item In PivotTable.PivotFields(Field).PivotItems
Match = False
For x = LBound(CriteriaArray) To UBound(CriteriaArray)
Match = CriteriaArray(x) Like Item.Name
If Match Then Exit For
Next x
On Error Resume Next
Item.Visible = Match
On Error GoTo 0
Next Item
End Sub
' Applies a filter to the specified header/filter.
Sub FilterTable(ByRef Range As Variant, ByRef Field As Variant, ByRef Criteria1 As Variant, Optional ByVal Operator As XlAutoFilterOperator = xlAnd, Optional ByRef Criteria2 As Variant, Optional ByRef VisibleDropDown As Variant)
With GetRange(Range, IncludeHeader:=True)
' If .Worksheet.AutoFilterMode Then
' .Worksheet.AutoFilterMode = False
' .AutoFilter
' End If
.AutoFilter GetColumnRange(Range, Field).Column - .Column + 1, Criteria1, Operator, Criteria2, VisibleDropDown
End With
End Sub
' Finds the last column in a given row. If no row is supplied, finds the last column in the range.
' NOTE - merged cells are not supported and could give unexpected results
' Range - the range to find the last row
' RowIndex - the index of the row. If this is not specified, all rows are counted
' StopAtTables - Whether or not to stop when a table is reached (i.e., count tables as non-empty cells)
' returns - the (absolute) index of last column
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1002 Then
Function FindLastColumn(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef RowIndex As Variant, Optional ByVal StopAtTables As Boolean = False) As Long
Function FindLastColumn(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef RowIndex As Variant, Optional ByVal AllowTables As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim StopAtTables As Boolean
StopAtTables = AllowTables
#End If
Dim CurrCell As Range, Hidden As Boolean
If IsMissing(RowIndex) Then
Dim n As Long, rng As Range
Set rng = GetRange(Range)
FindLastColumn = 1
If rng.Columns.Count >= rng.Rows.Count Then
If rng.Worksheet.Columns("A").Hidden Then Hidden = ShowColumn(rng.Worksheet.Columns("A"))
For n = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
Set CurrCell = rng.Worksheet.Cells(rng.Rows(n).Row, rng.Column + rng.Columns.Count - 1)
While IsEmpty(CurrCell) And CurrCell.Column <> 1 And (Not StopAtTables Or CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing)
Set CurrCell = CurrCell.End(xlToLeft)
FindLastColumn = WorksheetFunction.Max(FindLastColumn, CurrCell.Column)
Next n
If Hidden Then HideColumn rng.Worksheet.Columns("A")
For n = rng.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = FindLastRow(rng, n, StopAtTables)
Set CurrCell = rng.Cells(LastRow, n)
If LastRow < rng.Row Or (Not IsEmpty(CurrCell) Or (StopAtTables And Not (CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing))) Then
FindLastColumn = n + rng.Column - 1
Exit For
End If
Next n
End If
With GetRange(Range)
Set CurrCell = .Worksheet.Cells(.Rows(RowIndex).Row, .Column + .Columns.Count - 1)
If .Worksheet.Columns("A").Hidden Then Hidden = ShowColumn(.Worksheet.Columns("A"))
While IsEmpty(CurrCell) And CurrCell.Column <> 1 And (Not StopAtTables Or CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing)
Set CurrCell = CurrCell.End(xlToLeft)
FindLastColumn = CurrCell.Column
If Hidden Then HideColumn .Worksheet.Columns("A")
End With
End If
End Function
' Finds the last non-empty row in a range
' NOTE - merged cells are not supported and could give unexpected results
' Range - the range to find the last row
' ColumnIndex - the index of the column. If this is not specified, all columns are counted
' StopAtTables - Whether or not to stop when a table is reached (i.e., count tables as non-empty cells)
' returns - the (absolute) index of the last row
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1002 Then
Function FindLastRow(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef ColumnIndex As Variant, Optional ByVal StopAtTables As Boolean = False) As Long
Function FindLastRow(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef ColumnIndex As Variant, Optional ByVal AllowTables As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim StopAtTables As Boolean
StopAtTables = AllowTables
#End If
Dim CurrCell As Range
If IsMissing(ColumnIndex) Then
Dim n As Long, rng As Range
Set rng = GetRange(Range)
FindLastRow = 1
If rng.Rows.Count >= rng.Columns.Count Then
For n = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
Set CurrCell = rng.Worksheet.Cells(rng.Row + rng.Rows.Count - 1, rng.Columns(n).Column)
While IsEmpty(CurrCell) And CurrCell.Row <> 1 And (Not StopAtTables Or CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing)
Set CurrCell = CurrCell.End(xlUp)
FindLastRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(FindLastRow, CurrCell.Row)
Next n
For n = rng.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim LastColumn As Long
LastColumn = RelativeColumn(rng, FindLastColumn(rng, n, StopAtTables))
Set CurrCell = rng.Cells(n, LastColumn)
If LastColumn < rng.Column Or (Not IsEmpty(CurrCell) Or (StopAtTables And Not (CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing))) Then
FindLastRow = n + rng.Row - 1
Exit For
End If
Next n
End If
Dim Hidden As Boolean
With GetRange(Range)
Set CurrCell = .Worksheet.Cells(.Row + .Rows.Count - 1, .Columns(ColumnIndex).Column)
Hidden = .Worksheet.Rows(1).Hidden
If Hidden Then .Worksheet.Rows(1).Hidden = False
While IsEmpty(CurrCell) And CurrCell.Row <> 1 And (Not StopAtTables Or CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing)
Set CurrCell = CurrCell.End(xlUp)
FindLastRow = CurrCell.Row
.Worksheet.Rows(1).Hidden = Hidden
End With
End If
End Function
' Finds the first column in a given row. If no row is supplied, finds the first column in the range.
