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Created December 23, 2014 17:05
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レベル; 曲名 --難易度--; 偏差値
16; VANESSA --Hard--;72.64275659223495
15; NEPHILIM DELTA --Hard--;73.82174304854964
10; Fascination MAXX --Hard--;74.3672572114113
17; London EVOLVED ver.A --Challenge--;74.53711141833358
10; Fascination -eternal love mix- --Hard--;74.62031269479951
16; tokyoEVOLVED (TYPE2) --Hard--;74.71908040990081
10; PARANOIA survivor MAX --Hard--;74.91655184048699
16; tokyoEVOLVED (TYPE1) --Hard--;75.1085926591377
17; deltaMAX --Challenge--;75.32348127587161
18; The legend of MAX (X-Special) --Challenge--;76.57683397437322
17; POSSESSION --Hard--;77.09743868117998
18; New Decade --Challenge--;77.33744148559165
18; Trigger --Challenge--;79.1253305991947
10; Fascination -eternal love mix- --Challenge--;80.45221807508048
16; Nageki no ki --Hard--;82.55676978069147
17; Anti-Matter --Hard--;82.83135655906958
18; Valkyrie dimension --Hard--;83.05872082573325
10; Pluto Relinquish --Hard--;84.80616629001608
18; POSSESSION --Challenge--;85.6392304334733
18; Mei --Challenge--;89.04334895993529
17; Tohoku EVOLVED --Hard--;89.6936291650196
18; 888 --Challenge--;89.866668529144
15; Xmix5 (Overcrush) --Hard--;91.9749602303646
18; PARANOiA Revolution --Hard--;93.04422781517368
10; PARANOiA (HADES) --Challenge--;93.99383508034688
18; Nageki no ki --Challenge--;95.08096705016486
18; Tohoku EVOLVED --Challenge--;97.73316706488151
18; Anti-Matter --Challenge--;98.78672909330507
19; PARANOiA Revolution --Challenge--;107.53182825942619
19; Valkyrie dimension --Challenge--;109.74599927056069
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