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Created May 24, 2017 00:14
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IanTayler/MinG/lib/MinG/EDMG.pm6:72: when '<' { return => MERGE, pol => PLUS, type => $first_t_d,\
IanTayler/MinG/lib/MinG/EDMG.pm6:94: when '<' { return => MERGE, pol => PLUS, type => $last_t_d,\
IanTayler/MinG/lib/MinG/EDMG.pm6:168: my $label = '<';
IanTayler/MinG/lib/MinG/EDMG.pm6:215: push @new_t_n, => '<', position => $pred.priority);
IanTayler/MinG/lib/MinG/EDMG.pm6:274: push @new_t_n, => '<', position => $pred.priority);
IanTayler/MinG/lib/MinG/S13.pm6:69: push @new_t_n, => '<', position => $pred.priority);
IanTayler/MinG/lib/MinG/S13.pm6:111: push @new_t_n, => '<', position => $pred.priority);
IanTayler/MinG/lib/MinG/S13.pm6:170: push @new_t_n, => '<', position => $pred.priority);
MattOates/Text--Homoglyph/lib/Text/Homoglyph.pm6:32: '<' => "\xFF1C\x02C2\x2039\x227A\x276E\x2D66\xFE64",
afiskon/p6-xml-parser-tiny/lib/XML/Parser/Tiny/Actions.pm6:115:method lt ($/) { make '<' }
afiskon/p6-xml-parser-tiny/lib/XML/Parser/Tiny/Grammar.pm6:24: '<' <name> <attribute>*? <.sp> '/>'
afiskon/p6-xml-parser-tiny/lib/XML/Parser/Tiny/Grammar.pm6:28: '<' (<name>) <attribute>*? <.sp> '>'
astj/p6-SQL-NamedPlaceholder/lib/SQL/NamedPlaceholder.pm6:6:my regex operator { '=' || '<=' || '<' || '>=' || '>' || '<>' || '!=' || '<=>' }
atweiden/txn-parser/lib/TXN/Parser/ '<'
azawawi/farabi6/lib/Farabi6/files/assets/3rd-party/codemirror-v5.0/mode/markdown/markdown.js:413: if (ch === '<' && stream.match(/^(https?|ftps?):\/\/(?:[^\\>]|\\.)+>/, false)) {
azawawi/farabi6/lib/Farabi6/files/assets/3rd-party/codemirror-v5.0/mode/markdown/markdown.js:425: if (ch === '<' && stream.match(/^[^> \\]+@(?:[^\\>]|\\.)+>/, false)) {
azawawi/farabi6/lib/Farabi6/files/assets/3rd-party/codemirror-v5.0/mode/markdown/markdown.js:437: if (ch === '<' && stream.match(/^\w/, false)) {
azawawi/farabi6/lib/Farabi6/files/assets/3rd-party/codemirror-v5.0/mode/markdown/markdown.js:449: if (ch === '<' && stream.match(/^\/\w*?>/)) {
azawawi/farabi6/lib/Farabi6/files/assets/3rd-party/codemirror-v5.0/mode/perl/perl.js:44: '<' : 4,
azawawi/farabi6/lib/Farabi6/files/assets/perl6-mode.js:32: '<' : 4,
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexA68k.cxx:81: else if ((ch1 == ch2) && (ch1 == '<' || ch1 == '>'))
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexAPDL.cxx:39: ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '<' || ch == '&' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexAU3.cxx:93: ch == '&' || ch == '^' || ch == '=' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexAU3.cxx:553: else if ( == '<' && si==3) {sc.SetState(SCE_AU3_STRING);} // string after #include
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexAVE.cxx:55: ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == ',' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexAda.cxx:263: } else if (sc.Match('<', '<')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexAda.cxx:301: case '<':
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexAsm.cxx:54: ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '<' || ch == '&' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexBaan.cxx:125: ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == ',' || ch == '/' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexBash.cxx:95: if (ch == '<') return '>';
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexBash.cxx:433: } else if (sc.chNext == '<') { // HERE string <<<
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexBash.cxx:698: } else if (sc.Match('<', '<')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexBash.cxx:841: if (ch == '<' && chNext == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexBash.cxx:842: if (styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2) == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexBatch.cxx:45: return (ch == '=') || (ch == '+') || (ch == '>') || (ch == '<') ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexCPP.cxx:865: if ((isIncludePreprocessor && sc.Match('<')) || sc.Match('\"')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexCPP.cxx:1157: } else if (isIncludePreprocessor && == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexCrontab.cxx:93: } else if( ch == '<' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i+1) == '%') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexCrontab.cxx:101: } else if( (IsASCII(ch) && isalpha(ch)) || ch == '<' ) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexCrontab.cxx:175: (ch == '$') || (ch == '.') || (ch == '<') || (ch == '>') ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexCsound.cxx:47: ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '<' || ch == '&' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexD.cxx:55: ch == '&' || ch == '#' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexDiff.cxx:83: } else if (lineBuffer[0] == '-' || lineBuffer[0] == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexEScript.cxx:139: } else if ( == '+' || == '-' || == '*' || == '/' || == '=' || == '<' || == '>' || == '&' || == '|' || == '!' || == '?' || == ':') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexEiffel.cxx:36: ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == ',' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexErrorList.cxx:55: } else if (lineBuffer[0] == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexFlagship.cxx:239: } else if (closeStringChar == '>' && == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexGAP.cxx:35: ch == '=' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '(' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexGui4Cli.cxx:58: ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexGui4Cli.cxx:203: case '<': case '>': case '&': case '|': case '$':
