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Created April 23, 2016 02:24
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module TodoList where
import Todo
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
-- model
type alias Model =
{ todos : List (ID, Todo.Model)
, nextID : ID
, addText : String
type alias ID = Todo.ID
init : Model
init =
{ todos = []
, nextID = 0
, addText = ""
-- action
type Action = Add
| InputText String
| Modify ID Todo.Action
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
Add ->
let newTodo = ( model.nextID, Todo.init model.nextID model.addText )
newTodos = model.todos ++ [ newTodo ]
newModel = if model.addText == "" then model else { model |
todos = newTodos,
nextID = model.nextID + 1,
addText = ""
InputText str ->
{ model |
addText = str
Modify id todoAction ->
let updateTodo (todoId, todoModel) =
if todoId == id
then (todoId, Todo.update todoAction todoModel)
else (todoId, todoModel)
{ model |
todos = updateTodo model.todos
-- view
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
todos = (viewTodos address) model.todos
addButton = button ([onClick address Add] ++ getAddButtonAttr model.addText) [ text "Add" ]
div [ todosStyle ]
[ input
[ placeholder "enter todo"
, value model.addText
, on "input" targetValue ( Signal.message address << InputText)
, addButton
, div
[] (todos)
viewTodos : Signal.Address Action -> (ID, Todo.Model) -> Html
viewTodos address (id, model) =
Todo.view (Signal.forwardTo address (Modify id)) model
getAddButtonAttr : String -> List Attribute
getAddButtonAttr addText =
isDisable = addText == ""
fontColor = if isDisable then "#999" else "#333"
[ style
[ ("color", fontColor)
, disabled isDisable
todosStyle : Attribute
todosStyle =
[ ("margin", "10px")
textareaStyle : Attribute
textareaStyle =
[ ("margin-right", "5px")
, ("height", "20px")
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