' NOTE - merged cells are not supported and could give unexpected results
' Range - the range to find the last row
' RowIndex - the index of the row. If this is not specified, all rows are counted
' StopAtTables - Whether or not to stop when a table is reached (i.e., count tables as non-empty cells)
' returns - the (absolute) index of first column
Function FindFirstColumn(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef RowIndex As Variant, Optional ByVal StopAtTables As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim CurrCell As Range, Hidden As Boolean
If IsMissing(RowIndex) Then
Dim n As Long, rng As Range
Set rng = GetRange(Range)
FindFirstColumn = rng.Columns.Count
If rng.Columns.Count >= rng.Rows.Count Then
If rng.Worksheet.Columns(rng.Worksheet.Columns.Count).Hidden Then Hidden = ShowColumn(rng.Worksheet.Columns(rng.Worksheet.Columns.Count))
For n = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
Set CurrCell = rng.Worksheet.Cells(rng.Rows(n).Row, rng.Column)
While IsEmpty(CurrCell) And CurrCell.Column <> rng.Columns.Count And (Not StopAtTables Or CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing)
Set CurrCell = CurrCell.End(xlToRight)
FindFirstColumn = WorksheetFunction.Min(FindFirstColumn, CurrCell.Column)
Next n
If Hidden Then HideColumn rng.Worksheet.Columns("A")
For n = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = FindFirstRow(rng, n, StopAtTables)
Set CurrCell = rng.Cells(LastRow, n)
If LastRow < rng.Row Or (Not IsEmpty(CurrCell) Or (StopAtTables And Not (CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing))) Then
FindFirstColumn = n + rng.Column - 1
Exit For
End If
Next n
End If
With GetRange(Range)
Set CurrCell = .Worksheet.Cells(.Rows(RowIndex).Row, .Column)
If .Worksheet.Columns(.Worksheet.Columns.Count).Hidden Then Hidden = ShowColumn(.Worksheet.Columns(.Worksheet.Columns.Count))
While IsEmpty(CurrCell) And CurrCell.Column <> .Worksheet.Columns.Count And (Not StopAtTables Or CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing)
Set CurrCell = CurrCell.End(xlToRight)
FindFirstColumn = CurrCell.Column
If Hidden Then HideColumn .Worksheet.Columns(.Worksheet.Columns.Count)
End With
End If
End Function
' Finds the first non-empty row in a range
' NOTE - merged cells are not supported and could give unexpected results
' Range - the range to find the first row
' ColumnIndex - the index of the column. If this is not specified, all columns are counted
' StopAtTables - Whether or not to stop when a table is reached (i.e., count tables as non-empty cells)
' returns - the (absolute) index of the first row
Function FindFirstRow(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef ColumnIndex As Variant, Optional ByVal StopAtTables As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim CurrCell As Range
If IsMissing(ColumnIndex) Then
Dim n As Long, rng As Range
Set rng = GetRange(Range)
FindFirstRow = rng.Worksheet.Rows.Count
If rng.Rows.Count >= rng.Columns.Count Then
For n = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
Set CurrCell = rng.Worksheet.Cells(rng.Row, rng.Columns(n).Column)
While IsEmpty(CurrCell) And CurrCell.Row <> rng.Worksheet.Rows.Count And (Not StopAtTables Or CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing)
Set CurrCell = CurrCell.End(xlDown)
FindFirstRow = WorksheetFunction.Min(FindFirstRow, CurrCell.Row)
Next n
For n = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
Dim FirstColumn As Long
FirstColumn = RelativeColumn(rng, FindFirstColumn(rng, n, StopAtTables))
Set CurrCell = rng.Cells(n, FirstColumn)
If FirstColumn < rng.Column Or (Not IsEmpty(CurrCell) Or (StopAtTables And Not (CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing))) Then
FindFirstRow = n + rng.Row - 1
Exit For
End If
Next n
End If
Dim Hidden As Boolean
With GetRange(Range)
Set CurrCell = .Worksheet.Cells(.Row, .Columns(ColumnIndex).Column)
Hidden = .Worksheet.Rows(1).Hidden
If Hidden Then .Worksheet.Rows(1).Hidden = False
While IsEmpty(CurrCell) And CurrCell.Row <> .Worksheet.Rows.Count And (Not StopAtTables Or CurrCell.ListObject Is Nothing)
Set CurrCell = CurrCell.End(xlDown)
FindFirstRow = CurrCell.Row
.Worksheet.Rows(1).Hidden = Hidden
End With
End If
End Function
Private Function GenerateTableName(ByRef wb As Workbook) As String
Dim loTable As ListObject, ws As Worksheet
Dim n As Long, Found As Boolean
Let n = 1
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
For Each loTable In ws.ListObjects
If StrComp(loTable.Name, "Table" & n, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Found = True
GoTo Break_Out
End If
Next loTable
Next ws
If Not Found Then GenerateTableName = "Table" & n
n = n + 1
Found = False
Loop While GenerateTableName = ""
End Function
' Returns an array in the case that a ParamArray function was passed an array
Function GetArray(ParamArray arr() As Variant) As Variant
If UBound(arr) < LBound(arr) Then Exit Function
If IsArrayNotRange(arr(LBound(arr))) Then
Dim newarr As Variant
LetOrSet newarr, arr(LBound(arr))
If LBound(newarr) = UBound(newarr) Then
If IsArrayNotRange(newarr(LBound(newarr))) Then
LetOrSet GetArray, newarr(LBound(newarr))
Exit Function
End If
End If
LetOrSet GetArray, newarr
GetArray = arr
End If
End Function
Private Function GetBodyRange(ByRef Range As Variant) As Range
If Range.DataBodyRange Is Nothing Then
Set GetBodyRange = Range.Range.Resize(Range.Range.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(RowOffset:=1) ' if no data body, use range below the header
Set GetBodyRange = Range.DataBodyRange
End If
End Function
' Gets a column as a range
' You can use a column header in the case of a list object, or a column letter or number.
