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Created January 15, 2011 08:46
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Save k4200/780788 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A trait for Lift framework that enables users to authenticate with Twitter.
* Copyright Kazuo KASHIMA 2011
* k4200 [at] kazu [dot] tv
* Licensed under the same license as Lift framework (Apache 2.0)
package code.model
import net.liftweb._
import mapper._
import common._
import util._
import util.Helpers._
import http._
import sitemap._
import sitemap.Loc._
import proto.{ProtoUser => GenProtoUser}
import _root_.scala.xml.{ NodeSeq, Text }
trait TwitterProtoUser[T <: TwitterProtoUser[T]] extends LongKeyedMapper[T] with IdPK
with UserIdAsString {
self: T =>
* Convert the id to a String
def userIdAsString: String =
object twitterAccount extends MappedString(this, 20) {
override def dbColumnName = "twitter_account"
object accessToken extends MappedString(this, 100) { //50?
override def dbColumnName = "access_token"
override def dbDisplay_? = false
object accessTokenSecret extends MappedString(this, 100) { //43?
override def dbColumnName = "access_token_secret"
override def dbDisplay_? = false
* The superuser field for the User. You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val superUser = new MySuperUser(this) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
* Borrowed from ProtoUser.
lazy val superUser: MappedBoolean[T] = new MySuperUser(this)
protected class MySuperUser(obj: T) extends MappedBoolean(obj) {
override def defaultValue = false
* The unique id field for the User. This field
* is used for validation, lost passwords, etc.
* You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val uniqueId = new MyUniqueId(this, 32) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val uniqueId: MappedUniqueId[T] = new MyUniqueId(this, 32)
protected class MyUniqueId(obj: T, size: Int) extends MappedUniqueId(obj, size) {
override def dbIndexed_? = true
override def writePermission_? = true
* The has the user been validated.
* You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val validated = new MyValidated(this, 32) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val validated: MappedBoolean[T] = new MyValidated(this)
protected class MyValidated(obj: T) extends MappedBoolean[T](obj) {
override def defaultValue = false
override val fieldId = Some(Text("txtValidated"))
trait MetaTwitterProtoUser[ModelType <: TwitterProtoUser[ModelType]]
extends LongKeyedMetaMapper[ModelType] with GenProtoUser {
self: ModelType =>
// override def dbTableName = "twitter_users"; // define the DB table name
// The code below is taken from
// net.liftweb.proto.ProtoUser and net.liftweb.mapper.MegaProtoUser
type TheUserType = ModelType
* What's a field pointer for the underlying CRUDify
type FieldPointerType = MappedField[_, TheUserType]
* Based on a FieldPointer, build a FieldPointerBridge
protected implicit def buildFieldBridge(from: FieldPointerType): FieldPointerBridge = new MyPointer(from)
protected class MyPointer(from: FieldPointerType) extends FieldPointerBridge {
* What is the display name of this field?
def displayHtml: NodeSeq = from.displayHtml
* Does this represent a pointer to a Password field
def isPasswordField_? : Boolean = from match {
case a: MappedPassword[_] => true
case _ => false
* Convert an instance of TheUserType to the Bridge trait
protected implicit def typeToBridge(in: TheUserType): UserBridge =
new MyUserBridge(in)
* Bridges from TheUserType to methods used in this class
protected class MyUserBridge(in: TheUserType) extends UserBridge {
* Convert the user's primary key to a String
def userIdAsString: String =
* Return the user's first name
def getFirstName: String = ""
* Return the user's last name
def getLastName: String = ""
* Get the user's email
def getEmail: String = ""
* Is the user a superuser
def superUser_? : Boolean = in.superUser
* Has the user been validated?
def validated_? : Boolean = in.validated
* Does the supplied password match the actual password?