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:54: ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == ',' || ch == '/' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:267: // Copy after the '<'
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:271: if ((ch != '<') && (ch != '/')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:859: else if ((inScriptType == eNonHtmlScript) && (ch == '<') && (chNext == '/')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:915: (ch == '<') &&
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:945: else if (isMako && scriptLanguage == eScriptNone && ((ch == '<' && chNext == '%') ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:949: (ch == '<' && chNext == '/' && chNext2 == '%'))) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:1044: else if (!isMako && !isDjango && !isCommentASPState(state) && (ch == '<') && (chNext == '%') && !isPHPStringState(state)) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:1085: (chPrev == '<') &&
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:1227: if (ch == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:1275: if ((ch == '!') && (chPrev == '<')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:1407: if (!setTagContinue.Contains(ch) && !((ch == '/') && (chPrev == '<'))) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:1617: } else if ((ch == '<') && (chNext == '!') && (chNext2 == '-') &&
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:1753: } else if ((ch == '<') && (chNext == '!') && (chNext2 == '-') &&
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHTML.cxx:1812: } else if ((ch == '<') && (chNext == '!') && (chNext2 == '-') &&
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexHaskell.cxx:104: || ch == '.' || ch == '/' || ch == ':' || ch == '<'
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexKix.cxx:37: return (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '&' || ch == '|' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '=');
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexLout.cxx:39: ch == '<' || ch == '=' || ch == '>' || ch == '?' || ch == '[' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexMMIXAL.cxx:42: ch == '%' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '&' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexMagik.cxx:248: == '<' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexMetapost.cxx:78: (ch == ':') || (ch == '=') || (ch == '<') || (ch == '>') ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexModula.cxx:420: if( == '<' && sc.chNext == '*' ) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexModula.cxx:584: buf[0] != '<' &&
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexMySQL.cxx:281: else if (sc.Match('<', '{'))
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPLM.cxx:70: ch == '=' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == ':') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPS.cxx:39: ch == '/' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPS.cxx:207: } else if ( == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPS.cxx:208: if (sc.chNext == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPerl.cxx:309: if (ch == '<') return '>';
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPerl.cxx:1419: bool isHereDoc = sc.Match('<', '<');
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPerl.cxx:1472: } else if ( == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPerl.cxx:1501: } else if ( == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPerl.cxx:1558: } else if ( == '<') { // handle '<', inputsymbol
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexPowerShell.cxx:134: } else if ( == '<' && sc.chNext == '#') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexR.cxx:45: ch == '^' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '=' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRebol.cxx:48: return ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '=' || ch == '?';
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRebol.cxx:55: (ch == '<' && (ch2 == '=' || ch2 == '>')) ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRebol.cxx:262: } else if ( == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRuby.cxx:196: if (ch == '<')
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRuby.cxx:552: if (styler.StyleAt(j) != SCE_RB_OPERATOR || styler[j] != '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRuby.cxx:885: } else if (ch == '<' && chNext == '<' && chNext2 != '=') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRuby.cxx:993: case '<':
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRuby.cxx:994: if (chNext2 == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRuby.cxx:1840: if (styler.SafeGetCharAt(i-2) == '<' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i-1) == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRust.cxx:340: || c == '.' || c == ':' || c == '!' || c == '<'
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRust.cxx:347: || (c == '!' && n == '=') || (c == '<' && n == '<')
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRust.cxx:348: || (c == '<' && n == '=') || (c == '>' && n == '>')
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexRust.cxx:359: return (c == '<' && n == '<' && n2 == '=')
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexSQL.cxx:52: ch == '\\' || ch == '&' || ch == '<' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexSQL.cxx:573: if (qOperator == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexSpecman.cxx:108: if (sc.Match('<', '\'')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexSpice.cxx:194: case '<':
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexTADS3.cxx:99: || ch == '?' || ch == '!' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '|'