' Column headers will take precedence over column letters
' (e.g. a table with a column named PO will take precedence over $PO:$PO)
Function GetColumnRange(ByRef Range As Variant, ByRef Column As Variant) As Range
If TypeName(Column) = "String" Then
Set GetColumnRange = ListObjCol(GetRange(Range), Column)
If GetColumnRange Is Nothing Then
Set GetColumnRange = GetRange(Range).Columns(Column)
End If
ElseIf TypeName(Column) = "Range" Then
Set GetColumnRange = Column
ElseIf IsNumeric(Column) Then
Set GetColumnRange = GetRange(Range).Columns(Column)
Err.Raise 5
End If
End Function
' Alias for GetColumnRange
Function GCR(ByRef Range As Variant, ByRef Column As Variant) As Range
Set GCR = GetColumnRange(Range, Column)
End Function
' Converts the given value into a PivotTable object
Function GetPivot(ByRef Pivot As Variant) As PivotTable
' this is in the order that I think is most likely to happen
Select Case TypeName(Pivot)
Case Is = "PivotTable"
Set GetPivot = Pivot
Case Is = "Range"
Set GetPivot = Pivot.PivotTable
Case Is = "String"
Set GetPivot = ThisWorkbook.PivotTables(Pivot)
Case Else
Set GetPivot = Nothing
End Select
End Function
' Converts a String, ListObject or Worksheet to a Range
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1007 Then
Function GetRange(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal IncludeHeader As Boolean = False) As Range
Function GetRange(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal IncludeHeader As Boolean = True) As Range
#End If
Set GetRange = TryGetRange(Range, IncludeHeader)
' check if the Range object could be converted
If GetRange Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5, Source:="Range", Description:="Argument of type '" & TypeName(Range) & "' cannot be converted to a Range."
End Function
' Gets a table from the workbook
' table - the table to look for. if this is a string, the table with that name will be returned
' if this is a ListObject, the same object is returned. otherwise an error is raised
Function GetTable(ByRef Table As Variant) As ListObject
Set GetTable = TryGetTable(Table)
If GetTable Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5, "Table", "Could not convert " & TypeName(Table) & " to a ListObject"
End Function
Private Function HasFlag(ByVal Value As Variant, ByVal Flag As Variant)
HasFlag = (Value And Flag) = Flag
End Function
' Hides a single column or the entire group that the column is in
Function HideColumn(ByRef Column As Variant) As Boolean
With GetRange(Column).EntireColumn
If Not .Hidden Then
If .OutlineLevel > 1 Then
.ShowDetail = False
.Hidden = True
End If
HideColumn = True
HideColumn = False
End If
End With
End Function
Private Property Get IsArrayNotRange(ByRef Range As Variant) As Boolean
IsArrayNotRange = IsArray(Range) And TypeName(Range) <> "Range"
End Property
' Keeps the current format of a range and removes conditional formats associated with it
Sub KeepCurrentFormat(ByRef Range As Variant)
Dim Cell As Range
With GetRange(Range)
For Each Cell In .Cells
With Cell
.Interior.Color = .DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
.Font.FontStyle = .DisplayFormat.Font.FontStyle
.Font.Strikethrough = .DisplayFormat.Font.Strikethrough
.Font.Color = .DisplayFormat.Font.Color
.Font.Bold = .DisplayFormat.Font.Bold
.Font.Italic = .DisplayFormat.Font.Italic
.Font.Underline = .DisplayFormat.Font.Underline
End With
Next Cell
End With
End Sub
Private Function ListObjCol(ByRef Range As Range, ByRef Column As Variant) As Range
Dim loTable As ListObject
Set loTable = TryGetTable(Range)
If loTable Is Nothing Then GoTo catch
On Error GoTo catch
Set ListObjCol = loTable.ListColumns(Column).DataBodyRange
On Error GoTo 0
If ListObjCol Is Nothing Then
Set ListObjCol = loTable.ListColumns(Column).Range
Set ListObjCol = ListObjCol.Offset(1).Resize(1)
End If
With ListObjCol
Dim oRange As Range, StartRow As Long
Set oRange = GetRange(Range, IncludeHeader:=False)
Let StartRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(oRange.Row, .Row)
Set ListObjCol = SafeRange(.Worksheet, StartRow, .Column, Height:=oRange.Row + oRange.Rows.Count - StartRow)
Set ListObjCol = .Worksheet.Cells(StartRow, .Column).Resize(RowSize:=oRange.Row + oRange.Rows.Count - StartRow)
#End If
End With
Exit Function
Set ListObjCol = Nothing
End Function
' Gets the largest number in a series of numbers
Property Get Max(ParamArray args() As Variant) As Variant
If UBound(args) = LBound(args) + 1 Then ' most likely case
Max = WorksheetFunction.Max(args(LBound(args)), args(UBound(args)))
Dim i As Integer
If UBound(args) < LBound(args) Then Exit Property
args = GetArray(args)
If UBound(args) < LBound(args) Then Exit Property
Let Max = args(LBound(args))
For i = LBound(args) + 1 To UBound(args)
Max = WorksheetFunction.Max(args(i), Max)
Next i
End If
End Property
' Gets the maximum number of columns in a range with one or more areas.
' If no range is supplied, the current sheet is used
Property Get MaxColumn(Optional ByRef Range As Variant) As Long
If IsMissing(Range) Then
Static MaxStatic As Long
If MaxStatic = Empty Then MaxStatic = ActiveSheet.Range("1:1").Columns.Count
MaxColumn = MaxStatic
Dim Area As Range
For Each Area In GetRange(Range).Areas
MaxColumn = WorksheetFunction.Max(MaxColumn, Area.Columns.Count)
Next Area
End If
End Property
' Gets the maximum number of rows in a range with one or more areas.
