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Created June 25, 2013 16:05
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Save ianrose/5859759 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A typographic base that uses Compass's 0.13.alpha Vertical Rhythm and TeamSass's Modular Scale Heavily inspired and built on Eric Meyer's example:
//Font Families
// -------------------------------------
$primary-font-regular: 'proxima_nova_rgregular', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$primary-font-italic: 'proxima_novaregular_italic', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$primary-font-semibold: 'proxima_nova_ltsemibold', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$primary-font-semibold-italic: 'proxima_novasemibold_italic', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$primary-font-bold: 'proxima_nova_rgbold', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$primary-font-bold-italic: 'proxima_novabold_italic', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$secondary-font: Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;
// Modular Scale Settings
// -------------------------------------
$ratio: major-third() fifth();
$base-size: 16px;
// Modular Scale Genereated Values
// -------------------------------------
$normpx : $base-size;
$medpx : ms(1);
$smallpx : ms(-1);
$xsmallpx : ms(-2);
$xxsmallpx : ms(-3);
$xxxsmallpx : ms(-4);
$largepx : ms(2);
$xlargepx : ms(3);
$xxlargepx : ms(5);
$xxxlargepx : ms(8);
//Uncomment the mixin below to have Terminal list out the Pixel values that are being genereated.
//@include ms-list();
//Vertical Rhythm Settings
// -------------------------------------
$base-font-size: $base-size;
$base-line-height: $xxxsmallpx;//A smaller initial base line height allows for finer control over spacing between elements in layout.
$rhythm-unit: 'rem';
$rem-with-px-fallback: true;//Whether to output fallback values in px when using rem as the rhythm-unit.
$round-to-nearest-half-line: false;
@include establish-baseline();
html {
color: $primary-dark;
font-family: $primary-font-regular;
@include adjust-leading-to(3);//Takes our nice small base line value and sets the line-height of all text to a nice minimum.
h1 {
@include adjust-font-size-to($xxxlargepx);
@include margin-trailer(2);//Used over and over again to provide an example of a way to use margin-trailer
h2 {
@include adjust-font-size-to($xxlargepx);
@include margin-trailer(2);
h3 {
@include adjust-font-size-to($largepx);
@include margin-trailer(2);
h4 {
@include adjust-font-size-to($medpx);
@include margin-trailer(2);
h5 {
@include adjust-font-size-to($normpx);
@include margin-trailer(2);
h6 {
@include adjust-font-size-to($smallpx);
@include margin-trailer(2);
p, pre, label {
@include adjust-font-size-to($normpx);
@include margin-trailer(2);
hr {
border: 0;
height: 0;
margin: 0;
@include trailing-border;
@include margin-trailer(2);
ol, ul, dl {
@include margin-trailer(2);
li {
line-height: auto;
ul {
@include unordered-inside;//Custom mixin
ol {
@include ordered-inside;//Custom mixin
strong, b {
font-weight: bold;
em, i , q {
font-style: italic;
pre {
white-space: pre;
overflow: auto;
code {
white-space: pre;
font-family: monospace;
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