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Created January 28, 2011 07:06
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(def *rho* 6371007.181)
(def pixels-at-res
{:250 4800
:500 2400
:1000 1200})
(defn degs-by-rho
"Multiplies the argument by rho and converts the answer to radians."
(* arg *rho* (/ (Math/PI) 180)))
(defn x-from-geo
"Returns the sinusoidal projection's x coordinate in meters for a given lat and long (in degrees)."
[lat lon]
(degs-by-rho (* (Math/cos (Math/toRadians lat)) lon)))
(defn y-from-geo
"Returns the sinusoidal projection's y coordinate in meters for a given lat and long (in degrees)."
[lat lon]
(degs-by-rho lat))
(def min-x (x-from-geo 0 -180))
(def min-y (y-from-geo -90 0))
(def max-y (y-from-geo 90 0))
(defn pixel-length
"The length, in meters, of the edge of a pixel at a given resolution."
(let [y-tiles 18
pixel-span (/ (- max-y min-y) y-tiles)]
(/ pixel-span (pixels-at-res res))))
(defn lat-long
"Computes the latitude and longitude for a given set of sinusoidal map coordinates (in meters)."
[x y]
(let [lat (/ y *rho*)
lon (/ x (* *rho* (Math/cos lat)))]
(map #(Math/toDegrees %) [lat lon])))
(defn distance
"Calculates distance of magnitude from the starting point in a given direction."
[dir start magnitude]
(dir start magnitude))
(defn scale
"Scales each element in a collection of numbers by the supplied factor."
[fact seq]
(for [x seq] (* x fact)))
(defn pixel-coords
"returns the row and dimension of the pixel on the global MODIS grid."
[mod-y mod-x line sample res]
(let [edge-pixels (pixels-at-res res)]
(map + [sample line] (scale edge-pixels [mod-x mod-y]))))
(defn map-coords
"Returns the map position in meters for a given MODIS tile coordinate at the specified resolution."
[mod-y mod-x line sample res]
(let [edge-length (pixel-length res)
half-edge (/ edge-length 2)
pix-pos (pixel-coords mod-y mod-x line sample res)
magnitudes (map #(+ half-edge %) (scale edge-length pix-pos))]
(map distance [+ -] [min-x max-y] magnitudes)))
(defn geo-coords
"Returns the latitude and longitude for a given group of MODIS tile coordinates at the specified resolution."
[mod-y mod-x line sample res]
(apply lat-long (map-coords mod-y mod-x line sample res)))
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