' If no range is supplied, the current sheet is used
Property Get MaxRow(Optional ByRef Range As Variant) As Long
If IsMissing(Range) Then
Static MaxStatic As Long
If MaxStatic = Empty Then MaxStatic = ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").Rows.Count
MaxRow = MaxStatic
Dim Area As Range
For Each Area In GetRange(Range).Areas
MaxRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(MaxRow, Area.Rows.Count)
Next Area
End If
End Property
' Gets the smallest number in a series of numbers
Property Get Min(ParamArray args() As Variant) As Variant
If UBound(args) = LBound(args) + 1 Then ' most likely case
Min = WorksheetFunction.Min(args(LBound(args)), args(UBound(args)))
Dim i As Integer
If UBound(args) < LBound(args) Then Exit Property
args = GetArray(args)
If UBound(args) < LBound(args) Then Exit Property
Let Min = args(LBound(args))
For i = LBound(args) + 1 To UBound(args)
Min = WorksheetFunction.Min(args(i), Min)
Next i
End If
End Property
' Gets the Missing value
Property Get Missing() As Variant
Missing = SheetXArg
End Property
Private Property Get SheetXArg(Optional ByRef arg As Variant) As Variant
SheetXArg = arg
End Property
' Finds the first index of a given value in a range
Function MMatch(ByRef Value As Variant, ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef DefaultValue As Variant) As Variant
If IsMissing(DefaultValue) Then DefaultValue = CVErr(xlErrNA)
On Error GoTo catch
MMatch = WorksheetFunction.Match(Value, GetRange(Range), 0)
On Error GoTo 0
If IsError(MMatch) Then GoTo catch
Exit Function
LetOrSet MMatch, DefaultValue
End Function
' Creates an array with numbers through
Function NumberArray(ByRef Lower As Variant, ByRef Upper As Variant, Optional ByRef Increment As Variant) As Variant
Dim x As Variant, NewArray() As Variant
Dim Index As Long, Count As Variant, ArrSize As Long
If IsMissing(Increment) Then Increment = IIf(Upper < Lower, -1, 1)
Count = Abs(Upper - Lower) + 1
ArrSize = WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(Abs(Count / Increment), 1)
If Count = 0 Or ArrSize <= 0 Then
NumberArray = Array()
ReDim NewArray(0 To ArrSize - 1)
Index = 0
For x = Lower To Upper Step Increment
NewArray(Index) = x
Index = Index + 1
Next x
NumberArray = NewArray
End If
End Function
Private Sub QuickSort(ByRef arr As Variant, ByVal Low As Long, ByVal High As Long)
Dim pvt As Variant
Dim tmpLo As Long, tmpHi As Long
tmpLo = Low
tmpHi = High
LetOrSet pvt, arr((Low + High) \ 2)
While tmpLo <= tmpHi
While arr(tmpLo) < pvt And tmpLo < High
tmpLo = tmpLo + 1
While arr(tmpHi) > pvt And tmpHi > Low
tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
If tmpLo <= tmpHi Then
Swap arr(tmpLo), arr(tmpHi)
tmpLo = tmpLo + 1
tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
End If
If Low < tmpHi Then QuickSort arr, Low, tmpHi
If tmpLo < High Then QuickSort arr, tmpLo, High
End Sub
Private Sub QuickSortRev(ByRef arr As Variant, ByVal Low As Long, ByVal High As Long)
Dim pvt As Variant
Dim tmpLo As Long, tmpHi As Long
tmpLo = Low
tmpHi = High
LetOrSet pvt, arr((Low + High) \ 2)
While tmpLo <= tmpHi
While arr(tmpLo) > pvt And tmpLo < High
tmpLo = tmpLo + 1
While arr(tmpHi) < pvt And tmpHi > Low
tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
If tmpLo <= tmpHi Then
Swap arr(tmpHi), arr(tmpLo)
tmpLo = tmpLo + 1
tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
End If
If Low < tmpHi Then QuickSortRev arr, Low, tmpHi
If tmpLo < High Then QuickSortRev arr, tmpLo, High
End Sub
' Gets a range immediately below another range
' FindLast - whether or not to find the first non empty row in the range
Function RangeBelow(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal FindLast As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Height As Long) As Range
Dim rSrc As Range
Dim nHeight As Long
If FindLast Then
Dim LastRow As Long
Set rSrc = GetRange(Range)
LastRow = FindLastRow(rSrc)
nHeight = rSrc.Rows.Count
Set rSrc = ROffset(rSrc, RowOffset:=LastRow - rSrc.Row, Height:=1)
Set rSrc = GetRange(Range)
nHeight = rSrc.Rows.Count
End If
If Height = Empty Then Height = nHeight
Set RangeBelow = ROffset(rSrc, RowOffset:=rSrc.Rows.Count, Height:=Height)
End Function
' Converts a Range object into an array with bounds 1 to Range.Cells.Count
Function RangeToArray(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal SkipBlanks As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim arr() As Variant, n As Long, nIdx As Long
With GetRange(Range)
ReDim arr(1 To .Cells.Count)
nIdx = LBound(arr)
For n = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If Not IsEmpty(.Cells(n)) Or Not SkipBlanks Then
arr(nIdx) = .Cells(n).Value
nIdx = nIdx + 1
End If
Next n
If UBound(arr) <> nIdx - 1 Then ReDim Preserve arr(1 To nIdx - 1)
End With
RangeToArray = arr
End Function
' Gets the relative row from an absolute row
Property Get RelativeColumn(ByRef RelativeTo As Variant, ByRef ColumnAbsolute As Variant) As Long
With GetRange(RelativeTo)
RelativeColumn = GetColumnRange(.Worksheet, ColumnAbsolute).Column - .Column + 1
End With
End Property
' Gets the relative row from an absolute row
Property Get RelativeRow(ByRef RelativeTo As Variant, ByRef RowAbsolute As Variant) As Long
With GetRange(RelativeTo)
RelativeRow = .Worksheet.Rows(RowAbsolute).Row - .Row + 1
End With
End Property
' Remove an element from an array at a given index
Function RemoveAt(ByRef arr As Variant, ByVal Index As Long) As Variant
Dim NewArray() As Variant, x As Long
ReDim NewArray(LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) - 1)
For x = LBound(arr) To Index - 1
LetOrSet NewArray(x), arr(x)
Next x
For x = Index + 1 To UBound(arr)
LetOrSet NewArray(x - 1), arr(x)
Next x
RemoveAt = NewArray
End Function
' Resizes a table and deletes any rows that are no longer in the table
' Headers must be in the same row and the resulting table must overlap the original table range.
