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Last active January 18, 2022 00:16
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# Source:
# Couchbase #
# How To Run a Database Cluster in Kubernetes Using Argo CD #
# #
# Setup #
# Requirements:
# - Kubernetes cluster
# - NGINX Ingress
# Open
# Fork it!
# Replace `[...]` with the GitHub organization or the username
export GH_ORG=[...]
git clone$GH_ORG/couchbase-demo.git
cd couchbase-demo
# Replace `[...]` with the base host that should be used to access the app through NGINX Ingress
export BASE_HOST=[...] # e.g., $
rm -f production/couchbase-cluster.yaml
cat production/argo-cd.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$GH_ORG@g" \
| tee production/argo-cd.yaml
cat argo-cd/base/ingress.yaml \
| sed -e "$BASE_HOST@g" \
| tee argo-cd/overlays/production/ingress.yaml
cat production/sealed-secrets.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$GH_ORG@g" \
| tee production/sealed-secrets.yaml
cat production/argo-cd.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$GH_ORG@g" \
| tee production/argo-cd.yaml
cat production/couchbase-operator.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$GH_ORG@g" \
| tee production/couchbase-operator.yaml
cat orig/couchbase-cluster.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$GH_ORG@g" \
| tee orig/couchbase-cluster.yaml
cat orig/couchbase-cluster-ingress.yaml \
| sed -e "$BASE_HOST@g" \
| tee couchbase-cluster/base/ingress.yaml
cat apps.yaml \
| sed -e "s@vfarcic@$GH_ORG@g" \
| tee apps.yaml
kubectl apply --filename sealed-secrets
kustomize build \
argo-cd/overlays/production \
| kubectl apply --filename -
kubectl --namespace argocd \
rollout status \
deployment argocd-server
export PASS=$(kubectl \
--namespace argocd \
get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret \
--output jsonpath="{.data.password}" \
| base64 --decode)
argocd login \
--insecure \
--username admin \
--password $PASS \
--grpc-web \
# Wait for a while and repeat the previous command if it returns `no such host` error
argocd account update-password \
--current-password $PASS \
--new-password admin123
# If there is an error after the output `Password updated`, you just discovered a bug that will be fixed soon. Ignore it.
echo "apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: couchbase-auth
namespace: couchbase
type: Opaque
username: $(echo -n "admin" | base64)
password: $(echo -n "admin12345678" | base64)" \
| kubeseal --format yaml \
| tee couchbase-operator/base/secrets.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Manifests"
git push
kubectl apply --filename project.yaml
kubectl apply --filename apps.yaml
open http://argo-cd.$BASE_HOST
# Deploying Couchbase Cluster #
cat couchbase-cluster/base/cluster.yaml
cat couchbase-operator/base/secrets.yaml
cat orig/couchbase-cluster.yaml
cp orig/couchbase-cluster.yaml \
git add .
git commit -m "Cluster"
git push
kubectl --namespace couchbase \
get pods
# Upgrading the Couchbase cluster #
cat couchbase-cluster/base/cluster.yaml \
| sed -e "s@6.5.0@6.6.0@g" \
| tee couchbase-cluster/base/cluster.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Upgrade"
git push
cd ../
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