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexTADS3.cxx:180: if (sc.Match('<', '<')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexTADS3.cxx:425: if (sc.state == SCE_T3_D_STRING && sc.Match('<', '<')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexTADS3.cxx:436: } else if (sc.Match('<', '.')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexTADS3.cxx:438: } else if ( == '<') {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexTCMD.cxx:42: return (ch == '=') || (ch == '+') || (ch == '>') || (ch == '<') || (ch == '|') || (ch == '&') || (ch == '!') || (ch == '?') || (ch == '*') || (ch == '(') || (ch == ')');
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexTCMD.cxx:372: if ((wordBuffer[0] == '>') || (wordBuffer[0] == '<')) {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexTeX.cxx:85: (ch == '(') || (ch == ')') || (ch == '<') || (ch == '>') ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexVisualProlog.cxx:176: case L'<':
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexers/LexVisualProlog.cxx:180: closingQuote = L'<';
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/lexlib/CharacterSet.h:155: ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == ',' || ch == '/' ||
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/src/Document.cxx:2291: case '<':
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/src/Document.cxx:2437: case '<':
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/src/Document.cxx:2440: return '<';
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/src/Document.cxx:2454: if (chBrace == '(' || chBrace == '[' || chBrace == '{' || chBrace == '<')
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/src/RESearch.cxx:630: case '<':
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla/src/scintilla/test/unit/catch.hpp:7453: case '<':
cjfields/bioperl6/lib/Bio/Grammar/FTLocation.pm6:47: token high_base_bound { '<' <abs_base_position> }
cjfields/bioperl6/lib/Bio/Type/Location.pm6:6:#enum Location-Pos-Symbol '<', '>', '.', '?', '..';
cjfields/bioperl6/lib/Bio/Type/Location.pm6:19: '<' => BEFORE,
cjfields/bioperl6/lib/Bio/Type/Location.pm6:28: BEFORE => '<',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/Bio/Role/Location/Fuzzy.pm6:19: 'BEFORE' => '<',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/Bio/Role/Location/Fuzzy.pm6:33:our %POSTYPEENCODE = ('<' => 'BEFORE',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/Bio/Role/Location/Fuzzy.pm6:36:our %POSTYPEDECODE = ('BEFORE' => '<',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/Bio/Role/Location/Fuzzy.pm6:65: #swapping out '<' and '>' for words in start/end pos type
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/Bio/Role/Location/Simple.pm6:29:our %POSTYPEENCODE = ('<' => 'BEFORE',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/Bio/Role/Location/Simple.pm6:32:our %POSTYPEDECODE = ('BEFORE' => '<',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/Bio/Role/Location/Simple.pm6:49: #swapping out '<' and '>' for words in start/end pos type
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/Bio/Role/Location/Simple.pm6:84: $pos_str = '<' ~ $pos_str;
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/t/Location/Simple.t:82: start_pos_type => '<',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/t/Location/Simple.t:105: start_pos_type => '<',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/t/Location/Simple.t:131:# -end_pos_type => '<',
cjfields/bioperl6/nyi/t/Location/Simple.t:146: start_pos_type => '<',
cjfields/bioperl6/t/SeqIO/fasta.t:75:# open my $FILE, '<', $filename or die "Could not read file '$filename': $!\n";
colomon/ABC/lib/ABC/ token broken_rhythm_bracket { ['<'+ | '>'+] }
colomon/ABC/lib/ABC/ token text_expression { [ '^' | '<' | '>' | '_' | '@' ]? <non_quote>+ }
dagurval/HTML-Strip/lib/HTML/Strip.pm6:16: '<'
dagurval/HTML-Strip/lib/HTML/Strip.pm6:20: '<' \s* '/'
dagurval/HTML-Strip/lib/HTML/Strip.pm6:24: '<' \s* '!' \s* '--'
dagurval/HTML-Strip/lib/HTML/Strip/Decode.pm6:14:'lt' , '<', # less than
dnmfarrell/Pod-PerlTricks/test-corpus/SampleArticle.html:159:<pre><code>open my $test_data_fh, '<', $test_file_name or die ...;
dnmfarrell/Pod-PerlTricks/test-corpus/SampleArticle.json:1:{ "body" : "\"\\n\\n<p>How can I easily run the same tests on different data without duplicating a lot of code? If I follow my usual pattern, I start off with a couple of tests where I write some code then cut-and-paste that a couple of times. I add a few more tests before I realize I have a mess. If I had the foresight to know that I would make a mess (again), I would have started with a table of data and a little bit of code that went through it.<sup><a href=\\\"#0_1\\\">1</a></sup></p>\\n\\n<p>Consider a silly and small example of testing <code>sprintf</code>-like behaviour of M<String::Sprintf>. I can use this module to create my own format specifiers, such as one to commify a number. I stole this mostly from its documentation, although I threw in the <a href=\\\"\\\">v5.20 signatures feature</a> and the <a href=\\\"\\\">v5.14 non-destructive</a> <code>/r</code> flag on the substitution operator> because I love those features:</p>\\n\\n<pre>use v5.20;\\nuse feature qw(signatures);\\nno warnings qw(experimental::signatures);\\n\\nuse String::Sprintf;\\n\\nmy $f = String::Sprintf->formatter(\\n N => sub {\\n my($width, $value, $values, $letter) = @_;\\n return commify(sprintf \\\"%${width}f\\\", $value);\\n }\\n );\\n\\nsay \\\"Numbers are: \\\" . \\n $f->sprintf(\\n '%10.2N, %10.2N', \\n 12345678.901, 87654.321\\n );\\n\\nsub commify ( $n ) {\\n $n =~ s/(\\\\.\\\\d+)|(?<=\\\\d)(?=(?:\\\\d\\\\d\\\\d)+\\\\b)/$1 || ','/rge;\\n }\\n\\nNumbers are: 12,345,678.90, 87,654.32</pre>\\n\\n<p>The mess I might make to test this starts with a single input and output with the M<Test::More> function <code>is</code>:</p>\\n\\n<pre>use v5.20;\\nuse feature qw(signatures);\\nno warnings qw(experimental::signatures);\\n\\nuse Test::More;\\n\\nsub commify ( $n ) {\\n $n =~ s/(\\\\.