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Created May 28, 2018 03:09
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Fixed point math library intended for use with a toy physics engine (a project for another day).
using System;
using System.Globalization;
public struct FixedPoint
private readonly int _backing;
public int FractionalBits { get; }
public float FractionalDivisor { get; }
public FixedPoint(int whole, int fractional, int precision) : this((whole << precision) + fractional, precision)
public FixedPoint(int initialValue, int precision) : this()
FractionalBits = precision;
FractionalDivisor = 1 << FractionalBits;
_backing = initialValue;
public static FixedPoint operator +(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
if (f1.FractionalBits == f2.FractionalBits) return new FixedPoint(f1._backing + f2._backing, f1.FractionalBits);
var l1 = (long) f1._backing << (32 - f1.FractionalBits);
var l2 = (long) f2._backing << (32 - f2.FractionalBits);
var precision = Math.Min(f1.FractionalBits, f2.FractionalBits);
return new FixedPoint((int) ((l1 + l2) >> (32 - precision)), precision);
public static FixedPoint operator -(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
if (f1.FractionalBits == f2.FractionalBits) return new FixedPoint(f1._backing - f2._backing, f1.FractionalBits);
var l1 = (long) f1._backing << (32 - f1.FractionalBits);
var l2 = (long) f2._backing << (32 - f2.FractionalBits);
var precision = Math.Min(f1.FractionalBits, f2.FractionalBits);
return new FixedPoint((int) ((l1 - l2) >> (32 - precision)), precision);
public static FixedPoint operator -(FixedPoint fp)
return new FixedPoint(-fp._backing, fp.FractionalBits);
public static FixedPoint operator *(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
var precision = Math.Min(f1.FractionalBits, f2.FractionalBits);
var shift = Math.Max(f1.FractionalBits, f2.FractionalBits);
//we need to promote this to long so we can multiply values that result in a number greater than 2^16
var mult = (long) f1._backing * f2._backing;
mult += (mult & (1 << (shift - 1))) << 1; //round
return new FixedPoint((int) (mult >> shift), precision);
public static FixedPoint operator /(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
if (f1.FractionalBits != f2.FractionalBits) throw new ArgumentException("Mixed precision divide is not implemented.");
var precision = f1.FractionalBits;
var div = (int) (((long) f1._backing << precision) / f2._backing);
return new FixedPoint(div, precision);
public static FixedPoint operator +(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
var precision = f1.FractionalBits;
return new FixedPoint(f1._backing + (f2 << precision), precision);
public static FixedPoint operator +(int f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f2 + f1; //Commutative Property
public static FixedPoint operator -(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
var precision = f1.FractionalBits;
return new FixedPoint(f1._backing - (f2 << precision), precision);
public static FixedPoint operator -(int f1, FixedPoint f2)
var precision = f2.FractionalBits;
return new FixedPoint((f1 << precision) - f2._backing, precision);
public static FixedPoint operator *(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
var precision = f1.FractionalBits;
//we need to promote this to long so we can multiply values that result in a number greater than 2^16
var mult = (long) f1._backing * (f2 << precision);
mult += (mult & (1 << (precision - 1))) << 1; //round
return new FixedPoint((int) (mult >> precision), precision);
public static FixedPoint operator *(int f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f2 * f1; //Commutative Property
public static FixedPoint operator /(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
var precision = f1.FractionalBits;
var div = (int) (((long) f1._backing << precision) / (f2 << precision));
return new FixedPoint(div, precision);
public static FixedPoint operator /(int f1, FixedPoint f2)
var precision = f2.FractionalBits;
var div = (int) (((long) (f1 << precision) << precision) / f2._backing);
return new FixedPoint(div, precision);
public static bool operator ==(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f1._backing == f2._backing;
public static bool operator !=(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
return !(f1 == f2);
public static bool operator >(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f1._backing > f2._backing;
public static bool operator <(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f1._backing < f2._backing;
public static bool operator >=(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f1._backing >= f2._backing;
public static bool operator <=(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f1._backing <= f2._backing;
public static bool operator ==(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
return f1._backing >> f1.FractionalBits == f2;
public static bool operator !=(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
