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Last active March 7, 2020 03:37
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*.js eol=lf
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Mutation Observers</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
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<h1>Mutation Observers</h1>
<p title="mouseover text"><![CDATA[ this is some characterData ]]>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum, quam eos provident sapiente culpa corrupti, deleniti inventore, omnis recusandae repudiandae quasi soluta repellat, expedita suscipit id tenetur excepturi corporis quis.</p>
<p>Praesentium ut voluptatem corrupti itaque eveniet necessitatibus tempore cupiditate provident quod voluptas porro qui in, recusandae saepe odit, reiciendis laudantium nulla, nam perferendis nihil dolorum atque est quae. Temporibus, dolorum!</p>
<p>Quidem est neque eaque et corrupti magni, doloribus eum. Tempora impedit, veritatis labore accusantium ratione vel. Nesciunt enim quod, beatae quaerat, consectetur sequi veritatis quas dolores ex harum eligendi explicabo!</p>
let observer;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
function init(){
let p = document.querySelector('main > p'); //1st p
p.addEventListener('click', change);
let config = {
attributes: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
attributeFilter: ['data-thing', 'title', 'style'],
childList: false,
subtree: false,
characterData: false,
characterDataOldValue: false
/* childList, attributes, characterData */
observer = new MutationObserver(mutated);
observer.observe(p, config);
function change(ev){
let p = ev.currentTarget;
p.textContent = ' this is new content';
p.setAttribute('data-thing', 123);
p.title = 'NEW TITLE'
let span = document.createElement('span');
span.textContent = ' SOME SPAN TEXT';
function mutated(mutationList){
console.log( mutationList );
for(let mutation of mutationList) {
if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
console.log('A child node has been added or removed.');
else if (mutation.type == 'attributes') {
console.log('The ' + mutation.attributeName + ' attribute was modified.');
console.log( mutation.oldValue );
//target - Element
//addNodes - NodeList
//removedNodes - NodeList
//nextSibling - Element / textNode
//previousSibling - Element / textNode
//type 'attributes' or 'childList'
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O330oei commented Feb 11, 2020