def testPassword(toTest: Box[String]): Boolean = false
* Set the validation flag on the user and return the user
def setValidated(validation: Boolean): TheUserType =
* Set the unique ID for this user to a new value
def resetUniqueId(): TheUserType = {
* Return the unique ID for the user
def getUniqueId(): String = in.uniqueId
* Validate the user
def validate: List[FieldError] = in.validate
* Given a list of string, set the password
def setPasswordFromListString(pwd: List[String]): TheUserType = {
* Save the user to backing store
def save(): Boolean =
* Given a field pointer and an instance, get the field on that instance
protected def computeFieldFromPointer(instance: TheUserType, pointer: FieldPointerType): Box[BaseField] = Full(getActualField(instance, pointer))
* Given an twitter account, find the user
protected def findUserByUserName(twitterAccountName: String): Box[TheUserType] =
find(By(twitterAccount, twitterAccountName))
* Given a unique id, find the user
protected def findUserByUniqueId(id: String): Box[TheUserType] =
find(By(uniqueId, id))
* Create a new instance of the User
protected def createNewUserInstance(): TheUserType = self.create
* Given a String representing the User ID, find the user
protected def userFromStringId(id: String): Box[TheUserType] = find(id)
* The list of fields presented to the user at sign-up
def signupFields: List[FieldPointerType] = List(twitterAccount)
* The list of fields presented to the user for editing
def editFields: List[FieldPointerType] = List(twitterAccount)
// def editFields: List[FieldPointerType] = List(firstName,
// lastName,
// email,
// locale,
// timezone)
// ----------------- menus
override val basePath: List[String] = "user_mgt" :: Nil
def callbackSuffix = "callback"
lazy val callbackPath = thePath(callbackSuffix)
// Only login functionality is needed.
// override def logoutMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = Empty
override def createUserMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = Empty
override def lostPasswordMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = Empty
override def resetPasswordMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = Empty
override def editUserMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = Empty
override def changePasswordMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = Empty
override def validateUserMenuLoc: Box[Menu] = Empty
def callbackMenuLoc: Box[Menu] =
Full(Menu(Loc("Callback", (callbackPath, true), S.??("callback"), callbackMenuLocParams)))
override lazy val sitemap: List[Menu] =
List(loginMenuLoc, logoutMenuLoc, createUserMenuLoc,
lostPasswordMenuLoc, resetPasswordMenuLoc,
editUserMenuLoc, changePasswordMenuLoc,
validateUserMenuLoc, callbackMenuLoc).flatten(a => a)
protected def callbackMenuLocParams: List[LocParam[Unit]] =
Hidden ::
//snarfLastItem is defined in ProtoUser.
// Template(() => wrapIt(callback(snarfLastItem))) ::
Template(() => callback(S.request)) ::
// If(notLoggedIn_? _, S.??("logout.first")) ::
// override lazy val ItemList: List[MenuItem] =
// List(MenuItem(S.??(""), loginPath, false))
override lazy val ItemList: List[MenuItem] =
List(MenuItem(S.??("sign.up"), signUpPath, false),
MenuItem(S.??(""), loginPath, false),
MenuItem(S.??("lost.password"), lostPasswordPath, false),
MenuItem("", passwordResetPath, false),
MenuItem(S.??("change.password"), changePasswordPath, true),
MenuItem(S.??("log.out"), logoutPath, true),
MenuItem(S.??("edit.profile"), editPath, true),
MenuItem("", validateUserPath, false),
MenuItem("", callbackPath, false))
// ----------------- Methods related to authentication
* How do we prompt the user for the username. By default,
* it's S.??("email.address"), you can can change it to something else
* TODO Add a text to the property files.
override def userNameFieldString: String = S.??("twitter.account")
override def loginXhtml = {
(<form method="post" action={S.uri}><table><tr><td
<tr><td colspan="2"><user:submit /></td></tr></table>
import code.lib.TwitterOAuth
override def login = {
if (S.post_?) {
val url = TwitterOAuth.authenticateUrl
bind("user", loginXhtml,
"email" -> (<input type="text" name="username"/>),
"submit" -> (<input type="submit" value={S.??("")}/>))
import dispatch.oauth._
* @param request
* @return
def callback(request: Box[Req]):NodeSeq = {
(for (oauthToken <- S.param("oauth_token");
oauthVerifier <- S.param("oauth_verifier"))
yield {
// access tokenの取得
val (accessToken: Token, userId: String, screenName: String)
= TwitterOAuth.getAccessToken(oauthToken, oauthVerifier)
// Access tokenとAccess secretはユーザーのDBとかに保存しとけばOK
val user = saveAccessToken(screenName, accessToken)
logUserIn(user, () => {
}) getOrElse {
S.error("invalid token")
private def saveAccessToken(screenName: String, accessToken: Token): TheUserType = {
val user = findUserByUserName(screenName).getOrElse({
val user = createNewUserInstance
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k4200 commented Jan 15, 2011

TwitterOAuth is here (an old version and requires small changes though):

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