Sub ResizeTable(ByRef Table As Variant, ByRef NewRange As Variant)
Dim NewHeight As Long, NewWidth As Long
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = GetRange(NewRange, IncludeHeader:=True)
NewHeight = rng.Rows.Count
NewWidth = rng.Columns.Count
With GetTable(Table)
If rng.Row <> .HeaderRowRange.Row Or Intersect(rng, .Range) Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise 1004, Description:="Headers must be in the same row and the resulting table must overlap the original table range."
End If
If NewHeight > 0 Then
If Not (.DataBodyRange Is Nothing) Then
If NewHeight < .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Then RShrink(.DataBodyRange, Height:=-NewHeight).Clear
End If
End If
If NewWidth > 0 Then
If Not (.DataBodyRange Is Nothing) Then
If NewWidth < .DataBodyRange.Columns.Count Then RShrink(.DataBodyRange, Width:=-NewWidth).Clear
End If
End If
.Resize rng
End With
End Sub
' Resises a table or a worksheet by removing empty rows or columns
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1000 And SHEETEX_VER < 1005 Then
Function ResizeToFit(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal Shrink As ExColumnRow = exRow) As Range
Function ResizeToFit(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal Shrink As ExColumnRow = exBoth) As Range
#End If
Set ResizeToFit = ShrinkToFit(Range, Shrink)
Select Case TypeName(Range)
Case Is = "ListObject"
If ResizeToFit.Rows.Count > 1 Then
ResizeTable Range, ResizeToFit
ResizeTable Range, Range.HeaderRowRange.Resize(RowSize:=2)
End If
Case Is = "Worksheet"
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Long
Set ws = Range
With ResizeToFit
LastRow = .Rows.Count + .Row - 1
LastCol = .Columns.Count + .Column - 1
End With
If ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count > LastRow Then
ws.Range(ws.Cells(LastRow + 1, 1), ws.Cells(ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1)).EntireRow.Delete
End If
If ws.UsedRange.Columns.Count > LastCol Then
With ws.UsedRange
ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, LastCol + 1), ws.Cells(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count)).EntireColumn.Delete xlToLeft
End With
End If
End Select
End Function
' Expands a given range
' Height - the number of Rows to expand. Use negative numbers to expand upward.
' Width - the number of columns to expand. Use negative numbers to expand left.
Function RExpand(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal Width As Long, Optional ByVal Height As Long) As Range
Dim nRow As Long, nCol As Long, oRange As Range
Set oRange = GetRange(Range)
With oRange
Let nRow = IIf(Height < 0, Height, 0)
Let nCol = IIf(Width < 0, Width, 0)
Set RExpand = ROffsetInternal(oRange, RowOffset:=nRow, ColumnOffset:=nCol, Width:=Math.Abs(Width) + .Columns.Count, Height:=Math.Abs(Height) + .Rows.Count)
Set RExpand = .Offset(nRow, nCol).Resize(ColumnSize:=Math.Abs(Width) + .Columns.Count, RowSize:=Math.Abs(Height) + .Rows.Count)
#End If
End With
End Function
' Copies a column based on a key, replacing any values that were there previously
' SourceKeys - the range that contains keys on the source table
' SourceValues - the range of values to copy to the destination
' DestKeys - the range that contains keys on the destination table
' DestValues - the range to place the copied values
#If SHEETEX_VER < 1010 Then
Sub JoinReplace(ByRef SourceKeys As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestKeys As Variant, ByRef DestValues As Variant, Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Variant, Optional ByVal Calculate As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = False)
Sub JoinReplace(ByRef SourceKeys As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestKeys As Variant, ByRef DestValues As Variant, Optional ByVal DefaultValue As Variant, Optional ByVal Calculate As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Clipboard As Boolean = True)
#End If
Dim Formula As String, ArrayFormula As Boolean
Formula = CreateLookup(SourceKeys, SourceValues, DestKeys)
ArrayFormula = IsArrayNotRange(SourceKeys) And IsArrayNotRange(DestKeys)
If IsMissing(DefaultValue) Then
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1005 Then
Formula = "=" & Formula
Formula = "=IFNA(" & Formula & ", """")"
#End If
If TypeName(DefaultValue) = "String" Then DefaultValue = """" & Replace(DefaultValue, """", """""") & """"
Formula = "=IFNA(" & Formula & ", " & DefaultValue & ")"
End If
FillValues DestValues, Formula, Calculate, Clipboard, ArrayFormula
End Sub
' Performs an index match (vlookup)
' LookupValue - the key to search for in the LookupRange
' LookupRange - the range of keys in which to look for the LookupValue
' ValueRange - the range of values corresponding to the keys in the LookupRange
' DefaultValue - the default value used in case a match was not found
Function RLookup(ByRef LookupValue As Variant, ByRef LookupRange As Variant, ByRef ValueRange As Variant, Optional ByRef DefaultValue As Variant) As Variant
Dim nMatch As Variant
nMatch = MMatch(LookupValue, GetRange(LookupRange))
If IsError(nMatch) Then
RLookup = DefaultValue
RLookup = GetRange(ValueRange).Rows(nMatch).Value2
End If
End Function
' Gets the offset of a given range
' RowOffset - the number of Rows from the topmost cells to offset
' ColumnOffset - the number of columns from the leftmost cells to offset
' Width - the number of columns in the resulting range
' Height - the number of Rows in the resulting range
Function ROffset(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal RowOffset As Long, Optional ColumnOffset As Long, Optional ByVal Width As Long, Optional ByVal Height As Long) As Range
Dim oRange As Range, Area As Range
Set oRange = GetRange(Range)
For Each Area In oRange.Areas
If ROffset Is Nothing Then
Set ROffset = ROffsetInternal(Area, RowOffset, ColumnOffset, Width, Height)
Set ROffset = Union(ROffset, ROffsetInternal(Area, RowOffset, ColumnOffset, Width, Height))
End If
Next Area
End Function
Private Function ROffsetInternal(ByRef Range As Range, ByVal RowOffset As Long, ByVal ColumnOffset As Long, ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long)
With Range
If Width = Empty Then Width = .Columns.Count
If Height = Empty Then Height = .Rows.Count
Set ROffsetInternal = SafeRange(.Worksheet, .Row + RowOffset, .Column + ColumnOffset, Width, Height)
Set ROffsetInternal = .Resize(Height, Width).Offset(RowOffset, ColumnOffset)
#End If
End With
End Function
' Converts a collection to an array. Keys are ignored.
