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Created March 8, 2013 18:00
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(ns domlink-neo4j-import.core
(:require [clojure.string :as s])
(defn get-name-id
[name-str {:keys [names next-id] :as r :or {names {} next-id 1}}]
(let [id (names name-str)]
(if id
[id r]
(let [id next-id
next-id (inc next-id)]
[id {:names (assoc names name-str id) :next-id next-id}]))))
(defn process-data
[inf outf]
(binding [*flush-on-newline* false
*out* outf]
(->> (line-seq inf)
(map #(s/split % #"\s+"))
(fn [names [from to link-count]]
(let [[from-id names] (get-name-id from names)
[to-id names] (get-name-id to names)]
(println from-id to-id link-count)
;; we have the get-name-id map now, get the names from it
(map #(println (s/join "\t" %)))
;; map is lazy, so make sure we process all operations
(defn -main
"Reads an input file with lines containing
from-name to-name num-count
and replaces names with unique ids.
XXX output id->name mapping in the end"
(with-open [inf ( inname)
outf ( java.lang.System/out)]
(process-data inf outf)))
([inname outname]
(with-open [inf ( inname)
outf ( outname)]
(process-data inf outf))))
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