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Created February 24, 2011 17:21
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(ns sier.core
(:import (javax.swing JFrame JPanel JButton)
(java.awt Dimension)))
(defstruct coord :x :y)
(defstruct triangle :c1 :c2 :c3)
(defn draw-line [g c1 c2]
(.drawLine g (:x c1) (:y c1) (:x c2) (:y c2)))
(defn draw-triangle [panel fig]
(doto (.getGraphics panel)
(draw-line (:c1 fig) (:c2 fig))
(draw-line (:c2 fig) (:c3 fig))
(draw-line (:c3 fig) (:c1 fig)))
(defn make-frame [w h]
"Create a frame with width w and height h and return the panel"
(let [panel (doto (JPanel.)
(.setPreferredSize (Dimension. w h))
(.setLayout nil))]
(do (doto (JFrame.)
(.setContentPane panel)
(.setVisible true)))
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