Function ListToArray(ByRef List As Collection) As Variant
Dim arr() As Variant, n As Long
ReDim arr(1 To List.Count)
For n = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
LetOrSet arr(n), List(n)
Next n
ListToArray = arr
End Function
' Shrinks a given range
' Height - the number of Rows to shrink. Use negative numbers to shrink from top.
' Width - the number of columns to expand. Use negative numbers to shrink left.
Function RShrink(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal Width As Long, Optional ByVal Height As Long) As Range
Dim nRow As Long, nCol As Long, oRange As Range
Set oRange = GetRange(Range)
With oRange
Let nRow = IIf(Height < 0, -Height, 0)
Let nCol = IIf(Width < 0, -Width, 0)
Set RShrink = ROffsetInternal(oRange, RowOffset:=nRow, ColumnOffset:=nCol, Width:=.Columns.Count - Math.Abs(Width), Height:=.Rows.Count - Math.Abs(Height))
Set RShrink = .Offset(nRow, nCol).Resize(ColumnSize:=.Columns.Count - Math.Abs(Width), RowSize:=.Rows.Count - Math.Abs(Height))
#End If
End With
End Function
' Takes a set number of rows/columns from a given range
' Rows - the number of rows to take from the range. Use negative numbers to shrink from the bottom.
' Columns - the number of columns to take from the range. Use negative numbers to take from the left.
Function RTake(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal Rows As Long, Optional ByVal Columns As Long) As Range
Set RTake = GetRange(Range)
With RTake
If Rows < 0 Then
Set RTake = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Offset(RowOffset:=Rows + 1).Resize(RowSize:=Math.Abs(Rows))
ElseIf Rows > 0 Then
Set RTake = .Resize(RowSize:=Rows)
End If
End With
With RTake
If Columns < 0 Then
Set RTake = .Columns(.Columns.Count).Offset(ColumnOffset:=Columns + 1).Resize(ColumnSize:=Math.Abs(Columns))
ElseIf Columns > 0 Then
Set RTake = .Resize(ColumnSize:=Columns)
End If
End With
End Function
' Gets a range without going past any bounds
' Range - the starting range or worksheet
' RowIndex - the absolute index of the first row for the new range
' ColumnIndex - the absolute index of the first column for the new range
' Width - the number of columns in the new range
' Height - the number of rows in the new range
Function SafeRange(ByRef Range As Variant, ByVal RowIndex As Variant, ByVal ColumnIndex As Variant, Optional ByVal Width As Long = 1, Optional ByVal Height As Long = 1) As Range
If IsNumeric(RowIndex) Then RowIndex = WorksheetFunction.Max(WorksheetFunction.Min(RowIndex, MaxRow), 1)
If IsNumeric(ColumnIndex) Then ColumnIndex = WorksheetFunction.Max(WorksheetFunction.Min(ColumnIndex, MaxColumn), 1)
With GetRange(Range).Cells(RowIndex, ColumnIndex)
Set SafeRange = SafeRangeInternal(GetRange(.Worksheet).Resize(MaxRow, MaxColumn), .Row, .Column, Width, Height)
End With
End Function
Function SafeRangeInternal(ByRef Range As Range, ByVal RowIndex As Long, ByVal ColumnIndex As Long, Optional ByVal Width As Long = 1, Optional ByVal Height As Long = 1) As Range
RowIndex = WorksheetFunction.Min(Range.Rows.Count, WorksheetFunction.Max(RowIndex, 1))
ColumnIndex = WorksheetFunction.Min(Range.Columns.Count, WorksheetFunction.Max(ColumnIndex, 1))
With Range.Cells(RowIndex, ColumnIndex)
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Long
LastRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(WorksheetFunction.Min(.Row + Height - 1, MaxRow), .Row)
LastCol = WorksheetFunction.Max(WorksheetFunction.Min(.Column + Width - 1, MaxColumn), .Column)
Set SafeRangeInternal = .Worksheet.Range(.Worksheet.Cells(.Row, .Column), .Worksheet.Cells(LastRow, LastCol))
End With
End Function
Private Function SafeSetValue(ByVal Source As Range, ByVal Destination As Range, Optional ByVal Fit As Boolean = True) As Boolean
On Error GoTo catch
Destination.Value2 = Source.Value2
On Error GoTo 0
SafeSetValue = True
Exit Function
If Fit Then
Set Source = ShrinkToFit(Source, exRow)
Set Destination = Destination.Resize(RowSize:=Source.Rows.Count)
Destination.Value2 = Source.Value2 ' if this errors out, it needs to be brought to your attention
End If
SafeSetValue = False
End Function
' Gets the special cells in a range. If there are no special cells, returns Nothing.
