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Created March 31, 2011 16:53
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Bowling kata in Ocaml
type frame =
| Strike
| Spare of int
| Open of int * int
| InPlay of int
| FinalInPlay of int
| FinalInPlayStrike
| FinalInPlayBonus of int * int
| FinalBonus of int * int * int
| FinalOpen of int * int
type t = frame list
let empty = []
let score game =
let rec sum_up curr_multiplier next_multiplier next_next_multiplier frames = match frames with
| Strike :: tail ->
(10 * curr_multiplier) + (sum_up (next_multiplier + 1) (next_next_multiplier + 1) 1 tail)
| Spare first :: tail ->
let second = 10 - first in
(first * curr_multiplier) + (second * next_multiplier) + (sum_up (next_next_multiplier + 1) 1 1 tail)
| Open (first, second) :: tail | FinalOpen (first, second) :: tail ->
(first * curr_multiplier) + (second * next_multiplier) + (sum_up next_next_multiplier 1 1 tail)
| InPlay first :: tail ->
(first * curr_multiplier) + (sum_up 1 1 1 tail)
| FinalInPlay first :: _ ->
(first * curr_multiplier)
| FinalInPlayStrike :: _ ->
(10 * curr_multiplier)
| FinalInPlayBonus (first, second) :: _ ->
(first * curr_multiplier) + (second * next_multiplier)
| FinalBonus (first, second, third) :: _ ->
(first * curr_multiplier) + (second * next_multiplier) + (third * next_next_multiplier)
| [] -> 0
sum_up 1 1 1 (List.rev game)
let roll value game = match game with
| FinalBonus (_,_,_) :: _ | FinalOpen (_,_) :: _ ->
failwith "Cannot roll more frames after a final frame"
| [] | Strike :: _ | Spare _ :: _ | Open (_,_) :: _ ->
let last_frame = List.length game = 9 in
if value = 10 then
(if last_frame then FinalInPlayStrike else Strike) :: game
(if last_frame then FinalInPlay value else InPlay value) :: game
| InPlay first :: tail ->
if first + value = 10 then
Spare first :: tail
Open (first, value) :: tail
| FinalInPlay first :: tail ->
if first + value = 10 then
FinalInPlayBonus (first, value) :: tail
FinalOpen (first, value) :: tail
| FinalInPlayStrike :: tail ->
FinalInPlayBonus (10, value) :: tail
| FinalInPlayBonus (first, second) :: tail ->
FinalBonus (first, second, value) :: tail
all: spec
spec: game.cmo
ocamlc -c
rm *.cm*
.PHONY: all spec
* Uses Ospecl library.
* Specs themselves largely based on
#load "game.cmo"
#use "topfind"
#require "unix"
#require "ospecl"
let specs =
let rec repeat count func value =
match count with
| 0 -> value
| _ -> repeat (count - 1) func (func value)
let (|*) = repeat in
let (|>) x f = f x in
let (>>) f g x = g (f x) in
let open Ospecl.Spec in
let open Ospecl.Matchers in
describe "Game" begin
let open Game in
let score_of expected_score =
let module M = Ospecl.Matcher in
let description = "score of " ^ string_of_int expected_score in
let test game =
let actual_score = score game in
if actual_score = expected_score then
M.Matched description
M.Mismatched ("score of " ^ string_of_int actual_score)
in M.make description test
let scores value rolls =
empty |> rolls =~ has (score_of value)
let spare = 2 |* (roll 5) in
let strike = roll 10 in
let gutter = roll 0 in
describe "before any rolls" [
it "has score 0" begin
empty =~ has (score_of 0)
describe "for complete games" [
it "should score 0 for an all gutter game" begin
20 |* gutter |> scores 0
it "should show 20 for an all 1 game" begin
20 |* roll 1 |> scores 20
it "should score game with single spare correctly" begin
(3 |* roll 5) >> (17 |* gutter) |> scores 20
it "should score game with single strike correctly" begin
strike >> roll 5 >> roll 2 >> (16 |* gutter) |> scores 24
it "should score a dutch-200, spare-strike, correctly" begin
(5 |* (spare >> strike)) >> spare |> scores 200
it "should score a dutch-200, strike-spare, correctly" begin
(5 |* (strike >> spare)) >> strike |> scores 200
it "should score all 5's game as 150" begin
(21 |* roll 5) |> scores 150
it "should score a perfect game correctly" begin
(12 |* strike) |> scores 300
it "should not count a 0, 10 roll as a strike" begin
roll 0 >> roll 10 >> roll 1 >> roll 3 >> (16 |* gutter) |> scores 15
describe "for open games" [
it "should score just an open frame" begin
roll 4 >> roll 3 |> scores 7
it "should score just a spare" begin
roll 5 >> roll 5 |> scores 10
it "should score partial game with spare and following frame only" begin
(3 |* roll 5) |> scores 20
it "should score an opening turkey correctly" begin
(3 |* strike) |> scores 60
describe "for open games starting with a strike" [
it "should score partial game with only strike" begin
strike |> scores 10
it "should score partial game with strike and half-open frame" begin
strike >> roll 4 |> scores 18
it "should score partial game with strike and open frame" begin
strike >> roll 3 >> roll 6 |> scores 28
it "should score partial game with strike and spare" begin
strike >> roll 3 >> roll 7 |> scores 30
describe "for open games starting with two strikes" [
it "should have a score of 30" begin
strike >> strike |> scores 30
it "should score correctly with following non-mark" begin
strike >> strike >> roll 4 |> scores 42
it "should score correctly with third frame open" begin
strike >> strike >> roll 4 >> roll 3 |> scores 48
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