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Created April 2, 2016 16:52
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def egcd(a, b):
x, y, u, v = 0, 1, 1, 0
while a != 0:
q, r = b // a, b % a
m, n = x - u * q, y - v * q
b, a, x, y, u, v = a, r, u, v, m, n
gcd = b
return gcd, x, y
def gcd(*numbers):
from fractions import gcd
return reduce(gcd, numbers)
def lcm(numbers):
def lcm(a, b):
return (a * b) // gcd(a, b)
return reduce(lcm, numbers, 1)
def generalized_crt(ak, nk):
ak : Parameter, [a1, a2, ..., ak]
nk : Parameter, [n1, n2, ..., nk]
should be len(ak) == len(nk)
assert len(ak) == len(nk)
N = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, nk, 1)
l = lcm(nk)
s = 0
for n, a in zip(nk, ak):
m = N / n
g, x, y = egcd(m, n)
s += (m / g) * x * a
s %= l
return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = 545
a1, n1 = 101, 111
a2, n2 = 6, 77
a3, n3 = 35, 85
print generalized_crt([a1, a2, a3], [n1, n2, n3]), x
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