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Created February 1, 2011 03:55
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Build a CSV file for testing performance
import csv;
import std.file;
void main() {
auto data = readText("sample.csv");
//auto records = csvText!Layout(data);
auto records = csvText!Layout(data, ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]);
foreach(r; records)
struct Layout {
string a;
string b;
int c;
string d;
float e;
import csvRange;
import std.file;
void main() {
auto data = readText("sample.csv");
auto records = csvStructRange!Layout(csvFile(data, ','), ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]);
foreach(r; records)
struct Layout {
string a;
string b;
int c;
string d;
float e;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.algorithm;
import std.random;
import std.file;
import std.traits;
import std.exception;
import std.typecons;
import std.conv;
struct Layout {
string a;
string b;
int c;
string d;
float e;
auto head = "a,b,c,d,e";
void main(string[] args) {
enforce(args.length > 2, "Usage: " ~ args[0] ~ " minfilesize file");
auto words = readText("words.english").splitlines;
auto size = to!int(args[1]);
std.file.write(args[2], head ~ "\n");
Layout data;
while(getSize(args[2]) < size) {
foreach(i, U; FieldTypeTuple!Layout) {
static if(is(U == string))
data.tupleof[i] = buildString(words);
else static if(is(U == int))
data.tupleof[i] = uniform(0,words.length);
else static if(is(U == float))
data.tupleof[i] = uniform(0,10)/15.0 * uniform(0,words.length);
writeStruct(args[2], data);
string buildString(string[] words) {
auto wordCount = uniform(1,7);
string result;
while(wordCount > 0) {
scope(exit) wordCount--;
result ~= words[uniform(0,words.length)];
switch(dice([90,10,2,2,1])) {
case 0:
result ~= " ";
case 1:
result ~= ", ";
case 2:
result ~= "\" ";
case 3:
result ~= " \"";
case 4:
result ~= "\n";
return result[0..$-1];
void writeStruct(string file, Layout data) {
string[] elements;
foreach(i, U; FieldTypeTuple!Layout) {
elements ~= to!string(data.tupleof[i]);
string record;
foreach(e; elements) {
if(find(e, `"`, ",", "\n", "\r")[1] == 0)
record ~= e ~ ",";
record ~= `"` ~ replace(e, `"`, `""`) ~ `",`;
std.file.append(file, record[0..$-1] ~ "\n");
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