require "thor/shell" say("Modifying a new Rails app ...", :yellow) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =begin unless options[:database] == 'sqlite3' username = ask("What's your database username[root]") username = 'root' if username.blank? password = ask("What's your database password(default is empty)") end if yes?('Would you like to use BDD test(Rspec,cucumber...) instead of Test::Unit? (yes/no)') bdd_flag = true else bdd_flag = false end if yes?('Would you like to use jQuery instead of Prototype? (yes/no)') jquery_flag = true else jquery_flag = false end if yes?('Would you like to install Devise?') devise_flag = true else devise_flag = false model_name = ask("What would you like the user model to be called? [user]") model_name = "user" if model_name.blank? end if yes?('Would you like to use Haml instead of erb? (yes/no)') haml_flag = true else haml_flag = false end model_name = ask("What would you like the user model to be called? [user]") model_name = "user" if model_name.blank? =end bdd_flag = true jquery_flag = true devise_flag = true haml_flag = true model_name = "user" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up git #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- say("setting up source control with 'git'...", :yellow) # ignore files =begin append_file '.gitignore' do # specific to Mac OS X '.DS_Store' # ignore log files '/log/*' # ignore tmp files '/tmp/*' # ignore database.yml 'config/database.yml' 'db/*.sqlite3' 'db/schema.rb' '**/.DS_Store' 'vendor/cache/*' '*.rbc' '*.sassc' '.sass-cache' 'capybara-*.html' '.rspec' '.bundle' '/vendor/bundle' '/public/system/*' '/coverage/' '/spec/tmp/*' '**.orig' 'rerun.txt' end =end #FIXME code not work, temp fix run 'rm .gitignore' get "", ".gitignore" # to remain log/ tmp/ in git run 'touch log/.gitignore tmp/.gitignore' git :init git :add => '.' git :commit => "-m 'Initial commit of unmodified new Rails app'" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove unneeded files #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- say("removing unneeded files...", :yellow) run 'cp config/database.yml config/default.database.yml' run 'rm public/index.html' run 'rm public/favicon.ico' run 'rm public/images/rails.png' run 'rm README' run 'touch README.mkd' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup database_name #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup need gems #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- say "setting up the Gemfile...", :yellow gem 'by_star' gem 'meta_where' gem 'meta_search' gem 'friendly_id' gem 'inherited_resources_views' gem 'inherited_resources' gem 'has_scope' gem 'responders' gem 'compass' gem "simple_form" gem 'simple-navigation' gem 'will_paginate' gem 'rails_config' gem 'unicorn' gem 'thin' gem 'capistrano' gem 'awesome_print', :require => 'ap' gem 'bullet', :group => 'development' gem 'metrical', :group => 'development' gem 'backup' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BDD Option #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if bdd_flag say("setting up Gemfile for BDD test...", :yellow) gem 'ZenTest', :group => ['development','test'] gem 'rspec-rails', :group => ['development','test'] gem 'cucumber-rails', :group => ['development','test'] gem 'capybara', :group => ['development','test'] gem 'factory_girl_rails', :group => ['development','test'] gem 'database_cleaner', :group => ['development','test'] gem "shoulda", :group => ['development','test'] gem 'spork', :group => ['development','test'] gem 'launchy', :group => ['development','test'] end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # jQuery Option #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if jquery_flag say("setting up Gemfile for jQuery...", :yellow) gem 'jquery-rails' end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Haml Option #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if haml_flag say("setting up Gemfile for haml...", :yellow) gem 'haml' gem "haml-rails" if devise_flag gem 'hpricot', :group => 'development' gem 'ruby_parser', :group => 'development' end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Devise Option #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if devise_flag say("setting up Gemfile for devise...", :yellow) gem 'devise' end # Install gems say("installing gems (takes a few minutes!)...", :yellow) run 'bundle install' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up installed Gems #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- say "install friendly_id", :yellow generate "friendly_id" say "install inherited_resources_views", :yellow generate "inherited_resources_views" say "install navigation_config", :yellow generate "navigation_config" say "install rails_config", :yellow generate "rails_config:install" say "install responders", :yellow generate "responders:install" say "install simple_form", :yellow generate "simple_form:install" say "install compass", :yellow run "compass create . --using blueprint" say "install metrical", :yellow run 'metrical' say "install backup", :yellow generate 'backup' capify! #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up BDD #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if bdd_flag say("replacing Test::Unit with BDD", :yellow) run 'rails generate rspec:install' say("install cucumber", :yellow) generate("cucumber:install") end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up jQuery #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if jquery_flag run 'rm public/javascripts/rails.js' say("replacing Prototype with jQuery", :yellow) # "--ui" enables optional jQuery UI run 'rails generate jquery:install --ui' end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up Devise #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if devise_flag run 'rails generate jquery:install --ui' generate("devise:install") generate("devise", model_name) generate("devise:views") #TODO 下面配置插入配置有bug #application(nil, :env => "development") do # "config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' }" #end end application do " config.time_zone = 'Beijing' config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('config', 'locales', '**', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] config.i18n.default_locale = :'zh-CN' config.action_view.javascript_expansions[:defaults] = %w(jquery rails) config.after_initialize do config.active_record.default_timezone = :local end " end #FIXME bad smoke run "sed -i -e '43d' config/application.rb" rake 'db:migrate' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # i18n #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- get "", "config/locales/zh-CN.yml" get "", "config/locales/devise.zh-CN.yml" get "", "config/locales/responders.zh-CN.yml" get "", "config/locales/simple_form.zh-CN.yml" get "", "config/locales/model.zh-CN.yml" generate(:controller, "home index") route "root :to => 'home#index'" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Finish up #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- say("checking everything into git...", :yellow) git :add => '.' git :commit => "-a -m 'modified Rails app to start.'" say("Done setting up your Rails app.", :yellow)