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Last active July 6, 2019 16:26
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graph class
template<typename T> struct Edge
int src, dst; T w;
Edge() {};
Edge(int src, int dst): src(src), dst(dst) {w=1;}
Edge(int src, int dst, T w): src(src), dst(dst), w(w){}
bool operator<(const Edge &e)const{return w != e.w ? w > e.w : (src != e.src ? src < e.src : dst < e.dst);}
bool operator==(const Edge &e){return src == e.src && dst == e.dst;}
template<typename T> class Graph : public vector<vector<Edge<T>>>
pair<T,int> farthest(int p, int v)
pair<T,int> r(0,v);
for(auto e : (*this)[v]) if(e.dst != p)
auto t = farthest(v,e.dst);
t.first += e.w;
if(t.first > r.first) r=t;
return r;
void backward(Graph &h, int v, int s, int r,
vector<int> &no, vector<vector<int>> &cmp,
vector<int> &prev, vector<vector<int>> &next, vector<T> &mcost,
vector<int> &mark, T &cost, bool &found)
const int n = h.size();
vector<int> tmp = no;
found = true;
do {
cost += mcost[v];
v = prev[v];
if (v != s)
while (cmp[v].size() > 0)
no[cmp[v].back()] = s;
} while (v != s);
for(auto j : cmp[s]) if(j!=r) for(int l=0;l<h[j].size();l++)
if(no[h[j][l].src]!=s) h[j][l].w -= mcost[tmp[j]];
mark[v] = true;
for(auto i : next[v]) if(no[i]!=no[v]&&prev[no[i]]==v)
if (!mark[no[i]]||i==s)
void subaps(int current, int prev, int &timer,
vector<bool> &visited, vector<int> &prenum,
vector<int> &parent, vector<int> &lowest)
for(auto e : (*this)[current])
int next = e.dst;
else if(next != prev)
void subbrs(int current, int prev, int &timer,
vector<int>&prenum, vector<int>&lowest, set<Edge<T>>&bridges)
for(auto e : (*this)[current]) if(e.dst!=prev)
if(prenum[current] < lowest[e.dst])
T inf;
Graph(int n){(*this).resize(n);inf=numeric_limits<T>::max();}
void direct(int s, int t){(*this)[s].push_back(Edge<T>(s,t));}
void direct(int s, int t, T w){(*this)[s].push_back(Edge<T>(s,t,w));}
void undirect(int s, int t){direct(s,t);direct(t,s);}
void undirect(int s, int t, T w){direct(s,t,w);direct(t,s,w);}
cost : O(|V|)
T diameter(void)
auto r = farthest(-1,0);
auto t = farthest(-1,r.second);
return t.first;
s : start point
cost : O(|E|+|V|log(|V|))
dist : distances
vector<T> dijkstra(int s = 0)
const int n = (*this).size();
priority_queue<Edge<T>> PQ;
vector<T> dist(n,inf);
dist[s] = 0; Edge<T> e(-1,s,0);
auto f =; PQ.pop();
int u = f.dst;
if(dist[u] < f.w * (-1)) continue;
for(int j=0;j<(*this)[u].size();j++)
int v = (*this)[u][j].dst;
if(dist[v] > dist[u] + (*this)[u][j].w)
dist[v] = dist[u] + (*this)[u][j].w;
Edge<T> e(-1,v,dist[v]*(-1));
return dist;
s : start point
cost : O(|V||E|)
first : is negative cycle ?
second : distances
pair<bool,vector<T>> bellmanFord(int s = 0)
const int n = (*this).size();
vector<T> dist(n,inf);
dist[s] = 0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
bool update = false;
for(int v=0;v<n;v++) for(auto e : (*this)[v])
if (dist[v] != inf && dist[e.dst] > dist[v] + e.w)
dist[e.dst] = dist[v] + e.w;
update = true;
if(i==n-1) return make_pair(true,dist);
if(!update) break;
return make_pair(false,dist);
Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's algorithm)
r : root
cost : O(|E|+|V|log|V|) (because priority_queue use paring sort)
first : total cost
second : edges
pair<T, vector<Edge<T>>> MST(int r = 0)
const int n = (*this).size();
vector<Edge<T>> U;
T total = 0;
vector<bool> visited(n,false);
priority_queue<Edge<T>> Q;
while (!Q.empty())
auto e =; Q.pop();
if (visited[e.dst]) continue;
total += e.w;
visited[e.dst] = true;
for(auto f : (*this)[e.dst]) if (!visited[f.dst]) Q.push(f);
return make_pair(total, U);
Minimum Spanning Arborescence(Chu-Liu/Edmond)
r : root
cost : O(|V||E|)
T MSA(int r = 0) {
const int n = (*this).size();
Graph<T> h(n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) for(auto e : (*this)[i]) h[e.dst].push_back(e);
vector<int> no(n);
vector< vector<int> > cmp(n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) cmp[i].push_back(no[i]=i);
for (T cost=0;;)
vector<int> prev(n,-1);
vector<T> mcost(n,inf);
for(int j=0;j<n;j++) if(j!=r) for(auto e : h[j])
if (no[e.src] != no[j])
if (e.w < mcost[no[j]])
mcost[no[j]] = e.w, prev[no[j]] = no[e.src];
vector<vector<int>> next(n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) if(prev[i]>=0)
bool stop = true;
vector<int> mark(n);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) if(i!=r&&!mark[i]&&!cmp[i].empty())
bool found = false;
backward(h, i, i, r, no, cmp, prev, next, mcost, mark, cost, found);
if (found) stop = false;
if (stop)
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) if(prev[i] >= 0) cost+=mcost[i];
return cost;
articulation points
costs O(|E|log|V|)
set<int> APs(void)
const int n = (*this).size();
set<int> ap;
if(n==1) return ap;
int timer = 1;
vector<bool> visited(n,false);
vector<int> prenum(n), parent(n), lowest(n);
int np = 0;
for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
int p = parent[i];
if(p==0) np++;
else if(prenum[p]<=lowest[i]) ap.insert(p);
if(np > 1) ap.insert(0);
return ap;
only undirect graph
set<Edge<T>> bridges(void)
const int n = (*this).size();
set<Edge<T>> bridges;
vector<int> prenum(n,-1), lowest(n,inf);
int timer = 0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) if(prenum[i]==-1)
return bridges;
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