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Last active November 28, 2020 11:40
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Add New Disk To vCenter VM
// VMware vRealize Orchestrator action sample. Valid for vRO/vRA 7.0+
// Add new Disk to VM
// Action Inputs:
// vm VC:VirtualMachine Virtual Machine Object
// datastore VC:Datastore Datastore Object on which virtual disk is to be created
// diskSizeInGB number Required Disk size (in GB)
// diskMode string Disk persistence mode. If not provided, persistent is used as default
// thinProvisioned boolean Use thin provisioning?
//List of all devices on VM
var devices = vm.config.hardware.device;
var busNumberToSearch = null;
var busNumberFound = false;
var deviceKey = null;
var deviceBusNumber = null;
//Find SCSI Controller with free available device nodes
if ( devices !== null ) {
for ( var ii in devices ) {
if ( devices[ii] instanceof VcVirtualBusLogicController || devices[ii] instanceof VcVirtualLsiLogicController
|| devices[ii] instanceof VcParaVirtualSCSIController || devices[ii] instanceof VcVirtualLsiLogicSASController ) {
deviceKey = devices[ii].key;
deviceBusNumber = devices[ii].busNumber;
deviceLabel = devices[ii].deviceInfo.label;
System.debug("SCSI Controller Bus Number: "+deviceBusNumber);
System.debug("SCSI Controller Label: "+deviceLabel);
//Store SCSI Controller Type
scsiControllerType = getSCSIControllerType(devices[ii]);
//Find number of devices on this bus
var controlledDevicesCount = devices[ii].device.length;
System.debug("No. of Devices on this Bus: "+controlledDevicesCount);
if(controlledDevicesCount < maxDeviceNodesPerController) { //Assuming numbering starts from 0
diskControllerKey = deviceKey;
System.log("SCSI Controller Key: "+diskControllerKey);
System.debug( "This SCSI controller has nodes available on the Bus" );
deviceUnitNumber = controlledDevicesCount;
if(controlledDevicesCount >=7) {
System.log("Next available device node number on this SCSI Controller: "+deviceUnitNumber);
break findValidScsiController;
} else {
System.log("SCSI Controller (Bus Number: "+deviceBusNumber+") has reached its maximum capacity of "
+maxDeviceNodesPerController+" devices. Checking the next Controller ...");
if((! diskControllerKey) || !(deviceUnitNumber >= 0)) {
newBusNumber = deviceBusNumber+1;
if(newBusNumber < maxScsiContollers) {
diskControllerKey = -3;
deviceUnitNumber = defaultNodeNumber;
System.log("Creating a new SCSI Controller, and adding disk to the default node number "+deviceUnitNumber);
} else {
throw "Max. limit of number of SCSI controllers reached. Disks CANNOT be added to this VM";
//Specify backing information object
var backingInfo = new VcVirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo();
if(! diskMode) { diskMode = "persistent"; }
backingInfo.diskMode = diskMode;
if(! datastore) { datastore = vm.datastore[0]; }
backingInfo.fileName = "[" + + "]";
backingInfo.thinProvisioned = thinProvisioned;
backingInfo.writeThrough = false;
//Specify connection information for Virtual Disk
var connectInfo = new VcVirtualDeviceConnectInfo();
connectInfo.allowGuestControl = true;
connectInfo.connected = true;
connectInfo.startConnected = true;
// Create VirtualDisk Device
var disk = new VcVirtualDisk();
disk.backing = backingInfo;
disk.controllerKey = diskControllerKey;
disk.key = -2; //Placeholder value. Actual value assigned by server
disk.unitNumber = deviceUnitNumber;
disk.capacityInKB = parseInt( "" + (diskSizeInGB*1024*1024) );
disk.connectable = connectInfo;
// Create Disk Config Spec
var diskConfigSpec = new VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
diskConfigSpec.device = disk;
diskConfigSpec.fileOperation = VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpecFileOperation.create;
diskConfigSpec.operation = VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
var controllerConfigSpec = null;
if(diskControllerKey < 0) {
// Create SCSI Controller
var scsiController = getSCSIControllerObject(scsiControllerType);
scsiController.key = -3; //Placeholder value. Actual value assigned by server
scsiController.controllerKey = 100; //Placeholder value. Actual value assigned by server
scsiController.busNumber = newBusNumber;
scsiController.sharedBus = VcVirtualSCSISharing.noSharing;
// Create Controller Config Spec
controllerConfigSpec = new VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
controllerConfigSpec.device = scsiController;
controllerConfigSpec.operation = VcVirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.add;
//Specify Virtual Machine Config Spec
var vmConfigSpec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec();
var deviceChanges = [];
//Add Disk Config Spec
System.log("Adding specifications for new disk to reconfiguration task");
//Add Controller Config Spec
if(controllerConfigSpec) {
System.log("Adding specifications for new SCSI controller to reconfiguration task");
vmConfigSpec.deviceChange = deviceChanges;
//Launch Reconfig Task
System.log("Launching reconfiguration task ...");
var task = vm.reconfigVM_Task(vmConfigSpec);
System.getModule("").vim3WaitTaskEnd(task,true,1.0) ;
function getSCSIControllerObject(controllerType) {
var controller = null;
switch(controllerType) {
case "BusLogicParallel":
controller = new VcVirtualBusLogicController();
case "LSILogic":
controller = new VcVirtualLsiLogicController();
case "ParaVirtual":
controller = new VcParaVirtualSCSIController();
case "LSILogicSAS":
controller = new VcVirtualLsiLogicSASController();
throw "Unknown SCSI Controller Type";
return controller;
function getSCSIControllerType(controllerObject) {
var controllerType = null;
if ( controllerObject instanceof VcVirtualBusLogicController ) {
controllerType = "BusLogicParallel";
} else if ( controllerObject instanceof VcVirtualLsiLogicController ) {
controllerType = "LSILogic";
} else if ( controllerObject instanceof VcParaVirtualSCSIController ) {
controllerType = "ParaVirtual";
} else if ( controllerObject instanceof VcVirtualLsiLogicSASController ) {
controllerType = "LSILogicSAS";
return controllerType;
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kuklis commented Nov 28, 2020

Thanks worked fine. Had to add a few variables to get it running:

var maxDeviceNodesPerController = 15;
var maxScsiContollers = 4;
var diskControllerKey;
var defaultNodeNumber = 0;

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