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Created January 30, 2012 02:09
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(ns mol
(:use cascalog.api)
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[cascalog.ops :as c]
[ :as io]))
;; Tab (\t) separated text file:
;; gbif-id latitude longitude nub-id name
;; 236499193 24.663458 121.61801 1986930 Abaciscus
;; 236499220 23.455833 120.89278 1986930 Abaciscus
;; 236499202 24.663458 121.61801 1986930 Abaciscus
(def gbif-points-path
"Returns our test data as a File object."
(io/as-file (io/resource "testdata/mol-1000.txt")))
(defn to-floats [& xs]
"Converts a sequence of numbers to floats."
(map #(Float. %) xs))
(defn make-dwc-tuples [path]
"Returns a Cascalog query that returns [lat, lng, name, count] where count is
the number of times the name appears in the file."
(let [src (hfs-textline path)
count-q (<- [?name ?species-count]
(src ?textline)
(s/split ?textline #"\t" :> _ _ _ _ ?name)
(c/count ?species-count))]
(<- [?lat-float ?lon-float ?name ?species-count]
(src ?textline)
(s/split ?textline #"\t" :> _ ?lat ?lon _ ?name)
(count-q ?name ?species-count)
(to-floats ?lat ?lon :> ?lat-float ?lon-float)
(:distinct false))))
(defn run-mol-job []
(?- (stdout) (make-dwc-tuples gbif-points-path)))
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