\\\\d+)|(?<=\\\\d)(?=(?:\\\\d\\\\d\\\\d)+\\\\b)/$1 || ','/rge;\\n }\\n\\nmy $class = 'String::Sprintf';\\nuse_ok( $class );\\n\\nmy $f = String::Sprintf->formatter(\\n N => sub {\\n my($width, $value, $values, $letter) = @_;\\n return commify(sprintf \\\"%${width}f\\\", $value);\\n }\\n );\\n\\nisa_ok( $f, $class );\\ncan_ok( $f, 'sprintf' );\\n\\nis( $f->sprintf( '%.2N', '1234.56' ), '1,234.56' );\\n\\ndone_testing();</pre>\\n\\n<p>I decide to test another value, and I think the easiest thing to do is to duplicate that line with <code>is</code>:</p>\\n\\n<pre>is( $f->sprintf( '%.2N', '1234.56' ), '1,234.56' );\\nis( $f->sprintf( '%.2N', '1234' ), '1,234.00' );</pre>\\n\\n<p>The particular thing to test isn't the point of this article. It's all the stuff around it that I want to highlight. Or, more correctly, I want to de-emphasize all this stuff around it. I had to duplicate the test although most of the structure is the same.</p>\\n\\n<p>I can convert those tests to a structure to hold the data and another structure for the behaviour:</p>\\n\\n<pre>my @data = (\\n [ qw( 1234.56 1,234.56 ) ],\\n [ qw( 1234 1,234.00 ) ],\\n );\\n\\nforeach my $row ( @data ) {\\n is( $f->sprintf( '%.2N', $row->[0] ), $row->[1] );\\n }</pre>\\n\\n<p>I can add many more rows to <code>@data</code> but the meat of the code, that <code>foreach</code> loop, doesn't change.</p>\\n\\n<p>I can improve this though. So far I only test that one template. I can add that to <code>@data</code> too, and use that to make a label for the test:</p>\\n\\n<pre>my $ndot2_f = '%.2N';\\n\\nmy @data = (\\n [ $ndot2_f, qw( 1234.56 1,234.56 ) ],\\n [ $ndot2_f, qw( 1234 1,234.00 ) ],\\n );\\n\\nforeach my $row ( @data ) {\\n is( $f->sprintf( $row->[0], $row->[1] ), $row->[2],\\n \\\"$row->[1] with format $row->[0] returns $row->[2]\\\"\\n );\\n }</pre>\\n\\n<p>I can add another test with a different format. If I had kept going the way I started, this would look like a new test because the format changed. Now the format is just part of the input:</p>\\n\\n<pre>my $ndot2_f = '%.2N';\\n\\nmy @data = (\\n [ $ndot2_f, qw( 1234.56 1,234.56 ) ],\\n [ $ndot2_f, qw( 1234 1,234.00 ) ],\\n [ '%.0N' , qw( 1234.49 1,234 ) ],\\n );\\n\\nforeach my $row ( @data ) {\\n is( $f->sprintf( $row->[0], $row->[1] ), $row->[2],\\n \\\"$row->[1] with format $row->[0] returns $row->[2]\\\"\\n );\\n }</pre>\\n\\n<p>As I go on things get more complicated. If a test fails, I want some extra information about which one failed. I'll change up how I go through the table. In this case, I'll use the <a href=\\\"\\\">v5.12 feature</a> that allows <code>each</code> on an array so I get back the index and the value:</p>\\n\\n<pre>while( my( $index, $row ) = each @data ) {\\n is( $f->sprintf( $row->[0], $row->[1] ), $row->[2],\\n \\\"$index: $row->[1] with format $row->[0] returns $row->[2]\\\"\\n );\\n }</pre>\\n\\n<p>My code for the test behavior changed but I didn't have to mess with the input data at all. The particular code in this case doesn't matter. This table-driven testing separates the inputs and the tests; that's what you should pay attention to.</p>\\n\\n<p>It can get even better. So far, I've put all the input data in the test file itself, but now that it's separate from the test code, I can grab the input from somewhere else, like a database table:</p>\\n\\n<table>\\n<th>ColA</th><th>ColB</th><th>ColC</th>\\n<tr><td>%.2N</td><td>1234.56</td><td>1,234.56</td></tr>\\n<tr><td>%.2N</td><td>1234</td><td>1,234.00</td></tr>\\n<tr><td>%.0N</td><td>1234.49</td><td>1,234</td></tr>\\n</table>\\n\\n<p>Or a pipe separated values file:</p>\\n\\n<pre class=\\\"data\\\">%.2N|1234.56|1,234.56\\n%.2N|1234|1,234.00\\n%.0N|1234.49|1,234</pre>\\n\\n<p>I create <code>@data</code> in the test file by reading and parsing the external file <span class=\\\"data\\\">tests.t</span>:</p>\\n\\n<pre><code>open my $test_data_fh, '<', $test_file_name or die ...;\\n\\nmy @data;\\nwhile( <$test_data_fh> ) {\\n chomp;\\n push @data, split /\\\\t/;\\n }</code></pre>\\n\\n<p>I can execute the tests with <span class=\\\"terminal\\\">perl tests.t</span> Now none of the data are in the test file. And, there's nothing special about a simple text file. I could do a little bit more work to take the data from an Excel file (perhaps that most useful wizard skill in the world of business) or even a database:</p>\\n\\n<pre><code>use DBI;\\n\\nmy $dbh = DBI->connect( ... );\\nmy $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'SELECT * FROM tests' );\\n\\n$sth->execute();\\n\\nwhile( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {\\n state $index = 0;\\n\\n is( $f->sprintf( $row->[0], $row->[1] ), $row->[2],\\n $index++ . \\\": $row->[1] with format $row->[0] returns $row->[2]\\\"\\n );\\n\\n }</code></pre>\\n\\n<p>That's the idea. I separate the data and the tests to give myself some flexibility. How I access the data and how I test depend on my particular problems.</p>\\n<div class=\\\"footnotes\\\">\\n<ul>\\n<li id=\\\"0_1\\\">[1] This is known as <a href=\\\"\\\">data-driven-testing</a></li>\\n</ul>\\n</div>\\n\"", "head" : [ { "charset" : "UTF-8" }, { "lang" : "en" }, { "cover-image" : "onion_charcoal.png" }, { "title" : "Separate data and behavior with table-driven testing" }, { "subtitle" : "Applying DRY to unit testing" }, { "description" : "Table-driven testing reduces code and lowers the cost of testing. This article shows how to use table-driven testing with Perl." }, { "publish-date" : "2000-12-31T00:00:00Z" }, { "author" : "brian d foy" }, { "author-bio" : "<a href=\"\">brian d foy</a> (<a href=\"\">briandfoy_perl</a>) is a <a href=\"\">Perl</a> trainer and writer. He's the author of Mastering Perl and co-author of Programming Perl, Learning Perl, Intermediate Perl and Effective Perl Programming. Github: <a href=\"\">projects</a>." }, { "author-image" : "http://static/images/brian_d_foy.png" }, { "keywords" : [ "unit", "testing", "data", "table", "perl", "tdd" ] } ] }
