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Created March 19, 2011 01:25
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(ns org.timmc.mipsiss.instructions
"Abstract MIPS instruction representation.")
;; Text formats:
;; - :s is RS e.g. $r9
;; - :t is RT e.g. $r9
;; - :d is RD e.g. $r9
;; - :C is Imm e.g. 8
;; - :o is offset and base (RS) e.g. -4($r9)
(defrecord ^{:doc "A full instruction instance will have some additional arg
keys such as :rs, :rt, :rd (ints) and :Imm (long)"}
[^{:doc "Instruction name as keyword"}
^{:doc "Format as :r, :i, or :j (machine language)"}
^{:doc "Format as :dst, :tsC, :to, :stC, :C, or :s (text format)"}
(def all-instr
;; arithmetic
(Instr. :add :r :dst)
(Instr. :sub :r :dst)
(Instr. :and :r :dst)
(Instr. :or :r :dst)
(Instr. :nor :r :dst)
(Instr. :slt :r :dst)
;; arithmetic -- immediate
(Instr. :addi :i :tsC)
(Instr. :andi :i :tsC)
(Instr. :ori :i :tsC)
(Instr. :slti :i :tsC)
;; branches and jumps
(Instr. :beq :r :stC)
(Instr. :bne :r :stC)
(Instr. :jr :r :s)
(Instr. :j :j :C)
;; memory
(Instr. :lw :i :to)
(Instr. :sw :i :to)
(def ^{:doc "Map of instruction names (as keywords) to their info records."
:private true}
(fn []
(into {} (map #(vector (.name ^Instr %) %) all-instr)))))
(defn lookup
"Look up an Instr record by instruction name keyword."
((by-name) name-kw))
;;; For now, an instruction will be represented as a map of:
;;; :name - keyword like :add, :j, :lw
;;; :rs - int or nil
;;; :rt - int or nil
;;; :rd - int or nil
;;; :Imm - int or nil
;;; :name is sufficient to infer opcode, funct, and format, if needed
(ns org.timmc.mipsiss.parser
"Parse an input stream to MIPS instructions using regular expressions."
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:require [org.timmc.mipsiss.instructions :as i])
(:import [org.timmc.mipsiss.instructions Instr])
(:import [java.util.regex Pattern]))
;;;; Regex components
(def ^Pattern instr-name #"\s*([a-z]+)")
;;;; Parsing
(def re-reg #"^\$r([0-9]+)$")
(defn parse-reg
"Parse \"$r5\" into {name-key 5}, throwing exception if outside 0..31"
[^String str, name-key]
(if-let [[_ numstr] (re-matches re-reg str)]
(let [num (Integer/parseInt numstr 10)]
(when-not (<= 0 num 31)
(throw (Exception. (str "Register index out of bounds: " num))))
{name-key num})
(throw (Exception. (str "Cannot parse as " name-key " register: " str)))))
(def re-hex-const #"^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)$")
(defn parse-imm
"Parse \"0x5\" into {:Imm 5}. Also handles signed decimal."
[^String str]
{:Imm (if-let [[_ hex] (re-matches re-hex-const str)]
(Long/parseLong hex 16)
(Integer/parseInt str 10))})
(def re-offset #"^(-?[0-9]+)\((.+)\)$")
(defn parse-offset
"Parse \"-4($r19)\" into {:Imm -4 :rs 19}."
[^String str]
(if-let [[_ istr rstr] (re-matches re-offset str)]
(merge {:Imm (Integer/parseInt istr 10)}
(parse-reg rstr :rs))
(throw (Exception. (str "Expected base-offset argument.")))))
(defmulti ^{:doc "Parse the remaining args into a map."}
parse-args (fn [^Instr i & _] (.tform i)))
(defmethod parse-args :dst
[_ d s t]
(merge (parse-reg d :rd)
(parse-reg s :rs)
(parse-reg t :rt)))
(defmethod parse-args :tsC
[_ t s C]
(merge (parse-reg t :rt)
(parse-reg s :rs)
(parse-imm C)))
(defmethod parse-args :stC
[_ s t C]
(merge (parse-reg s :rs)
(parse-reg t :rt)
(parse-imm C)))
(defmethod parse-args :to
[_ t o]
(merge (parse-reg t :rt)
(parse-offset o)))
(defmethod parse-args :C
[_ C]
(parse-imm C))
(defmethod parse-args :s
[_ s]
(parse-reg s :rs))
(defn strip-line
"Strip a line of comments and trim the leading and trailing whitespace."
(str/replace line #"^\s+|\s*;.*\n?" ""))
(defn parse-line
(let [cleaned (strip-line line)]
(when (seq cleaned)
(let [[name+ & more-args] (map str/trim (str/split cleaned #","))
[name arg0] (map str/trim (str/split name+ #"\s+" 2))
name (keyword name)
args (cons arg0 more-args)
instr (i/lookup name)]
(merge instr (apply parse-args instr args))))))
(defn parse
"Parse a seq of lines into a (possibly smaller) seq of Instr records."
(filter (complement nil?) (map parse-line lines)))
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