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Created October 30, 2012 14:08
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Vagrant example for Phil
# before running this Vagrantfile, run `gem install librarian`, then create a Cheffile with the following contents:
# site ''
# cookbook 'apache2'
# then, run `librarian-chef install` to populate the cookbooks directory do |config| = "ubuntu-precise-64"
config.vm.box_url = ""
config.vm.customize [
"modifyvm", :id,
"--name", "Vagrant Test",
"--memory", "1024"
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "gem install chef --no-rdoc --no-ri"
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = "cookbooks"
chef.data_bags_path = "data_bags"
# chef.roles_path = "roles"
# chef.add_role("some_role")
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