dnmfarrell/Pod-PerlTricks/test-corpus/SampleArticle.pod:161:open my $test_data_fh, '<', $test_file_name or die ...;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ANTLRv4Lexer.g4:150:LT : '<' ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ATL.g4:199:priority_4 : priority_3 ('=' priority_3 | '>' priority_3 | '<' priority_3 | '>=' priority_3 | '<=' priority_3 | '<>' priority_3)*;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Abnf.g4:108: : '<' (~'>')* '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/C.g4:118: | relationalExpression '<' shiftExpression
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/C.g4:580:Less : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/CSharp4Lexer.g4:401:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/DOT.g4:85:HTML_STRING : '<' (TAG|~[<>])* '>' ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/DOT.g4:87:TAG : '<' .*? '>' ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ECMAScript.g4:633: | singleExpression ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) singleExpression # RelationalExpression
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ECMAScript.g4:799:LessThan : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Erlang.g4:377: | '<'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/HTMLLexer.g4:69: : '<' -> pushMode(TAG)
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/HTMLLexer.g4:73: : ~'<'+
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ICalendar.g4:1658:X3C : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/IDL.g4:789:LEFT_ANG_BRACKET: '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java.g4:98: : '<' typeParameter (',' typeParameter)* '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java.g4:270: : '<' typeArgument (',' typeArgument)* '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java.g4:513: | expression ('<' '<' | '>' '>' '>' | '>' '>') expression
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java.g4:514: | expression ('<=' | '>=' | '>' | '<') expression
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java.g4:581: : '<' typeList '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java.g4:585: : '<' '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java.g4:590: : '<' '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java.g4:938:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java8.g4:173: : '<' typeArgumentList '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java8.g4:297: : '<' typeParameterList '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java8.g4:1063: | '<' '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java8.g4:1263: | relationalExpression '<' shiftExpression
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java8.g4:1272: | shiftExpression '<' '<' additiveExpression
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Java8.g4:1695:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/LessLexer.g4:34:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Lua.g4:188: : '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '~=' | '==';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/MySQLBase.g4:43:LTH: '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ObjC.g4:86: ('<' protocol_list '>');
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ObjC.g4:447: (('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') shift_expression)* ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ObjC.g4:580:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ObjC.g4:705: : '<' .*? '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:139: | '\\k' '<' name '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:165: : '(' '?' '<' name '>' alternation ')'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:167: | '(' '?' 'P' '<' name '>' alternation ')'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:235: | '(' '?' '<' '=' alternation ')'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:236: | '(' '?' '<' '!' alternation ')'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:262: | '\\g' '<' name '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:264: | '\\g' '<' number '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:266: | '\\g' '<' '+' number '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:268: | '\\g' '<' '-' number '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:292: | '(' '?' '(' '<' name '>' ')' alternation ('|' alternation)? ')'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PCRE.g4:669:LessThan : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/PGN.g4:229: : '<'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Python3.g4:487:/// comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Python3.g4:489: : '<'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Python3.g4:847:LESS_THAN : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/R.g4:70: | expr ('>'|'>='|'<'|'<='|'=='|'!=') expr
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/RFilter.g4:86:op : '+'|'-'|'*'|'/'|'^'|'<'|'<='|'>='|'>'|'=='|'!='|'&'|'&&'|USER_OP|
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/SQLite.g4:321: | expr ( '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' ) expr
