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Created January 7, 2011 20:59
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rfc3986.js : RFC3986 に準拠した URI チェッカー
* rfc3986.js
* Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax (RFC3986)
* @version 1.0
* @author think49
* @url
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see <a href="">Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): &#x4e00;&#x822c;&#x7684;&#x69cb;&#x6587;</a>
* @license (The MIT License)
'use strict';
function RFC3986 () {
// === RFC2234
// 6.1 Core Rules
ALPHA = '[\u0041-\u005A\u0061-\u007A]', // [A-Za-z]
DIGIT = '[\u0030-\u0039]', // [0-9]
HEXDIG = '(?:' + DIGIT + '|[A-Z])',
// === RFC3986
// 2.1. Percent-Encoding
pct_encoded = '%' + HEXDIG + HEXDIG,
// 2.2. Reserved Characters
gen_delims = '[:/?#[\\]@]',
sub_delims = '[!$&\u0027()*+,;=]',
reserved = '(?:' + gen_delims + '|' + sub_delims + ')',
// 2.3. Unreserved Characters
unreserved = '(?:' + ALPHA + '|' + DIGIT + '|[\\-._~])',
// 3.1. Scheme
scheme = ALPHA + '(?:' + ALPHA + '|' + DIGIT + '|[+\\-.])*',
// 3.2.1. User Information
userinfo = '(?:' + unreserved + '|' + pct_encoded + '|' + sub_delims + '|:)*',
// 3.2.2. Host
dec_octet = '(?:' + DIGIT + '|[\u0031-\u0039]' + DIGIT + '|1(?:' + DIGIT + '){2}|2[\u0030-\u0034]' + DIGIT + '|25[\u0030-\u0035])',
IPv4address = dec_octet + '\\.' + dec_octet + '\\.' + dec_octet + '\\.' + dec_octet,
h16 = '(?:' + HEXDIG + '){1,4}',
ls32 = '(?:' + h16 + ':' + h16 + '|' + IPv4address + ')',
IPv6address = ['(?:' + h16 + ':){6}' + ls32,
'::' + '(?:' + h16 + ':){5}' + ls32,
'(?:' + h16 + ')?::' + '(?:' + h16 + ':){4}' + ls32,
'(?:(?:' + h16 + ':)+' + h16 + ')?::' + '(?:' + h16 + ':){3}' + ls32,
'(?:(?:' + h16 + ':){0,2}' + h16 + ')?::' + '(?:' + h16 + ':){2}' + ls32,
'(?:(?:' + h16 + ':){0,3}' + h16 + ')?::' + h16 + ':' + ls32,
'(?:(?:' + h16 + ':){0,4}' + h16 + ')?::' + ls32,
'(?:(?:' + h16 + ':){0,5}' + h16 + ')?::' + h16,
'(?:(?:' + h16 + ':){0,6}' + h16 + ')?::' + h16
IPvFuture = 'v(?:' + HEXDIG + ')+\\.(?:' + unreserved + '|' + sub_delims + '|:)+',
IP_literal = '(?:' + IPv6address + '|' + IPvFuture + ')?',
reg_name = '(?:' + unreserved + '|' + pct_encoded + '|' + sub_delims + ')*',
host = '(?:' + IP_literal + '|' + IPv4address + '|' + reg_name + ')',
// 3.2.3. Port
port = '(?:' + DIGIT + ')*',
// 3.2. Authority
authority = '(?:' + userinfo + '@)?' + host + '(?::' + port + ')?',
// 3.3. Path
pchar = '(?:' + unreserved + '|' + pct_encoded + '|' + sub_delims + '|[:@])',
segment = '(?:' + pchar + ')*',
segment_nz = '(?:' + pchar + ')+',
segment_nz_nc = '(?:' + unreserved + '|' + pct_encoded + '|' + sub_delims + '|@)+',
path_abempty = '(?:/' + segment + ')*',
path_absolute = '/(?:' + segment_nz + '(?:/' + segment + ')*)?',
path_noscheme = segment_nz_nc + '(?:/' + segment + ')*',
path_rootless = segment_nz + '(?:/' + segment + ')*',
path_empty = '(?:' + pchar + '){0}',
path = '(?:' + path_abempty + '|' + path_absolute + '|' + path_noscheme + '|' + path_rootless + '|' + path_empty + ')',
// 3.4. Query
query = '(?:' + pchar + '|[/?])*',
// 3.5. Fragment
fragment = '(?:' + pchar + '|[/?])*',
// 3. Syntax Components
hier_part = '(?://' + authority + path_abempty + '|' + path_absolute + '|' + path_rootless + '|' + path_empty + ')',
URI = scheme + ':' + hier_part + '(?:\\?' + query + ')?(?:#' + fragment + ')?',
// 4.2. Relative Reference
relative_part = '(?://' + authority + path_abempty + '|' + path_absolute + '|' + path_noscheme + '|' + path_empty + ')',
relative_ref = relative_part + '(?:\\?' + query + ')?(?:#' + fragment + ')?',
// 4.3. Absolute URI
absolute_URI = scheme + ':' + hier_part + '(?:\\?' + query + ')?',
// 4.1. URI Reference
URI_reference = '(?:' + URI + '|' + relative_ref + ')';
this.absolute_URI = absolute_URI;
this.relative_ref = relative_ref;
this.URI = URI;
this.URI_reference = URI_reference;
RFC3986.prototype.isAbsoluteURI = function (arg) {
if ('string' !== typeof arg) throw new TypeError(arg + ' is not a string');
return new RegExp('^' + this.absolute_URI + '$').test(arg);
RFC3986.prototype.isRelativeRef = function (arg) {
if ('string' !== typeof arg) throw new TypeError(arg + ' is not a string');
return new RegExp('^' + this.relative_ref + '$').test(arg);
RFC3986.prototype.isURI = function (arg) {
if ('string' !== typeof arg) throw new TypeError(arg + ' is not a string');
return new RegExp('^' + this.URI + '$').test(arg);
RFC3986.prototype.isURIReference = function (arg) {
if ('string' !== typeof arg) throw new TypeError(arg + ' is not a string');
return new RegExp('^' + this.URI_reference + '$').test(arg);
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think49 commented Jan 7, 2011


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