 *.js eol=lf 
 *.jsx eol=lf
 *.json eol=lf. 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xmlns=""> <id></id> <title>GitHub GraphQL Schema Changes</title> <updated>2020-02-19T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <link rel="self" href=""/> <author> <name>hubot</name> <uri></uri> </author> <entry> <id>,2020-02-19:/v4/changelog/2020-02-19-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-02-19</title> <published>2020-02-19T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2020-02-19T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The GraphQL schema includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Type <code>PackageType</code> was added</li> </ul> <p>The <a href="/v4/previews/#github-packages">GitHub Packages preview</a> includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Field <code>packageType</code> was added to object type <code>Package</code> </li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2020-02-12:/v4/changelog/2020-02-12-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-02-12</title> <published>2020-02-12T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2020-02-12T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The GraphQL schema includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Field <code>deleteDeployment</code> was added to object type <code>Mutation</code> </li> <li>Type <code>DeleteDeploymentInput</code> was added</li> <li>Type <code>DeleteDeploymentPayload</code> was added</li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2020-02-05:/v4/changelog/2020-02-05-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-02-05</title> <published>2020-02-05T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2020-02-05T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The GraphQL schema includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Type <code>EnterpriseOrderField</code> was removed</li> <li>Type <code>CollectionItemContent</code> was removed</li> <li>Enum value <code>UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT</code> was added to enum <code>PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType</code> </li> <li>Enum value <code>DISCONNECTED_EVENT</code> was added to enum <code>PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType</code> </li> <li>Enum value <code>CONNECTED_EVENT</code> was added to enum <code>PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType</code> </li> <li>Union member <code>UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent</code> was added to Union type <code>PullRequestTimelineItems</code> </li> <li>Union member <code>DisconnectedEvent</code> was added to Union type <code>PullRequestTimelineItems</code> </li> <li>Union member <code>ConnectedEvent</code> was added to Union type <code>PullRequestTimelineItems</code> </li> <li>Enum value <code>UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT</code> was added to enum <code>IssueTimelineItemsItemType</code> </li> <li>Enum value <code>DISCONNECTED_EVENT</code> was added to enum <code>IssueTimelineItemsItemType</code> </li> <li>Enum value <code>CONNECTED_EVENT</code> was added to enum <code>IssueTimelineItemsItemType</code> </li> <li>Union member <code>UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent</code> was added to Union type <code>IssueTimelineItems</code> </li> <li>Union member <code>DisconnectedEvent</code> was added to Union type <code>IssueTimelineItems</code> </li> <li>Union member <code>ConnectedEvent</code> was added to Union type <code>IssueTimelineItems</code> </li> <li>Input field <code>SubmitPullRequestReviewInput.pullRequestReviewId</code> changed type from <code>ID!</code> to <code>ID</code> </li> <li>Input field <code>pullRequestId</code> was added to input object type <code>SubmitPullRequestReviewInput</code> </li> <li>Input field <code>AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.pullRequestReviewId</code> changed type from <code>ID!</code> to <code>ID</code> </li> <li>Input field <code>pullRequestId</code> was added to input object type <code>AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput</code> </li> <li>Field <code>originalEnvironment</code> was added to object type <code>Deployment</code> </li> <li>Field <code>latestEnvironment</code> was added to object type <code>Deployment</code> </li> <li>Field <code>checksUrl</code> was added to object type <code>PullRequest</code> </li> <li>Field <code>checksResourcePath</code> was added to object type <code>PullRequest</code> </li> <li>Type <code>UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent</code> was added</li> <li>Type <code>DisconnectedEvent</code> was added</li> <li>Type <code>ConnectedEvent</code> was added</li> </ul> <p>The <a href="/v4/previews/#checks">Checks preview</a> includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Enum value <code>STALE</code> was added to enum <code>CheckConclusionState</code> </li> <li>Enum value <code>SKIPPED</code> was added to enum <code>CheckConclusionState</code> </li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2020-01-09:/v4/changelog/2020-01-09-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-01-09</title> <published>2020-01-09T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2020-01-09T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The GraphQL schema includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Enum value <code>DUPLICATE</code> was added to enum <code>ReportedContentClassifiers</code> </li> <li>Field <code>deleteBranchOnMerge</code> was added to object type <code>Repository</code> </li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2020-01-06:/v4/changelog/2020-01-06-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-01-06</title> <published>2020-01-06T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2020-01-06T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The following changes will be made to the schema:</p> <ul> <li>On member <code>Sponsorship.maintainer</code>: <code>maintainer</code> will be removed. Use <code>Sponsorship.sponsorable</code> instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> </ul> <p>The GraphQL schema includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Field <code>sponsorable</code> was added to object type <code>Sponsorship</code> </li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2019-12-16:/v4/changelog/2019-12-16-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-12-16</title> <published>2019-12-16T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2019-12-16T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The GraphQL schema includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Field <code>actor</code> was added to object type <code>UpdatePullRequestPayload</code> </li> <li>Field <code>actor</code> was added to object type <code>UpdateIssuePayload</code> </li> <li>Field <code>actor</code> was added to object type <code>UnlockLockablePayload</code> </li> <li>Field <code>actor</code> was added to object type <code>MergePullRequestPayload</code> </li> <li>Field <code>actor</code> was added to object type <code>LockLockablePayload</code> </li> <li>Argument <code>orderBy: LabelOrder</code> added to field <code>Repository.labels</code> </li> <li>Argument <code>orderBy: LabelOrder</code> added to field <code>Issue.labels</code> </li> <li>Argument <code>orderBy: LabelOrder</code> added to field <code>Labelable.labels</code> </li> <li>Argument <code>orderBy: LabelOrder</code> added to field <code>PullRequest.labels</code> </li> <li>Type <code>LabelOrderField</code> was added</li> <li>Type <code>LabelOrder</code> was added</li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2019-12-11:/v4/changelog/2019-12-11-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-12-11</title> <published>2019-12-11T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2019-12-11T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The GraphQL schema includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Field <code>createdAt</code> was added to object type <code>RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert</code> </li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2019-12-05:/v4/changelog/2019-12-05-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-12-05</title> <published>2019-12-05T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2019-12-05T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The GraphQL schema includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Field <code>createdAt</code> was added to object type <code>SponsorsListing</code> </li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2019-11-25:/v4/changelog/2019-11-25-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-11-25</title> <published>2019-11-25T08:00:00Z</published> <updated>2019-11-25T08:00:00Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" href=""/> <content