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Created November 12, 2010 21:42
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Primera solución a Dwemthy's Array
//estas son **interfaces**
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
/**Ejemplo de clases internas, anónimas y bloques inicializadores*/
public class DwemthysArray{
private static Random gen;
private static void addMessage(String message){
/*Este es un bloque inicializador de CLASE: cuando la clase se declara, se ejecuta*/
gen = new Random();
/*Clase interna estática: independiente del padre*/
static class Creature{
/*Inner class madness!!*/
static class DeadCreatureException extends Exception{
DeadCreatureException(String obituary){super(obituary);}
static class ZombieException extends DeadCreatureException{
ZombieException(String ghostmessage){super(ghostmessage);}
static class HeroDeadException extends DeadCreatureException{
HeroDeadException(String lastwords){super(lastwords);}
//estos reciben 0 por defecto, aún cuando no se inicialicen explícitamente
int life, strength, charisma, weapon;
String name;
public Creature(){}
public Creature(String n){ = n;}
public void hit(int damage) throws DeadCreatureException{
int powerUp = gen.nextInt(charisma);
//si tiene suerte, se gana un powerUp
if(powerUp % 9 == 7){ += powerUp / 4;
addMessage(String.format("%s magick powers up %s !!", name, powerUp));
} -= damage;
if( <= 0)
throw new DeadCreatureException(String.format("%s has died", name));
}//fin de hit
public void fight(Creature enemy, int weapon) throws DeadCreatureException{
if(life <= 0 )
throw new ZombieException(name +" is too dead to fight!");
//attack the opponent
int yourHit = gen.nextInt(this.strength + weapon);
addMessage(String.format("You hit with %d points of damage!", yourHit));
//sólo ejecutará lo siguiente si el enemigo sigue vivo
int enemyHit = gen.nextInt(enemy.strength + enemy.weapon);
addMessage(String.format("Your enemy hits with %s points of damage!", enemyHit));
}catch(DeadCreatureException dcex){
//re-tirar la excepción: ¡el héroe ha muerto!
throw new HeroDeadException("OH SNAP, THE HERO HAS DIED!!");
}//fin de fight
public String toString(){
return String.format("%s: life= %d, charisma= %d, strength= %d, weapon= %d",
}//fin de la clase Creature
static class Rabbit extends Creature{
static class OutOfBombsException extends Exception{
OutOfBombsException(String oopsMessage){super(oopsMessage);}
private int bombs;
//bloque inicializador DE INSTANCIA: se ejecuta al instanciar un objeto
name = "Rabbit";
life = 10;
strength = 2;
charisma = 44;
weapon = 4;
bombs = 3;
public void hurlBoomerang(Creature enemy) throws DeadCreatureException{
addMessage(String.format("Hurl little boomerang to %s", enemy));
fight(enemy, 13);
public void wieldSword(Creature enemy) throws DeadCreatureException{
addMessage(String.format("Slash %s with sword", enemy));
fight(enemy, gen.nextInt(4 + (int)Math.ceil(Math.pow( % 10, 2))));
public void eatLettuce(Creature enemy) throws DeadCreatureException{
int lettuce = gen.nextInt(charisma);
addMessage(String.format("Healthy lettuce gives you %d life points!", lettuce));
life += lettuce;
fight(enemy, 1);
public void throwBomb(Creature enemy) throws DeadCreatureException, OutOfBombsException{
if(bombs == 0)
throw new OutOfBombsException("UHN!! You're out of bombs!");
bombs -= 1;
addMessage(String.format("Throw bomb to %s, you still have %d bombs", enemy, bombs));
fight(enemy, 86);
}//fin de la clase Rabbit
public static void main (String [] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
//combinación de sub-clases anónimas, bloques inicializadores y reflexión
HashMap<String, String> ataques = new HashMap(){{
put("/", "wieldSword");
put("^", "hurlBoomerang");
put("%", "eatLettuce");
put("*", "throwBomb");
//en un stack (pila,) el primero que entra es el último que sale
Stack<Creature> dwary = new Stack(){{
push (new Creature("Dragon"){{
life = 1340; //tough scales
strength = 451; //bristling veins
charisma = 1020; //toothy smile
weapon = 939; //fire breath
push (new Creature("IntrepidDecomposedCyclist"){{
life = 901;
strength = 560;
charisma = 422;
weapon = 105;
push (new Creature("TeethDeer"){{
life = 655;
strength = 192;
charisma = 19;
weapon = 109;
push (new Creature("AssistantViceTentacleAndOmbudsman"){{
life = 320;
strength = 6;
charisma = 144;
weapon = 50;
push (new Creature("DwarvenAngel"){{
life = 540;
strength = 6;
charisma = 144;
weapon = 50;
push(new Creature("IndustrialRaverMonkey"){{
life = 46;
strength = 35;
charisma = 91;
weapon = 2;
push(new Creature("ScubaArgentine"){{
life = 46;
strength = 35;
charisma = 91;
weapon = 2;
Rabbit hero = new Rabbit();
//resurrection counter
Creature foe = dwary.pop();
System.out.printf("Get ready, %s has emerged\n",;
//goku siempre revivía un montón de veces en dragon ball...
int goku = 0;
try {
System.out.printf("Choose your attack: %s\n> ", ataques.keySet());
String attack =;
Method method = hero.getClass().getMethod(ataques.get(attack), Creature.class);
method.invoke(hero, foe);
}catch(InvocationTargetException itex){
Throwable cause = itex.getCause();
if(cause instanceof Creature.HeroDeadException){
hero = new Rabbit();
System.out.printf("A new hero has entered. You've resurrected %d times so far\n", goku);
else if(cause instanceof Creature.DeadCreatureException){
foe = dwary.pop();
System.out.printf("Get ready, %s has emerged\n",;
}catch(EmptyStackException esex){
"Whoa. You decimated Dwemthy's Array. You only needed %d rabbits\n Bye and godspeed!\n",
}catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("C'mon, that's not an attack!");
}//fin del main
}//you've reached the unfathomable depths of dwemthy's array
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