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Last active July 14, 2020 13:56
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PowerShell Profile Scripts


These files are part of how I build a powershell profile.

This is what it looks like at startup:

Terminal Startup

Setup Instructions


You need the following PS Modules installed before you start:

  • pscx
  • PSReadline
  • posh-vs

All of these can be installed with Install-Module.

You also need to have starship in your path somewhere. You can install this via cargo (the Rust language package manager) as I have done or via Chocolatey (or by whatever other means you like if you're informed about other ways).

Profile Setup

Download this gist as a ZIP. Copy 01_PowerShell_common.ps1 to $profile. Copy the *.xml files to $PSScriptRoot. Create one or more local customizations in $PSScriptRoot\{a label of your choosing}.local.ps1.

PowerShell Core

These instructions should work for PowerShell Core as well; just be aware that PowerShell and PowerShell Core have separate profile directories.

Function Profile-Command($label, $block) {
if ($block -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
throw "expected ScriptBlock, got $($block.GetType())"
Measure-Command $block `
| ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "$_ [$label]"
Function Import-VisualStudio {
Import-BatchEnvironment "$(vswhere -latest -property installationPath)\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
Profile-Command "Imports" {
Import-Module "pscx"
Import-Module "PSReadline"
Import-Module "posh-vs"
Profile-Command "Configure PSReadline" {
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs
Profile-Command "Theme" {
Set-Theme Paradox
Profile-Command "Custom Type Formatters" {
Update-TypeData -PrependPath $PSScriptRoot\MyTypes.ps1xml
Update-FormatData -PrependPath $PSScriptRoot\MyFileFormat.format.ps1xml
Profile-Command "Starship" {
Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)
Profile-Command "Loading Customized Profile Scripts" {
Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot -filter "*.local.ps1" |% { . $_.FullName }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Filesize converts the length to a human readable
format (kb, mb, gb, tb) -->
switch($this.length) {
{ $_ -gt 1tb }
{ "{0:n2} TB" -f ($_ / 1tb) ; break }
{ $_ -gt 1gb }
{ "{0:n2} GB" -f ($_ / 1gb) ; break }
{ $_ -gt 1mb }
{ "{0:n2} MB " -f ($_ / 1mb) ; break }
{ $_ -gt 1kb }
{ "{0:n2} KB " -f ($_ / 1Kb) ; break }
{ "{0} B " -f $_}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- ################ GLOBAL CONTROL DEFINITIONS ################ -->
<Text AssemblyName="System.Management.Automation" BaseName="FileSystemProviderStrings" ResourceId="DirectoryDisplayGrouping"/>
$_.PSParentPath.Replace("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::", "")
<!-- ################ VIEW DEFINITIONS ################ -->
[String]::Format("{0,10} {1,8}", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString("d"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString("t"))
<TableColumnHeader />
split-path $_.Path -leaf
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