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/SQLite.g4:702:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/ScssLexer.g4:58:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Smalltalk.g4:72:BINARY_SELECTOR : ('\\' | '+' | '*' | '/' | '=' | '>' | '<' | ',' | '@' | '%' | '~' | PIPE | '&' | '-' | '?')+;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Smalltalk.g4:73:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Swift.g4:136:generic_parameter_clause : '<' generic_parameter_list requirement_clause? '>' ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Swift.g4:147:generic_argument_clause : '<' generic_argument_list '>' ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Swift.g4:693:protocol_composition_type : 'protocol' '<' protocol_identifier_list?'>' ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Swift.g4:726: : '/' | '=' | '\\' | '-' | '+' | '!' | '*' | '%' | '<' | '>' | '&' | '|' | '^' | '!' | '.'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/TURTLE.g4:66://IRIREF : '<' (~(['\u0000'..'\u0020']|'<'|'>'|'"'|'{'|'}'|'|'|'^'|'`'|'\\') | UCHAR)* '>'; /* \u00=NULL #01-\u1F=control codes \u20=space */
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/TURTLE.g4:67:IRIREF : '<' ( PN_CHARS | '.' | ':' | '/' | '\\' | '#' | '@' | '%' | '&' | UCHAR)* '>';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/UCBLogo.g4:629: | expression '<' expression #lessThanExpression
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/UCBLogo.g4:679:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/Verilog2001.g4:1255:binary_operator : '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' | '&&' | '||' | '**' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '&' | '|' | '^' | '^~' | '~^' | '>>' | '<<' | '>>>' | '<<<' ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/VisualBasic6.g4:850:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/WebIDL.g4:346: : 'iterable' '<' type optionalType '>' ';'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/WebIDL.g4:347: | 'legacyiterable' '<' type '>' ';'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/WebIDL.g4:364: : 'maplike' '<' type ',' type '>' ';'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/WebIDL.g4:368: : 'setlike' '<' type '>' ';'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/WebIDL.g4:413: | '<'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/WebIDL.g4:509: | 'sequence' '<' type '>' null_
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/WebIDL.g4:570: : 'Promise' '<' returnType '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/XMLLexer.g4:45:OPEN : '<' -> pushMode(INSIDE) ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/XMLParser.g4:41:element : '<' Name attribute* '>' content '<' '/' Name '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/XMLParser.g4:42: | '<' Name attribute* '/>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/bnf.g4:91: : '<' .*? '>'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/jvmBasic.g4:166:LT : '<';
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/logo.g4:100: : '<'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/redcode.g4:76: | '<'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/vhdl.g4:1579: | '+' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/' | ':' | ';' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '|'
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/corpus/vhdl.g4:1655:LOWERTHAN : '<' ;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4/lib/ANTLR4/Grammar.pm6:522: '<' <elementOption>+ % ',' '>'
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser/t/16-quote.t:26:# All I want to know is whether Q<foo> catches the '<' and '>' individually,
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser/t/operators.t:211: # Whitespace sensitive between 'a' and '<' '>'
drforr/perl6-Perl6-Parser/t/operators.t:223: # Whitespace sensitive between 'a' and '<' '>'
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage/lib/Pod/To/BigPage.pm6:331: Q:c (<a href="{$link-target.subst('&', '&amp;', :g).subst('"', '&quot;', :g).subst('<', '&lt;', :g).subst('>', '&gt;', :g)}"{$class}>{$content}</a>)
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage/lib/Pod/To/BigPage.pm6:454: .trans: [ '&', '<', '>', '"', ]
gfldex/perl6-typesafe-html/lib/Typesafe/HTML.pm6:10: s.subst('&', '&amp;', :g).subst('<', '&lt;', :g)
gfldex/perl6-typesafe-xhtml-writer/ s.subst('&', '&amp;', :g).subst('<', '&lt;', :g).subst('>', '&gt;', :g);
gfldex/perl6-typesafe-xhtml-writer/bin/benchmark.p6:4: s.subst('&', '&amp;', :g).subst('<', '&lt;', :g);
gfldex/perl6-typesafe-xhtml-writer/t/parametric.t:8: s.subst('&', '&amp;', :g).subst('<', '&lt;', :g).subst('>', '&gt;', :g);
jnthn/p6-file-ignore/lib/File/Ignore.pm6:57: make '<' ~
jnthn/rakudo-debugger/lib/Debugger/UI/ when /^ ('$' [ \d+ | '<' \w+ '>' ]) \s* $/ {
Binary file jonathanstowe/Audio-Encode-LameMP3/t/data/cw_glitch_noise15.wav matches
Binary file jonathanstowe/Audio-Sndfile/t/data/cw_glitch_noise15.wav matches
jsimonet/log-any/lib/Log/Any/Filter.pm6:26: when /^ '<' / {
madcapjake/rabble/lib/Rabble.pm6:40: %!lexicon.alias('<', 'lt');
masak/gge/lib/GGE/ my $name = [~] $prefix, '<', $key, '>';
masak/gge/lib/GGE/ %opts<precedence> = %!tokens{$t}<precedence> ~ '<';
masak/gge/lib/GGE/ if $op eq '<'
masak/gge/lib/GGE/ ++$pos unless $op eq '<';
masak/gge/lib/GGE/ elsif $op eq '<' | '<+' {
masak/gge/lib/GGE/ if $target.substr($pos, 1) eq '<' {
masak/gge/t/perl6regex/rx_charclass:68:'<' ab<? y literal match with lt
masak/gge/t/perl6regex/rx_lookarounds:37:.* <before .\<> abaca<d /mob: <abac @ 0>/ multiple characters and lookahead <before> with a '<'
masak/gge/t/perl6regex/rx_lookarounds:38:.* <before \<> aba<ca<d /mob: <aba<ca @ 0>/ greedy any character and lookahead <before> with a '<'
masak/gge/t/perl6regex/rx_lookarounds:39:.*? <before \<> aba<ca<d /mob: <aba @ 0>/ non-greedy any character and lookahead <before> with a '<'
masak/html-template/lib/Text/ '<' => '&lt;',
masak/html-template/t/01.t:24: [ 'pre<TMPL_VAR BAR ESCAPE=HTML>post', { 'BAR' => '<' },
masak/xml-writer/lib/XML/ '<' => '&lt;',
moznion/p6-Backtrace-AsHTML/lib/Backtrace/AsHTML.pm6:138: [ '&', '<', '>', '"', q{'} ] =>
