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Created August 6, 2017 07:52
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import ui
import dialogs
import datetime as dt
class FormDialogWrapper(object):
A Wrapper/Helper class around the dialogs.form_dialog
Does it need one?? Maybe not. But by attempting to do one, I learn more
about the form_dialog.
To me these wrappers/helps also seem such a good idea in the begining. Then I get
less convienced about the need for the wrapper as I get more into it.
Its possibly because you start to feel more comportable with the data etc...
Anyway, this is not finished. I feel this will be defunct before long anyway.
I still wanted to share it. Even if to bring attention to how nice the dialogs
module is. Can save you a lot of work.
I know there is some questionable coding and data contstructs in here.
But learn by doing, right?
_default_section = {'title':'General', 'footer':None, 'fields':[]}
def __init__(self, title='Form Dialog', default_section_name=None,
default_footer=None, *args, **kwargs):
if default_section_name:
if default_footer:
self.title = title
self.sections = [self._default_section]
def get_section(self, section):
result= [s for s in self.sections if s['title'] == section]
return result[0] if result != [] else None
def add_section(self, section, footer=None):
If the section does not exist, adds a new section
if the section exists just updates the footer, a little silly
sec = self.get_section(section)
if not sec:
self.sections.append({'title':section, 'footer':footer, 'fields':[]})
def add_field(self, section=None, fldtype='text', title='Field', value='',
key=None, tint_color=None, icon=None, placeholder='',
autocorrection=False, autocapitalization=False):
adds a fld to a section. If a section is not specified, the default section is
You can call this method without any params, although its not smart as its hard to
define the key for the return dict. I could do this with a counter appending
it to the default field and setting it to the key I guess. I think omz does
something like this.
This needs more work on type checking. A lot of the params dont play nice
together, just due to the varying meanings. Having the defaults make it a little
harder because trying to do everything in one method call
section = section if section else self.sections[0]['title']
sec = self.get_section(section)
# this is bad...I need to find the right logic pattern to
# deal with this case
if not sec:
sec = self.get_section(self.sections[0]['title'])
key = key if key else title
# I did think about using a class for a fld representation.
# I was torn, about if I am just over complicating something simple.
fld = dict(section=section,
title= title,
tint_color= tint_color,
# maybe should raise an error here... trying to be to nice?
if fldtype == 'datetime' or fldtype == 'date' or fldtype == 'time':
if not isinstance(value, dt.datetime):
fld['value'] =
if fldtype == 'switch' or fldtype == 'check':
if not isinstance(value, bool):
fld.value = False
def show(self):
Call the dialogs.form_dialog. Refactor the internal format a little
to fit the sections param.
Only sections that has one or more flds are used.
# reformat self.sections a little [(title, fields[{}], footer)]
# I thought it was too difficult to keep it in this exact format.
secs = [(s['title'], s['fields'], s['footer']) for s in self.sections if s['fields']]
x = dialogs.form_dialog(title = self.title, sections = secs)
# do some saving here!
# I think I will do a save and load later, just for the practice. Try to use
# the json hooks for serialising the datetime objects etc...
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
fd = FormDialogWrapper('My Form Dialog','Person', 'End of Section')
fd.add_section('xfactor', 'Cool Footer')
fd.add_field(title='First', placeholder='Enter First Name', autocapitalization=True )
fd.add_field(title='Last', placeholder= 'Enter Last Name', autocapitalization = True)
fd.add_field(title='Date of Birth', fldtype='date')
fd.add_field(section='xfactor', fldtype='check', title='You Have it?',
value=True,tint_color = 'deeppink')
fd.add_field(section='Preferences', title='Set Alarm', fldtype='switch',
value=True, icon='emj:Alarm_Clock')
fd.add_field(section='Preferences',title='Mailing List', fldtype='switch',
value=True, tint_color='orange')
fd.add_field(section='Preferences', title='Creation Date', fldtype='datetime',
tint_color='purple', icon='iob:document_text_32')
result =
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