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Created January 13, 2011 20:35
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Converts any integer into a base [BASE] number. I have chosen 62
# as it is meant to represent the integers using all the alphanumeric
# characters, [no special characters] = {0..9}, {A..Z}, {a..z}
# I plan on using this to shorten the representation of possibly long ids,
# a la url shortenters
# saturate() takes the base 62 key, as a string, and turns it back into an integer
# dehydrate() takes an integer and turns it into the base 62 string
import math
import sys
BASE = 62
def true_ord(char):
Turns a digit [char] in character representation
from the number system with base [BASE] into an integer.
if char.isdigit():
return ord(char) - DIGIT_OFFSET
elif 'A' <= char <= 'Z':
return ord(char) - UPPERCASE_OFFSET
elif 'a' <= char <= 'z':
return ord(char) - LOWERCASE_OFFSET
raise ValueError("%s is not a valid character" % char)
def true_chr(integer):
Turns an integer [integer] into digit in base [BASE]
as a character representation.
if integer < 10:
return chr(integer + DIGIT_OFFSET)
elif 10 <= integer <= 35:
return chr(integer + UPPERCASE_OFFSET)
elif 36 <= integer < 62:
return chr(integer + LOWERCASE_OFFSET)
raise ValueError("%d is not a valid integer in the range of base %d" % (integer, BASE))
def saturate(key):
Turn the base [BASE] number [key] into an integer
int_sum = 0
reversed_key = key[::-1]
for idx, char in enumerate(reversed_key):
int_sum += true_ord(char) * int(math.pow(BASE, idx))
return int_sum
def dehydrate(integer):
Turn an integer [integer] into a base [BASE] number
in string representation
# we won't step into the while if integer is 0
# so we just solve for that case here
if integer == 0:
return '0'
string = ""
while integer > 0:
remainder = integer % BASE
string = true_chr(remainder) + string
integer /= BASE
return string
if __name__ == '__main__':
# not really unit tests just a rough check to see if anything is way off
if sys.argv[1] == '-tests':
passed_tests = True
for i in xrange(0, 1000):
passed_tests &= (i == saturate(dehydrate(i)))
print passed_tests
user_input = sys.argv[2]
if sys.argv[1] == '-s':
print saturate(user_input)
elif sys.argv[1] == '-d':
print dehydrate(int(user_input))
print "I don't understand option %s" % sys.argv[1]
except ValueError as e:
print e
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mitnk commented Jul 27, 2012

Great gist! Thanks!

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ftonello commented Jan 8, 2014

I wrote a C version of this similar algorithm.

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iziang commented Mar 9, 2014


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mengzhuo commented Jul 2, 2014

This snippet has a bug that can't handle the string startswith "0" .

$ python -s "0123456789"
$ 225557475374453
$ python -d 225557475374453
$ 123456789

Here is the patch

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bhelx commented Dec 2, 2014

thanks @mengzhuo

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It seems there is a bug in the saturate(). The loop should be something like this:

for char in key:
int_sum = int_sum * BASE + true_ord(char)

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Not trying to resurrect this, but I'm just gonna throw this out there in case anyone finds this. I made a library called BaseN that can convert between any digit sets (aka it's not just limited to converting between base 10 and base 62). Check it out here!

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Thanks so much!

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