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Created July 28, 2019 03:23
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Automatically create a Spotify playlist based on your top tracks
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import spotipy
import spotipy.util as util
This script requires spotipy:
Automates creation of a 'Top Songs' playlist on Spotify.
Takes your top songs over a short, medium, or long period of time,
and creates a playlist. If you already have an existing playlist,
you can specify its URI and this script will update the contents.
If you create a new playlist, the URI will be outputted and
you can save it for future use.
This script requires authorization with Spotify. You should
create a Spotify API app, and save the information in
environment variables.
When you run this for the first time, a URL will be printed. Open
this URL in your browser to authorize the app. You will
be redirected to a 'localhost://" URL. Copy the full
URL and paste it to the console to finish authorization.
# Number of recently played songs to go through
# Valid time ranges for top tracks
TIME_RANGES = {'short': 'short_term',
'medium': 'medium_term',
'long': 'long_term'}
# Default name for top tracks playlist
def create_parser():
""" Create argparse object for this CLI """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=("Automates creation of a 'Top Songs' Spotify playlist"))
help="Spotify username")
parser.add_argument("--term", "-t", metavar="TERM", type=check_time_range,
help=("Length of time to get top tracks over. "
"Can be: short, medium, or long. "
"Default: medium"))
parser.add_argument("--limit", "-l", metavar="LIMIT", type=int,
help=("Number of top tracks to add. "
"Default: {}".format(DEFAULT_LIMIT)))
parser.add_argument("--playlist", "-p", metavar="PLAYLIST", type=str,
help=("Top songs playlist name to create."
"Default: {}".format(DEFAULT_TOP_PLAYLIST)))
parser.add_argument("--existing", "-e", metavar="URI", type=str,
help="URI of top songs playlist if exists")
return parser
def check_time_range(r):
""" Check that time range is valid """
if r not in TIME_RANGES:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Time range invalid!")
return r
def auth(username):
Authenticate with Spotify
scope = "user-top-read playlist-modify-private"
token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username, scope)
if not token:
raise RuntimeError("Authorization failed")
sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token)
return sp
def parse_tracks(tracks):
Filter out only the track id of
return tracks
tracks = tracks.get('items')
return [track.get('uri') for track in tracks]
def main():
parser = create_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
sp = auth(args.username)
# Get top tracks for time range
top_tracks = sp.current_user_top_tracks(
limit=args.limit, time_range=TIME_RANGES.get(args.term))
top_tracks = parse_tracks(top_tracks)
# If existing playlist URI was given, use that instead of creating a new
# playlist
if args.existing:
playlist = args.existing
playlist = sp.user_playlist_create(
args.username, args.playlist, public=False).get('uri')
"Created {} playlist with URI: {}, please save this.".format(
# Replace current tracks with new tops
sp.user_playlist_replace_tracks(args.username, playlist, top_tracks)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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