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Created May 4, 2011 02:37
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Custom memoize fn's
;; Thanks Meikel Brandmeyer
(declare naive-strategy)
(defn memoize
"Returns a memoized version of a referentially transparent function.
The memoized version of the function keeps a cache of the mapping from
arguments to results and, when calls with the same arguments are repeated
often, has higher performance at the expense of higher memory use.
Optionally takes a cache strategy. The strategy is provided as a map
containing the following keys. All keys are mandatory!
- :init – the initial value for the cache and strategy state
- :cache – access function to access the cache
- :lookup – determines whether a value is in the cache or not
- :hit – a function called with the cache state and the argument
list in case of a cache hit
- :miss – a function called with the cache state, the argument list
and the computation result in case of a cache miss
The default strategy is the naive safe-all strategy."
([f] (memoize f naive-strategy))
([f strategy]
(let [{:keys [init cache lookup hit miss]} strategy
cache-state (atom init)
hit-or-miss (fn [state args]
(if (lookup state args)
(hit state args)
(miss state args (delay (apply f args)))))]
(fn [& args]
(let [cs (swap! cache-state hit-or-miss args)]
(-> cs cache (get args) deref))))))
(def #^{:doc "The naive safe-all cache strategy for memoize."}
{:init {}
:cache identity
:lookup contains?
:hit (fn [state _] state)
:miss assoc})
(defn ttl-cache-strategy
"Implements a time-to-live cache strategy. Upon access to the cache
all expired items will be removed. The time to live is defined by
the given expiry time span. Items will only be removed on function
call. No background activity is done."
(let [dissoc-dead (fn [state now]
(let [ks (map key (filter #(> (- now (val %)) ttl)
(:ttl state)))
dissoc-ks #(apply dissoc % ks)]
(-> state
(update-in [:ttl] dissoc-ks)
(update-in [:cache] dissoc-ks))))]
{:init {:ttl {} :cache {}}
:cache :cache
:lookup (fn [state args]
(when-let [t (get (:ttl state) args)]
(< (- (System/currentTimeMillis) t) ttl)))
:hit (fn [state args]
(dissoc-dead state (System/currentTimeMillis)))
:miss (fn [state args result]
(let [now (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(-> state
(dissoc-dead now)
(assoc-in [:ttl] args now)
(assoc-in [:cache] args result))))}))
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