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Last active August 24, 2023 03:35
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Python resources for development: Unit Testing, PostgreSQL, ORMs, Git(Hub), Docker

Python In Production

Helper Python Functions related to CI/CD and production. In this post, I will outline and provide links to various sources and guides that will help working with Python in production.

Table of Content

Converting from CURL to Python Formatted Syntax

  • Suppose you have curl formatted file

    curl '' 
    -H 'Origin:' 
    -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 
    -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8' 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Referer:' 
    -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' 
    -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --data 'msg1=wow&msg2=such' --compressed
  • You can convert it using the following website. The result will look like:

    import requests
    headers = {
        'Accept': '*/*',
        'Referer': '',
    data = [
      ('msg1', 'wow'),
      ('msg2', 'such'),
    response ='', headers=headers, data=data)

Link: source_1

Navigating YAML Formatted File

  • Instead of typing sensitive information in .py file, you can hide your credentials in Yaml file

  • Here is how .yml file looks like:

        key1_1: value1_1
        key1_2: value1_2
  • How to import in .py file

    import yaml
    yaml_file = yaml.load(open('<location of .yaml file>'))
    value1_1_reference = yaml_file['key1']['key1_1']

Link: source_1

Set up Python Environment Variables

  • To set up Python environment variables from .py file

    import os
    os.environ["name_of_varible"] = "variable_value"
    • To reference variable
    import os
    var_to_store = os.environ["name_of_variable"]

Links source_1, source_2

*Args and **Kwargs in Python

Suppose you have dictionary defined as: data = {'key':'value', 'key2':'value2'} and you want to pass it to function processing_dictionary() where function is defined as:

def main_calling():
    data = {'key':'value', 'key2':'value2'}

def processing_dictionary(data):

The snippet above illustrates that func(**data) is equivalent to func(key1='value1', key2='value2')

Link: source_1

Python and API Calls

  • Python Doc that with guide on how to handle Python Requests
  • How to make Python Requests quickguide
  • Example
    import requests
    import json
    data = {'key':'value'}
    r = requests.get('', params=data)

Unit Testing in Python and Exceptions

  • Great article with Python code examples on why testing is important.

  • List of Standard Exceptions

  • List of Standard Assertions

  • List of Different Exception Handling Types

  • Resource and examples on how unittest test fixture functions and methods are written

  • Python Unit Test CheatSheet

  • How to run multiple/all .py unitTest files: link

  • SetUp and tearDown

    • If in your test case functions you are creating/initating variables and/or objects repetitively, you can create 2 functions: setUp and tearDown
    • For more information refer to Python Doc
    • Example used from Python Doc:
      import unittest
      class WidgetTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         def setUp(self):
             self.widget = Widget('The widget')
         def tearDown(self):
             self.widget = None
         def test_default_size(self):
             self.assertEqual(self.widget.size(), (50,50),
                              'incorrect default size')
         def test_resize(self):
             self.assertEqual(self.widget.size(), (100,150),
                              'wrong size after resize')
  • SetUpClass

    • Suppose you have
    • Example below illustrates how to reference variables created in setUpClass method in Unittest:
    import unittest  
    import sys  
    import mymodule  
    class BookTests(unittest.TestCase):  
        def setUpClass(cls):  
            cls._mine = mymodule.myclass('<my variables>') 
        def test_something(self):
           self.assertEqual(self._mine.attribute, 'myAttribute')

Link: source_1

Using Frameworks for Unit Testing

  • Framework Nose that allows you to mock test API calls
    • In other words, if you need to unitTest your API calls, you can use this framework

Mocking API Calls and Mocking Python Functions for Unit Testing

  • Here are resources I found very useful and easy to understand how to use Python Mocking:
    • This blog was the best resource in explaining in simple terms what mocking is and how it acts
    • Mocking In Python Part I
    • Blog post that provides excellent examples on how to use Mock libary
    • Another blog post on Medium that explains how to use Mock Library
    • Cheatseet on how to use Mock Library
  • JSON Placeholder website in case you need to make API calls and experiment with JSON format

Below I provided some sample code for reference

# Assume we are trying to test function -> def function_to_test <- 
# and we are writing unittest function -> def test_function_to_test -<
# Also, assume that function_to_test calls method_name_1 and method_name_2 from within 
# In this case, we want to test function_to_test and simulate method_name_1 and _2
# Below is how to use Patch in order to simulate them:

def test_function_to_test(self, mockObject_1, mockObject_2)

  dict_1 = {'k1': 'v1'}
  list_2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  # mockObject_1 and _2 are objects where you can specify return values that -- ideally should-- be returned
  mockObject_1.return_value = dict_1
  mockObject_2.return_value = list_2
  ...some test manipulation goes here...
      result = function_to_test(param_1, param_2, ...)
  except ValueError:
      print("Wrong Value")

Coverage of Python Code

  • Coverage Doc

  • Example:

    • Place all the unittesting codes into 1 folder. Suppose we name our folder /test. Then we have:
    • Navigate to /test folder and type in Terminal
    $ run -m unittest discover
    $ coverage report -m
    • Result will be a table which will show you how much code you have tested (covered)
  • If you want to test all 'test_*.py' files, type following command:

