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Created April 7, 2011 02:31
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Save adamkhrona/906917 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Efficient delegates in C++ that generate only two lines of asm code!
Author: Don Clugston, major contributions were made by Jody Hagins.
Current Version: 30-Mar-05 v1.5
Modified for explicit use with Awesomium
#ifndef __JSDelegate_H__
#define __JSDelegate_H__
#include <memory.h>
#include <Awesomium/JSValue.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__VECTOR_C) && !defined(__ICL) && !defined(__BORLANDC__)
#if (_MSC_VER <1300)
#define FASTDLGT_VC6
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MWERKS__)
#if !defined(__VECTOR_C)
#ifdef __GNUC__
namespace Impl {
namespace fastdelegate {
namespace detail {
template <class OutputClass, class InputClass>
inline OutputClass implicit_cast(InputClass input){
return input;
template <class OutputClass, class InputClass>
union horrible_union{
OutputClass out;
InputClass in;
template <class OutputClass, class InputClass>
inline OutputClass horrible_cast(const InputClass input){
horrible_union<OutputClass, InputClass> u;
typedef int ERROR_CantUseHorrible_cast[sizeof(InputClass)==sizeof(u)
&& sizeof(InputClass)==sizeof(OutputClass) ? 1 : -1]; = input;
return u.out;
#ifdef __MEDIUM__
typedef const void * DefaultVoid;
typedef void DefaultVoid;
template <class T>
struct DefaultVoidToVoid { typedef T type; };
template <>
struct DefaultVoidToVoid<DefaultVoid> { typedef void type; };
template <class T>
struct VoidToDefaultVoid { typedef T type; };
template <>
struct VoidToDefaultVoid<void> { typedef DefaultVoid type; };
class __single_inheritance GenericClass;
class GenericClass {};
class GenericClass;
const int SINGLE_MEMFUNCPTR_SIZE = sizeof(void (GenericClass::*)());
template <int N>
struct SimplifyMemFunc {
template <class X, class XFuncType, class GenericMemFuncType>
inline static GenericClass *Convert(X *pthis, XFuncType function_to_bind,
GenericMemFuncType &bound_func) {
typedef char ERROR_Unsupported_member_function_pointer_on_this_compiler[N-100];
return 0;
template <>
struct SimplifyMemFunc<SINGLE_MEMFUNCPTR_SIZE> {
template <class X, class XFuncType, class GenericMemFuncType>
inline static GenericClass *Convert(X *pthis, XFuncType function_to_bind,
GenericMemFuncType &bound_func) {
#if defined __DMC__
bound_func = horrible_cast<GenericMemFuncType>(function_to_bind);
bound_func = reinterpret_cast<GenericMemFuncType>(function_to_bind);
return reinterpret_cast<GenericClass *>(pthis);
struct SimplifyMemFunc< SINGLE_MEMFUNCPTR_SIZE + sizeof(int) > {
template <class X, class XFuncType, class GenericMemFuncType>
inline static GenericClass *Convert(X *pthis, XFuncType function_to_bind,
GenericMemFuncType &bound_func) {
union {
XFuncType func;
struct {
GenericMemFuncType funcaddress;
int delta;
} u;
typedef int ERROR_CantUsehorrible_cast[sizeof(function_to_bind)==sizeof(u.s)? 1 : -1];
u.func = function_to_bind;
bound_func = u.s.funcaddress;
return reinterpret_cast<GenericClass *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(pthis) +;
struct MicrosoftVirtualMFP {
void (GenericClass::*codeptr)();
int delta;
int vtable_index;
struct GenericVirtualClass : virtual public GenericClass
typedef GenericVirtualClass * (GenericVirtualClass::*ProbePtrType)();
GenericVirtualClass * GetThis() { return this; }
template <>
struct SimplifyMemFunc<SINGLE_MEMFUNCPTR_SIZE + 2*sizeof(int) >