type="html"><p>The following changes will be made to the schema:</p> <ul> <li>On member <code>Organization.registryPackages</code>: <code>registryPackages</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageOwner</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>Organization.registryPackagesForQuery</code>: <code>registryPackagesForQuery</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageSearch</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.color</code>: <code>color</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.latestVersion</code>: <code>latestVersion</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code></code>: <code>name</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.nameWithOwner</code>: <code>nameWithOwner</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.packageFileByGuid</code>: <code>packageFileByGuid</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.packageFileBySha256</code>: <code>packageFileBySha256</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.packageType</code>: <code>packageType</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.preReleaseVersions</code>: <code>preReleaseVersions</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.registryPackageType</code>: <code>registryPackageType</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.repository</code>: <code>repository</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.statistics</code>: <code>statistics</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.tags</code>: <code>tags</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.topics</code>: <code>topics</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.version</code>: <code>version</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.versionByPlatform</code>: <code>versionByPlatform</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.versionBySha256</code>: <code>versionBySha256</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.versions</code>: <code>versions</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackage.versionsByMetadatum</code>: <code>versionsByMetadatum</code> will be removed. Use the <code>Package</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageDependency.dependencyType</code>: <code>dependencyType</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageDependency</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code></code>: <code>name</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageDependency</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageDependency.version</code>: <code>version</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageDependency</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageFile.guid</code>: <code>guid</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageFile.md5</code>: <code>md5</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageFile.metadataUrl</code>: <code>metadataUrl</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code></code>: <code>name</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageFile.packageVersion</code>: <code>packageVersion</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageFile.sha1</code>: <code>sha1</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageFile.sha256</code>: <code>sha256</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageFile.size</code>: <code>size</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageFile.url</code>: <code>url</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageFile</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageOwner.registryPackages</code>: <code>registryPackages</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageOwner</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageSearch.registryPackagesForQuery</code>: <code>registryPackagesForQuery</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageSearch</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisMonth</code>: <code>downloadsThisMonth</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisWeek</code>: <code>downloadsThisWeek</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisYear</code>: <code>downloadsThisYear</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsToday</code>: <code>downloadsToday</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsTotalCount</code>: <code>downloadsTotalCount</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code></code>: <code>name</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageTag</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageTag.version</code>: <code>version</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageTag</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.deleted</code>: <code>deleted</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.dependencies</code>: <code>dependencies</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.fileByName</code>: <code>fileByName</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.files</code>: <code>files</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.installationCommand</code>: <code>installationCommand</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.manifest</code>: <code>manifest</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.platform</code>: <code>platform</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.preRelease</code>: <code>preRelease</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.readme</code>: <code>readme</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.readmeHtml</code>: <code>readmeHtml</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.registryPackage</code>: <code>registryPackage</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.release</code>: <code>release</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.sha256</code>: <code>sha256</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.size</code>: <code>size</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.statistics</code>: <code>statistics</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.summary</code>: <code>summary</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.updatedAt</code>: <code>updatedAt</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.version</code>: <code>version</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersion.viewerCanEdit</code>: <code>viewerCanEdit</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersion</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisMonth</code>: <code>downloadsThisMonth</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersionStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisWeek</code>: <code>downloadsThisWeek</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersionStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisYear</code>: <code>downloadsThisYear</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersionStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsToday</code>: <code>downloadsToday</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersionStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsTotalCount</code>: <code>downloadsTotalCount</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageVersionStatistics</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>Repository.registryPackages</code>: <code>registryPackages</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageOwner</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>Repository.registryPackagesForQuery</code>: <code>registryPackagesForQuery</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageSearch</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>User.registryPackages</code>: <code>registryPackages</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageOwner</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> <li>On member <code>User.registryPackagesForQuery</code>: <code>registryPackagesForQuery</code> will be removed. Use the <code>PackageSearch</code> object instead. <strong>Effective 2020-04-01</strong>.</li> </ul> <p>The <a href="/v4/previews/#github-packages">GitHub Packages preview</a> includes these changes:</p> <ul> <li>Field <code>statistics</code> was added to object type <code>PackageVersion</code> </li> <li>Field <code>statistics</code> was added to object type <code>Package</code> </li> <li>Type <code>PackageStatistics</code> was added</li> <li>Type <code>PackageVersionStatistics</code> was added</li> </ul></content> </entry> <entry> <id>,2019-11-22:/v4/changelog/2019-11-22-schema-changes/</id> <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-11-22</title> <published>201