Binary file mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2/t/fonts/comic.ttf matches
nicqrocks/p6-Git-Wrapper/lib/Git/Log/Parser.pm6:30: ^^ 'Author:' <.ws> <author> <?before <.ws> > '<' ~ '>' <email> $$ \n
nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree/lib/Data/Dump/Tree/ $a2h = ( [ "'", '"', '&', '<', '>' ] => [ '&apos;', '&quot;', '&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;' ]) ;
nobodyinperson/perl6-fortran-grammar/lib/Fortran/Grammar.pm6:57: token relational-operator:sym<less> { :i '<' | '.lt.' }
nobodyinperson/perl6-fortran-grammar/lib/Fortran/Grammar.pm6:58: token relational-operator:sym<greater> { :i '<' | '.lt.' }
p6-css/CSS-Module-p6/t/css21-properties.json:58:{ "prop" : "quotes", "decl" : "'<' '>'", "expr" : [ { "string" : "<" }, { "string" : ">" } ] }
p6-css/perl6-CSS-Specification/lib/CSS/ rule rule { '<'~'>' <id> }
p6-css/perl6-CSS-Specification/lib/CSS/ token property-ref:sym<css3> { '<'~'>' <> }
p6-css/perl6-CSS-Specification/lib/CSS/Specification/ make [~] '<', $<id>.ast, '>';
p6-css/perl6-CSS-Specification/lib/CSS/Specification/ make [~] '<', $val, '>'
p6-pdf/PDF-Grammar-p6/lib/PDF/ token hex-string {'<' [ <xdigit> | <.ws-char> ]* '>'}
p6-pdf/PDF-p6/lib/PDF/ [~] flat '<', .encode("latin-1").map({
perl6-community-modules/uri/lib/ $c_str .= subst(/^ \s* ['<' | '"'] /, '');
perl6/doc/doc/Language/5to6-nutshell.pod6:270: open FILE, '<', $path or die;
perl6/doc/doc/Language/5to6-nutshell.pod6:281: open my $in_file, '<', $path or die;
perl6/doc/doc/Language/5to6-nutshell.pod6:1010: open my $i_fh, '<', $input_path; # Fails silently on error
perl6/doc/doc/Type/Str.pod6:1094: $str.=trans( '<' => '«' );
perl6/doc/doc/Type/Str.pod6:1095: $str.=trans( '<' => '«', '>' => '»' );
perl6/doc/doc/Type/Str.pod6:1097: $str.=trans( [ '<' , '>' , '&' ] =>
perl6/doc/doc/Type/Str.pod6:1133: say '<' ~ $line.trim ~ '>'; # OUTPUT: «<hello world>␤»
perl6/doc/doc/Type/Str.pod6:1134: say '<' ~ trim($line) ~ '>'; # OUTPUT: «<hello world>␤»
perl6/doc/doc/Type/Str.pod6:1136: say '<' ~ $line ~ '>'; # OUTPUT: «< hello world >␤»
perl6/doc/doc/Type/Str.pod6:1138: say '<' ~ $line ~ '>'; # OUTPUT: «<hello world>␤»
perl6/form/lib/Form/ '<'+
perl6/form/lib/Form/ [ '>'+ '<'+ ]
perl6/form/lib/Form/ '<'+ '>'+
perl6/form/lib/Form/ ('>'+) '.' ('<'+)
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ '<' => '&infix:<P5<>',
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ if nqp::substr($spec, $pos, 1) eq '<' {
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ || '<'
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ token circumfix:sym«< >» { '<'
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ '<'
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ | <?[<]> '<' $<name>=[<-[>]>+] '>' {} <nibbler>
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ my $r = $m eq '<' || !$m;
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ my $r = $m eq '<' || !$m;
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ my $r = $m eq '<' || !$m;
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ if nqp::iseq_i($ch, 60) { # '<'
rakudo-p5/v5/src/Perl5/ parse_fail "malformed ':$radix' style radix number, expecting '<' or '[' after the base";
rakudo-p5/v5/t/harness:41: open(my $f, '<', $list_file)
rakudo-p5/v5/t/test_summary:53:open($fh, '<', $testlist) || die "Can't read $testlist: $!";
rakudo-p5/v5/t/test_summary:227: open($th, '<', $tfile) || die "Can't read $tfile: $!\n";
rakudo-p5/v5/t/test_summary:491: if ( open( $self->{'file_in'}, '<', 'docs/test_summary.times') ) {
rakudo-p5/v5/t/test_summary:617: open($input, '<', 'docs/test_summary.times') or die "$0 cannot open docs/test_summary.times\n";
rakudo-p5/v5/t/v5/26-syntax-namespace.t:63: $v = '>' . $x . '<';
retupmoca/P6-XML-Canonical/lib/XML/Canonical.pm6:27: elsif $e eq 'lt' { '<' }
retupmoca/P6-XML-Canonical/lib/XML/Canonical.pm6:82: my $element = '<' ~ $;
retupmoca/p6-Email-MIME/lib/Email/MIME.pm6:362: return '<' ~ self!create-cid ~ '>';
retupmoca/p6-markdown/lib/Text/Markdown/Document.pm6:84: '<' ~ $.url ~ '>';
softmoth/p6-Template-Mustache/lib/Template/ /'<'/ => '&lt;',
softmoth/perl6-pod-to-markdown/lib/Pod/To/Markdown.pm6:64: $str.trans([ '&', '<', '>' ] => [ '&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;' ])
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native/stub/ interprets characters like ' ', '\t', '\\', '"' (but not '<' and '>') in a
spitsh/spitsh/lib/Spit/Constants.pm6:20: |(('==','!=','>','<','>=','<=',
spitsh/spitsh/lib/Spit/Parser/Grammar.pm6:488: |'<' [ <?after \s'<'> || { => "infix '<' requires a space before it").throw } ] #>
spitsh/spitsh/lib/Spit/Parser/Grammar.pm6:708: ['<'\s*] ~ [\s*'>'] $<str>=<-[>]>*
spitsh/spitsh/lib/Spit/Repo.pm6:8: my $name = ($_ ~ '<' with $repo-type) ~ $id ~ ('>' if $repo-type);
spitsh/spitsh/lib/Spit/SAST.pm6:1139: when '>='|'<='|'<'|'>'|'=='|'!=' { tInt }
spitsh/spitsh/lib/Spit/Sh/Compiler.pm6:874: when '<' { '-lt' }
spitsh/spitsh/lib/Spit/Sh/Compiler.pm6:879: when 'lt' { '<' }
spitsh/spitsh/lib/Spit/Sh/Compiler.pm6:881: when 'ge' { $negate = True; '<' }
supernovus/exemel/lib/XML/Element.pm6:755: my $element = '<' ~ $.name;
supernovus/exemel/lib/XML/Grammar.pm6:43:token char:sym<lt> { '&lt;' { make '<' } }
supernovus/exemel/lib/XML/Grammar.pm6:67: '<' \s* <name> \s* <attribute>*
supernovus/flower/lib/Flower/TAL/TALES.pm6:99: $data.=subst('<', '&lt;', :g);
supernovus/hinges/doc/original-draft.p6:13: '<' <name=ident> <attrs> '>'
supernovus/hinges/doc/original-draft.p6:21: rule empty { '<' <name=ident> <attrs> '/>' {*} };
supernovus/hinges/lib/Hinges/ take '<';
supernovus/hinges/lib/Hinges/ '<' <name=ident> <attrs> '/>'
supernovus/hinges/lib/Hinges/ '<' <name=ident> <attrs> '>'
supernovus/hinges/t/01-xml-parsing.t:14: '<',
supernovus/perl6-db-model-easy/lib/DB/Model/Easy.pm6:76: self!simple-where('<', $or, %opts);