return !(f1 == f2);
public static bool operator >(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
return f1._backing >> f1.FractionalBits > f2;
public static bool operator <(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
return f1._backing >> f1.FractionalBits < f2;
public static bool operator >=(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
return f1._backing >> f1.FractionalBits >= f2;
public static bool operator <=(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
return f1._backing >> f1.FractionalBits <= f2;
public static FixedPoint operator >>(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
return new FixedPoint(f1._backing >> f2, f1.FractionalBits);
public static FixedPoint operator <<(FixedPoint f1, int f2)
return new FixedPoint(f1._backing << f2, f1.FractionalBits);
public static implicit operator float(FixedPoint f1)
return f1._backing / f1.FractionalDivisor;
public override int GetHashCode()
return _backing.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString()
return ToString(PrintMode.FloatingPoint);
public enum PrintMode
public string ToString(PrintMode mode)
switch (mode)
case PrintMode.Fractional:
var fractional = _backing & ((1 << FractionalBits) - 1);
var whole = _backing >> FractionalBits;
if (fractional == 0) return (_backing >> FractionalBits).ToString();
return (whole != 0 ? whole + " and " : "") + fractional + "/" + (1 << FractionalBits);
case PrintMode.FloatingPoint:
return ((float) this).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(mode), mode, null);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is FixedPoint point && Equals(point);
public bool Equals(FixedPoint fp)
return fp == this;
public static FixedPoint Abs(FixedPoint fp)
return new FixedPoint(Math.Abs(fp._backing), fp.FractionalBits);
public static FixedPoint Sqrt(FixedPoint fp)
return Sqrt(fp, new FixedPoint(1 << (fp.FractionalBits >> 1), fp.FractionalBits));
public static FixedPoint Sqrt(FixedPoint fp, FixedPoint error)
var precision = fp.FractionalBits;
var n = (long) fp._backing << (16 - precision);
var res = (n >> 1) + 1;
long last;
var epsilon = (long) error._backing << (16 - precision);
n = n << 16;
last = res;
var div = n / res;
res = (res + div) >> 1;
} while (Math.Abs(res - last) > epsilon);
return new FixedPoint((int) (res >> (16 - precision)), precision);
public static FixedPoint Sin(FixedPoint angle)
var precision = angle.FractionalBits;
//40.24 constants (AngleConstants.AngleFormat)
const long coefB = 21361415L; //about 4 / Pi;
const long coefC = -6799550L; // about -4 / (Pi * Pi);
const long coefP = 3774874L; //about 0.225
var expanded = (long) angle._backing << (AngleConstants.AngleFormat - precision);
var approximation = ExpandedMult(coefB, expanded) +
ExpandedMult(ExpandedMult(coefC, expanded), Math.Abs(expanded));
var res = ExpandedMult(coefP, ExpandedMult(approximation, Math.Abs(approximation)) - approximation) +
approximation; //combining porabolas
return new FixedPoint((int) (res >> (AngleConstants.AngleFormat - precision)), precision);
private static long ExpandedMult(long a, long b)
var mult = a * b;
mult += (mult & (1 << (AngleConstants.AngleFormat - 1))) << 1;
return mult >> AngleConstants.AngleFormat;
public static FixedPoint Cos(FixedPoint fp)
//shift Sine
fp += AngleConstants.HalfPi;
if (fp > AngleConstants.Pi) // Original x > pi/2
fp -= 2 * AngleConstants.Pi; // Wrap: cos(x) = cos(x - 2 pi)
return Sin(fp);
public static FixedPoint Max(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f1 > f2 ? f1 : f2;
public static FixedPoint Min(FixedPoint f1, FixedPoint f2)
return f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2;
public static FixedPoint CreateFraction(int numerator, int denominator, int format)
return new FixedPoint(numerator, format) / new FixedPoint(denominator, format);
public struct FPMatrix2
public FixedPoint A { get; }
public FixedPoint B { get; }
public FixedPoint C { get; }
public FixedPoint D { get; }
public FPMatrix2(FixedPoint a, FixedPoint b, FixedPoint c, FixedPoint d) : this()
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
D = d;
public static FpVector2 operator *(FPMatrix2 matrix, FpVector2 vector)
var x = matrix.A*vector.X + matrix.B*vector.Y;
var y = matrix.C*vector.X + matrix.D*vector.Y;
return new FpVector2(x, y);
public static FPMatrix2 operator +(FPMatrix2 left, FPMatrix2 right)
return new FPMatrix2(left.A + right.A, left.B + right.B,
left.C + right.C, left.D + right.D);
public static FPMatrix2 operator *(FPMatrix2 left, FPMatrix2 right)
var a = left.A * right.A + left.B * right.C;
var b = left.A * right.B + left.B * right.D;
var c = left.C * right.A + left.D * right.C;
var d = left.C * right.B + left.D * right.D;
return new FPMatrix2(a, b, c, d);
public static FPMatrix2 CreateRotation(FixedPoint radians)
var sin = FixedPoint.Sin(radians);
var cos = FixedPoint.Cos(radians);
return new FPMatrix2(cos, -sin, sin, cos);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is FPMatrix2 matrix2 && Equals(matrix2);