Function SafeSpecial(ByRef Range As Variant, ByVal CellType As XlCellType) As Range
On Error GoTo catch
Set SafeSpecial = GetRange(Range, IncludeHeader:=False).SpecialCells(CellType)
Exit Function
Set SafeSpecial = Nothing
End Function
' Sets all column widths in a range
Sub SetColumnWidths(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef Width As Variant)
Dim NewWidth As Variant, Column As Range
NewWidth = IIf(IsMissing(Width), 8.43, Width)
With GetRange(Range)
For Each Column In .Columns
Column.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = NewWidth
Next Column
End With
End Sub
' Sets all row heights in a range
Sub SetRowHeights(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef Height As Variant)
Dim NewHeight As Variant, Row As Range
NewHeight = IIf(IsMissing(Height), 15, Height)
With GetRange(Range)
For Each Row In .Rows
Row.EntireRow.RowHeight = NewHeight
Next Row
End With
End Sub
' Shows a group of columns
Function ShowColumn(ByRef Column As Variant) As Boolean
With GetRange(Column).EntireColumn
If .Hidden Then
If .OutlineLevel > 1 Then
.ShowDetail = True
.Hidden = False
End If
ShowColumn = True
ShowColumn = False
End If
End With
End Function
' Gets a range to exclude empty columns and rows from the end
' Shrink - resize the row, column, or both
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1000 And SHEETEX_VER < 1005 Then
Function ShrinkToFit(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal Shrink As ExColumnRow = exRow) As Range
Function ShrinkToFit(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByVal Shrink As ExColumnRow = exBoth) As Range
#End If
Dim firstRow As Long, firstCol As Long
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Long
Dim StopAtTables As Boolean
StopAtTables = (TypeName(Range) = "Worksheet")
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = GetRange(Range)
With rng
With GetRange(Range)
#End If
If (Shrink And exRow) = exRow Then
LastRow = FindLastRow(Range, , StopAtTables)
LastRow = .Rows.Count + .Row - 1
End If
If (Shrink And exColumn) = exColumn Then
LastCol = FindLastColumn(Range, , StopAtTables)
LastCol = .Columns.Count + .Column - 1
End If
Set ShrinkToFit = SafeRange(rng.Worksheet, .Row, .Column, Height:=LastRow - .Row + 1, Width:=LastCol - .Column + 1)
Set ShrinkToFit = .Resize(WorksheetFunction.Max(LastRow - .Row + 1, 1), WorksheetFunction.Max(LastCol - .Column + 1, 1))
#End If
End With
End Function
' Sorts an array of values in ascending order
' This sorts the array in place. Make a copy if you want to keep the original.
Sub SortArray(ByRef UnsortedArray As Variant, Optional ByVal Sort As XlSortOrder = xlAscending)
If Sort = xlAscending Then
QuickSort UnsortedArray, LBound(UnsortedArray), UBound(UnsortedArray)
ElseIf Sort = xlDescending Then
QuickSortRev UnsortedArray, LBound(UnsortedArray), UBound(UnsortedArray)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SortRange(ByRef Range As Range)
Dim AddrArray() As String, n As Long
If Range.Areas.Count = 1 Then Exit Sub
ReDim AddrArray(Range.Areas.Count - 1)
For n = LBound(AddrArray) To UBound(AddrArray)
AddrArray(n) = Range.Areas(n + 1).Address(External:=True)
Next n
SortArray AddrArray, xlAscending
Set Range = Application.Range(AddrArray(LBound(AddrArray)))
For n = LBound(AddrArray) + 1 To UBound(AddrArray)
Set Range = Union(Range, Application.Range(AddrArray(n)))
Next n
End Sub
' Sorts a table on a given column
' Range - the table to sort
' Order - the sort order
' Column - the column to sort on
Sub SortTable(ByRef Range As Variant, ByRef Key As Variant, Optional ByVal Order As XlSortOrder = XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Optional ByVal Header As XlYesNoGuess = xlYes)
With GetRange(Range, IncludeHeader:=True)
.Sort Key1:=GetColumnRange(Range, Key), Order1:=Order, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, Header:=Header
End With
End Sub
' Sums a column based on a key
' SourceLookup - the range that contains keys on the source table
' SourceValues - the range of values to copy to the destination
' DestLookup - the range that contains keys on the destination table
' DestValues - the range to place the copied values
Sub SumColumnByKey(ByRef SourceLookup As Variant, ByRef SourceValues As Variant, ByRef DestLookup As Variant, ByRef DestValues As Variant, Optional ByVal Calculate As Boolean = True)
Dim rDestLookup As Range, rSrcLookup As Range, rDestValues As Range, rSrcValues As Range
Dim Formula As String
Set rDestLookup = GetRange(DestLookup)
Set rSrcLookup = GetRange(SourceLookup)
Set rDestValues = ROffset(DestValues, Height:=rDestLookup.Rows.Count)
Set rSrcValues = ROffset(SourceValues, Height:=rSrcLookup.Rows.Count)
'If IsMissing(DefaultValue) Then DefaultValue = """"""
rDestValues.Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & rSrcValues.Address(External:=True) & ", " & rSrcLookup.Address(External:=True) & ", " & rDestLookup.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, External:=True) & ")"
If Calculate Then rDestValues.Worksheet.Calculate
rDestValues.Value2 = rDestValues.Value2 ' keep values
End Sub
' Swaps the values of the given variables
Sub Swap(ByRef A As Variant, ByRef B As Variant)
Dim tmp As Variant
LetOrSet tmp, A
LetOrSet A, B
LetOrSet B, tmp
End Sub
' Attempts to convert a variant to a range. If it cannot, Nothing is returned.
