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Created May 2, 2016 16:04
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LifeGame 処理のみ(classなし、可視化なし)
import numpy as np
cells = np.zeros((CELLS_WIDTH, CELLS_WIDTH), 'int')
cells[:3,:3] = 1
# 条件:自分が生きている
def isAlive(cell_idx, cells):
if cells[cell_idx] == 0:
return False
return True
def count_alive_surrounding(cell_idx, cells):
range_idx = [(idx - 1 if idx - 1 >= 0 else 0, idx + 2 if idx + 2 <= CELLS_WIDTH else CELLS_WIDTH) for idx in cell_idx]
return np.count_nonzero(cells[range_idx[0][0]:range_idx[0][1], range_idx[1][0]:range_idx[1][1]])
## 生存: 2
def rule_alive_condition_setting(min_cell_num:int, max_cell_num:int):
def rule_alive_condition(cell_idx, cells_in):
if isAlive(cell_idx, cells_in) and (min_cell_num <= count_alive_surrounding(cell_idx, cells_in) - 1 <= max_cell_num):
return True
return False
return rule_alive_condition
def rule_alive_apply(cell_idx, cells_out):
# そのcellはそのまま生存 なにもしない
cells_out[cell_idx] = 2
## 誕生:1
def rule_birth_condition_setting(birth_required_cell_num:int):
def rule_birth_condition(cell_idx, cells_in):
# 周囲8マス以内に他のセルがbirth_required_cell_numだけ生きていれば
if not isAlive(cell_idx, cells_in) and (count_alive_surrounding(cell_idx, cells_in) == birth_required_cell_num):
return True
return False
return rule_birth_condition
def rule_birth_apply(cell_idx, cells_out):
## そのcellに誕生
cells_out[cell_idx] = 1
# death
# 条件 True
def default_condition(cell_idx, cells_in):
return True
def rule_death_apply(cell_idx, cells_out):
cells_out[cell_idx] = 0
# Rule
rules = (
(rule_alive_condition_setting(2, 3), rule_alive_apply), # alive
(rule_birth_condition_setting(3), rule_birth_apply), # birth
(default_condition, rule_death_apply) # death
def play(cells, count=1):
if count <= 0:
return cells
# copy先のcell
cells_out = np.copy(cells)
# index の取得
for idx in np.ndindex(cells.shape):
for condition, apply in rules:
if condition(idx, cells):
apply(idx, cells_out)
return play(cells_out, count-1)
def play_gen(cells):
def count(i):
x = [i]
def count_up():
x[0] += 1
return x[0]
return count_up
countup = count(0)
cells_in = np.copy(cells)
while True:
# copy先のcell
cells_out = np.copy(cells_in)
# index の取得
for idx in np.ndindex(cells.shape):
for condition, apply in rules:
if condition(idx, cells_in):
apply(idx, cells_out)
yield countup(), cells_out
cells_in = np.copy(cells_out)
# 処理
gen = play_gen(cells)
next(gen) # 1
next(gen) # 2
next(gen) # 3
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