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Created June 6, 2017 19:42
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Safe
import Types
-- Boring parsing stuff
parseSuit :: Char -> Maybe CardSuit
parseSuit = \case
'D' -> Just Diamonds
'S' -> Just Spades
'H' -> Just Hearts
'C' -> Just Clubs
_ -> Nothing
parseCardValue :: Char -> Maybe CardValue
parseCardValue = \case
'2' -> Just Two
'3' -> Just Three
'4' -> Just Four
'5' -> Just Five
'6' -> Just Six
'7' -> Just Seven
'8' -> Just Eight
'9' -> Just Nine
'T' -> Just Ten
'J' -> Just Jack
'Q' -> Just Queen
'K' -> Just King
'A' -> Just Ace
_ -> Nothing
parseCard :: String -> Maybe Card
parseCard = \case
[value', suit'] -> Card <$> parseCardValue value' <*> parseSuit suit'
_ -> Nothing
parseCards :: String -> Maybe [Card]
parseCards = traverse parseCard . splitOn " "
parseHands :: String -> Maybe (Hand, Hand)
parseHands str = case parseCards str of
Just list | length list == 10 -> Just (mkHand (take 5 list), mkHand (drop 5 list))
_ -> Nothing
-- Some utilities
-- Takes chunks of `n` elements from a list at a time and collects them.
-- Useful for splitting a hand into pairs or three of a kind.
ns :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
ns n list@(_:xs) = if length list < n then [] else take n list : ns n xs
ns _ [] = []
minValue :: Hand -> CardValue
minValue = value . head . cards
maxValue :: Hand -> CardValue
maxValue = value . last . cards
consecutive :: Hand -> Maybe CardValue -- Minimum Value
consecutive hand =
if consecutiveValues . map value $ cards hand
Just . minValue $ hand
consecutiveValues (x:y:xs)
| Just x == predMay y = consecutiveValues (y:xs)
| otherwise = False
consecutiveValues _ = True
singleValue :: [Card] -> Maybe CardValue
singleValue = \case
(Card a _:cards')
| all (== a) (map value cards') -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
singleSuit :: Hand -> Maybe CardSuit
singleSuit hand = case cards hand of
Card _ a:cards'
| all (== a) (map suit cards') -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
-- Validators for certain hands
royalFlush :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
royalFlush hand = case cards hand of
[Card Ten _, Card Jack _, Card Queen _, Card King _, Card Ace _]
-> singleSuit hand *> pure RoyalFlush
_ -> Nothing
straightFlush :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
straightFlush hand
= singleSuit hand *> (StraightFlush <$> consecutive hand)
fourOfAKind :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
fourOfAKind hand = case cards hand of
[a, b, c, d, e] -> FourOfAKind <$> (singleValue [b, c, d, e] <|> singleValue [a, b, c, d])
_ -> Nothing
fullHouse :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
fullHouse hand = case cards hand of
[a, b, c, d, e] ->
(FullHouse <$> singleValue [c, d, e] <*> singleValue [a, b])
(FullHouse <$> singleValue [a, b, c] <*> singleValue [d, e])
_ -> Nothing
straight :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
straight hand = Straight <$> consecutive hand
flush :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
flush hand = singleSuit hand *> pure (Flush (minValue hand))
threeOfAKind :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
threeOfAKind hand = ThreeOfAKind <$> (asum . fmap singleValue . reverse . ns 3 $ cards hand)
-- Note these operate on linear combinations of the tuples in the hand
twoPairs :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
twoPairs hand = case cards hand of
[a, b, c, d, e] ->
(TwoPairs <$> singleValue [b, c] <*> singleValue [d, e])
(TwoPairs <$> singleValue [a, b] <*> singleValue [d, e])
(TwoPairs <$> singleValue [a, b] <*> singleValue [c, d])
_ -> Nothing
pair :: Hand -> Maybe PokerHand
pair hand = Pair <$> (asum . fmap singleValue $ reverse $ ns 2 $ cards hand)
highCard :: Hand -> PokerHand
highCard = HighCard . maxValue
pokerHand :: Hand -> PokerHand
pokerHand hand = fromMaybe (highCard hand) $ asum
[ royalFlush hand
, straightFlush hand
, fourOfAKind hand
, fullHouse hand
, flush hand
, straight hand
, threeOfAKind hand
, twoPairs hand
, pair hand
-- The actual game
highCardFight :: [Card] -> [Card] -> Bool
highCardFight (x:xs) (y:ys)
| value x < value y = False
| value x > value y = True
| otherwise = highCardFight xs ys
highCardFight _ _ = False
player1Wins :: String -> Maybe Bool
player1Wins str = do
(h1, h2) <- parseHands str
let ph1 = pokerHand h1
ph2 = pokerHand h2
case ph1 `compare` ph2 of
LT -> Just False
GT -> Just True
EQ -> Just $ highCardFight (reverse $ cards h1) (reverse $ cards h2)
player1WinCount :: [String] -> Int
player1WinCount = length . filter id . mapMaybe player1Wins
main :: IO ()
main = do
matches <- lines <$> readFile "poker.txt"
print $ player1WinCount matches
module Types (
-- ^ Just the data type, not the constructor
-- ^ Smart constructor
) where
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
data CardValue
= Two | Three | Four
| Five | Six | Seven
| Eight | Nine | Ten
| Jack | Queen | King
| Ace
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Ord, Bounded)
data CardSuit
= Diamonds | Spades | Hearts | Clubs
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
data Card = Card
{ value :: CardValue
, suit :: CardSuit
} deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded)
newtype Hand = Hand { cards :: [Card] }
deriving (Show, Eq)
normalize :: [Card] -> [Card]
normalize = sortBy (comparing value)
mkHand :: [Card] -> Hand
mkHand = Hand . normalize
data PokerHand
= HighCard CardValue
| Pair CardValue
| TwoPairs
CardValue -- First pair
CardValue -- Second pair
| ThreeOfAKind CardValue
| Straight CardValue -- Lowest value
| Flush CardValue
| FullHouse
CardValue -- Three of a kind
CardValue -- Pair
| FourOfAKind CardValue
| StraightFlush
CardValue -- Lowest Value
| RoyalFlush
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
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