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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.random;
import std.algorithm;
struct Pair(T, U)
T fst;
U snd;
auto opAdd(const ref Pair!(T, U) p) const
return Pair!(T, U)(fst + p.fst, snd + p.snd);
alias Coord = Pair!(int, int);
struct Matrix(T)
int m, n;
T data[];
this(int m, int n)
this.m = m;
this.n = n; = new T[m * n];
bool inBounds(int i) const
return i >= 0 && i < m * n;
bool inBounds(int i, int j) const
return i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < m && j < n;
bool inBounds(Coord p) const
return inBounds(p.fst, p.snd);
ref auto opIndex(int i)
return data[i];
ref auto opIndex(int i) const
return data[i];
ref auto opIndex(int i, int j)
return this[i * n + j];
ref auto opIndex(int i, int j) const
return this[i * n + j];
ref auto opIndex(Coord p)
return this[p.fst, p.snd];
ref auto opIndex(Coord p) const
return this[p.fst, p.snd];
struct Board
int colors;
Matrix!int data;
this(int colors, int width, int height)
this.colors = colors; = Matrix!int(height, width);
auto size() const
return data.m * data.n;
auto idxToCoord(int i) const
return Coord(i / data.n, i % data.n);
auto coordToIdx(Coord c) const
return c.fst * data.n + c.snd;
auto neighbors(Coord cur) const
[Coord(-1, 0), Coord(0, -1), Coord(0, 1), Coord(1, 0)]
.map!(x => x + cur)
.filter!(x =>
auto neighbors(int i) const
return neighbors(idxToCoord(i)).map!(x => this.coordToIdx(x)).array;
void randomize()
foreach (i; * data.n)
{[i] = uniform(0, colors);
void inflate(string path)
auto f = File(path);
int i = 0;
foreach (line; f.byLine)
foreach (int j, c; line)
data[i, j] = cast(int)(c - '0');
i += 1;
auto toString() const
iota(0, data.m)
.map!(i => iota(0, data.n).map!(j => data[i, j]).map!(to!string).joiner)
auto shift(T)(ref T[] arr)
auto x = arr[0];
arr = arr[1..$];
return x;
struct Island
int color;
int[] elements;
alias elements this;
auto findIslands(Board board)
auto visited = new bool[board.size];
Island[] islands = [];
foreach (int i; 0..board.size)
if (visited[i]) continue;
auto queue = [i];
auto color =[i];
int[] island = [];
while (queue.length > 0)
auto nx = queue.shift;
if (visited[nx]) continue;
if (color ==[nx])
visited[nx] = true;
island ~= nx;
queue ~= board.neighbors(nx);
island = island.sort.uniq.array;
islands ~= Island(color, island);
return islands;
auto islandsAdjacency(Board board, Island[] islands)
auto adjacency = new int[][islands.length];
auto idxmap = new int[board.size];
foreach (int i, island; islands)
foreach (elem; island)
idxmap[elem] = i;
foreach (i, island; islands)
int[] friends = [];
foreach (elem; island)
foreach (neigh; board.neighbors(elem))
if (island.color ==[neigh]) continue;
friends ~= idxmap[neigh];
adjacency[i] = friends.sort.uniq.array;
return adjacency;
auto zipWith(alias f, Ranges...)(Ranges ranges)
return zip(ranges).map!f;
struct NatSet
int count;
bool[] table;
this(const ref NatSet ns)
count = ns.count;
table = ns.table.dup;
this(int n)
count = 0;
table = new bool[n];
this(int n, int[] arr)
private void recount()
count = cast(int)table.count!(x => x);
auto contains(int n)
return table[n];
void insert(int n)
if (!table[n])
count += 1;
table[n] = true;
void insert(int[] arr)
foreach (x; arr)
table[x] = true;
void insert(NatSet ns)
foreach (i, x; ns.table)
table[i] |= x;
auto isSubsetOf(const ref NatSet lhs, const ref NatSet rhs)
foreach (x, y; lockstep(lhs.table, rhs.table))
if (x && !y)
return false;
return true;
struct SolveState
NatSet domain;
int[] border;
int[] steps;
auto solve(Board board)
auto islands = board.findIslands;
auto adjacency = board.islandsAdjacency(islands);
auto level = [SolveState(NatSet(board.size, [0]), adjacency[0], [])];
while (true)
SolveState[] next = [];
foreach (state; level)
foreach (color; 0..board.colors)
auto domain = NatSet(state.domain);
int[] border = [];
foreach (friend; state.border)
if (islands[friend].color == color)
foreach (poop; adjacency[friend])
if (!domain.contains(poop))
border ~= poop;
border ~= friend;
if (state.domain.count == domain.count)
auto steps = state.steps ~ color;
if (domain.count == islands.length)
return steps;
border = border.sort.uniq.array;
auto child = SolveState(domain, border, steps);
next ~= child;
assert(next.length > 0);
SolveState[] reduced = [];
next.sort!"a.domain.count < b.domain.count";
foreach (i;
bool skip = false;
foreach (j;
if (next[i].domain.isSubsetOf(next[j].domain))
skip = true;
if (!skip)
reduced ~= next[i];
level = reduced;
void main(string[] args)
auto p = args[1..$].map!(x => x.parse!int).array;
auto board = Board(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
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