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Created March 14, 2013 15:30
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Save halsk/5162325 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. クローンサイトの立ち上げ手順 (OpenSpending 対応版) ref:
Cloning into '{ACCOUNT_NAME}'...
remote: Counting objects: 895, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (366/366), done.
remote: Total 895 (delta 500), reused 880 (delta 486)
Receiving objects: 100% (895/895), 1.02 MiB | 368 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (500/500), done.
% git rm -f CNAME
% git commit -m "removed CNAME"
% git push origin master
% rbenv local 1.9.3-p194 #rbenv でのRubyバージョン指定
% gem install bundler #bundler をインストール
Fetching: bundler-1.3.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.3.0
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.3.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for bundler-1.3.0...
% bundle install --path vendor/bundler # vendor/bundler に必要な gem をインストール
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Installing RedCloth (4.2.9) with native extensions
Installing fast-stemmer (1.0.2) with native extensions
Installing classifier (1.3.3)
Installing directory_watcher (1.4.1)
Installing kramdown (0.13.8)
Installing liquid (2.4.1)
Installing syntax (1.0.0)
Installing maruku (0.6.0)
Installing posix-spawn (0.3.6) with native extensions
Installing yajl-ruby (1.1.0) with native extensions
Installing pygments.rb (0.3.7)
Installing jekyll (0.12.0)
Installing rdiscount (1.6.8) with native extensions
Installing redcarpet (2.1.1) with native extensions
Using bundler (1.2.4)
% bundle exec rake preview
jekyll --server --auto
Configuration from /Users/hal/Documents/workspace/
Auto-regenerating enabled: . -> ./_site
[2013-02-25 17:41:37] regeneration: 1733 files changed
[2013-02-25 17:41:38] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2013-02-25 17:41:38] INFO ruby 1.9.3 (2012-04-20) [x86_64-darwin12.2.1]
[2013-02-25 17:41:38] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=99942 port=4000
'1': { icon: 'icons/helping-others.svg', color: '#C75746', bcolor: '#935B3B' },
% vi Rakefile
12 >.sh "git push -f{YOUR_ACCOUNT}/{YOUR_ACCOUNT} master"
% git add CNAME
% git commit -m "changed CNAME"
% git push
var Taxes = Taxes || {};
Taxes.baseKoujo = 330000; // 住民税基礎控除
Taxes.huyoKoujo = 330000; // 一人分の扶養控除
Taxes.taxRate = 0.06; // 住民税率
var OpenSpending = OpenSpending || {};
OpenSpending.identifier = 'yokohama_budget';
OpenSpending.year = '2012';
OpenSpending.Styles = OpenSpending.Styles || {};
OpenSpending.Styles.Cofog = {
/* yokohama cofog */
'1': { icon: 'icons/helping-others.svg', color: '#C75746', bcolor: '#935B3B' },
'1-1': { icon: 'icons/helping-others.svg', color: '#C75746', bcolor: '#935B3B' },
'2': { icon: 'icons/schools.svg', color: '#C75746', bcolor: '#0AB971' },
'2-1': { icon: 'icons/pre-school.svg', color: '#C75746', bcolor: '#0AB971' },
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