tadzik/Grammar-BNF/lib/Grammar/ [ '<' <name> '>' ] | <name>
tadzik/Grammar-BNF/lib/Grammar/ <opt-ws> '<' <rule-name> '>' <opt-ws> '::=' <opt-ws> <expression> <line-end>
tadzik/Grammar-BNF/lib/Grammar/ <literal> | '<' <rule-name> '>'
tokuhirom/p6-Crust/lib/Crust/Utils.pm6:28: [ '&', '<', '>', '"', q{'} ] =>
tokuhirom/p6-HTTP-MultiPartParser/author/lib/ my $io = IO::File->new($path, '<')
Binary file tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky/lib/DB/ORM/Quicky/.Search.pm6.swp matches
tony-o/perl6-db-orm-quicky/lib/DB/ORM/Quicky/Search.pm6:158: $op = $op eq '-gt' ?? '>' !! $op eq '-lt' ?? '<' !! $op eq '-like' ?? 'like' !! '=';
tony-o/perl6-html-parser-xml/lib/HTML/Parser/XML.pm6:55: if $cbuffer eq '<' {
tony-o/perl6-http-server-logger/lib/HTTP/Server/Logger.pm6:49: [ '<' | '>']**0..1
ufobat/p6-XML-XPath/lib/XML/XPath/Actions.pm6:284: when '<' {self.mymake($/, 'SmallerThan', level => 2) }
ufobat/p6-XML-XPath/lib/XML/XPath/Grammar.pm6:125: token RelationalOperator { [ [ '<' | '>' ] '='? ] }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/lib/Grammar/HTTP/RFC5322.pm6:79: token angle-addr { [<.CFWS>? '<' <addr-spec> '>' <.CFWS>?] || <.obs-angle-addr> }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/lib/Grammar/HTTP/RFC5322.pm6:158: token msg-id { <.CFWS>? '<' <.id-left> '@' <.id-right> '>' <.CFWS>? }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/lib/Grammar/HTTP/RFC5322.pm6:190: my token path { <.angle-addr> || [<.CFWS>? '<' <.CFWS>? '>' <.CFWS>?] }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/lib/Grammar/HTTP/RFC5322.pm6:249: token obs-angle-addr { <.CFWS>? '<' <.obs-route> <.addr-spec> '>' <.CFWS>? }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/lib/Grammar/HTTP/RFC6265.pm6:28: # token delimiters { [< ( ) , / : ; = ? @ [ \ ] { } > || '<' || '>']+ }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/lib/Grammar/HTTP/RFC7230.pm6:154: token delimiters { [< ( ) , / : ; = ? @ [ \ ] { } > || '<' || '>']+ }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/lib/Grammar/IETF/ABNF/RFC4234.pm6:49: token prose-val { '<' <+[\x[20]..\x[3D]] +[\x[3F]..\x[7E]]>* '>' }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/lib/Grammar/IETF/ABNF/RFC5234.pm6:53: token prose-val { '<' <+[\x[20]..\x[3D]] +[\x[3F]..\x[7E]]>* '>' }
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/t/ABNF/02-RFC4234.t:219: is_match( '<'~$string~'>', 'prose-val' , $grammar);
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/t/ABNF/02-RFC4234.t:223: is_match('<'~$string~'>', 'prose-val', $grammar);
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/t/ABNF/02-RFC4234.t:227: is_match('<'~'this is a test {vchars} and [sp] without angles!'~'>', 'prose-val', $grammar);
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/t/ABNF/04-RFC5234.t:219: is_match( '<'~$string~'>', 'prose-val' , $grammar);
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/t/ABNF/04-RFC5234.t:223: is_match('<'~$string~'>', 'prose-val', $grammar);
ugexe/Perl6-Grammar--HTTP/t/ABNF/04-RFC5234.t:227: is_match('<'~'this is a test {vchars} and [sp] without angles!'~'>', 'prose-val', $grammar);
ugexe/Perl6-Net--HTTP/lib/Net/HTTP/Response.pm6:88: if $body ~~ /[:i '<' \s* meta \s* [<-[\>]> .]*? 'charset=' <q=[\'\"]>? $<charset>=<[a..z A..Z 0..9 \- \_ \.]>+ $<q>? .*? '>' ]/ {
viklund/november/lib/November/ $c_str .= subst(/^ \s* ['<' | '"'] /, '');
viklund/november/lib/Text/Markup/Wiki/ .subst(/'<' ('/'?) <[uo]> 'li>'/, -> $/ { '<' ~ $0 ~ 'li>' }, :g)
viklund/november/lib/Text/Markup/Wiki/ [ '<', '>', '&', '\'' ] =>
viklund/november/lib/Text/Markup/Wiki/ return '&lt;' if $metachar eq '<';
viklund/november/lib/Text/Markup/Wiki/Minimal/ token metachar { '<' || '>' || '&' || \' };
viklund/november/t/markup/mediawiki/03-escaping.t:9: [ '<' => '<p>&lt;</p>', '&lt;' ],
viklund/november/t/markup/minimal/03-escaping.t:9: '<' => 'lt',
viklund/november/talks/ru/Bittersweet/takahashi.xul:971: .replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
viklund/november/talks/ru/article.rtf:740:\par token metachar \{ '<' || '>' || '&' || \\' \};
zag/plosurin/lib/ rule expression { [ \w+ ['=='||'<'||'>'] \w+ || <variable>] }
zoffixznet/perl6-GlotIO/lib/GlotIO.pm6:49: for %res<headers><link> ~~ m:g/ '<'.+? 'page='(\d+).+?'>;'\s+'rel="'(.+?)\" / -> $m {
zoffixznet/perl6-Inline-Brainfuck/lib/Inline/Brainfuck.pm6:23: when '<' { $ꜛ--; fail "Negative cell pointer\n" if $ꜛ < 0; }
zoffixznet/perl6-Pretty-Topic/lib/Pretty/Topic.pm6:5: $topic ~~ /'<' | '>'/ and die "Using '<' or '>' in topic alias is not"
zostay/Template-Anti/lib/Template/Anti/Template.pm6:226: $print('<' ~ $;
zostay/Template-Anti/lib/Template/Anti/Template.pm6:242: $print($text.Str.trans([ '<', '>', '&' ] => [ '&lt;', '&gt;', '&amp;' ]));
zostay/Template-Anti/lib/Template/Anti/Template.pm6:253: $cdata.=trans([ '<', '>', '&' ] => [ '&lt;', '&gtl;', '&amp;' ]);
zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/lib/DOM/Tiny/Entities.pm6:19: [ '&', '<', '>', '"', '\'' ] =>
zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/lib/DOM/Tiny/HTML.pm6:17: '<' <.ws> <end-mark>? <.ws> <tag-name> <.ws>
zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/lib/DOM/Tiny/HTML.pm6:61: '<' <.ws> $<start> = <rcdata-tag> <.ws>
zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/lib/DOM/Tiny/HTML.pm6:66: | '<' <.ws> '/' <.ws> "$<start>" <.ws> '>'
zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/lib/DOM/Tiny/HTML.pm6:72: '<' <.ws> $<start> = <raw-tag> <.ws>
zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/lib/DOM/Tiny/HTML.pm6:77: | '<' <.ws> '/' <.ws> "$<start>" <.ws> '>'
zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/lib/DOM/Tiny/HTML.pm6:86: token runaway-lt { '<' }
zostay/p6-DOM-Tiny/lib/DOM/Tiny/HTML.pm6:550: text => '<',
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