template <class X, class XFuncType, class GenericMemFuncType>
inline static GenericClass *Convert(X *pthis, XFuncType function_to_bind,
GenericMemFuncType &bound_func) {
union {
XFuncType func;
GenericClass* (X::*ProbeFunc)();
MicrosoftVirtualMFP s;
} u;
u.func = function_to_bind;
bound_func = reinterpret_cast<GenericMemFuncType>(u.s.codeptr);
union {
GenericVirtualClass::ProbePtrType virtfunc;
MicrosoftVirtualMFP s;
} u2;
typedef int ERROR_CantUsehorrible_cast[sizeof(function_to_bind)==sizeof(u.s)
&& sizeof(function_to_bind)==sizeof(u.ProbeFunc)
&& sizeof(u2.virtfunc)==sizeof(u2.s) ? 1 : -1];
u2.virtfunc = &GenericVirtualClass::GetThis;
u.s.codeptr = u2.s.codeptr;
return (pthis->*u.ProbeFunc)();
#if (_MSC_VER <1300)
template <>
struct SimplifyMemFunc<SINGLE_MEMFUNCPTR_SIZE + 3*sizeof(int) >
template <class X, class XFuncType, class GenericMemFuncType>
inline static GenericClass *Convert(X *pthis, XFuncType function_to_bind,
GenericMemFuncType &bound_func) {
typedef char ERROR_VC6CompilerBug[-100];
return 0;
template <>
struct SimplifyMemFunc<SINGLE_MEMFUNCPTR_SIZE + 3*sizeof(int) >
template <class X, class XFuncType, class GenericMemFuncType>
inline static GenericClass *Convert(X *pthis, XFuncType function_to_bind,
GenericMemFuncType &bound_func) {
union {
XFuncType func;
struct {
GenericMemFuncType m_funcaddress;
int delta;
int vtordisp;
int vtable_index;
} s;
} u;
typedef int ERROR_CantUsehorrible_cast[sizeof(XFuncType)==sizeof(u.s)? 1 : -1];
u.func = function_to_bind;
bound_func = u.s.funcaddress;
int virtual_delta = 0;
if (u.s.vtable_index) {
const int * vtable = *reinterpret_cast<const int *const*>(
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(pthis) + u.s.vtordisp );
virtual_delta = u.s.vtordisp + *reinterpret_cast<const int *>(
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(vtable) + u.s.vtable_index);
return reinterpret_cast<GenericClass *>(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(pthis) + + virtual_delta);
class DelegateMemento {
typedef void (detail::GenericClass::*GenericMemFuncType)();
detail::GenericClass *m_pthis;
GenericMemFuncType m_pFunction;
typedef void (*GenericFuncPtr)();
GenericFuncPtr m_pStaticFunction;
DelegateMemento() : m_pthis(0), m_pFunction(0), m_pStaticFunction(0) {};
void clear() {
m_pthis=0; m_pFunction=0; m_pStaticFunction=0;
DelegateMemento() : m_pthis(0), m_pFunction(0) {};
void clear() { m_pthis=0; m_pFunction=0; }
inline bool IsEqual (const DelegateMemento &x) const{
if (m_pFunction!=x.m_pFunction) return false;
if (m_pStaticFunction!=x.m_pStaticFunction) return false;
if (m_pStaticFunction!=0) return m_pthis==x.m_pthis;
else return true;
inline bool IsEqual (const DelegateMemento &x) const{
return m_pthis==x.m_pthis && m_pFunction==x.m_pFunction;
inline bool IsLess(const DelegateMemento &right) const {
if (m_pStaticFunction !=0 || right.m_pStaticFunction!=0)
return m_pStaticFunction < right.m_pStaticFunction;
if (m_pthis !=right.m_pthis) return m_pthis < right.m_pthis;
return memcmp(&m_pFunction, &right.m_pFunction, sizeof(m_pFunction)) < 0;
inline bool operator ! () const
{ return m_pthis==0 && m_pFunction==0; }
inline bool empty() const
{ return m_pthis==0 && m_pFunction==0; }
DelegateMemento & operator = (const DelegateMemento &right) {
return *this;
inline bool operator <(const DelegateMemento &right) {
return IsLess(right);
inline bool operator >(const DelegateMemento &right) {
return right.IsLess(*this);
