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Created March 26, 2022 03:45
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#lang racket
(require job-queue
(define ssh-bin (find-executable-path "ssh"))
;; adjust for your level of safety
(define ssh-args
(list "-T" "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no"))
(define (ssh hostname command . args)
(define remote-command (cons command args))
(define outp (open-output-string))
(define exit
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"")]
[current-output-port outp])
(apply system* ssh-bin hostname (append ssh-args remote-command))))
(and exit (get-output-string outp)))
(define (loadavg hostname)
(~> (or (ssh hostname "cat" "/proc/loadavg")
(error 'loadavg "error retrieving data for ~a" hostname))
(take 3)
(map string->number _)))
(define the-job-queue (make-job-queue 10))
(define (poll-one-host hostname out-ch)
(submit-job! the-job-queue
(lambda ()
(define res (loadavg hostname))
out-ch (list* (current-seconds) hostname res)))))
(define (poll-hosts hosts out-ch)
(define (loop)
(for ([host hosts])
(poll-one-host host out-ch))
(sleep 5)
(define (collect-data hostnames)
(define collection-ch (make-async-channel 10))
(lambda () (poll-hosts hostnames collection-ch)))
(define (get-message)
(async-channel-get collection-ch))
(for ([msg (in-producer get-message)])
(displayln msg)))
(module* main #f (collect-data (current-command-line-arguments)))
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