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1007 Then
Function TryGetRange(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef IncludeHeader As Boolean = False) As Range
Function TryGetRange(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional ByRef IncludeHeader As Boolean = True) As Range
#End If
' this is in the order that I think is most likely to happen
Select Case TypeName(Range)
Case Is = "Range"
Set TryGetRange = Range
#If SHEETEX_VER > 1007 Then
If IncludeHeader Then
Dim loTable As ListObject: Set loTable = TryGetRange.ListObject
Dim HeaderRange As Range
If Not (loTable Is Nothing) Then
With GetBodyRange(loTable)
If .Worksheet Is TryGetRange.Worksheet And .Row = TryGetRange.Row And .Row + .Rows.Count = TryGetRange.Row + TryGetRange.Rows.Count Then
Set HeaderRange = loTable.HeaderRowRange.Resize(ColumnSize:=TryGetRange.Columns.Count).Offset(ColumnOffset:=TryGetRange.Column - .Column)
Set TryGetRange = Union(HeaderRange, TryGetRange)
End If
End With
End If
End If
#End If
Case Is = "ListObject", "ListColumn"
If IncludeHeader Then
Set TryGetRange = Range.Range
Set TryGetRange = GetBodyRange(Range)
End If
Case Is = "String"
Set TryGetRange = Application.Range(Range)
Case Is = "Worksheet"
With Range
Set TryGetRange = .Range("A1", .Cells(.UsedRange.Rows.Count + .UsedRange.Row - 1, .UsedRange.Columns.Count + .UsedRange.Column - 1))
End With
Case Is = "PivotTable"
If Range.TableRange2 Is Nothing Then
Set TryGetRange = Range.TableRange1
Set TryGetRange = Union(Range.TableRange1, Range.TableRange2)
End If
Case Else
Set TryGetRange = Nothing
End Select
End Function
' Attempts to get a ListObject from a given range. If the range cannot be converted to a table, Nothing is returned
Function TryGetTable(ByRef Table As Variant) As ListObject
Select Case TypeName(Table)
Case "ListObject"
Set TryGetTable = Table
Case Else
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = TryGetRange(Table)
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set TryGetTable = Nothing
Set TryGetTable = rng.ListObject
End If
End Select
End Function
' Attempts to get a sheet at a given index. If no sheet can be found, Nothing is returned
Function TryGetSheet(ByRef Workbook As Workbook, ByRef Index As Variant) As Worksheet
On Error GoTo catch
Set TryGetSheet = Workbook.Worksheets(Index)
GoTo cleanup
Set TryGetSheet = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
' Create a table in a worksheet
' (provided by Michael Cowan)
Sub CreateTable(ByRef Range As Variant, Optional Name As String, Optional ByVal Header As XlYesNoGuess = xlGuess, _
Optional ByVal ShowHeader As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal ShowFilter As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal BandedRows As Boolean = False)
Dim InputRange As Range
Set InputRange = GetRange(Range)
With InputRange.Worksheet
If Name = Empty Then Name = GenerateTableName(.Parent)
.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, InputRange, , Header).Name = Name
With .ListObjects(Name)
.ShowAutoFilterDropDown = ShowFilter
.ShowHeaders = ShowHeader
.ShowTableStyleRowStripes = BandedRows
End With
End With
End Sub
' Search for the index of a given value in a single dimensional array.
' If the value is not found, LBound(Arr)-1 is returned
' (provided by Michael Cowan)
Function IndexOf(ByRef arr As Variant, ByRef Value As Variant, Optional ByVal IgnoreCase As Boolean = False) As Long
Dim i As Long, Match As Boolean
IndexOf = LBound(arr) - 1
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If TypeName(arr(i)) = "String" Then
Match = StrComp(arr(i), Value, IIf(IgnoreCase, vbTextCompare, vbBinaryCompare)) = 0
If IsObject(arr(i)) Then
Match = (arr(i) Is Value)
Match = (arr(i) = Value)
End If
End If
If Match Then
IndexOf = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
' Gets the last cell in a given range
Property Get LastCell(ByRef Range As Variant) As Range
With GetRange(Range)
Set LastCell = .Worksheet.Cells(.Row + .Rows.Count - 1, .Column + .Columns.Count - 1)
End With
End Property
' Gets the absolute column number of the last column in this range
Property Get LastColumn(ByRef Range As Variant) As Long
With GetRange(Range)
LastColumn = .Column + .Columns.Count - 1
End With
End Property
' Gets the absolute row number of the last row in this range
Property Get LastRow(ByRef Range As Variant) As Long
With GetRange(Range)
LastRow = .Row + .Rows.Count - 1
End With
End Property
' Gets the last used cell in a given range
Property Get LastUsedCell(ByRef Range As Variant) As Range
Dim rng As Range, nRow As Long, nCol As Long
Set rng = GetRange(Range)
nRow = FindLastRow(rng)
nCol = FindLastColumn(rng)
Set LastUsedCell = rng.Worksheet.Cells(nRow, nCol)
End Property
' Gets the last used Column in a given range
Property Get LastUsedColumn(ByRef Range As Variant) As Range
Dim nLast As Long, rng As Range
Set rng = GetRange(rng)
nLast = FindLastColumn(rng)
With rng
Set LastUsedColumn = .Columns(nLast - .Column + 1)
End With
End Property
' Gets the last used row in a given range
Property Get LastUsedRow(ByRef Range As Variant) As Range
Dim nLast As Long, rng As Range
Set rng = GetRange(Range)
nLast = FindLastRow(rng)
With rng
Set LastUsedRow = .Rows(nLast - .Row + 1)
End With
End Property
Private Sub LetOrSet(ByRef LValue As Variant, ByRef RValue As Variant)
If IsObject(RValue) Then
Set LValue = RValue
LValue = RValue
End If
End Sub
' Ignores any cell warnings in a given range
Sub IgnoreErrors(ByRef Range As Variant, ByRef ErrorIndex As Variant)
Dim Cell As Range
With GetRange(Range)
For Each Cell In .Cells
Cell.Errors(ErrorIndex).Ignore = True
Next Cell
End With
End Sub
' Copies the first row of a range down to match a specified size
' If no size is specified, adjacent cells are used to determine it
Sub DragDown(ByRef ColumnRange As Variant, Optional ByVal Size As Long, Optional ByVal Header As XlYesNoGuess = xlYes)
Dim Col As Range, nLast As Long, nOffset As Long, nFirst As Long
Set Col = GetRange(ColumnRange)
Let nOffset = IIf(Header = xlYes, 2, 1)
With Col
Let nLast = FindLastRow(.EntireColumn)
Let nFirst = FindFirstRow(.EntireColumn)
With .Worksheet.Range(.Rows(nFirst), .Rows(nLast))
.Resize(RowSize:=.Rows.Count - nOffset).Offset(RowOffset:=nOffset).Clear
End With
If Size = Empty Then
Dim nLeft As Long, nRight As Long
If Col.Column > 1 Then nLeft = FindLastRow(Col.Resize(ColumnSize:=1).Offset(ColumnOffset:=-Col.Columns.Count))
If Col.Column < Col.Worksheet.Columns.Count Then nRight = FindLastRow(Col.Resize(ColumnSize:=1).Offset(ColumnOffset:=Col.Columns.Count))
Size = WorksheetFunction.Max(nLeft, nRight)
End If
.Rows(nFirst + nOffset - 1).AutoFill .Rows(nFirst + nOffset - 1).Resize(RowSize:=Size - nFirst)
End With
End Sub
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