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O330oei commented Feb 20, 2020

git add . git commit -m
"Added .gitattributes to repo" git push

  • <title>GitHub GraphQL Schema Changes</title> 2020-02-19T08:00:00Z hubot,2020-02-19:/v4/changelog/2020-02-19-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-02-19</title> 2020-02-19T08:00:00Z 2020-02-19T08:00:00Z

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type PackageType was added

    The GitHub Packages preview includes these changes:

    • Field packageType was added to object type Package,2020-02-12:/v4/changelog/2020-02-12-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-02-12</title> 2020-02-12T08:00:00Z 2020-02-12T08:00:00Z

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field deleteDeployment was added to object type Mutation
    • Type DeleteDeploymentInput was added
    • Type DeleteDeploymentPayload was added,2020-02-05:/v4/changelog/2020-02-05-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-02-05</title> 2020-02-05T08:00:00Z 2020-02-05T08:00:00Z

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type EnterpriseOrderField was removed
    • Type CollectionItemContent was removed
    • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
    • Enum value DISCONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
    • Enum value CONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
    • Union member UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
    • Union member DisconnectedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
    • Union member ConnectedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
    • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
    • Enum value DISCONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
    • Enum value CONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
    • Union member UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
    • Union member DisconnectedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
    • Union member ConnectedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
    • Input field SubmitPullRequestReviewInput.pullRequestReviewId changed type from ID! to ID
    • Input field pullRequestId was added to input object type SubmitPullRequestReviewInput
    • Input field AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.pullRequestReviewId changed type from ID! to ID
    • Input field pullRequestId was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput
    • Field originalEnvironment was added to object type Deployment
    • Field latestEnvironment was added to object type Deployment
    • Field checksUrl was added to object type PullRequest
    • Field checksResourcePath was added to object type PullRequest
    • Type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added
    • Type DisconnectedEvent was added
    • Type ConnectedEvent was added

    The Checks preview includes these changes:

    • Enum value STALE was added to enum CheckConclusionState
    • Enum value SKIPPED was added to enum CheckConclusionState,2020-01-09:/v4/changelog/2020-01-09-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-01-09</title> 2020-01-09T08:00:00Z 2020-01-09T08:00:00Z

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value DUPLICATE was added to enum ReportedContentClassifiers
    • Field deleteBranchOnMerge was added to object type Repository,2020-01-06:/v4/changelog/2020-01-06-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2020-01-06</title> 2020-01-06T08:00:00Z 2020-01-06T08:00:00Z

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

    • On member Sponsorship.maintainer: maintainer will be removed. Use Sponsorship.sponsorable instead. Effective 2020-04-01.

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field sponsorable was added to object type Sponsorship,2019-12-16:/v4/changelog/2019-12-16-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-12-16</title> 2019-12-16T08:00:00Z 2019-12-16T08:00:00Z

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field actor was added to object type UpdatePullRequestPayload
    • Field actor was added to object type UpdateIssuePayload
    • Field actor was added to object type UnlockLockablePayload
    • Field actor was added to object type MergePullRequestPayload
    • Field actor was added to object type LockLockablePayload
    • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Repository.labels
    • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Issue.labels
    • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Labelable.labels
    • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field PullRequest.labels
    • Type LabelOrderField was added
    • Type LabelOrder was added,2019-12-11:/v4/changelog/2019-12-11-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-12-11</title> 2019-12-11T08:00:00Z 2019-12-11T08:00:00Z

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field createdAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert,2019-12-05:/v4/changelog/2019-12-05-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-12-05</title> 2019-12-05T08:00:00Z 2019-12-05T08:00:00Z

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field createdAt was added to object type SponsorsListing,2019-11-25:/v4/changelog/2019-11-25-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-11-25</title> 2019-11-25T08:00:00Z 2019-11-25T08:00:00Z

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

    • On member Organization.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member Organization.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.color: color will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.latestVersion: latestVersion will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member name will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.nameWithOwner: nameWithOwner will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.packageFileByGuid: packageFileByGuid will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.packageFileBySha256: packageFileBySha256 will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.packageType: packageType will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.preReleaseVersions: preReleaseVersions will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.registryPackageType: registryPackageType will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.repository: repository will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.statistics: statistics will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.tags: tags will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.topics: topics will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.version: version will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.versionByPlatform: versionByPlatform will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.versionBySha256: versionBySha256 will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.versions: versions will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackage.versionsByMetadatum: versionsByMetadatum will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageDependency.dependencyType: dependencyType will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageDependency.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageFile.guid: guid will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageFile.md5: md5 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageFile.metadataUrl: metadataUrl will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageFile.packageVersion: packageVersion will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageFile.sha1: sha1 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageFile.sha256: sha256 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageFile.size: size will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageFile.url: url will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageOwner.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageSearch.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisMonth: downloadsThisMonth will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisWeek: downloadsThisWeek will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisYear: downloadsThisYear will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsToday: downloadsToday will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsTotalCount: downloadsTotalCount will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageTag object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageTag.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageTag object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.deleted: deleted will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.dependencies: dependencies will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.fileByName: fileByName will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.files: files will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.installationCommand: installationCommand will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.manifest: manifest will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.platform: platform will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.preRelease: preRelease will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.readme: readme will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.readmeHtml: readmeHtml will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.registryPackage: registryPackage will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.release: release will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.sha256: sha256 will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.size: size will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.statistics: statistics will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.summary: summary will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersion.viewerCanEdit: viewerCanEdit will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisMonth: downloadsThisMonth will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisWeek: downloadsThisWeek will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisYear: downloadsThisYear will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsToday: downloadsToday will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsTotalCount: downloadsTotalCount will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member Repository.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member Repository.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member User.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
    • On member User.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.

    The GitHub Packages preview includes these changes:

    • Field statistics was added to object type PackageVersion
    • Field statistics was added to object type Package
    • Type PackageStatistics was added
    • Type PackageVersionStatistics was added,2019-11-22:/v4/changelog/2019-11-22-schema-changes/ <title type="html">GraphQL Schema Changes for 2019-11-22</title> 201

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