DelegateMemento (const DelegateMemento &right) :
m_pFunction(right.m_pFunction), m_pthis(right.m_pthis)
, m_pStaticFunction (right.m_pStaticFunction)
void SetMementoFrom(const DelegateMemento &right) {
m_pFunction = right.m_pFunction;
m_pthis = right.m_pthis;
m_pStaticFunction = right.m_pStaticFunction;
namespace detail {
template < class GenericMemFunc, class StaticFuncPtr, class UnvoidStaticFuncPtr>
class ClosurePtr : public DelegateMemento {
template < class X, class XMemFunc >
inline void bindmemfunc(X *pthis, XMemFunc function_to_bind ) {
m_pthis = SimplifyMemFunc< sizeof(function_to_bind) >
::Convert(pthis, function_to_bind, m_pFunction);
m_pStaticFunction = 0;
template < class X, class XMemFunc>
inline void bindconstmemfunc(const X *pthis, XMemFunc function_to_bind) {
m_pthis= SimplifyMemFunc< sizeof(function_to_bind) >
::Convert(const_cast<X*>(pthis), function_to_bind, m_pFunction);
m_pStaticFunction = 0;
template < class X, class XMemFunc>
inline void bindmemfunc(const X *pthis, XMemFunc function_to_bind) {
bindconstmemfunc(pthis, function_to_bind);
m_pStaticFunction = 0;
inline GenericClass *GetClosureThis() const { return m_pthis; }
inline GenericMemFunc GetClosureMemPtr() const { return reinterpret_cast<GenericMemFunc>(m_pFunction); }
template< class DerivedClass >
inline void CopyFrom (DerivedClass *pParent, const DelegateMemento &x) {
if (m_pStaticFunction!=0) {
m_pthis=reinterpret_cast<GenericClass *>(pParent);
template < class DerivedClass, class ParentInvokerSig >
inline void bindstaticfunc(DerivedClass *pParent, ParentInvokerSig static_function_invoker,
StaticFuncPtr function_to_bind ) {
if (function_to_bind==0) {
} else {
bindmemfunc(pParent, static_function_invoker);
inline UnvoidStaticFuncPtr GetStaticFunction() const {
return reinterpret_cast<UnvoidStaticFuncPtr>(m_pStaticFunction);
template< class DerivedClass >
inline void CopyFrom (DerivedClass *pParent, const DelegateMemento &right) {
template < class DerivedClass, class ParentInvokerSig>
inline void bindstaticfunc(DerivedClass *pParent, ParentInvokerSig static_function_invoker,
StaticFuncPtr function_to_bind) {
if (function_to_bind==0) {
} else {
bindmemfunc(pParent, static_function_invoker);
typedef int ERROR_CantUseEvilMethod[sizeof(GenericClass *)==sizeof(function_to_bind) ? 1 : -1];
m_pthis = horrible_cast<GenericClass *>(function_to_bind);
inline UnvoidStaticFuncPtr GetStaticFunction() const {
typedef int ERROR_CantUseEvilMethod[sizeof(UnvoidStaticFuncPtr)==sizeof(this) ? 1 : -1];
return horrible_cast<UnvoidStaticFuncPtr>(this);
inline bool IsEqualToStaticFuncPtr(StaticFuncPtr funcptr){
if (funcptr==0) return empty();
else return funcptr==reinterpret_cast<StaticFuncPtr>(GetStaticFunction());
template<class Param1, class Param2, class RetType=detail::DefaultVoid>
class FastDelegate2 {
typedef typename detail::DefaultVoidToVoid<RetType>::type DesiredRetType;
typedef DesiredRetType (*StaticFunctionPtr)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2);
typedef RetType (*UnvoidStaticFunctionPtr)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2);
typedef RetType (detail::GenericClass::*GenericMemFn)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2);
typedef detail::ClosurePtr<GenericMemFn, StaticFunctionPtr, UnvoidStaticFunctionPtr> ClosureType;
ClosureType m_Closure;
typedef FastDelegate2 type;
FastDelegate2() { clear(); }
FastDelegate2(const FastDelegate2 &x) {
m_Closure.CopyFrom(this, x.m_Closure); }
