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Created April 2, 2011 01:54
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(defmacro defthreadfn
"Binds a var to a particular class of anonymous functions that
accept a vector of arguments and a number of subexpressions. When
calling the produced functions, the caller must supply a threading
parameter as the first argument. This parameter will be threaded
through the resulting forms; the extra parameters made available in
the argument vector will be available to all subexpressions.
In addition to the argument vector, `defthreadfn` accepts any number
of watchdog functions, each of which are inserted into the thread
after each subexpression invocation. These watchdog functions are
required to accept 2 arguments -- the threaded argument, and a
string representation of the previous subexpression. For example,
(defthreadfn mapped-thread-fn
(fn [arg sub-expr]
(if (map? arg)
:type :invalid-session
(format \"Only maps are allowed, and %s is most definitely
not a map.\" sub-expr)))))
Returns a `thread-fn` that makes sure the threaded argument remains
a map, on every step of its journey.
For a more specific example if `defthreadfn`, see
[macro-name & rest]
(let [[macro-name checkers] (name-with-attributes macro-name rest)]
`(defmacro ~macro-name
([argvec#] (~macro-name argvec# identity))
([argvec# subphase# & left#]
`(fn [~'session# ~@argvec#]
(--> ~'session#
~@(for [func# '~checkers]
`(~func# (str '~subphase#)))
~@(when left#
[`((~'~macro-name ~argvec# ~@left#) ~@argvec#)])))))))
;; For example,
;; (defthreadfn ultrasafe-phase-fn
;; "docstring!"
;; watchdog-func-1 watchdog-func-2 watchdog-func-3)
;; Will define a macro that can be called like this:
;; (ultrasafe-phase-fn [x y z]
;; (phase1 x y)
;; (phase2 x y z))
;; Which will (recursively) expand into
;; (fn [arg x y z]
;; (--> arg
;; (phase1 x y)
;; (watchdog-func-1 "(phase1 x y)")
;; (watchdog-func-2 "(phase1 x y)")
;; (watchdog-func-3 "(phase1 x y)")
;; (phase2 x y z)
;; (watchdog-func-1 "(phase2 x y z)")
;; (watchdog-func-2 "(phase2 x y z)")
;; (watchdog-func-3 "(phase2 x y z)")))
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