public bool Equals(FPMatrix2 mat)
return mat.A == A && mat.B == B && mat.C == C && mat.D == D;
public override int GetHashCode()
var hash = (int)2166136261;
hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ A.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ B.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ C.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ D.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override string ToString()
return $"({A}, {B},\n{C}, {D})";
public struct FpVector2
public static readonly FpVector2 Zero = new FpVector2(0, 0);
public static readonly FpVector2 Left = new FpVector2(-1, 0);
public static readonly FpVector2 Up = new FpVector2(0, -1);
public static readonly FpVector2 Right = new FpVector2(1, 0);
public static readonly FpVector2 Down = new FpVector2(0, 1);
public const int DefaultFractionalBits = 8;
public FixedPoint X { get; }
public FixedPoint Y { get; }
private FixedPoint _magnitude;
public FixedPoint Magnitude
if (_magnitude < 0)
_magnitude = FixedPoint.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y);
return _magnitude;
public FixedPoint MagnitudeSquared => X * X + Y * Y;
public FpVector2(int x, int y)
: this(new FixedPoint(x, 0, DefaultFractionalBits), new FixedPoint(y, 0, DefaultFractionalBits)) { }
public FpVector2(FixedPoint x, FixedPoint y) : this()
X = x;
Y = y;
_magnitude = new FixedPoint(-1,0);
public static FpVector2 operator +(FpVector2 vectorA, FpVector2 vectorB)
return new FpVector2(vectorA.X + vectorB.X,
vectorA.Y + vectorB.Y);
public static FpVector2 operator -(FpVector2 vectorA, FpVector2 vectorB)
return new FpVector2(vectorA.X - vectorB.X,
vectorA.Y - vectorB.Y);
public static FpVector2 operator *(FpVector2 vectorA, FixedPoint vectorB)
return new FpVector2(vectorA.X * vectorB,
vectorA.Y * vectorB);
public static FpVector2 operator *(FpVector2 vectorA, int vectorB)
return new FpVector2(vectorA.X * vectorB,
vectorA.Y * vectorB);
public static FpVector2 operator /(FpVector2 vectorA, FixedPoint vectorB)
return new FpVector2(vectorA.X / vectorB,
vectorA.Y / vectorB);
public static FpVector2 operator /(FpVector2 vectorA, int vectorB)
return new FpVector2(vectorA.X / vectorB,
vectorA.Y / vectorB);
public static FpVector2 operator -(FpVector2 vector)
return new FpVector2(-vector.X, -vector.Y);
public static bool operator ==(FpVector2 vector1, FpVector2 vector2)
return vector1.X == vector2.Y && vector1.Y == vector2.Y;
public static bool operator !=(FpVector2 vector1, FpVector2 vector2)
return !(vector1 == vector2);
public static FpVector2 Normalize(FpVector2 vector)
return vector.Magnitude > 0 ? vector/vector.Magnitude : new FpVector2(0, 0);
public static FixedPoint Dot(FpVector2 vectorA, FpVector2 vectorB)
return vectorA.X*vectorB.X + vectorA.Y*vectorB.Y;
public static FixedPoint Cross(FpVector2 vectorA, FpVector2 vectorB)
return vectorA.X * vectorB.Y - vectorA.Y * vectorB.X;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is FpVector2 vector2 && Equals(vector2);
public bool Equals(FpVector2 vect)
return vect.X == X && vect.Y == Y;
public override int GetHashCode()
var hash = (int) 2166136261;
hash = (hash*16777619) ^ X.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash*16777619) ^ Y.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override string ToString()
return "(" + X + ", " + Y + ")";
public static float DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(FpVector2 point, FpVector2 anchor, FpVector2 end)
var d = end - anchor;
var length = d.Magnitude;
if (FixedPoint.Abs(length) == 0)
return (point - anchor).Magnitude;
var nowmalized = Normalize(d);
var intersect = Dot((point - anchor), nowmalized);
if (intersect < 0)
return (point - anchor).Magnitude;
return intersect > length ? (point - end).Magnitude : (point - (anchor + nowmalized * intersect)).Magnitude;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
internal class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var sinCosString = new StringBuilder("x, cos fixed, cos float, cos error, sin fixed, sin float, sin error\n");
for (var i = 0; i < 52690944 * 2; i += 65536)
var x = new FixedPoint(i - 52690944, AngleConstants.AngleFormat);
var fixedCos = FixedPoint.Cos(x);
var cos = Math.Cos(x);
var fixedSin = FixedPoint.Sin(x);
var sin = Math.Sin(x);
sinCosString.AppendLine($"{x}, {fixedCos}, {cos}, {fixedCos - cos}, {fixedSin}, {sin}, {fixedSin - sin}");
using (var stream = File.Open("sin_cos_results.csv", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
var sqrtString = new StringBuilder("x, fixed sqrt, sqrt, error\n");
for (var i = 1; i < 256; i++)
var x = new FixedPoint(i, 0, 8);
var fixedRoot = FixedPoint.Sqrt(x);
var root = Math.Sqrt(x);
sqrtString.AppendLine($"{x}, {fixedRoot}, {root}, {fixedRoot - root}");
using (var stream = File.Open("sqrt_results.csv", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
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