void operator = (const FastDelegate2 &x) {
m_Closure.CopyFrom(this, x.m_Closure); }
bool operator ==(const FastDelegate2 &x) const {
return m_Closure.IsEqual(x.m_Closure); }
bool operator !=(const FastDelegate2 &x) const {
return !m_Closure.IsEqual(x.m_Closure); }
bool operator <(const FastDelegate2 &x) const {
return m_Closure.IsLess(x.m_Closure); }
bool operator >(const FastDelegate2 &x) const {
return x.m_Closure.IsLess(m_Closure); }
template < class X, class Y >
FastDelegate2(Y *pthis, DesiredRetType (X::* function_to_bind)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2) ) {
m_Closure.bindmemfunc(detail::implicit_cast<X*>(pthis), function_to_bind); }
template < class X, class Y >
inline void bind(Y *pthis, DesiredRetType (X::* function_to_bind)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2)) {
m_Closure.bindmemfunc(detail::implicit_cast<X*>(pthis), function_to_bind); }
template < class X, class Y >
FastDelegate2(const Y *pthis, DesiredRetType (X::* function_to_bind)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2) const) {
m_Closure.bindconstmemfunc(detail::implicit_cast<const X*>(pthis), function_to_bind); }
template < class X, class Y >
inline void bind(const Y *pthis, DesiredRetType (X::* function_to_bind)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2) const) {
m_Closure.bindconstmemfunc(detail::implicit_cast<const X *>(pthis), function_to_bind); }
FastDelegate2(DesiredRetType (*function_to_bind)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2) ) {
bind(function_to_bind); }
void operator = (DesiredRetType (*function_to_bind)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2) ) {
bind(function_to_bind); }
inline void bind(DesiredRetType (*function_to_bind)(Param1 p1, Param2 p2)) {
m_Closure.bindstaticfunc(this, &FastDelegate2::InvokeStaticFunction,
function_to_bind); }
RetType operator() (Param1 p1, Param2 p2) const {
return (m_Closure.GetClosureThis()->*(m_Closure.GetClosureMemPtr()))(p1, p2); }
typedef struct SafeBoolStruct {
int a_data_pointer_to_this_is_0_on_buggy_compilers;
StaticFunctionPtr m_nonzero;
} UselessTypedef;
typedef StaticFunctionPtr SafeBoolStruct::*unspecified_bool_type;
operator unspecified_bool_type() const {
return empty()? 0: &SafeBoolStruct::m_nonzero;
inline bool operator==(StaticFunctionPtr funcptr) {
return m_Closure.IsEqualToStaticFuncPtr(funcptr); }
inline bool operator!=(StaticFunctionPtr funcptr) {
return !m_Closure.IsEqualToStaticFuncPtr(funcptr); }
inline bool operator ! () const {
return !m_Closure; }
inline bool empty() const {
return !m_Closure; }
void clear() { m_Closure.clear();}
const DelegateMemento & GetMemento() { return m_Closure; }
void SetMemento(const DelegateMemento &any) { m_Closure.CopyFrom(this, any); }
RetType InvokeStaticFunction(Param1 p1, Param2 p2) const {
return (*(m_Closure.GetStaticFunction()))(p1, p2); }
namespace Awesomium {
class WebView;
* Functions assigned to a JSDelegate must return a 'void' and have two arguments: 'WebView* caller, const Awesomium::JSArguments& args'
* Member function instantiation example: JSDelegate(this, &MyClass::myMemberFunction)
* Member function instantiation example: JSDelegate(pointerToSexyClass, &SexyClass::mySexyFunction)
* Static function instantiation example: JSDelegate(&myStaticFunction)
typedef ::Impl::fastdelegate::FastDelegate2<Awesomium::WebView*, const Awesomium::JSArguments&, void> JSDelegate;
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