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Daniel Kahlenberg 573

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It is MS Windows specific.
Adapt the paths, but use the same lower-/upper case scheme for maximum compatibility (m2eclipse or java itself - don't exactly remember which, but other variants broke my build reproducible - relies on exactly that way to write the path like in the M2_RUNTIME variable. You can determine the exact "syntax" for your system at the command line with the `dir` command).
I use it to have jdk installed as non-admin at non-standard place, to use maven the in the same manner and to use maven over ssl-encrypted connections, when server certificates need to be accepted. The env.MAVEN_OPTS_JRE_TAB_VM_ARGS variable belongs to the JVM arguments tab in the Eclipse launch configuration dialog then.
The other (default ones) settings in eclipse.ini stay...
To run the `ghc-pkg` command with the correct environment, example usage `ghc-pkg list`.
setopt rc_expand_param glob_subst
# Using gcc4 is experimental, comment first if problems occur
$(/usr/bin/cygpath -u "${__APPS}/mingw-gcc4/libexec/gcc/mingw32/4.4.0")
$(/usr/bin/cygpath -u "${__APPS}/mingw-gcc4/bin")
573 / gist:392670
Created May 6, 2010 20:31
my zshenv.local functions for zsh running with cygwin
# my zshenv.local functions
# ZSH_VERSION == 4.3.9
# ~/.zshenv.local [U1]
# sourced by ~/.zshenv
if [ -n ${functions[loadmsg]} ] ; then
loadmsg "~/.zshenv.local"
loadmsg() { echo "\e[1;32m$1\e[0m" }
573 / gist:393693
Created May 7, 2010 16:43
How to build a simple agent in Simphony (simphony.gui.client part, 2)
How to build a simple agent in Simphony (simphony.gui.client part, 2)
most files generated by easily editing with Eclipse's Manifest File Editor:
* (2.xml)
* (3.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<site url="" selected="true" name=""/>
<site url="" selected="true" name=""/>
<site url="" selected="true" name=""/>
<site url="" selected="true" name=""/>
<site url="" selected="true" name=""/>
573 / gist:714047
Created November 24, 2010 17:34
thunderbird -calendar doesn't seem to work and also there is no -taskmode command line option...

Workaround until Mozilla has added missed stuff

Go to Extras &gt;&gt; Einstellungen in thunderbird main window and under tab Allgemein deactivate Show startup page when starting thunderbird. After restarting thunderbird the last accessed tab at least should be shown, so you could get used to have e. g. the tasks pane opened when closing thunderbird, latter which simulates your desired functionality in poor mans terms.

573 / gist:714202
Created November 24, 2010 19:11
Ester Entwurf: Monatsplan in Thunderbird Tasks Tool (früher Lightning)


Unternehmenscalendar abonnieren in TB

Zu Perspektive Termine und Aufgaben >> Aufgaben wechseln

Dort werden später Termine eingetragen

Zu Perspektive Extras &gt;&gt; Einstellungen wechseln, dort Tab Lightning &gt;&gt; Kategorien wählen:

--- vim73_compile_diffs\enable_python26\build_vim_original.bat 2011-03-01 14:49:28 +0000
+++ vim73_compile_diffs\enable_python26\build_vim.bat 2011-03-01 15:13:56 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
@echo off
REM ------- specify Vim /src folder ----------------
-set VIMSRC=E:\devel\vim73\src
+set VIMSRC=E:\temp\vim\vim73\src
REM ------- add MinGW /bin directory to PATH -------
-PATH = %PATH%;E:\MinGW\bin;
+PATH = %PATH%;H:\MinGW\bin;H:\PortablePython_1.1_py2.6.1\App
573 / feature_h_patch.diff
Created March 2, 2011 15:04
Custom adaptions to the feature.h file from vim sources as recommended here:
--- E:\temp\vim\vim73\src\feature_original.h 2011-03-01 13:58:38 +0000
+++ E:\temp\vim\vim73\src\feature.h 2011-03-01 15:30:11 +0000
@@ -1239,7 +1239,8 @@
# if ((defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)) \
&& defined(HAVE_X11_XPM_H)) \
|| defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) \
- || (defined(WIN32) && defined(FEAT_GUI))
+ || (defined(WIN32) && defined(FEAT_GUI)) \
+ || defined(FEAT_NORMAL)
573 / clang_complete_vimrc.vim
Created March 2, 2011 16:34
_vimrc excerpt for clang_complete.vim configuration on mswin (using libclang.dll)
" {{{ clang complete - Use of Clang for completing C, C++... : Script Id 3302
" Clang version > 2.8 for c++...
" After * . , -> and :: => automatically
" * <C-X><C-U> => "force" the completion.
" clang * can detect errors inside your code, and highlight them
" * can open the quickfix window automatically.
" When using special flags for a project (especially -I and -D ones), put the flags inside the file
" .clang_complete at the root of your project.
let g:clang_complete_auto = 1