     $ coverage run -m unittest discover
  • If you want to test selected 'test_*.py' files, type:

    $ coverage run --source=folder_1/,folder_2/,folder_3/ -m unittest discover
  • StackOverflow post on how to run unittest in case you have nested directories


  • List of resources to learn PostgreSQL for beginners
  • PostgreSQL Tutorial for quick look up
  • TutorialsPoint guide for quick references
  • Tutorial on how connect to PostgreSQL remotely
  • Some useful commands. Type in Terminal:
    $ <path_to_PostGreSQL>/; exit
    Enter your credentials. Once you are logged in
    <your_db_name>=# \l -> lists all the DBs
    <your_db_name>=# \dt -> lists all the tables in the DB selected
    <your_db_name>=# \c <DB name> -> connect to DB 
    <your_db_name>=# \d+ <tablename> -> list all the columns in the table
  • Tutorials on Python + Django

Object Relational Mapping (ORM)

Django Commands in Terminal

To perform various operations on your DB through Terminal you can do following commands:

$ python shell
>>>> from yourDjangoApp.models import *

# To create objects
>>>> <yourTable>.objects.create(<key1>='value1', <key2>='value2'...)

# To list all objects in the table. In SQL equivalent to: select * from yourTable;
>>>> <yourTable>.objects.all() 

#To list all objects and filter. In SQL equivalent to: select * from yourTable where column_name==value;

To create objects with foreignKey

$ python shell
>>>> from <yourDjangoApp>.models import *
>>> p = <yourTable>(title='Sample title', sampleId=1234, content='Test')
>>> <yourNewTable>.objects.create(sampleId=p, key2="34", key3="56")

Every time you make changes to file, you have migrate and makemigrations as follows:

$ python makemigrations <yourDjangoApp>
$ python migrate <yourDjangoApp>

How to Use Git

GitIgnore File And How to Use It

  • Create empty file and name it .gitignore in the project directory.

    $ cd project_dir
    $ nano .gitignore
  • Now you add files or folder you want git to ignore when adding or committing changes.

    • To add folders, type: name_of_folder/
    • To add file, type: name_of_file.file_extension
      • Additionally, you can add sign (*) anywhere in order to make it more generic. For example, suppose I want to ignore all files that have .pyc extension. I will type *.pyc
    • Each folder or file goes on a new line

GitLab CI/CD

  • Introduction to Pipelining and Jobs on GitLab doc
  • Set up gitlab-ci.yml file to run your codes on gitlab CI/CD server
    • Read this tutorial, which explains how gitlab-ci.yml file operates and how to structure your files
    • Set up gitLab CI/CD on Ubuntu guide
  • You can use GitLab API + Python
  • How to work with YAML file in GitLab doc
    • Simple YAML file example code
    • Python Example + YAML file code
  • Continuous Integration and Development within Gitlab article


  • Comprehensive guide on how to use Docker and Python

  • Install Docker

  • Create root_folder

    $ mkdir root_folder
  • In order to install all the dependencies from your virtual environment to Docker container export by typing in terminal:

    $ cd root_folder
    $ pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • Prepare Dockerfile

    • Create Dockerfile
     $ cd root_folder
     $ nano Dockerfile
    • In the Dockerfile paste:
     FROM python:3
     COPY . /root_folder
     WORKDIR /root_folder
     RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Here is how folder hierarchy will look like:

     -- requirements.txt
     -- Dockerfile
  • Open Terminal and in directory /root_folder type (don't forget the dot):

    $ docker build .
  • Pushing and Pulling from Docker Hub:

    • Create profile to create user on Docker Hub
    $ docker login 
        <enter your credentials info>  
    $ docker images
        returns (new image with <none> tags and imageID)
    $ docker tag <imageID> <yourUserName/package>
    $ docker push <yourUserName/package>

Link: source_1

Docker: docker-compose.yml

  • Create docker-compose.yml file in your directory

  • In the docker-compose.yml file:

    version: '3'
        image: postgres:11-alpine
          - POSTGRES_USER=<postgresUser>
          - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<yourPassword>
          - '<localhost port like 8080>:<postgres port: like 5432>'
      <app name>:
        build: ./
          - POSTGRES_DB=<postgresDatabase>
          - POSTGRES_USER=<postgresUser>
          - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<yourPassword>
          - POSTGRES_HOST=postgres
  • Note on POSTGRES_HOST environment variable: make sure the name of the POSTGRES_HOST is the same as database you are setting up (i.e. postgres right under services in the above provided code snipped)

  • To run $ docker-compose up

  • To kill and clean processes and images:

    $ docker-compose down
    $ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
    $ docker rmi $(docker images -q)
  • Additional info can be found in these resources: Docker Compose For Python, official Docker Hub PostgreSQL Documentation

Running Gitlab CI with Docker

  • Gitlab Documentation about Docker
  • Articles on how to run Docker Image on Gitlab: medium, freeCodeCamp
  • Create Docker container and uplod it to Docker Hub. I assume that docker image on Hub is set to public
  • Refer back to gitlab-ci.yml file and change image: python-alpine to image: <yourUserName/package>



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